The boundary scan interface includes a
state-machine controller (TAP controller)
according to the IEEE standard. In order
to force the TAP controller into the cor-
rect state after power-up of the device, a
reset pulse must be applied to the TRST
signal. If the boundary scan interface is
to be used, TRST must be driven LOW,
and then HIGH again. If the boundary
scan is not to be used, the TRST input
pin should be tied permanently low. A
clock on TCK is not necessary to reset
the device.
Instruction Register
The instruction register is 4 bits in
There is no parity bit. The fixed value
loaded into the instruction register
during the CAPTURE-IR controller state
is 0001.
Public Instructions
The following public instructions are
Codes not listed in the table should be
considered reserved and must not be
used during boundary scan testing.
In the descriptions that follow, TDI and
TMS are sampled on the rising edge of
TCK and all output transitions on TDO
occur as a result of the falling edge of
EXTEST (0000)
The scan chain is placed in test mode
by the EXTEST instruction. The EXTEST
instruction connects the scan chain
between TDI and TDO.
In the CAPTURE-DR state, inputs from
the system logic and outputs from the
output scan cells to the system are cap-
tured by the scan cells. In the SHIFT-DR
state, the previously captured test data
is shifted out of the scan chain via the
TDO pin, while new test data is shifted
in via the TDI input. This data is applied
immediately to the system logic and
system pins.
The scan chain is placed in test mode
by the SAMPLE/PRELOAD instruction.
This instruction connects the scan chain
between TDI and TDO.
In the CAPTURE-DR state, inputs from the
system logic and outputs from the output
scan cells to the system are captured by
the scan cells. In the SHIFT-DR state, the
previously captured test data is shifted
out of the scan chain via the TDO pin.
The capture of the pins levels can be
done in normal operation.
INTEST (1100)
The scan chain is placed in test mode by
the INTEST instruction. This instruction
connects the scan chain between TDI
and TDO.
In the CAPTURE-DR state, the value of
the data applied from the core logic to
the output scan cells is captured. At the
same time, the value of the data applied
from the system logic to the input scan
cell is also captured by the scan cells.
In the SHIFT-DR state, the previously
captured test data is shifted out of the
scan chain via the TDO pin, while new
test data is shifted in via the TDI input.
BYPASS (1110)
The BYPASS instruction connects a 1 bit
shift register (the BYPASS register)
between the TDI pin and the TDO pin.
When the BYPASS instruction is loaded
into the instruction register, all the scan
cells are placed in their normal mode of
operation. The instruction has no effect
on the system pins.
In the CAPTURE-DR state, a logic 0 is
captured by the bypass register. In the
SHIFT-DR state, test data is shifted into
the bypass register via the TDI pin and
out via the TDO pin after a delay of one
TCK cycle. Note that the first bit out will
be a zero. The bypass register is not
affected in the update-DR state.
SCAN_N (0010)
This instruction connects the Scan Path
Select Register between TDI and TDO.
During the CAPTURE-DR state, the fixed
value 1000 is loaded into the register.
During the SHIFT-DR state, the ID num-
ber of the desired scan path is shifted
into the scan path select register. In the
UPDATE-DR state, the scan register of
the selected scan chain is connected
between TDI and TDO, and remains
connected until a subsequent SCAN_N
instruction is issued. On reset, scan
chain 3 is selected by default. The scan
path select register is 4 bits long.
MTC-20278/9 150200 [39]
Instruction Binary code
SCAN_N 0010