AC measurements assume tT = 2§À.
AC initial pause of 200 us is required after power up followed by a minimum of eight
initialization cycles ( any combination of cycles containing RAS-only refresh or CAS-before-
RAS refresh)
Operation with the t RCD(max) limit insures that tRAC(max) can be met, tRCD(max) is specified as a
reference point only: if t RCD is greater than the specified t RCD(max) limit, then access time is
controlled exclusively by tCAC.
Operation with the tRAD(max) limit insures that tRAC(max) can be met, tRAD(max) is specified as a
reference point only: if t RAD is greater than the specified t RAD(max) limit, then access time is
controlled exclusively by tAA.
Either tOED or tCDD must be satisfied.
Either tDZO or tDZC must be satisfied.
VIH(min) and V IL(max) are reference levels for measuring timing of input signals. Also,
transition times are measured between VIH(min) and VIL (max).
Assumes that t RCD<=tRCD(max) and t RAD<=tRAD(max). If tRCD or tRAD is greater than the maximum
recommended value shown in this table, tRAC exceeds the value shown.
Measured with a load circuit equivalent to 1 TTL loads and 100 pF.
Assumes that tRCD>=tRCD(max) and tRCD + tCAC(max) >=tRAD + tAA(max).
Assumes that tRAD >=tRAD (max) and tRCD + tCAC(max)<=tRAD + tAA(max).
Either tRCH or tRRH must be satisfied for a read cycles.
tOFF(max), tOEZ(max), tOFR(max) and t WEZ(max) define the time at which the outputs achieve the
open circuit condition and is not referenced to output voltage levels.
tWCS, tRWD, tCWD, tAWD, and tCPW are not restrictive operating parameters. They are included in the
data sheet as electrical characteristics only: if t WCS >=tWCS(min), the cycle is an early write cycle
and the data out pin will remain open circuit (high impedance) throughout the entire cycle: if
tRWD >=tRWD(min), tCWD>=tCWD(min), tAWD>=tAWD(min) and t CPW>=tCPW(min), the cycle is a read-
modify-write and the data output will contain data read from the selected cell: if neither of the
above sets of conditions is satisfied, the condition of the data out (at access time) is
tDS and t DH are referred to CAS leading edge in early write cycles and to WE leading edge in
delayed write or read-modify-write cycles.
tRASP defines RAS pulse width in extended data out mode cycles.
Access time is determined by the longest among tAA, tCAC and tCPA.
In delayed write or read-modify-write cycles, OE must disable output buffer prior to applying
data to the device.
When output buffers are enabled once, sustain the low impedance state until valid data is
obtained. When output buffer is turned on and off within a very short time, generally it causes
large VCC/VSS line noise, which causes to degrade VIH min/VIL max level.