ANP Product Specification 108-5288 ae LS 190CT99 Rev.G1 CHAMP.050 Series (II) Connector Wire to Board Type Fey? 050 ')-2% (IIe CRO ALA AY) Contents First 9 pages following this top sheet : English version Next 8 pages : Japanese version When only one of above versions is supplied to customers, this top sheet shail be attached. Bx LOY hie RHO IN-Y : eae KOEA-Y > AARSBAR HARV -ICHEBERILAARBRMOR AOSHI SBAIL, TCOhYTYbhMG PIA ATU STL, Revision Record (2#] #c&) Revision Letter EC number Date (era ac 5) (ca) RE) (Aft) GA FJOO-1742-99 19 OCT 1999 Outline of the latest revision (# ii] ORE) Combine two language versions into one document. No change was made on product specification. Change non-Sl unit to SI unit. 21HHBOMES-HEBL LR. (RARER. HSI Bhs SI BALCH. Sf LEP bOLeR PUT RRae CREME A A 3-5-8) COPBL4 eC ELOPRRRBANTHO, PBCHRCRBANET. 1 BReOMIATCML TASHA ECB AbDtFab. This AMP controlled document is subject to change. For latest revision cail local AMP.AMP J- 522 (Rev. MAR 91) Product Specification oO a 108-5288 ~ <9 CHAMP .050 Series (I) Connector Wire to Board Type 1. Scope: : > 1.1 Contents This specification covers the requirements for product performance, test methods and quality . assurance provisions of CHAMP .050 Series (2 ) Connector (Wire To Board Type) wy e The applicable product descriptions and part numbers are as shown in Fig. 1: So So wot 2. Applicable Documents : - The following documents form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. In the event of 2 5 conflict between the requirements of this specification and the product drawing, the preduct drawing ee shall take precedence. In the event of conflict between the requirements of this specification and the we cc referenced documents, this specification shall take precedence. 2.1 AMP Specifications : A. 109-5000 Test Specification, General Requirements for Test Methods B. 114-5136,5124 Application Specification C. 501-5003 Test Report 2.2 Military Standard and Specifications : MIL-STD-202 Test Metheds for Electronic and Electrical Component Parts DR. 11 Nov. 88 SHEET ANP H. Kodama { AMP (Japan), Ltd. ; = a9 CHK i Kawasaki, Japan ot | Revise Foee 172-44 fic [AYP OO] OFT Nev 88 | OF G_ | REVISE FJ00-4335-96 HK ArT 9 | toe | toc Jno. REV i a 11a 108-5288 F | REVISE FJ00-2661-95 TK | YF |8.1095 E | REVISE FJ00-1567-94 TK | FLK ftztr9q APP. 11 Nov. 88 | NAME 5 p | REA-1997 Redrawn tn | ve bovarse a CHAMP 050 Series (11) Connector = R. Nishimura Wire to Board Type LIR REVISION RECORD DR | CHK | DATEAMP J -522 (Rey. MAR 91} NUMBEI : 108-5288 SECURITY Customer Release CLASSIFICATION : 3. 3.1 3.3 3.4 Requirements: Design and Construction : Product shall be of the design, construction and physical dimensions specified in the applicable product drawing. Materials : A, Contact : Phospher Brouze, Au Plating (0.1, 0.3 or 0.76 ) on contact area over Ni under plating. Soldering area: Tin-Lead Plating I. Darea: Tin-Lead Plating B. Housing: Glass filled Thermo Plastic UL94V-O C. SHELL Zine Diecast: Ni plating over Cu under plating Steel : Ni plating over Cu under plating Brass : Ni plating D. Accessories and Hardware: ENCLOSURE: Glass Filled Thermo Plastic UL94-V-O LOCKING SPRING: MOLDINGPORTION: Thermo Plastic UL94V-O SPRING PORTION : STAINLESS STEEL Ratings : A. Voltage Rating: 250 VAC B. Current Rating: 1A, (AWG#28) O.5A, (AWG#30) C. Temperature Rating: ~5 CT to +85 C Performance and Test Descriptions : The product shall he designed to meet the electrical, mechanical and environmental performance requirements specified in Fig. 2. All tests shall be performed in the room temperature unless otherwise specified. SHEET ARMM rf AMP Uapan), Ltd. Kawasaki, Japan 2 OF GD | ioc | toc [no 1 | A |. 108-5288 REV. GI NAME CHAMP .050 Series (I1} Connector Wire to Board TypeAMP J - 822 (Rev. MAR 91} 3.5 Test Requirements and Procedures Summary : 108~-5288 Para, Test Items Requirements Procedures 3.5.1 | Confirmation of Product shall be conforming to Visually, dimensionally and Preduet the requirements of applicable functionally inspected per applicable product drawing and Application Specification 114-6124. inspection plan. NUMBER : Electrical Requirements Customer Release 3.5.2 | Termination Resistance | 35 mQ max. (Initial) (Low Levei} A.R- 25m max. (Final) Subject mated contacts assembled in housing to closed circuit current of 50 mA max. at open circuit voltage of 50 mV max. ig. 4. AMP Spee. 109-5306 CLASSIFICATION : SECURITY 3.5.3 | Insulation Resistance 500 MQ min. (Initial) 100 MQ min. (Final) Measure by applying test potential between the adjacent contacts, and between the contacts and ground in the mated connector. 3.5.4 t Dielectric Strength Connector must withstand test potential of 0.5 kVAC for 1 minute. Current leakage must be 0.6 mA max. Measure by applying test potential between the adjacent contacts, and between the contacts and ground in the mated connectors. MIL-ST'D-202, Method 301 Fig. 2 (To be continued) SHEET 3 OF9 AMP AMP (Japan), Ltd. Kawasaki, Japan toe Loc PNG. A 108-5288 REV Gi NAME CHAMP .050 Series (11) Connector Wire to Board TypeAMP J- 522 (Rev. MAR 91} 108-5288 NUMBER - Customer Release CLASSIFICATION - SECURITY Para. Test Items Requirements Procedures Physical Requirements 3.5.5 | Vibration No electrical discontinuity Subject mated connectors to 10-55- Sinusoidal Low greater than 1 microsecond (s) 10 Hz traversed in 1 minute at Frequency shall occur. 1.52 mm amplitude 2 hours each of See Note (a). 3 mutually perpendicular planes. MIL-STD-202, Method 201 3.5.6 | Physical Shock No electrical discontinuity Subject mated connectors to 490.3 m/s* greater than | microsecond (s) halfsine shock pulses of shall secur. 11 millisecond duration ; 3 shecks in See Note (a), each direction applied along the 3 mutually perpendicular planes total 18 shocks ; MIL-STD-202, Method 213, Condition A 3.5.7 | Connector Mating Force | 735.5 mN max. Measure the force required to mate (initial) per contact connector using locking latch by operating at 100 mma minute. Record by suing autograph. Calculate the value for a contact. AMP Spec. 109-5206 3.5.8 1 Connector Unmating 196.1 mN min. Measure the force required to unmate Force (initial) per contact connector without locking latch set in effect, by operating at 100 mma minute. Calculate value for a contact. 3.5.9 | Durability (Repeated Termination Resistance Mate and unmate connectors for 500 Mate/Unmating) (Low Level) (Final) cycles at a maximum rate of 40 35 mQ max. cycles/minute ; AR=25 max. AMP Spec. 109-27 3.5.10 | Solderability Solderable area shail have Subject contacts to solderability solder coverage of 95 % minimum. testing. MIL-STD-202, Method 208 Fig. 2 (To be continued) AMP (Japan), Ltd. SHEET AMP Kawasaki, Japan AOFY9 v NO. 108-5288 G, NAME CHAMP .050 Series (II) Connector Wire to Board TypeAMP J- 522 (Rev. MAR 91} 108-5288 NUMBER = Customer Release SECURITY CLASSIFICATION : Para. Test Items Requirements Procedures 3.5.11 | Connector Retention After testing, no breakage shall | Apply an axial pull-off load of 98.1. N Force: oecur in locking area and cable the cable terminated on the plug retention area. connector, which is mated with the header and the locking device is set in effect. 3.5.12 | Repeated Bending of No breakage of conductor shal] With the free end of the terminated Cable: occur, cable securely fixed, repeat bending of the to 60 both sides with tension load of 4.9 Napplied, for 2,000 cycles reciprocatingly, by moving the connector side. Fig. 5 3.5.13 | Resistance to Soldering | No physical damage Subject connector mounted on printed Heat circuit boards to solder bath at 260C for 10 seconds. MIL-STND-202, Method 210 Knvironmental Requirements 3.5.14 | Thermal Shock Termination Resistance ; Subject mated connectors to 5 cycles (LOW LEVEL) (FINAL) between 55 C and 85 C. MIL-STD-202, Method 107, Condition A 3.5.15 | Humidity-Temperature | Insulation Resistance (Final) Subject mated connectors to Cycling 100 MQ min. Termination 10 eyeles of humidity-temperature Resistance (Low Level} (Final) changes between 25 C and 65C at 95 % RH, MIL-STD-202, Method 106 3.5.16 | Ilumidity, Steady State | Insulation Resistance (Final) Subject mated connectors to steady 100 MQ min. Termination state humidity at 40C and 90-95 % Resistance (Low Level) (Final) RU. MiL-ST'D-202, Method 103, Condition B (96 Hr) 3.5.17 | Temperature Life Termination Resistance Subject mated connectors to (Low Level) (Final) temperature life; MIL-STD-202, Method 108 Condition B (85 C, 250 Hr) Fig. 2 (end) SHEET AMP AMP (Japan), Ltd. Kawasaki, Japan 5OF9 AN NO, 4108-5288 e NAME CHAMP .050 Series (11) Connector Wire to Board TypeAMP |. 522 (Rev. MAR 91} 108-5288 NUMBER : Customer Release SECURITY CLASSIFICATION - 3.6 Product Qualification Sequence Test Group Test or Examination 1f2{3f{4fs5]6]7 {89 {10} 1] 12 Test Sequence (a) Examination of Preduct 1,9/)1,6]1,3] 1,8] 1,5 )1,7] 1,5 | 1,5] 1,5 )1,771,3 71,3 Carmination Resistance, Dry 2,8] 2.5 2,4 2,4/2,4|2,4 Dieleetric Withstanding Voltage 2, Insulation Resistance 3,6 3,6 Vibration 3 Physical Shock 4 Mating Force 3,6 Unmating Force 4,7 Durability 5 Solderability Resistance to Soldering Heat Thermal Shock 3 Humidity-Temperature Cycling 3 4 Humidity, Steady State 3 4 | Temperature Life 3 Connector Tensile Strength 2 Repeated Bending of Cable 2 2,5 on (a) Numbers indicate sequence in which tests are performed. Resistance of terminated wire is deducted from measured reading. _s > | OS) Fig. 4 SHEET | ARIAS AMP (Japan), Ltd. Kawasaki, Japan 6OF9 ya | 108-5288 G: NAME CHAMP .050 Series (11) Connector Wire to Board TypeAMP. J - 522 (Rev. MAR 81} 108-5288 NUMBER : Customer Release SECURITY CLASSIFICATION : 60 1 CYCLE (} 2) = aa 500 g Fig. 6 SHEET AMP AMP (Japan), Ltd. Kawasaki, Japan 7OF9 Ty) A | 108-5288 Gi NAME CHAMP .050 Series (I1} Connector Wire to Board TypeAMP J- 522 (Rev. MAR 91} 108-5288 NUMBER : Customer Release CLASSIFICATION : SECURITY Product Part No. Descriptions 917738 Ree. Header (R/A) 3.1 mm Tine F.M.5 Type 176971 Rec. Header (R/A} 3.9 mm Tine STD Type 176970 Rec. Header (R/A) 3.1 mm Tine STD Type 176972 Rec. Header (R/A) 2.2 mm Tine STD Type 178238 Rec. Header (R/A) 3.1 mm Tine STD Type (W/Retention Leg) 178239 Rec. Ileader (R/A) 3.9 mm Tine STD Type (W/Retention Leg) 178240 Rec. Header (R/A) 2.2 mm Tine STD Type (W/Retention Leg) 179145 Ree, Header (R/A) 3.1 mm Tine STD Type (W/Retention Leg), M2.5 179717 Ree. Header (R/A) 3.1 mm Tine Latching Ears Cut Type (W/Retention Leg) 316998 Rec. Header (R/A) 3.1 mm Tine Latching Ears Cut Type (F.M.S5 Type) 175887 Ree. Header (V) 3.1 mm Tine, M2.6 316027 Rec. leader (V) 1.8 mm Tine, M2.6 316703 Ree. Header (V} 1.8 mm Tine, M2.5 917334 Rec. Header (V) 3.1 mm Tine, M2.6 (W/Retention Leg) 176347 Rec. HDR (R/A) 3.9 mm Tine 14 Pos. W/Key STD Type 176348 Rec. HDR (R/A) 3.9 mm Tine 20 Pos. W/Key STD Type 176323 Rec. HDR (RYA) 3.9 mm Tine 36 Pos. W/Key STD Type 176350 Rec. HDR (R/A) 3.9 mm Tine 50 Pos. W/Key STD Type 178889 Rec. HDR (R/A) 3.1 mm Tine 14 Pos. W/Key STD Type 178890 Rec. IDR (R/A) 3.1 mm Tine 20 Pos. W/Key STD Type 178891 Rec. IIDR (R/A) 3.1 mm Tine 36 Pos. W/Key STD Type 178892 Rec. HDR (R/A) 3.1 mm Tine 50 Pos. W/Key STD Type 175995 Rec. HDR (R/A) 3.1 mm Tine 26 Pos. W/key Original Type 175677 Plug Connector Kit AWG#28 Insulator Dia 0.5~0.7 175750 Plug Connector Kit AWG#30 Insulator Dia 0.5~0.7 175753 Shield Case Kit without Logo 175755 Shield Case Kit with AMP Logo 176792 Shield Case Kit STD Type without Logo 176793 Shield Case Kit STD Type with AMP Logo 176324 Shield Case Kit 14 Pos. with Key STD Type without Logo Fig. 1 (To he continued) SHEET | JARED SMP Gapan), Ltd. Kawasaki, Japan F Loc | toc | me. BOF fue | 1" 498-5288 G1 NAME CHAMP .050 Series (II) Connector Wire to Board TypeAMP J - 622 (Rov. MAR 91) 108-5288 NUMBER - Customer Release SECURITY CLASSIFICATION : Product Part No. Descriptions 176267 Shield Case Kit 20 Pos. with Key STD Type without Logo 177618 Shield Case Kit 26 Pos. with Key STD Type without Logo 176266 Shield Case Kit 46 Pos. with Key STD Type without Logo 176269 Shield Case Kit 50 Pos. wilh Key STD Type without Logo 176268 Shield Case Kit 14 Pos. with Key STD Type with AMP Logo 178849 Shield Case Kit 20 Pos. with Key STD Type with AMP Logo 178850 Shield Case Kit 36 Pos. wilh Key STD Type with AMP Logo 178851 Shield Case Kit 50 Pos. with Key STD Type with AMP Logo 175997 Shield Case Kit 26 Pos. with Key (Original) Type without Logo 178361 Rec. HDR (R/A} 2.7 mm Tine Screw Lock Type 178367 Plug Connector Kit Serew Lock Type AWG #28 0.5~0.7 DIA 178375 Shield Case Kit Screw Lock Type 175751 Plug Connector Kit for SCSI Cable AWG#28 0.7~0.9 DIA 178781 Shield Case Kit for SCSI Cable with AMP Logo 178782 Shield Case Kit for SCSI Cable without Logo 917098 Shield Case Kit 50 Pos. for SCSI Cable STD Type with AMP Logo 316126 Shieid Case Kit 50 Pos. for SCSI Cable STD Type without Logo 179716 Shield Case Kit Jack Screw Type without Logo 178822 Straddle Mount Type Fig. 1 (end) SHEET ANMEP AMP (Japan), Ltd. Kawasaki, Japan 9 OF 9 y A NO. 108-5288 Gi NAME CHAMP .050 Series (11) Connector Wire to Board Typeacti AMP J-Q01 (Rev. MAR 91} = j ae era 4 A te fe AMP wie. ALES FB (& fit #2 4) BAL. TA. E~ HRSH & 4 108-5288 Hl db th 1B tev OOYVU ACU) TRY Ret RIA) 1. J8 Raa ll Al ABBR e > FOOLY UO AM) tA Y (BRR) OM RMR. ERA. oh ARSE OYE BAe HE LTS, Man EB Pig. 1 O18) THA, 2. Bete DOF RIS ARH CHET ZR Io, ROMER 4, PORE REE QP AME eit, MEMES BL CMA Ale, AOA EBS RAO BCT By avek Ahk, AHR SSL CMAP Sc, 2.1 AMP iB A. 109-5000 EEO RAE B. 114-5136,5124 : Ihe RAs C. 501-5003 . eee ae 22 KBR MIL-STD-202 4, 7: 75 Ww dh & ERA TERK : 11. Nov.,'88 1438: Kod i fF , = H, Kodama ct [eat qe 749-97 (KS A Ba of pean G | aE) FJ00-4335-96 H.K YEA LE ee an: 11 Nov.,88 | 3>-F: ok aT , , 108-52 F BiAT F100-2661-95 Tk | H | vf 18.1095) y euiiura 08-5288 G, E tM ET FJ00-1567-94 T.K | HK | YF | izi194 D RFA-1997 HN | YF | YF [30/3/92] FER : 11. Nov., 88 AT - eR ET oe Ey id aR PEAR [487 | EB 1A R Nishimura Pye Te 050 y ~My = oP & ABA Baht : (FE, AS 9 HEE)AMP J- 001-1 (Rev. Mar 91) IPAM. --ARE EA 3. SHE EB fF 3.1 Exar ek Wise MCE See. Me, ORE bo CHS St CHS, 3.2 MF A. ave ARH, cy 7 Pa 7 wR OA (7 EE OI03 RO 0.76 py) QAR RIL A Ho KR TE RERRIA APE A Booey WA APAT TE ETHER UL 94V-0 C. Ro 1 BHT +e Ahk HRM HM TALIA THA Hl FA Fito o A itm y THA Bil xy 4+ ibs A DD WRT eRe LyeyourYer~ Wa A ABO) EH A UL 94V-0 Dy ty PARTY > OY BARE FATT PETE AT UL 94V-0 AP\ + FR) APY Ze 3.3 % A. BE + 250 VAC B. Bate : 1A (AWG #28) 0.5 A(AWG #30) C. mie 1S 55C~+85 C 3.4 TERE REE & ERA SM mld Fig QI AUB, RA, ROM RRM st St Shara RANT SS &, REGRESS PCA bDRAZE, aR: ROAR: MEDI kK: wT | oe # & TB Pye POOL YU - ARNT F 108-5288 G CE GU HL) I geeAMP J-001-1 (Rev. Mar 91) ie Re: ALAA Al 3.5 THEY BAIT & ERT EO BH IA ache JAA HH te fai at ER A i 3.5.1 6 3 OE PR e |MRMEC AMPRA BAA | RASS RRR B A BIBT 1145124 DO YBAaHEE SRL | At. be. RURRER EY 17% 9 WAT & ae o =e & fF t# FE 3.5.2 | #8 & #& fe 1 35 mQ LAF CH HATA) AVY PIM IAENHREe LEY (0 - b & Ww ) |ARS25 mo LLP GREE) yu bh te PEE 5FOmV ELF. FAB Bi 5b0mALL FORE CH eT 4, Fig. 4 B48 , AMP #848 109-5306 3.5.3 if ae HK fL 1 500 MQ Lb (4 HAA) aI 7 Fed O 100 MQ Lk GRAB) Meoyv ey eh ACHE MIL-STD-202, st 28i% 302 Bt B 3.5.4 1 iit & lOSKVACOREBEE I THR |RGbA0OD TRI THRY TIO HIM A4 24, fav ye hI, Smelt O56 mA LL MIL-STD-202, 287% 301 te th 45 Te RE 3.5.5 | 4k H |GRET lysec CAS RIMEMM | RELL IAD FIL 152mm OFRIE IE se we |e A ee re, . 1O-BS-10bz (LGR LT eee iq Fal ie SiS CRILG SHIFRHM se BT 4 SFAllgi 2eHee2z4 24, MIL-STN-202, #58 201 3.5.6 | (ft B (GH LO lysect CAARIE [MALE IAT Fil 11 RPI 4903 m/s GB Bere ek te, YORE Re EL ALI SBE E TE (a) BAe we A=AAMAOE BAM 3 wi. SR IUBHSAAIL, MIL-STD-202, 258: 213, APA 3.5.7 aR oe Fe de AH | 735.5 mNEE Fe 10mm Of SCI? FT UY a fE. 1 tebe 4 FURIAT ADI ETA +e He L. 140 Oe BL ORS, AMP #846 109-5206 358 | a2 #2 8) HR 7 | 196.1 mNELE > 100mm OSS C, REL eaAd HAE 1 2k 9 Aagpegeeslige cet aAA ral eV A, D4 oer ae ck &, AMP #84 109-5206 Fig. 2 (it < ) Sh HH - RO : MEOI-EK- wi) 3 el 6 OER OB tev 7 O0PU- 7M) KRe 108-5288 G . (Cite wD) (gam 2AMP 3-001-1 (Rev, Mar 91) iE ARAL Al ja A aL ESE A # eS if ait ER W iz 3.5.9 | dit a \t | skeet, BIRR (IO - LA) | BP 40 te EFoOsIe tC, oF 3oma LF CaS IE, PY .FeY PU 004 4 7 BA AR=25 mQ LOF BUR REN GET, AMP 7842 109-27 3.6.10} th A # ft tf TE | ERA Sree It A HEAT, tee ey RHE OILA PIER 9 BM bE CHALE, fee iyaik, MIL-STD-202, mS#7e 208 35.11 | 2 RY FS SRR Lov ee Reser - SREP pokey eRe Loy LL PIRREO ARE Lev Dk, Nay F- ke POR NCAR 4B 35.12) 7 - Fol it me | ROA ee ce, +o PMILAGNOSSR Be PITA IRRE CHAE 60 FOO LEE Lt 47WVEL, 2000747 2 VBS Bo Fig. 5 2:88 35.13 | ia A #2 it 3. TE | GRERRSDPESUTE IRS EE RO | PU RICA eR ke 260C Mid AFB IL 10 FPR AS LT REET SOL, MIL-STD-202, 358% 210 mm 3B OAD OTE ORE 3.5.14 $ #4 iy BE aS AR GIRL KHPA TRO LAI AD Y & 55C & BBC &(f&t GRTAZCE, OMORERI KIL Fes OF re, MIL-STD-202, at28it 107 FA 3.5.15 | dvi tt f 7 w | EAH, ART 100 MO 2. ReLh ups et TERE 95 & bk, #StU KL AN OALE | CL 25 C~65C OURS B(KIZ 104 SRPaIH, A{7UMSGP IE, MIL-STD-202, #0287% 106 3.5.16 | if it | aRER TR. ARARIRGT. AA IET Me Laas FY BAHL 90~95 ( 8B IR RE ) | OH PANO REE ARIAS 1%. R40 COR MIAMI COTS b ke MIL-STD-202, st283# 103 #( B (96 Hr) 3.5.17 | & if FF fy |FRERRR SIRI KHL AOS [REL AIRY EER AGORR (FI GRPAIE, Hiwi~k ego, MIL-STD-202, #387 108 RE B BRE 85C 250 F818 Fig. 24% 4) ) Sh - OL MEHI--: eat | 4 A a oO, OER OTR tar sy OOP UK 2 (Nahe ; 4 (PR HEALTH!) 108-5288 CilsgeAMP J-001-1 (Rev. Mar 91) UE. -- ARLE A 3.6 Bch we aN Se PERT AER 1/2{3]4f[s5]e6!7[s8]o9 |i] {12 at, @ JIE FR (a) Bodh @ Te a f #& 11,9)1,6}1,3)1,3)1,5]1,741,511,511,5]1,7]1,3)1,3 8 GIRL (CU - bk AW) 1 2,8)2,5 2,4 9,4/2,4|2,4 it 7B, iE 2,5 2,5 ie RR 4K it 3,6 3,6 fir 5) 3 ty FR ER 4 aR 7 F Th A 13,6 7 AY F 3) HR HF 14,7 itt A lt | 5 woA PE TE 2 io OE OY BRK 2 Bh {8 = 3 im Wi Ek 4 7 Uv 3 | 4 fT i th 72 A aK RE) 3 1] 4 if, RE # ay 3 7 Ay 5 SR Se TE 2 eo Fe Hip th AE 2 (a) HAO Beet ER ae Bs RP eS, Fig. 3G 4) ) saat eH EROS psn keynes MRDI-K: aT | wy ses RHEE) 108-5288 Cll ageAMP J- 001-1 (Rev, Mar 91) GIBB: AAS Al 74 VIR BITE MD 55) 04, Fig. 4 Let 500 Fig. 5 HR: MRNZN : ; ; MEOA-F-: oe By 6E * th #48 Try OHOYVU- ACMI TRe? 108-5288 G (78,8 of FR te BY) ! 8 HdAMP J.001-1 (Rev. Mar 91} IESE | - APRS Al Hy & a x, 917738 | Ny POH (RADAR PY B1immFPMS 94 176971 [Jt Av F- (MALI ATY TY 389mm AY KP- Re TT 176970 | kay Y- (RAIA Y TY Bl mm Age FOR SAT 176972 J kA F-(RAVILABR FAY 22mm AI FRAT 178239) [UE AY F(R ARY 4 > 39mm AY Ye FOR PAPO F YU Yar sth) 178238 peas F-(RADAR FS TY Otmm APY F- KPA PO FE Yee eet) 178240 |e F- (RADA Yt vr 22mmMAzIY FPR HA AUF YY arLFAft) 179145 JU tA F- (RADAR 94> Bl mm Ae YE Fm RAT Cle ey ave PH) M25 179717 | Ue Ae FP (RIAD IRATE 4 Y 3.1mm PoP APRA RPA PVF YY aYEPTST) 316998 [Utne F- (RAIA R 9 4 Y 3.1mm Zot -f PRAY RS TT(RPMS 94) 175887 |UtAy F-(VW)AKRY TY 381mm,M 2.6 316027 |YtAe (VARY 4 1.8mm,M2.6 316703 [UY Ray F- (VIA S41 > 1.8mm,M 25 9173384 |UrAe F- WRAP IS Y Bim M260 Fey ae beth) 176347) [tay YH CVA AR TY 89mm 14s APY FH Rea 176348 J} ey Y- (RADIA RY TY 389mm 20Ms-f APY F- RHA TS 176323 | eA F- (RIAA YT 389mm 36Hsefh AYU F-KPAT 176350 [tne - (RADARS 4 39mm50Ra~-f APY YO Fete 1738889 [UtAy F- (RAL AKR I TY Simm1l4ese-f APY PO KF eae 178890 | tar Y- (RADAR YX 4 Bimm20mse-ff AyVY- Kk eA 178891 | env F- (RADAR SY 1 > Bimm36es ff AYYY- Ket 178892 | eAav F-(RALEALR Se 4 Bi mmb0me-ff APY Fk eA 175995 |W ear F- (RAAB SY Bl mmmheft FIVE TS 175677 | FHF BRE Fy bAWGHE8 A RAE O.5~0.7 175750 | FR BARAY-Hy bAWGHBIOR RIE OS~O.7 175753 jy Re Aa ha YES Gre eee 175755 fe ORTH RSD PEN HAT AMP 7-7 A 176792 fv OM RTH RY PAY RO PET UH eL 176793 |v ow RYH AY RAY FOR STS AMP R-FA 176324. [Yow RTO Ate b14mA fh APY P- RIA OTRO EL Fig. 1 (1/2} a ay FROST _ Ly eeny aes MEOI-k- mal | 7 nS ERED 108-5288 GiTgesAMP | - 001-1 (Rev. Mar 91) iB ARBAB A i do ze 176267 |v Re - Ax b QO ARYL FO RTP GV Fel 177618 YowVEe HAE Y } OOMA-f APY POR eE PO Oe OK eel 176266 |-U Ee -AXY BORAT AY YY- KPT UAH eee 176269 vowhR eA hoa HTP AR EPH RAF UAH PRL 176268 Vow ere APY BLAKE AYP H- RAS AMPH IA 178849 [Y - MEP -ASy b OMA ft ARPYY-KFYTF AMPY-FA 178850 fx -w Ee -A+ yb B6MA- fT AR YF RYT AMP O- ZA 178851 Yow ey - Ady BHOMA-T APY RF-KR FAT AMPY-ZA 175997 vow Ey - Ae Yb O6mME-fH AUP Lae? uot war 178361 | tay - (RADAR YAY 27mm Ar a-ne Peas 178367 [FR IRY IHR V hARY 2-97 AT AWGH28 RBI 0.5~0.7 178375 |e Re OAR FAY arm Oe T HAP (AMPY- FAH OTOH 7 eL) 175751 | 4 FH aIARYR-HY bSCSET- TVA AWG #28 APESE 0.7~-0.9 178781 | eRe - Ay bSCSLY- FUR AMP WZ A 178782 |v -wkr-AXxy FSCSIT-FUVH GAH FEL 917098 |xu-wkey-AXy? b SOMSCSLT FUVRAPYF-K YTS AMPY-ZA 316125 jy -w EF -Ay b SOMSCSIT-TUVA AVY FORT PK Ute Fel 179716 JY Kr HAR Y RV PARY 2-H AFOUL H FEL 178822 ARFRikew YY heATL Fig. 1 (2/2) a: a FROST: . Sy ey RD RHI: wT | gg sam SE 108-5288 Cll gee