PSOC(R) MINIPROG3 PROGRAM AND DEBUG KIT QUICK START GUIDE 1 2 Install Software MiniProg3 Setup 1. Insert the kit CD. 1. Launch PSoC Programmer. 2. Install PSoC Programmer. 2. Connect the PC to the MiniProg3 using the USB cable. 3. View the kit user's guide in the Documents folder of the PSoC Programmer installation. 3. Connect the 10-pin ribbon cable to the MiniProg3. 4. Observe that PSoC Programmer has detected the connected MiniProg3. PSOC(R) MINIPROG3 PROGRAM AND DEBUG KIT QUICK START GUIDE 3 4 Program a Device Programming Protocol and Device Family 1. Ensure that the MiniProg3 is connected in the port window by clicking on the programmer in the port window. A blue dot should appear indicating connection. 1. The MiniProg3 programmer supports PSoC 1, PSoC 3, PSoC 4, and PSoC 5LP devices. 2. Load the hex programming file by clicking File > File Load. 3. Set the programming settings in the Programmer tab. 4. Select the target device from the drop-down menu. 2. Select the appropriate programming protocol in the Programmer tab before picking the device from the menu options. 3. PSoC Programmer displays only those devices that are supported by the programming protocol. PSoC 1 = ISSP PSoC 3, PSoC 5LP = JTAG PSoC 3, PSoC 4, PSoC 5LP = SWD 5. Connect the MiniProg3 to the target device. 6. Click the Program button (F5). For the latest information about this kit visit (c) 2011-2013 Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved. All trademarks or registered trademarks referenced herein are the properties of their respective owners. Doc #: 001-70984 Rev *C Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: Cypress Semiconductor: CY8CKIT-002