Data Sheet ADL5243
Rev. B | Page 23 of 40
Amplifier 1 Power Supply
AMP1 in the ADL5243 is a broadband gain block. The dc bias is
supplied through Inductor L1 and is connected to the
AMP1OUT pin. Three decoupling capacitors (C13, C14, and
C25) are used to prevent RF signals from propagating on the dc
lines. The dc supply ranges from 4.75 V to 5.25 V and should be
connected to the VCC test pin.
Amplifier 1 RF Input Interface
Pin 10 is the RF input for AMP1 of the ADL5243. The amplifier
is internally matched to 50 Ω at the input; therefore, no external
components are required. Only a dc blocking capacitor (C21) is
Amplifier 1 RF Output Interface
Pin 6 is the RF output for AMP1 of the ADL5243. The amplifier
is internally matched to 50 Ω at the output as well; therefore, no
external components are required. Only a dc blocking capacitor
(C4) is required. The bias is provided through this pin via a
choke inductor, L1.
Amplifier 2 Power Supply
The collector bias for AMP2 is supplied through Inductor L2
and is connected to the AMP2OUT pin, whereas the base bias is
provided through Pin 16. The base bias is connected to the
same supply pin as the collector bias. Three decoupling
capacitors (C3, C20, and C25) are used to prevent RF signals
from propagating on the dc lines. The dc supply ranges from
4.75 V to 5.25 V and should be connected to the VCC2 test pin.
Amplifier 2 RF Input Interface
Pin 19 is the RF input for AMP2 of the ADL5243. The input of
the amplifier is easily matched to 50 Ω with a combination of
series and shunt capacitors and a microstrip line serving as an
inductor. Figure 58 shows the input matching components and
is configured for 2140 MHz.
Amplifier 2 RF Output Interface
Pin 15 is the RF input for AMP2 of the ADL5243. The output of
the amplifier is easily matched to 50 Ω with a combination of series
and shunt capacitors and a microstrip line serving as an inductor.
Additionally, bias is provided through this pin. Figure 58 shows
the output matching components and is configured for 2140 MHz.
DSA RF Input Interface
Pin 4 is the RF input for the DSA of the ADL5243. The input
impedance of the DSA is close to 50 Ω over the entire frequency
range; therefore, no external components are required. Only a
dc blocking capacitor (C1) is required.
DSA RF Output Interface
Pin 21 is the RF output for the DSA of the ADL5243. The
output impedance of the DSA is close to 50 Ω over the entire
frequency range; therefore, no external components are
required. Only a dc blocking capacitor (C5) is required.
DSA SPI Interface
The DSA of the ADL5243 can operate in either serial or parallel
mode. Pin 32 (SEL) controls the mode of operation. For serial
mode operation, connect SEL to ground, and for parallel mode
operation, connect SEL to VDD. In parallel mode, Pin 25 to Pin
30 (D6 to D1) are the data bits, with D6 being the LSB. Connect
Pin 31 (D0) to ground during parallel mode of operation. In
serial mode, Pin 29 is the latch enable (LE), Pin 30 is the data
(DATA), and Pin 31 is the clock (CLK). Pin 26, Pin 27, and Pin 28
are not used in the serial mode and should be connected to
ground. Pin 25 (D6) should be connected to VDD during the
serial mode of operation. To prevent noise from coupling onto
the digital signals, an RC filter can be used on each data line.
SPI Timing Sequence
Figure 60 shows the timing sequence for the SPI function using
a 6-bit operation. The clock can be as fast as 20 MHz. In serial
mode operation, Register B5 (MSB) is first, and Register B0
(LSB) is last.
Table 4. Mode Selection Table
Pin 32 (SEL) Functionality
Connect to Ground Serial mode
Connect to Supply Parallel mode
Table 5. SPI Timing Specifications
Parameter Limit Unit Test Conditions/Comments
FCLK 10 MHz Data clock frequency
t1 30 ns min Clock high time
t2 30 ns min Clock low time
t3 10 ns min Data to clock setup time
t4 10 ns min Clock to data hold time
t5 10 ns min Clock low to LE setup time
t6 30 ns min LE pulse width