a ONE TECHNOLOGY WAY AN-378 APPLICATION NOTE * P.O. BOX 9106 * NORWOOD, MASSACHUSETTS 02062-9106 * 617/329-4700 Reducing the Average Power Consumption of Accelerometers by Charles Kitchin, Mike Shuster and Bob Briano The use of a simple power cycling circuit provides a dramatic reduction in the average current consumption of the ADXL50 and ADXL05 devices. In low bandwidth applications such as shipping recorders, a simple, low cost circuit can provide substantial power reduction. If a microprocessor is available, only the circuit of Figure 1 is needed; the microprocessor supplies a TTL clock pulse to gate buffer transistor Q2, which c ycles the supply voltage on and off. Figures 2 through 4 show typical wave forms of the accelerometer being operated with a 10% duty cycle: 1 ms on, 9 ms off. This reduces the average current consumption of the accelerometer from 10 mA to 1 mA, providing a power reduction of 90%. The lower trace of Figures 2 and 3 is the output voltage appearing at V PR (Pin 8). The lower trace of Figure 4 is the buffer output (Pin 9) with the buffer operating at unity gain. A 0.01 F capacitor was connected across the feedback resistor of the buffer to improve its transient characteristics. The optimum value for this capacitor will change with buffer gain and the cycling pulse rate. The P should sample acceleration during the interval between the time the 0 g level has stabilized (approximately 400 s using a 0.022 F demod cap) and the end of the pulse duration. For the example shown in Figures 2 through 4, this is between 400 s and 1 ms after Q2 receives a logic "low" from the P. +5V 0.1F 100k BUFFER 10k FROM Q1 OR P 10k Q1 2N3906 Q2 2N2222 1 ADXL05 OR ADXL50 +5V COM VPR VIN- 5 8 10 R1 0.1F 100k VOUT 9 R3 CF VOUT BUFFER 10k FROM Q1 OR P 10k Q1 2N3906 Figure 2. Top Trace: Voltage at Pin 1 Bottom Trace: Output at VPR Q2 2N2222 1 2V ADXL05 OR ADXL50 COM VPR 5 8 100 90 VIN- VOUT 10 R1 200s 9 R3 CF 10 VOUT 0% 1V Figure 1. Basic Power Cycling Circuit Figure 3. Top Trace: Voltage at Pin 1 Bottom Trace: Output at VPR The measurement bandwidth of a power-cycled circuit will be set by the clock pulse rate and duty cycle. In this example, 1 sample can be taken every 10 ms which is 100 samples per second or 100 Hz. As defined by the "Nyquist criteria," the best case measurement bandwidth is F S/2 or half the c lock frequency. Therefore, 50 Hz signals can be processed if adequate digital filtering is provided. Higher measurement bandwidths can be achieved by reducing the size of the demodulation capacitor below 0.022 F and increasing the pulse frequency. 200s 100 90 10 0% Figure 5 is a low cost timer circuit for applications not using a P. The timer frequency can be changed by using different values for capacitors C1 and C2. The duty cycle is set by trim potentiometer R2b. Transistor Q1 inverts the output pulse of the 555 timer so that the duty cycle is correct when the pulse is reinverted again by buffer transistor, Q2. The timer/inverter circuit adds about 700 A to the total supply current. 500mV Figure 4. Top Trace: Voltage at Pin 1 Bottom Trace: Buffer Output with R1 = R3 = 100 k, CF = 0.01 F E1894a-9-3/95 2V +5V 0.1F R1 10k 4, 8 7 IN4148 LOW POWER CMOS TIMER R2a 30k IN4148 L555 XR-L555 ICM-7555 R2b 100k 3 TO Q2 2, 6 C1 0.1F C2 0.022F 1 PRINTED IN U.S.A. Figure 5. Timer/Inverter Circuit Duty Cycle Range 1:4 to 1:13 -2-