Transistors TO-92L * TO-92LS + MRT TO62L is a high power version of TO-9 and TO-GeLS & a slimmed TO-SeL. MAT 6 a 1.207 package power taped transistor designed for use with an automatic placement machine, Package Appiication ToL THHraLS aT Prat (Heo. Po) a= 25] To-82L rosas MAT = | BSAIGAS - - 2SCAT20 = mag mane | 2eeta28 Ag ZaA 1302 m1 SRO) | SESS | SBH1aF1 O6 O45 - oa | 12 a 12 oe 12 Sb - 268 1k 12 | ESe1ds - - I 2SB12 12 25H 1506 | | Bama = = SiElezie - - 2581817 SSCohe0 | 2BCMTie | SaRods Te a Low Vogisat) oo ia Strobe Flash 216 - 25B13e2 Low Weeteall | ono = = 12 on ta 12 12 Zz 1a 12 i Ce@Product Designation When ordering. specity the type. Check each onde againgt the tables shown below. Fill a apace with the next character. Speck code + (Orit for shandaad (peoduct. Fn ered br ego pod. elis|4 T|\1 2ISiA 1h as -T == Packaging free Ranking code Input Ree renk. eigen! display Package | Code re a [ee Cine rank profoed [7] [FO Mute cas (7) [F) (BD TO-HSL Tus | Annem bee 200 (latin, Meo. cisplayyed} Gade E ul wt A a c TO-92L iintd 2 1.btoz el 1 [ i 3 mt a i 3 = aed 4 , eal Lies | =f i +. (1) Eritter (2) Collector (3) Base Magazine taping of TO-82L and TO-8@LS | lead formed as shown Eebow, @Packaging Specifications TO-92L * TO-82L5 Taping MAT Taping ce. P00 rt oo i = ij! 5 fic al a H Ea | 3 ee = #5 ti 7 =. i of feymibal ba beta ef | jemsena | J=0.E ae ee in a 8 _B [astoz | astor] rf, | estes | asthe | | fs0eee 3 G | aomin, | aoMin. | Ww | taot a] aot ee jure "5 H | eotoe | motor] HH: | ots | motos a OSS 200 | OS5ci VAL. 8O7t05 Both P|iarzio[arsio] Ww, | aotos | aorta Po [treads | ireds] ah | io 021.0 & |#aoro2| santa] oh | ofas | dos BB, | Boe | Bb 4 t ita? | hFtOr =) |8]2 al ela]o