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Tyco Electronics, a longtime
leader in harnessing tech-
nology, has written a new
chapter in EMC shielding
with the introduction of the
Raychem HexaShield EMC
Designed to provide EMC
protection solutions for both
commercial and military
applications, HexaShield
adapters represent a signifi-
cant improvement over pig-
tail termination methods. By
providing 360-degree EMC
shielding on the termination
area of each individual
cable, HexaShield adapters
provide outstanding shield-
ing effectiveness.
HexaShield adapters are
simple to install, easy to
maintain, and dependably
resistant to mechanical and
environmental stresses.
■Available in straight, 45°
and 90° angles, as well
as swept and long bod-
Simple, one-piece assem-
bly and installation
1. Solder cable or wire
shield to a ferrule with a
Raychem heat-shrinkable
SolderShield terminator.
2. Clip ferrule into one of
the grounding star cavi-
3. Secure the back nut of
the HexaShield adapter-
so that the conic ring
assembly automatically
compresses the ferrules.
Principal points and features
■Easy reentry: To insert or
remove ferrules from the
HexaShield adapter, sim-
ply loosen the back nut.
■Superior protection: No
degradation of shielding
■Up to four shielded
cables accommodated
by each ferrule.
■Mechanical and environ-
mental protection equal
to backshells complying
with MIL-C-85049
Category 3B.
■Strain relief on each indi-
vidual cable.
■Weight reduction, by pos-
sibly eliminating the need
for overall shielding.
■Compact size - not
exceeding outer diameter
of connector.
Platings Available* Raychem Product Specifications
Electroless nickel (MIL-DTL-26074) RB-110 and RB-114
Olive drab cadmium —
(QQ-P-416 Type II Class 3)
*Contact Tyco Electronics for additional platings
Installation procedure for HET-A-02X Installation procedure for HET-03X General procedure for cylindrical
and HET-A-04X (RPIP-696-00) (RPIP-696-03) connectors, right-angle body
General procedure for ARINC 600 Size II General procedure for cylindrical
connectors (RPIP-696-01) connectors, straight body (RPIP-696-04) —
General procedure for ARINC 600 Size III ——
connectors (RPIP-696-02)
Product Facts
■Superior EMC/EMI Shielding
■Simple installation
■Easy reentry
■Simplified maintenance and
■Excellent mechanical and
environmental resistance
■Efficient strain relief
Designed to corresponding
connector specifications.
Installation Procedures
HexaShield High-Performance EMC/EMI Adaptors