IGBT IGBTwithintegrateddiodeinpackagesofferingspacesavingadvantage IKD06N60RF TRENCHSTOPTMRC-Seriesforhardswitchingapplicationsupto30kHz Datasheet IndustrialPowerControl IKD06N60RF TRENCHSTOPTMRC-DrivesFastSeries IGBTwithintegrateddiodeinpackagesofferingspacesavingadvantage Features: C TRENCHSTOPTMReverseConducting(RC)technologyfor600V applicationsoffering *OptimizedEon,EoffandQrrforlowswitchinglosses *Operatingrangeof4to30kHz *SmoothswitchingperformanceleadingtolowEMIlevels *Verytightparameterdistribution *Maximumjunctiontemperature175C *Shortcircuitcapabilityof5s *Bestinclasscurrentversuspackagesizeperformance *QualifiedaccordingtoJEDECfortargetapplications *Pb-freeleadplating;RoHScompliant(soldertemperature 260C,MSL1) G E C CompleteproductspectrumandPSpiceModels: http://www.infineon.com/igbt/ G Applications: E Domesticandindustrialdrives: *Compressors *Pumps *Fans KeyPerformanceandPackageParameters Type IKD06N60RF Datasheet www.infineon.com VCE IC VCEsat,Tvj=25C Tvjmax Marking Package 600V 6A 2.2V 175C K06R60F PG-TO252-3 PleasereadtheImportantNoticeandWarningsattheendofthisdocument V2.4 2014-03-12 IKD06N60RF TRENCHSTOPTMRC-DrivesFastSeries TableofContents Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Maximum Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Thermal Resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Electrical Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Electrical Characteristics Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Package Drawing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Testing Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Revision History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Disclaimer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Datasheet 3 V2.4 2014-03-12 IKD06N60RF TRENCHSTOPTMRC-DrivesFastSeries MaximumRatings Foroptimumlifetimeandreliability,Infineonrecommendsoperatingconditionsthatdonotexceed80%ofthemaximumratingsstatedinthisdatasheet. Parameter Symbol Value Unit Collector-emittervoltage,Tvj25C VCE 600 V DCcollectorcurrent,limitedbyTvjmax Tc=25C Tc=100C IC 12.0 6.0 A Pulsedcollectorcurrent,tplimitedbyTvjmax ICpuls 18.0 A Turn off safe operating area VCE600V,Tvj175C,tp=1s - 18.0 A Diodeforwardcurrent,limitedbyTvjmax Tc=25C Tc=100C IF 12.0 6.0 A Diodepulsedcurrent,tplimitedbyTvjmax IFpuls 18.0 A Gate-emitter voltage VGE 20 V Short circuit withstand time VGE=15.0V,VCC400V Allowed number of short circuits < 1000 Time between short circuits: 1.0s Tvj=150C tSC PowerdissipationTc=25C Ptot 100.0 W Operating junction temperature Tvj -40...+175 C Storage temperature Tstg -55...+150 C s 5 Soldering temperature, reflow soldering (MSL1 according to JEDEC J-STA-020) C 260 ThermalResistance Parameter Symbol Conditions Value min. typ. max. Unit RthCharacteristics IGBT thermal resistance,1) junction - case Rth(j-c) - - 1.50 K/W Diode thermal resistance,2) junction - case Rth(j-c) - - 3.60 K/W Thermal resistance, min. footprint junction - ambient Rth(j-a) - - 75 K/W Thermal resistance, 6cm Cu on PCB junction - ambient Rth(j-a) - - 50 K/W 1) 2) Rth/Zth based on single cooling pulse. Please be aware that a correct Rth measurement of the IGBT, is not possible using a thermocouple. Rth/Zth based on single cooling pulse. Please be aware that a correct Rth measurement of the Diode, is not possible using a thermocouple. Datasheet 4 V2.4 2014-03-12 IKD06N60RF TRENCHSTOPTMRC-DrivesFastSeries ElectricalCharacteristic,atTvj=25C,unlessotherwisespecified Parameter Symbol Conditions Value Unit min. typ. max. 600 - - V VGE=15.0V,IC=6.0A Tvj=25C Tvj=175C - 2.20 2.30 2.50 - V - 2.10 2.00 2.40 - V 4.3 5.0 5.7 V VCE=600V,VGE=0V Tvj=25C Tvj=175C - - 40 1000 A StaticCharacteristic Collector-emitter breakdown voltage V(BR)CES VGE=0V,IC=0.20mA Collector-emitter saturation voltage VCEsat Diode forward voltage VF VGE=0V,IF=6.0A Tvj=25C Tvj=175C Gate-emitter threshold voltage VGE(th) IC=0.11mA,VCE=VGE Zero gate voltage collector current1) ICES Gate-emitter leakage current IGES VCE=0V,VGE=20V - - 100 nA Transconductance gfs VCE=20V,IC=6.0A - 2.9 - S Integrated gate resistor rG none ElectricalCharacteristic,atTvj=25C,unlessotherwisespecified Parameter Symbol Conditions Value Unit min. typ. max. - 470 - - 24 - - 14 - - 48.0 - nC - 7.0 - nH - A DynamicCharacteristic Input capacitance Cies Output capacitance Coes Reverse transfer capacitance Cres Gate charge QG Internal emitter inductance measured 5mm (0.197 in.) from case LE Short circuit collector current Max. 1000 short circuits IC(SC) Time between short circuits: 1.0s VCE=25V,VGE=0V,f=1MHz VCC=480V,IC=6.0A, VGE=15V VGE=15.0V,VCC400V, tSC5s Tvj=25C - 46 pF SwitchingCharacteristic,InductiveLoad Parameter Symbol Conditions Value Unit min. typ. max. - 7 - ns - 8 - ns - 106 - ns - 22 - ns - 0.09 - mJ IGBTCharacteristic,atTvj=25C Turn-on delay time td(on) Rise time tr Turn-off delay time td(off) Fall time tf Turn-on energy Eon Turn-off energy Eoff - 0.09 - mJ Total switching energy Ets - 0.18 - mJ 1) Tvj=25C, VCC=400V,IC=6.0A, VGE=0.0/15.0V, RG(on)=23.0,RG(off)=23.0, L=50nH,C=30pF L,CfromFig.E Not subject to production test - verified by design/characterization Datasheet 5 V2.4 2014-03-12 IKD06N60RF TRENCHSTOPTMRC-DrivesFastSeries DiodeCharacteristic,atTvj=25C Diode reverse recovery time trr Diode reverse recovery charge Qrr Diode peak reverse recovery current Irrm Diode peak rate of fall of reverse recoverycurrentduringtb Tvj=25C, VR=400V, IF=6.0A, diF/dt=770A/s dirr/dt - 48 - ns - 0.16 - C - 7.4 - A - -195 - A/s SwitchingCharacteristic,InductiveLoad Parameter Symbol Conditions Value Unit min. typ. max. - 8 - ns - 8 - ns - 115 - ns - 35 - ns - 0.15 - mJ IGBTCharacteristic,atTvj=175C Turn-on delay time td(on) Rise time tr Turn-off delay time td(off) Fall time tf Turn-on energy Eon Turn-off energy Eoff - 0.13 - mJ Total switching energy Ets - 0.28 - mJ - 74 - ns - 0.34 - C - 10.3 - A - -177 - A/s Tvj=175C, VCC=400V,IC=6.0A, VGE=0.0/15.0V, RG(on)=23.0,RG(off)=23.0, L=50nH,C=30pF L,CfromFig.E DiodeCharacteristic,atTvj=175C Diode reverse recovery time trr Diode reverse recovery charge Qrr Diode peak reverse recovery current Irrm Diode peak rate of fall of reverse recoverycurrentduringtb Datasheet Tvj=175C, VR=400V, IF=6.0A, diF/dt=770A/s dirr/dt 6 V2.4 2014-03-12 IKD06N60RF TRENCHSTOPTMRC-DrivesFastSeries 3.5 10 IC,COLLECTORCURRENT[A] IC,COLLECTORCURRENT[A] 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 tp=10s 20s 50s 1 100s 200s 500s DC 0.5 0.0 0.1 1 10 0.1 100 1 f,SWITCHINGFREQUENCY[kHz] 10 100 1000 VCE,COLLECTOR-EMITTERVOLTAGE[V] Figure 1. Collectorcurrentasafunctionofswitching frequency (Tvj175C,Ta=55C,D=0.5,VCE=400V, VGE=15/0V,rG=23,PCBmounting,6cm2Cu, Ptot=2,4W) Figure 2. Forwardbiassafeoperatingarea (D=0,TC=25C,Tvj175C;VGE=15V) 100 14 90 12 IC,COLLECTORCURRENT[A] Ptot,POWERDISSIPATION[W] 80 70 60 50 40 30 10 8 6 4 20 2 10 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 0 175 TC,CASETEMPERATURE[C] Figure 3. Powerdissipationasafunctionofcase temperature (Tvj175C) Datasheet 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 TC,CASETEMPERATURE[C] Figure 4. Collectorcurrentasafunctionofcase temperature (VGE15V,Tvj175C) 7 V2.4 2014-03-12 IKD06N60RF TRENCHSTOPTMRC-DrivesFastSeries 18 18 VGE=20V 16 15V 14 IC,COLLECTORCURRENT[A] 14 IC,COLLECTORCURRENT[A] 16 17V 13V 12 11V 9V 10 7V 8 6 17V 12 8 2 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 9V 7V 6 2 0.5 13V 11V 4 0.0 15V 10 4 0 VGE=20V 0 4.0 0.0 VCE,COLLECTOR-EMITTERVOLTAGE[V] Figure 5. Typicaloutputcharacteristic (Tvj=25C) 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.0 Tj=25C Tj=175C 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 12 VGE,GATE-EMITTERVOLTAGE[V] Figure 7. Typicaltransfercharacteristic (VCE=10V) Datasheet IC=0.5A IC=3A IC=6A IC=12A 3.5 VCEsat,COLLECTOR-EMITTERSATURATION[V] 16 IC,COLLECTORCURRENT[A] 1.0 Figure 6. Typicaloutputcharacteristic (Tvj=175C) 18 0 0.5 VCE,COLLECTOR-EMITTERVOLTAGE[V] 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 Tvj,JUNCTIONTEMPERATURE[C] Figure 8. Typicalcollector-emittersaturationvoltageas afunctionofjunctiontemperature (VGE=15V) 8 V2.4 2014-03-12 IKD06N60RF TRENCHSTOPTMRC-DrivesFastSeries td(off) tf td(on) tr 100 t,SWITCHINGTIMES[ns] t,SWITCHINGTIMES[ns] 100 td(off) tf td(on) tr 10 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 10 1 12 10 20 IC,COLLECTORCURRENT[A] 30 40 50 60 70 80 rG,GATERESISTOR[] Figure 9. Typicalswitchingtimesasafunctionof collectorcurrent (inductiveload,Tvj=175C,VCE=400V, VGE=15/0V,rG=23,Dynamictestcircuitin Figure E) Figure 10. Typicalswitchingtimesasafunctionofgate resistor (inductiveload,Tvj=175C,VCE=400V, VGE=15/0V,IC=6A,Dynamictestcircuitin Figure E) VGE(th),GATE-EMITTERTHRESHOLDVOLTAGE[V] 6.0 t,SWITCHINGTIMES[ns] 100 td(off) tf td(on) tr 10 1 25 50 75 100 125 150 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 175 Tvj,JUNCTIONTEMPERATURE[C] Figure 11. Typicalswitchingtimesasafunctionof junctiontemperature (inductiveload,VCE=400V,VGE=15/0V, IC=6A,rG=23,Dynamictestcircuitin Figure E) Datasheet typ. min. max. 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 Tvj,JUNCTIONTEMPERATURE[C] Figure 12. Gate-emitterthresholdvoltageasafunction ofjunctiontemperature (IC=0,11mA) 9 V2.4 2014-03-12 IKD06N60RF TRENCHSTOPTMRC-DrivesFastSeries 0.6 0.5 Eoff Eon Ets Eoff Eon Ets E,SWITCHINGENERGYLOSSES[mJ] E,SWITCHINGENERGYLOSSES[mJ] 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 12 10 20 IC,COLLECTORCURRENT[A] 30 40 50 60 70 80 rG,GATERESISTOR[] Figure 13. Typicalswitchingenergylossesasa functionofcollectorcurrent (inductiveload,Tvj=175C,VCE=400V, VGE=15/0V,rG=23,Dynamictestcircuitin Figure E) Figure 14. Typicalswitchingenergylossesasa functionofgateresistor (inductiveload,Tvj=175C,VCE=400V, VGE=15/0V,IC=6A,Dynamictestcircuitin Figure E) 0.30 0.4 Eoff Eon Ets Eoff Eon Ets E,SWITCHINGENERGYLOSSES[mJ] E,SWITCHINGENERGYLOSSES[mJ] 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.05 0.00 25 50 75 100 125 150 0.0 300 175 Tvj,JUNCTIONTEMPERATURE[C] Figure 15. Typicalswitchingenergylossesasa functionofjunctiontemperature (inductiveload,VCE=400V,VGE=15/0V, IC=6A,rG=23,Dynamictestcircuitin Figure E) Datasheet 325 350 375 400 425 450 VCE,COLLECTOR-EMITTERVOLTAGE[V] Figure 16. Typicalswitchingenergylossesasa functionofcollectoremittervoltage (inductiveload,Tvj=175C,VGE=15/0V, IC=6A,rG=23,Dynamictestcircuitin Figure E) 10 V2.4 2014-03-12 IKD06N60RF TRENCHSTOPTMRC-DrivesFastSeries 16 1000 120V 480V Cies Coes Cres 12 C,CAPACITANCE[pF] VGE,GATE-EMITTERVOLTAGE[V] 14 10 8 6 100 10 4 2 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 1 60 0 QGE,GATECHARGE[nC] Figure 17. Typicalgatecharge (IC=6A) 10 15 20 25 30 Figure 18. Typicalcapacitanceasafunctionof collector-emittervoltage (VGE=0V,f=1MHz) 90 12 80 tSC,SHORTCIRCUITWITHSTANDTIME[s] IC(SC),SHORTCIRCUITCOLLECTORCURRENT[A] 5 VCE,COLLECTOR-EMITTERVOLTAGE[V] 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 8 6 4 2 10 0 12 14 16 18 0 20 VGE,GATE-EMITTERVOLTAGE[V] Figure 19. Typicalshortcircuitcollectorcurrentasa functionofgate-emittervoltage (VCE400V,startatTvj=25C) Datasheet 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 VGE,GATE-EMITTERVOLTAGE[V] Figure 20. Shortcircuitwithstandtimeasafunctionof gate-emittervoltage (VCE400V,startatTvj=150C) 11 V2.4 2014-03-12 IKD06N60RF Zth(j-c),TRANSIENTTHERMALIMPEDANCE[K/W] Zth(j-c),TRANSIENTTHERMALIMPEDANCE[K/W] TRENCHSTOPTMRC-DrivesFastSeries 1 D=0.5 0.2 0.1 0.05 0.02 0.01 single pulse 0.1 1 D=0.5 0.2 0.1 0.05 0.02 0.01 single pulse 0.1 i: 1 2 3 4 ri[K/W]: 0.1032 0.7299 0.5682 0.0638 i[s]: 7.9E-5 4.0E-4 1.8E-3 0.0307 0.01 1E-7 1E-6 1E-5 1E-4 0.001 0.01 0.1 i: 1 2 3 4 ri[K/W]: 1.0958 1.6643 0.7461 0.0827 i[s]: 7.9E-5 2.8E-4 1.7E-3 0.02494 0.01 1E-7 1 tp,PULSEWIDTH[s] 1E-6 1E-5 1E-4 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 tp,PULSEWIDTH[s] Figure 21. IGBTtransientthermalimpedanceasa functionofpulsewidth1)(seepage4) (D=tp/T) Figure 22. Diodetransientthermalimpedanceasa functionofpulsewidth2)(seepage4) (D=tp/T) 120 0.6 Tj=25C, IF = 6A Tj=175C, IF = 6A Qrr,REVERSERECOVERYCHARGE[C] trr,REVERSERECOVERYTIME[ns] 100 80 60 40 20 0 500 600 700 800 diF/dt,DIODECURRENTSLOPE[A/s] Datasheet Tj=25C, IF = 6A Tj=175C, IF = 6A 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 500 900 Figure 23. Typicalreverserecoverytimeasafunction ofdiodecurrentslope (VR=400V) 0.5 600 700 800 900 diF/dt,DIODECURRENTSLOPE[A/s] Figure 24. Typicalreverserecoverychargeasa functionofdiodecurrentslope (VR=400V) 12 V2.4 2014-03-12 IKD06N60RF TRENCHSTOPTMRC-DrivesFastSeries 12 0 Tj=25C, IF = 6A Tj=175C, IF = 6A Tj=25C, IF = 6A Tj=175C, IF = 6A -50 dIrr/dt,diodepeakrateoffallofIrr[A/s] Irr,REVERSERECOVERYCURRENT[A] 11 10 9 8 7 6 -100 -150 -200 -250 5 4 500 600 700 800 -300 500 900 diF/dt,DIODECURRENTSLOPE[A/s] 600 700 800 900 diF/dt,DIODECURRENTSLOPE[A/s] Figure 25. Typicalreverserecoverycurrentasa functionofdiodecurrentslope (VR=400V) Figure 26. Typicaldiodepeakrateoffallofreverse recoverycurrentasafunctionofdiode currentslope (VR=400V) 18 3.0 Tj=25C, VGE=0V Tj=175C, VGE=0V 16 IF=0.5A IF=3A IF=6A IF=12A 2.5 VF,FORWARDVOLTAGE[V] IF,FORWARDCURRENT[A] 14 12 10 8 6 2.0 1.5 1.0 4 0.5 2 0 0 1 2 3 0.0 4 VF,FORWARDVOLTAGE[V] Figure 27. Typicaldiodeforwardcurrentasafunction offorwardvoltage Datasheet 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 Tvj,JUNCTIONTEMPERATURE[C] Figure 28. Typicaldiodeforwardvoltageasafunction ofjunctiontemperature 13 V2.4 2014-03-12 IKD06N60RF TRENCHSTOPTMRC-DrivesFastSeries Package Drawing PG-TO252-3 A A1 b b2 b3 c c2 D D1 E E1 e e1 N H L L3 L4 Datasheet DOCUMENT NO. Z8B00003328 MILLIMETERS DIM MIN 2.16 0.00 0.64 0.65 4,95 0.46 0.40 5.97 5.02 6.35 4.32 MAX 2.41 0.15 0.89 1.15 5.50 0.61 0.98 6.22 5.84 6.73 5.21 2.29 (BSC) 4.57 (BSC) SCALE 2.5 0 2.5 5mm EUROPEAN PROJECTION 3 9.40 1.18 0.89 0.51 0 ISSUE DATE 05-02-2016 10.48 1.78 1.27 1.02 REVISION 06 14 V2.4 2014-03-12 IKD06N60RF TRENCHSTOPTMRC-DrivesFastSeries Testing Conditions VGE(t) I,V 90% VGE t rr = t a + t b Q rr = Q a + Q b dIF/dt a 10% VGE b t Qa IC(t) Qb dI 90% IC 90% IC 10% IC 10% IC Figure C. Definition of diode switching characteristics t VCE(t) t td(off) tf td(on) t tr Figure A. VGE(t) 90% VGE Figure D. 10% VGE t IC(t) CC 2% IC t Figure E. Dynamic test circuit Parasitic inductance Ls, parasitic capacitor Cs, relief capacitor Cr, (only for ZVT switching) VCE(t) t2 E off = t4 VCE x IC x dt E t1 t1 on = VCE x IC x d t 2% VCE t3 t2 t3 t4 t Figure B. Datasheet 15 V2.4 2014-03-12 IKD06N60RF TRENCHSTOPTMRC-DrivesFastSeries RevisionHistory IKD06N60RF Revision:2014-03-12,Rev.2.4 Previous Revision Revision Date Subjects (major changes since last revision) 2.1 2012-02-24 Final data sheet 2.2 2013-12-10 New value ICES max limit at 175C 2.3 2014-02-26 Without PB free logo 2.4 2014-03-12 Storage temp -55...+150C Datasheet 16 V2.4 2014-03-12 Trademarks Allreferencedproductorservicenamesandtrademarksarethepropertyoftheirrespectiveowners. Publishedby InfineonTechnologiesAG 81726Munchen,Germany (c)InfineonTechnologiesAG2018. AllRightsReserved. ImportantNotice Theinformationgiveninthisdocumentshallinnoeventberegardedasaguaranteeofconditionsorcharacteristics ("Beschaffenheitsgarantie").Withrespecttoanyexamples,hintsoranytypicalvaluesstatedhereinand/orany informationregardingtheapplicationoftheproduct,InfineonTechnologiesherebydisclaimsanyandallwarrantiesand liabilitiesofanykind,includingwithoutlimitationwarrantiesofnon-infringementofintellectualpropertyrightsofanythird party. Inaddition,anyinformationgiveninthisdocumentissubjecttocustomer'scompliancewithitsobligationsstatedinthis documentandanyapplicablelegalrequirements,normsandstandardsconcerningcustomer'sproductsandanyuseof theproductofInfineonTechnologiesincustomer'sapplications. Thedatacontainedinthisdocumentisexclusivelyintendedfortechnicallytrainedstaff.Itistheresponsibilityof customer'stechnicaldepartmentstoevaluatethesuitabilityoftheproductfortheintendedapplicationandthe completenessoftheproductinformationgiveninthisdocumentwithrespecttosuchapplication. Forfurtherinformationontheproduct,technology,deliverytermsandconditionsandpricespleasecontactyournearest InfineonTechnologiesoffice(www.infineon.com). PleasenotethatthisproductisnotqualifiedaccordingtotheAECQ100orAECQ101documentsoftheAutomotive ElectronicsCouncil. Warnings Duetotechnicalrequirementsproductsmaycontaindangeroussubstances.Forinformationonthetypesinquestion pleasecontactyournearestInfineonTechnologiesoffice. ExceptasotherwiseexplicitlyapprovedbyInfineonTechnologiesinawrittendocumentsignedbyauthorized representativesofInfineonTechnologies,InfineonTechnologies'productsmaynotbeusedinanyapplicationswherea failureoftheproductoranyconsequencesoftheusethereofcanreasonablybeexpectedtoresultinpersonalinjury.