OKI Semiconductor MSM6660-01,02,03 1/2, 1/3 DUTY LCD DRIVER WITH 3-DOT COMMON DRIVER AND 62-DOT SEGMENT DRIVER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM6660 is a dynamic display LCD driver, equipped with a function that can switch between 1/2and 1/3 duty. The MSM6660 can directly drive LCDs with upto 124 or 186 segments, depending on whether 1/2 or 1/3 duty is selected. The MSM6660s on-board display synchronization circuitallows display ina multi-chip configuration. FEATURES * Power supply voltage: 4 to 6 V (for both logic and LCD driver) * Operating temperature :40C to +85C * Applicable LCD duty: 1/2 (1/2 bias), 1/3 (1/3 bias) * Common output :2 (1/2 duty), 3 (1/3 duty) * Segment output 62 Serial transfer clock rate: Maximum 2 MHz On-board display synchronization circuit which enables display in a multi-chip configuration. CE, DATA, and CK are provided for microcomputer interface. Handling of display data segments in three blocks enables efficient data transfer. * Equipped with display-blanking input and display segment test input functions. * A built-in voltage dividing resistor for bias voltage generation. 01: No internal resistance ~~ 02: 1 kQ internal resistance 03: 30 kQ internal resistance * A built-in CR oscillation circuit which uses an external CR. Package options 80-pin plastic QFP (QFP80-P-1420-K) (Product name: MSM6660-01GS-K) (Product name: MSM6660-02GS-k) {Product name: MSM6660-03GS-K) 80-pin plastic OFP (QFP80-P-1420-Bk) (Product name: MSM6660-01GS-BK) (Product name: MSM6660-02GS-BK) (Product name: MSM6660-03GS-BK) 81 ME 6724240 0022991 757 a a aMSM6660-01,02,03 OKI Semiconductor BLOCK DIAGRAM BL 62-BIT OUTPUT DRIVER Vop ot 7 Tf 62-SEGMENT DATA SELECTOR CE o> 186-BIT DATA LATCH DATA OF>+b- 72-STAGE SHIFT REGISTER > H>(_) COMI Oscillation iO COM2 osc O-< > circuit 14 12 of 1/3 Timing Hoe coms oy CK generation aoa cand cout SEL O circurt rp cover Synchronization circuit |_ t pO SYNC 2/3 Vier Vic2 Vics 82 M@ 6724240 O0e299%e b3bOKI Semiconductor MSM6660-01,02,03 PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) S552 885 a, 008x8 uw Ooo goer r> ry rMi NAnooans BIRIRAR RR RAR RBBB , SeEGO C7] (6 SYNC SEG! [2] [63] COMOUT SEG2 & iz] SEG61 SEG3 [7 et] SEGEO Sead CE [60] SEGS9 SEG5 [5] 55} SEGSS sec CZ [58] SEGS7 SEG? [CE] 7] SEGS6 SEG8 [I 156) SEGSS SEGS [0 55] SEGS4 SEG10 Ci] Isa] SEGS3 SEGI1 22] 53] SEGS2 SEG12 C3] [52] SEGS1 SEG13 G4] 5X] SEGSO SEG14 15] [50] SEG49 SEG15 [18] WS] SEG48 SEG16 [17] 43) SEG47 SEG17 CB] a7] SEG46 SEG18 [3] [a] SEGA5 SEG19 2] 5) SEGA4 SEG20 2] 2) SEG43 SEG21 [22 a3] SEG42 SEG22 [2a az] SEGA1 SEG23 [24] a1] SEG40 KER ES Bl BB BB BB BB) ee ARKRARARSBEHRBSSAKRBSEBS GESSESeesseeesees ADAMAWMAANAA HMA ANNA NW wWMwW 80-Pin Plastic QFP 83 MM 6724240 0022993 Seo SS! 2... aaa aMSM6660-01,02,03 OKI Semiconductor ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Parameter Symbol! Condition Rating Unit Supply Voltage Vop Ta=26C -0.3 to +7 v Input Voltage Vin Ta=25C -0.3 to Vpp+0.3 V Power Dissipation Pp Ta=85C 300 mw Storage Temperature Tst - -55 to +150 C RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter Symbol Condition Range Unit Supply Voltage Vop - 4to6 V "H" Input Voltage Vie - Vpp x 0.7 to Vpp V "L" input Voltage Vit - Oto Vpp x 0.3 V Shift Frequency fer - 0.1 to2 MHz Operating Temperature Top - -40 to +85 C Oscillation Circuit Parameter Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Oscillation Resistance | Ro - 20 100 120 kQ Oscillation Capacitance | Co - 0.0047 0.01 0.047 pF Oscillation Frequency fosc - - 1.4 - kHz COMOUT Frequency fcom - - 350 - Hz Mm 6724240 0022994 465 aOKI Semiconductor MSM6660-01,02,03 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS DC Characteristics (Von = 5Vt20%, Ta =40 to +85C) Parameter Symbol! Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit H" Input Voltage Vin "Vpn x 0.7 - - V "L" Input Voltage Vit i - - Vpo x 0.3) V Hysteresis width Vus 2 - 0.8 - V "H" Input Current Iie Vin = Voo 3} 4 - 1 pA L" Input Current 1 het Vi = GND | - 1 pA "L" Input Current 2 lite Vpp = 5V, Vi_ = GND 5} =15 -50 -100 pA Leakage Current Iz Vi =Vpop or GND 8 -1 - 1 pA "H' Output Voltage Von Voo = 4V, low =-0.4mA 7 35 - - V "L Output Voltage Vor Vop = 4V, lon = 0.4mA 7 - - 0.4 V Ronop {Vo = 5V, Ig =-0.5mA 811 - - 1 kn Segment Output Ronvt [Vici =3.93V, Ip =20.5mA 811) - 3 kQ ON Resistance Ronve |Vic2=1.67V,lo=20.5mA 8.711 - - 3 kQ Ronv3 | Vic3 =0.0V, Iq = 0.5mA B11 - - 3 kQ Ronop | Vpp = 5V, lo =-0.5mA ON - - 1 kQ Common Output Rows [Vict =3.93V,lo=20.5mA 8H] - 3 ko ON Resistance Ronve |Vic2=1.67V,lo=20.5mA S"1t) - 3 kQ Ronv3 + Vic3 = 0.0V, Io = 0.5mA ont ~ - 3 kQ Current Consumption lop fose = 1.4kHz,without any load,CK=DC 19) 0 - 0.3 1.0 mA *1 Applicable to all input pins except OSC pin on master mode. *2 Applicable to CE, CK, and DATA input. *3 Applicable to CE, CK, DATA, SEL, 2/3, BL, and LT. *4 Applicable to CE, CK, DATA, SEL, and 2/3. *5 Applicable to BL and LT input. *6 Applicable to SYNC. *7 Applicable to SYNC and COMOUT. *8 Applicable to SEGO - SEG61. *9 Applicable to COM1 - COM3. 10 Ifa voltage-dividing resistor for bias voltage generation is included (- 02. and - 03), the value does not include the current that flows through the resistor. 11 Ifa voltage-dividing resistor for bias voltage generation is included (-02 and -03), the output ON resistance value depends on the built-in dividing resistor. MB 6724240 0022995 3TS * Sc... amasMSM6660-01,02,03 OKI Semiconductor Voltage-dividing resistor for bias voltage generation Code Name Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit -02 Rico Ta = 40 to +85C 0.6 1 1.4 kQ -03 Ricp Ta = 40 to +85C 10 30 100 kQ Vop Rico Aico Rico Vici Vice Vics AC Characteristics (Vpp = 5V + 20%, Ta = -40 to +85C) Parameter Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Maximum Clock Frequency fex - 2 - - MHz Clock Pulse Width texw - 200 - - ns Data Set-up Time ts - 200 - - ns Data Hold Time ty - 200 - - ns CE Pulse Width tcew - 200 - - ns COMOUT-SYNC Delay Time tos C.=50pF - - 40 ns Oscillation Frequency fosc OSC Pin Operating Frequency - 1.4 50 kHz / Ss [ ed a, ( \ 2) DATA x c (( x 2 CK j a \ ts | tckw | ty ts ty ty tcew ffx COMOUT / \ + , f \ Sf SYNC 86 Kut tos tos MB 6724240 0022996 231OKI Semiconductor MSM6660-01,02,03 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Pin Functional Description OSC (pin 68) When the master mode is selected, connect an external resistor and capacitor for the RC oscillation circuit to this pin. When the slave mode is selected, this pin becomes the input pin for an external clock signal. The relationship of oscillation frequency to external Cp and Ro, when the master mode is selected, is shown below. 1 _ fosc = O69xRpxcy (Ta = 25C) Example: When Cp= 0.01 Fand Ro = 100 kQthe oscillation frequency, fosc, is approximately 1.4 kHz. Vop SEL OSC Co Ro CE (pin 65) This is a chip select input pin. Input data is valid only when this pin is set to H. Data that isinputinto the 72 stage shift resistor synchronously with the rising edge of CK willbe latched with the falling edge of this pin, and the display willbe updated. A Schmitt trigger is builtinto the input area. DATA (pin 66) This is a data input pin. Data input is valid only when the CE pin is set to H. The 72 stage shift register contents are latched with the falling edge of this pin, and the display will be updated. A schmitt trigger is built into the input area. CK (pin 67) This is a serial data shift lock input pin. Data is input synchronously with the rising edge of the shift clock. A schmitt trigger is built into the input area. Data can be latched even if shift clock is stopped, since a static shift register is used. SEL (pin 69) This is an input pin used to switch between the master and theslave modes whena multi-chip configuration is used. Set this pin to H to select the master mode, and to L to select the slave mode. SYNC(pin 64) When the master mode is selected, this pin becomes an output pin for synchronous signals. When the slave mode is selected, this pin becomes an input pin for synchronous signals. ME 6724240 0022997 178 a aaa aaa 87MSM6660-01,02,03 OKI Semiconductor 2/3 (pin 70) This pin is used to switch between 1/2 and 1/3 duty. Set this pin to H to select 1/2 duty, and to L to select 1/3 duty. COMOUT (pin 63) This is an output pin for clock synchronization. A frequency equal to fosc/4 is output from this pin. VLC1 (pin 74), VLC2 (pin 75) and VLC3 (pin 76) When the code is -01, these pins are used as input pins for LCD bias voltage. The VLC3 pin should be connected with GND. The settings for these pins should be as follows: VDD 2 VLCI 2 VLC2 2 VLC3 = GND When thecode is -02 or-03, VLC1 and VLC2 pins should be left open, and VLC3 pin connected with GND since a voltage-dividing resistor for bias voltage generation has been built in. (However, when the code setting is -02 or -03, and if 1/2 duty is selected, VLC1 and VLC2 should be externally shorted.) COM1 - COMS3 (pins 78 to 80) These are common signal output pins for driving the LCD. In the 1/2 duty mode, leave the COMS3 pin open. SEGO - SEG6E1 (pins 1 to 62) These are segment signal output pins for driving the LCD. 1/2 or 1/3 duty can be selected using the 2/3 pin, and 1/2 or 1/3 bias can be selected using pins VLC1 through VLC3. CT (pin 71) This is an input pin for controlling the display on the LCD. If this pin is set to L, all segments will be turned on. A pull-up resistor is contained. BL (pin 72) This is an input pin for controlling the display on the LCD. If this pin is set to L, all segments will be turned off. A pull-up resistor is contained. 88 MM 6724240 0622998 004OKI Semiconductor MSMG6660-01,02,03 Data Input Display data should be input according to the timing diagram below. ioxe 2? CE LSB c MSB J DATA Do Dy De \ Ds \ C Dn-2 \ Dnt \ Dn \ J CC > J Di Id \ N isplay c 2 ew 2? * Display Data Duty Mode 2/3 Pin Data Length COM Data COM1: DO, D2.....D0+2n 1/2 Duty H 48-Bit (DO - D47) x3 COM2: D1, D3.....D14+2n n=0-61 COM1: DO, D3.....00+3n COM: D1, D4.....014+3n 18D - - D71 ' uy L 72-Bit (00-071) x3 COM2: D2, DS.....D243n n=0-61 * Address Data The most significant 3 bits (the last 3 bits) contain the address data. Address data: 100 SEGO - SEG20 O10 SEG21 - SEG41 001 SEG42 - SEG61 Since the last 3 bits correspond to each group of segments, if the address is "110", SEGO - SEG20 and SEG21 - SEG41 are all updated at a time in accordance with the data. 89 Mi 6724240 0022999 THO me a a aMSM6660-01,02,03 OKI Semiconductor 1) Data format when 1/2 duty (124 segments) is selected. DO Di 02 D3 D4 05 ., D39 D40 D41 D42- D44 D45 D46 D47 so] so] si | si | s2 | $2 > > T s19 | s2o | s20 >? i lolo ci | c2 | ct | cz] ct] cz} .. | ce] ci | ce ce > 3 > 3 D42 - D44 are Dummy Data DO D1 D2 O08 D4 05 .. 039 D40 D41 D42 044 D45 046 047 s21 | szt | s22 | sez | s23 | $23 >? | sao | sai | sat aad olalo ci | c2 | ct | ce ict }|ce}] .. {| cz] cr} ce cc a> 2? D42 - D44 are Dummy Data 00 Di O02 03 D4. 037 D38 039 D40. .D44 D45 D468 D47 42 | s42 | $43 | $43 ? > T sea | set | set ?? olol4 ci | c2 | cr | c2 | cz | cr | ce a 23 2 > D40 - 044 are Dummy Data 2) Data format when 1/3 duty (186 segments) is selected. DO Di D2 ODS D4 O05 ee D60 D61 D2 063. .D68 D69 D70 D771 so | so] so] st | si | st > ? T ga0 | s20 | $20 o> i lolo ci | c2 | cz] ci] co} cx} .. | cr] ce] 8 cc >> >> D63 - D68 are Dummy Data DO D1 D2 O03 D4 D5 .. D60 D61 D62 D3. 068 D69 D70 D71 21 |-s21 | $21 | s22 | $22] $22] | sat | sai | sat o? ol ilo ci | c2 | c3 | ci} cz} cx} .. | ct} ce] 6 a 2 > > > D63 - D68 are Dummy Data DO D1 D2 03 D4. DS57 058 D59 D60. .D68 p69 D70 071 sa2 | sa2 | S42 | $43 ? > T set | ser | ser 2? olol 4 ci | c2 | c3 | ct ec | G1 | c2 | 63 ce 2? pa) D60 - D68 are Dummy Data Me 6724240 0023000 340OKI Semiconductor MSM6660-01,02,03 LCD Display Timing 1) 1/2 duty mode (2/3 = H) comout Ke | | GND me
  • ? | s19 | s20 | s20 2? t lol o ci | cz] .,. | cel caice} , oN i Unused segment data shortened D38 - D40 are dummy data When SEGO and 1 are not used, the data can be reduced from the original 48bits to 44bits. 94 MB 6724240 0023004 TOLOKI Semiconductor MSM6660-01,02,03 APPLICATION CIRCUIT For 1/3 duty, 1/3 bias (when the code setting is -01) LCD PANEL BL SEGO - SEG61 BL SEGO - SEG61 CK CoM! cK CoM rDATA MSM6660 coM2 -j DATA MSM6660 cOM2 (ce (Master Mode COMS ree (Slave Mode). COMS COMOUT COMOUT SYNC SYNC I SEL Vic1 Vice Vics OSC SEL Vict Vico Vics OSC U no l Co VAT AAA Rico | Rep | Reco | aL ck DATA Cet CE2 Me 6724240 0023005 W4e a 95MSM6660-01,02,03 OKI Semiconductor REFERENCE DATA foom V8. Ro, Co 4 T T T T Vpp = 5V, Ta = Room Temp. Capacitance Cp (iF) 0.0022 3b 0.0047) 4 0.01 0.022 = gf ] wv e 1 je ~ + 0 40 60 80 100 120 140 760 Resistance Ro (k2) fosc vs. Vpp 1 & T T T T T 15 7 7 fosc (KHz) > T Ll 1307 4 Ta = Room Temp. Ro = 100k, Co = 0.01 pF 96 M 6724240 OOec300b 4895