TLHE4600 Vishay Semiconductors High Intensity LED in O 3 mm Tinted Diffused Package FEATURES * AlInGaP technology * Standard O 3 mm (T-1) package * Small mechanical tolerances * Suitable for DC and high peak current * Wide viewing angle * Very high intensity * Luminous intensity color categorized 19222 * Material categorization: for definitions of compliance please see DESCRIPTION This device has been designed to meet the increasing demand for AlInGaP technology general indicating and lighting purposes. APPLICATIONS It is housed in a 3 mm diffused plastic package. The wide viewing angle of these devices provides a high brightness. * Status lights All packing units are categorized in luminous intensity and color groups. That allows users to assemble LEDs with uniform appearance.developed for standard applications like general indicating and lighting purposes. * Background illumination * Off / on indicator * Readout lights * Maintenance lights * Legend light PRODUCT GROUP AND PACKAGE DATA * Product group: LED * Package: 3 mm * Product series: standard * Angle of half intensity: 60 PARTS TABLE PART TLHE4600 COLOR LUMINOUS INTENSITY (mcd) MIN. TYP. MAX. 10 26 - Yellow at IF (mA) 10 WAVELENGTH (nm) MIN. TYP. MAX. 581 588 594 FORWARD VOLTAGE (V) at IF (mA) MIN. TYP. MAX. - 1.9 2.6 10 at IF (mA) TECHNOLOGY 20 AllnGaP on GaAs ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Tamb = 25 C, unless otherwise specified) TLHE4600 PARAMETER TEST CONDITION SYMBOL VALUE VR 5 V Tamb 60 C IF 30 mA tp 10 s IFSM 0.1 A Tamb 60 C PV 80 mW Tj 100 C Operating temperature range Tamb -40 to +100 C Storage temperature range Tstg -55 to +100 C Tsd 260 C RthJA 400 K/W Reverse voltage DC forward current Surge forward current Power dissipation Junction temperature Soldering temperature Thermal resistance junction/ambient Rev. 1.9, 14-Oct-14 t 5 s, 2 mm from body UNIT Document Number: 83130 1 For technical questions, contact: THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT TLHE4600 Vishay Semiconductors OPTICAL AND ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tamb = 25 C, unless otherwise specified) TLHE4600, YELLOW TEST CONDITION SYMBOL MIN TYP. MAX UNIT Luminous intensity (1) PARAMETER IF = 10 mA IV 10 26 - mcd Dominant wavelength IF = 10 mA d 581 588 594 nm Peak wavelength IF = 10 mA p - 590 - nm Angle of half intensity IF = 10 mA - 60 - deg Forward voltage IF = 20 mA VF - 1.9 2.6 V IR = 10 A VR 5 - - V VR = 0 V, f = 1 MHz Cj - 15 - pF Reverse voltage Junction capacitance Note (1) In one packing unit I Vmin./IVmax. 0.5. LUMINOUS INTENSITY CLASSIFICATION GROUP LIGHT INTENSITY (mcd) STANDARD MIN. MAX. R 10 20 S 16 32 T 25 50 U 40 80 V 63 125 W 100 200 X 130 260 Y 180 360 Z 240 480 Note * Luminous intensity is tested at a current pulse duration of 25 ms. These type numbers represent the order groups which include only a few brightness groups. Only one group will be shipped on each reel (there will be no mixing of two groups on each reel). In order to ensure availability, single brightness groups are not be orderable. In a similar manner for colors where wavelength groups are measured and binned, single wavelength groups will be shipped on any one reel. In order to ensure availability, single wavelength groups are not be orderable. COLOR CLASSIFICATION YELLOW GROUP 1 DOM. WAVELENGTH (nm) MIN. MAX. 581 584 2 583 586 3 585 588 4 587 590 5 589 592 6 591 594 Note * Wavelengths are tested at a current pulse duration of 25 ms. Rev. 1.9, 14-Oct-14 Document Number: 83130 2 For technical questions, contact: THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT TLHE4600 Vishay Semiconductors TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tamb = 25 C, unless otherwise specified) 1.6 IV rel - Relative Luminous Intensity 50 40 30 20 10 0 20 95 10894 40 60 80 IF = 20 mA 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 100 0 95 10880 T amb - Ambient Temperature (C) Fig. 1 - Forward Current vs. Ambient Temperature for InGaN 0 10 30 40 1.0 0.9 50 0.8 60 70 0.7 80 0.6 0.4 0.2 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Tamb - Ambient Temperature (C) Fig. 4 - Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Ambient Temperature 20 - Angular Displacement I v rel - Relative Luminous Intensity 1.4 0.0 0 IV rel - Relative Luminous Intensity I F - Forward Current (mA) 60 10 1 0.1 0.01 0 1 95 10043 9611588 Fig. 2 - Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement 10 100 IF - Forward Current (mA) Fig. 5 - Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current 100 1.2 Irel - Relative Intensity IF - Forward Current (mA) IF = 20 mA 1.0 10 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 1 1 95 10878 1.5 2 2.5 3 VF - Forward Voltage (V) Fig. 3 - Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage Rev. 1.9, 14-Oct-14 0.0 550 95 10881 570 590 610 630 650 - Wavelength (nm) Fig. 6 - Relative Intensity vs. Wavelength Document Number: 83130 3 For technical questions, contact: THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT TLHE4600 Vishay Semiconductors PACKAGE DIMENSIONS in millimeters C O 3.2 0.15 A AREA NOT PLANE 5.8 0.3 34.4 0.5 < 0.6 (2.5) 3.4 0.15 4.4 0.3 R1.4 (sphere) O 2.9 0.15 2.54 nom. 1.5 0.5 + 0.15 + 0.2 0.5 - 0.1 0.4 - 0.05 technical drawings according to DIN specifications Drawing-No.: 6.544-5255.01-4 Issue: 9; 28.07.14 Rev. 1.9, 14-Oct-14 Document Number: 83130 4 For technical questions, contact: THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT Legal Disclaimer Notice Vishay Disclaimer ALL PRODUCT, PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS AND DATA ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY, FUNCTION OR DESIGN OR OTHERWISE. Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., its affiliates, agents, and employees, and all persons acting on its or their behalf (collectively, "Vishay"), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained in any datasheet or in any other disclosure relating to any product. Vishay makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of the products for any particular purpose or the continuing production of any product. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Vishay disclaims (i) any and all liability arising out of the application or use of any product, (ii) any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages, and (iii) any and all implied warranties, including warranties of fitness for particular purpose, non-infringement and merchantability. Statements regarding the suitability of products for certain types of applications are based on Vishay's knowledge of typical requirements that are often placed on Vishay products in generic applications. Such statements are not binding statements about the suitability of products for a particular application. It is the customer's responsibility to validate that a particular product with the properties described in the product specification is suitable for use in a particular application. Parameters provided in datasheets and / or specifications may vary in different applications and performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including typical parameters, must be validated for each customer application by the customer's technical experts. Product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify Vishay's terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein. Except as expressly indicated in writing, Vishay products are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications or for any other application in which the failure of the Vishay product could result in personal injury or death. Customers using or selling Vishay products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so at their own risk. Please contact authorized Vishay personnel to obtain written terms and conditions regarding products designed for such applications. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of Vishay. Product names and markings noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners. (c) 2017 VISHAY INTERTECHNOLOGY, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Revision: 08-Feb-17 1 Document Number: 91000 Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: Vishay: TLHE4600