Process controller with all the specifications of the FCS-13A series
with additional advanced features
■Seven time segment ramp/dwell, programmable from 1 minute to 99
hours, 59 minutes/segment with two ‘patter n-end’ outputs to close the
alar m contacts at the program end
■User-selectable for K, J, R, B, PL-II, N, S, E, T and C ther mocouples
and Pt100 resistance ther mometers
■4-20mA input model
■Infra-red sensor input model with emissivity compensation adjustment
■Seven complete memories with two accessible by remote wiring
■Loop break alar m to detect insufficient temperature rise within a set
■Delayed action alar ms
■4-20mA or 0-10VDC output models can be used for PID control of IMO
Jaguar Variable Speed Drives
■Fully adjustable output power limit
■Ramp/dwell program start can be manual via the key pad or automatic
on power on
■RS232C or RS485 serial communication options
■Compatible with IMO NEXUS Intelligent Ter minals
■UL and CSA approved
Fuzzy Logic Process Contr oller
with Ramp/Dwell FCS-23A
Options and ordering codes
FCS-23A R/
– M 100-240VACC5
Fuzzy logic PID temperature
controller with ramp/dwell
and seven memories
Relay output
Signal voltage for SSR R
Cur r ent output A
Analogue voltage
0-10VDC V
100-240VAC supply
24VAC/DC supply
With RS232C
Remote memory access
Without option
T/C+ Pt100 input
4-20mA input M
Infra-red input With RS485
Proportional band 0.1 to 999.9%, factory set to 2.5%
High limit alar m Deviation from SV: – scale span value to + scale span value
Low limit alar m Deviation from SV: – scale span value to + scale span value
High/low limits alar m Deviation from SV: 1 to scale span value
High/low limit range alar m Deviation from SV: 1 to scale span value
Loop break alar m time 0 to 200 minutes selectable
Loop break alar m temperatur e 0 to 100˚C selectable
Delayed action alar m 1 time 0 to 60 secs (0 to 9999 secs on infra-red input type)
Delayed action alar m 2 time 0 to 60 secs (0 to 9999 secs on infra-red input type)
Ramp/dwell time 7 segments, 1 minute to 99 hours 59 minutes per segment
Rising/falling rate setting 0 to 9999˚C/minute selectable
Infra-red emissivity setting 0.100 to 1.000 (only on FCS-23A-*/I models)
All specifications the same as for FCS-13A models except for the following:
Input ranges
Model Input Scale range Resolution
K -200 to 1370˚C -320 to 2500˚F 1˚C (˚F)
J -200 to 1000˚C -320 to 1800˚F 1˚C (˚F)
R 0 to 1760˚C 0 to 3200˚F 1˚C (˚F)
B 0 to 1820˚C 0 to 3300˚F 1˚C (˚F)
PL-II 0 to 1390˚C 0 to 2500˚F 1˚C (˚F)
N 0 to 1300˚C 0 to 2300˚F 1˚C (˚F)
FCS-23A-■■/M DIN Pt100 -199.9 to 850.0˚C -199.9 to 999.9˚F 0.1˚C (˚F)
J Pt100 -199.9 to 500.0˚C -199.9 to 900.0˚F 0.1˚C (˚F)
S 0 to 1760˚C 0 to 3200˚F 1˚C (˚F)
E 0 to 1000˚C 0 to 1800˚F 1˚C (˚F)
T -199.9 to 400.0˚C -199.9 to 750.0˚F 0.1˚C (˚F)
C 0 to 2315˚C 0 to 4200˚F 1˚C (˚F)
FCS-23A-■■/A 4-20mA -1999 to 9999 -199.9 to 999.9 -19.99 to 99.99 -1.999 to 9.999 1 0.1 0.01 0.001
FCS-23A-■■/I RD-401 -50 to 500˚C -50 to 1000˚F 1˚C (˚F)
Please note: all models except
where indicated supplied with
the following: IP-IP54
protection, BL-Screw
mounting bracket, A2-second
alarm, LA-loop-break alar m
Please note: SM, C and C5 are not available
with A2-second alarm, LA-loop-break alar m.
Also, SM, C or C5 cannot be supplied
together. Also, ther e are no alar m r elay
outputs with C or C5