HSG1 (3.3~5.1)W
An alternative approach is to add an RC snubber circuit to
the switching nodes VSW1. This is the most direct way to
reduce the dv/dt. The side effect of the above two methods
are that losses would be increased because of slow switching
Electrical Layout Considerations
Good electrical layout is a key to make sure proper
operation, high efficiency, and noise reduction.
•Current Sensing: Run two dedicated trace with decent
width in parallel (close to each other to minimize the
loop area) from the two terminals of the input side or
output side current sensing resistor to the IC. Place the
common−mode RC filter components in general
proximity of the controller.
Route the traces into the pads from the inside of the current
sensing resistor. The drawing below shows how to rout the
Current Sense
PCB Trace
Current Path
•Gate Driver: Run the high side gate, low side gate and
switching node traces in a parallel fashion with decent
width. Avoid any sensitive analog signal trace from
crossing over or getting close. Recommend routing
VSW1 trace to high−side MOSFET source pin instead
of copper pour area. The controller should be placed
close to the switching MOSFETs gate terminals and
keep the gate drive signal traces short for a clean
MOSFET drive. It’s OK to place the controller on the
opposite side of the MOSFETs.
•I2C Communication: SDA and SCL pins are digital
pins. Run SDA and SCL traces in parallel and reduce
the loop area. Avoid any sensitive analog signal trace or
noise source from crossing over or getting close.
•V1 Pin: Input for the internal LDO. Place a decoupling
capacitor in general proximity of the controller. Run a
dedicated trace from system input bus to the pin and do
not route near the switching traces.
•VCC Decoupling: Place decoupling caps as close as
possible to the controller VCC pin. Place the RC filter
connecting with VDRV pin in general proximity of the
controller. The filter resistor should be not higher than
10 W to prevent large voltage drop.
•VDRV Decoupling: Place decoupling caps as close as
possible to the controller VDRV pin.
•Input Decoupling: The device should be well
decoupled by input capacitors and input loop area
should be as small as possible to reduce parasitic
inductance, input voltage spike, and noise emission.
Usually, a small low−ESL MLCC is placed very close
to the input port. Place these capacitors on the same
PCB layer with the MOSFETs instead of on different
layers and using vias to make the connection.
•Output Decoupling: The output capacitors should be
as close as possible to the load.
•Switching Node: The converter’s switching node
should be a copper pour to carry the current, but
compact because it is also a noise source of electrical
and magnetic field radiation. Place the inductor and the
switching MOSFETs on the same layer of the PCB.
•Bootstrap: The bootstrap cap and an option resistor
need to be in general close to the controller and directly
connected between pin BST1 and pin VSW1
•Ground: It would be good to have separated ground
planes for PGND and AGND and connect the AGND
planes to PGND through a dedicated net tie or 0 W
•Voltage Sense: Route a “quiet” path for the input and
output voltage sense. AGND could be used as a remote
ground sense when differential sense is preferred.
•Compensation Network: The compensation network
should be close to the controller. Keep FB trace short to
minimize it capacitance to ground.
Thermal Layout Considerations
Good thermal layout helps power dissipation and junction
temperature reduction.
•The exposed pads must be well soldered on the board.
•A four or more layers PCB board with solid ground
planes is preferred for better heat dissipation.
•More free vias are welcome to be around IC and
underneath the exposed pads to connect the inner
ground layers to reduce thermal impedance.
•Use large area copper pour to help thermal conduction
and radiation.
•Do not put the inductor too close to the IC, thus the heat
sources are distributed.