Digital Pressure Sensor HSPPAD132A Data Sheet 1/10 Rev.4 Jul/31/2017 Pressure Sensor HSPPAD132A Data Sheet Head office 1-7,Yukigaya-otsukamachi, Ota-ku, Tokyo, 145-8501, JAPAN Phone+81 3-3726-1211 FAX+81 3-3728-1741 Nagaoka Plant 1-3-5, Higashitakamimachi, Nagaoka-city, Niigata-pref.940-0006, JAPAN Phone+81 258-24-4111 FAX+81 258-24-4110 This specification is subject to change without notice. ALPS ELECTRIC CO.,LTD. () () 11 10 482 5 7 6 3 9 Digital Pressure Sensor 2/10 Rev.4 Jul/31/2017 HSPPAD132A Data Sheet ALPS PRODUCT NO. HSPPAD132A OVERVIEW The device is a pressure sensor using effect of piezo resistive bridge circuit formed on silicon diaphragm. The device consists pressure and temperature sensor, 16bit analog to digital converter, control unit with MTP ROM, and I2C serial Interface. The device delivers temperature compensated pressure value. Small size and waterproof(Class IPX7) LCP package. FEATURES - Pressure Range 300 to 1100 hPa( +9000 to -500m in altitude ) - Supply Voltage 1.7 to 3.6 V - Operating Temperature -40 to +85C - Digital interface I2C slave interface (High Speed Mode) is supported. - Lead free, RoHS instruction, Halogen free conforming Absolute Maximum Rating Specification Typ. max. Item Symbol Unit. Max supply voltage VDD [V] -0.4 - 3.63 Max load pressure Pmax [hPa] 260 - 30000 Storage temperature Tstg [C] -40 - +125 ESD HBM [V] min. Notes 2000 ALPS ELECTRIC CO.,LTD. () () 11 10 482 5 7 6 3 9 Digital Pressure Sensor 3/10 Rev.4 Jul/31/2017 HSPPAD132A Data Sheet Operating Conditions Item Symbol Classify of Pressure Unit. min. Specification Typ. max. [-] Notes Absolute Supply voltage VDD [V] 1.7 - 3.6 Operating temperature Topr [C] -40 - +85 Range of measurement pressure Popr [hPa] 300 - 1100 Current consumption IDDpeak [uA] - 1350 0.07 1900 0.25 Pressure Resolution [hPa] - 0.013 - Pressure Absolute Accuracy [hPa] -2 - 2 Temperature Resolution [C] - 0.002 - Temperature Accuracy [C] -2 - 2 Conversion time [msec] - 7 10 Active State Sleep State -10 to 60C -10 to 60C I/O Characteristics Specification Typ. max. Item Symbol Unit. I2C Clock Frequency fscl [kHz] - - 3400 Low Level Input Voltage VIL [V] - - 0.3xVDD High Level Input Voltage VIH [V] 0.7xVDD - - Low Level Output Voltage VOL [V] - - 0.2xVDD High Level Output Voltage VOH [V] 0.8xVDD - - min. Notes High Speed mode Digital Pressure Sensor 4/10 Rev.4 Jul/31/2017 HSPPAD132A Data Sheet BLOCK DIAGRAM AGND Generator Voltage Regulator Bias Current Generator Multiplexer Temperature Sensor VDD GND ADC ( 16bit ) Amplifire SCL Sensor Device SDA Power Supervision Clock Generator RC Oscillator DPC Core ( Calculations, Communication ) State Control TEST Power Up and Power Donw-Up Sequence Vdd Vdd rising slope min 1V/msec Time ALPS ELECTRIC CO.,LTD. () () 11 10 482 5 7 6 3 9 Digital Pressure Sensor 5/10 Rev.4 Jul/31/2017 HSPPAD132A Data Sheet COMMUNICATION INTERFACE I2C SLAVE INTERFACE & MEASUREMENT METHOD OF PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE - Slave device - 7-bit addressing, Combined format - Support Fast-mode, Hs-mode - It does not support 10-bit addressing - The device address can be changed and the standard setup is "1001000" - Data transfers follow the combined format with 7-bit addressing of I2C interface. - Data is transferred with the most significant bit (MSB) first and big endian. Symbol S P A N W R Description START condition STOP condition acknowledge (SDA LOW) not acknowledge (SDA HIGH) write ('0') read ('1') Write Format MASTER S DEVICE ADDRESS W SLAVE COMMAND A P A - For starting full measurement, Set command "0xAC" . Read Format MASTER S DEVICE ADDRESS R SLAVE A A STATUS A PRESS. DATA (LSB) A PRESS. DATA (MSB) A TEMP. DATA (MSB) N P TEMP. DATA (LSB) - After active measurement time (MAX.10ms), the Acquired data stored to output register - These data are compensated, but unit conversion is not carried out - To convert it into the unit converted value, it calculates as follows. Unit conversion Pressure [hPa] = PRESS. DATA x 860 / 65535 + 250 Temperature [C] = TEMP. DATA x 125 / 65535 - 40 - Temperature accuracy is not guaranteed. Digital Pressure Sensor HSPPAD132A Data Sheet 6/10 Rev.4 Jul/31/2017 RECOMMENDED SEQUENCE VDD Turn on Wait > 3msec Write 0xAC Wait > 10msec Read 5 bytes data Wait for Power on Reset Action Command Wait for measurement and temperature compensation Status | Pressure MSB | Pressure LSB | Temperature MSB | Temperature LSB STATUS - The status byte contains the following bits - The status should be "0x40" in normal operation Bit 7 6 5 4:3 2 1 0 Name Not Used Description 0 = default Power? Power indication 0 = Power Off , 1 = Power On (VDD On) Busy? Busy indication 0 = Normal , 1 = Busy Mode Current mode 00 = Normal Mode , 01 / 10 / 11 = Adjustment Mode Memory Memory integrity / error flag Error? 0 = Test Passed , 1 = Test Failed Data Data transfer / correction Corrected? 0 = Normal , 1 = Data Transfer / Correction Error Reserved Reserve domain for extension 0 = default Digital Pressure Sensor 7/10 Rev.4 Jul/31/2017 HSPPAD132A Data Sheet Pressure sensitive surface Please don't touch Pin Assign GND N/C N/C N/C SDA SCL N/C Connector top view FPC bending area VDD Connector : Panasonic AYF330835 ALPS ELECTRIC CO.,LTD. () () 11 10 482 5 7 6 3 9 Digital Pressure Sensor 8/10 Rev.4 Jul/31/2017 HSPPAD132A Data Sheet Packing specifications (1) Tray specifications Tray 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 SZZ00170 Tary Number Put the tray with the tray number near side, and product's FPC is far side. 120 products per a tray. ALPS ELECTRIC CO.,LTD. () () 11 10 482 5 7 6 3 9 Digital Pressure Sensor 9/10 Rev.4 Jul/31/2017 HSPPAD132A Data Sheet (2) Piling the tray FIG 1 Product Tray number Tray Product Tray number Piling the tray up-side-down on a lower one FIG 1 One set of trays is 25 trays with product + 1 tray for lid = 26 trays . Then fix by Scotch tape. FIG 2 Put in an ESD bag.FIG 3 FIG 2 FIG 3 Barcode label Scotch tape ESD bag ALPS ELECTRIC CO.,LTD. () () 11 10 482 5 7 6 3 9 Digital Pressure Sensor 10/10 Rev.4 Jul/31/2017 HSPPAD132A Data Sheet (3)Carton box Put air cushion at the bottom and top. Air cushion Max 6000pcs in a box. (120pcs x 25Tray x 2sets = 6000pcs) MOQ:3000pcs Air cushion Tape Carton box 230 210 210 Label No. ITEM Tray Cellophane tape ESD bag Barcode label Air cushion Carton Label Tape Material Polyethylene terephthalate Cellulose Polyethylene --Polyethylene Cardboard ----- ALPS ELECTRIC CO.,LTD. () () 11 10 482 5 7 6 3 9