MTC-20278/9 150200 [1] MTC-20278/9 ILT Quad ISDN U-Interface ISDN Standard Products Data Sheet Rev. 2.0 - February 2000 Key Features General Description Quad ISDN LT `U' interface functions in a single monolithic integrated circuit Pin compatible 2B1Q and 4B3T line code versions * MTC-20278 ILTQ for 2B1Q * MTC-20279 ILTT for 4B3T Full compliance with the applicable ETSI, FTZ and ITU requirements DECT Synchronization Support (2BTQ) Digital interface bus using industry-standard GCI Minimal external components 3.3V operating voltage 80 pin Plastic Quad Flat Pack package The MTC-20278/9 chip contains all the functions necessary to make 4 `U' interfaces in an ISDN Line Termination card. It comprises 4, fully integrated echo-canceling `U' interfaces, plus the necessary support and test functions. The general block diagram is shown in Figure 1. By integrating 4 complete U Interfaces in a single high density package, the MTC-20278/9 makes it possible to integrate more lines on one card, this reducing the cost per line. Two versions of the device are available - the MTC-20278 offering the 2B1Q line code, and the MTC-20279 which has 4B3T line coding. Both devices are pin compatible, and are fully compliant with the relevant parts of ETSI, FTZ and ITU requirements for ISDN connection. Key Applications The MTC-20278/9 device offers a user transport rate of 144kbit/s full duplex (2B + D) per channel, as well as fully automatic control of activate/deactivate protocols, and full support of the maintenance channel. Digital I/O for Powerfeed Control, and DECT Synchronization (MTC-20278 only) are provided for 4 identical channels. ISDN Exchange Line Cards Remote Access Multiplex Systems FTTx Systems TRST TCK TMS TDI TDO JTAG Test Interface The digital interface on the `exchange' side uses the industry-standard GCI interface in 2 Mbit burst mode. This mode allows for 8 channels to be multiplexed onto the same interface. The MTC-20278/9 can be set to respond to either the first 4 or the last 4 timeslots in the GCI frame. This allows two devices, totalling 8 ISDN lines, to be multiplexed onto the same GCI interface. The MTC-20278/9 takes all timing information from the GCI clocks, and so does not require a separate clock oscillator. Channel Support AVSS AVDD AREF LOUT1 LOUT2 Channel `U' Interface VDD LIN1 LIN2 VSS Ordering Information Part number MTC-20278PQ-I MTC-20278PQ-C MTC-20279PQ-I MTC-20279PQ-C Package 80PQFP 80PQFP 80PQFP 80PQFP Temp. -40 to + 85C 0 to + 70C -40 to + 85C 0 to + 70C DOUT DIN DCLK DFR POS Power Feed Control GCI Port TSP Fig.1: General Block Diagram NRESET RD1 RD2 RD3 FD1 FD2 4 Identical Channels MTC-20278/9 150200 [2] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT Relevant Standards - ETSI TS 102 080, 1998 ETS 300 012 ETS 300 297 CCITT / ITU Recommendation G.961 - ANSI T1.601, BA ISDN specifications 1992 Functional Characteristics The U-Interface NOTE: Some of the specifications in this section refer to the U0 Interface and not to the line ports (LOUT1, LOUT2, LIN1, LIN2). The characteristics at the line port are affected by the design of the transformer and the other external components. MTC-20278 Physical Characteristics The quaternary symbol stream on the U-interface complies to the following physical characteristics: 1) Symbol Rate The symbol rate is 80 kbaud 1 ppm and applies to synchronous symbol transmission. The symbol rate is controlled by the external clock. 2) Input Jitter The ILTQ tolerates a sinusoidal input jitter of the quaternary symbols as shown in Figure 5. 3) Output Jitter The peak-to-peak jitter produced by the ILTQ doesn't exceed 0.02 UI when measured via a high pass filter with a cut-off frequency of 30Hz. Without this filter, the same measurement doesn't read more than 0.1 UI. To obtain this performance, the jitter on the GCI input clock should not exceed 15ns peak-to-peak 4) Transmit Signal Amplitude The absolute peak value VImax of a single pulse VI at U0 interface terminated with a 135 resistance is 2.5V 5%. See Figure 2 and 8. 1:2 LOUT1 12 135 ILTQ LOUT2 12 Fig.2: Test Circuit for Single Pulse VI 2 VI MTC-20278/9 150200 [3] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT 5) Stability The transmit signal amplitude measured over a periode of one minute doesn't vary by more than 1% beginning 5ms after the ILTQ is switched into power-up state. 8) Maximum Voltage The maximum peak-to-peak value VUmax of the voltage VU as shown in Figure 3 with full receive signal (short line) is 2.5V. Due to the analog echo subtraction the maximum peak-to-peak value Vinmax of the voltage Vin between LIN1 and LIN2 is 1.7V. 6) Transmit Spectrum The spectrum of the quaternary transmit signal at U0 interface doesn't exceed the limits given in Figure 7. 9) Input/Output Impedance The line terminating impedance is 135 in power-up and in powerdown state. The return loss at U0 measured against 135 (real) exceeds; 20 dB between 10kHz and 25kHz. 7) Pulse Shape A single pulse measured across a 135 resistance at U0 interface complies to the spectral requirements presented in Figure 7 and the pulse mask requirements given in Figure 8. - slope below 10kHz: 20 dB / decade slope above 25kHz: -20 dB / decade 10) Load The load is given by the line transformer and the subscriber line. The loops are standardized by the ANSI and ETSI documents. Turns ratio of line transformer 1:2 Transformer coil inductance (from line side): 15 mH 10% 1:2 LOUT1 12 VU LOUT2 12 ILT LIN2 Analog Echo Subtraction LIN1 Fig.3: Test Circuit for Voltages VU and Vin at UO Interface 3 U0, short line MTC-20278/9 150200 [4] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT MTC-20279 Requirements for the U- Line Ports NOTE: Some of the specifications in this section refer to the UK0 Interface and not to the line ports (LOUT1, LOUT2, LIN1, LIN2). The characteristics at the line port are affected by the design of the transformer and the other external components. Physical Characteristics The ternary symbol stream on the Uinterface must comply to the following physical characteristics: 1) Symbol Rate The symbol rate is 120 kbaud 1 ppm and applies to synchronous symbol transmission. The symbol rate is controlled by an external clock. 2) Input Jitter The ILTT tolerates a sinusoidal input jitter of the ternary symbols as indicated in Figure 4. 3) Output Jitter The peak-to-peak jitter produced by the ILTT doesn't exceed 0.02 UI (166ns), when measured via a high pass filter with a cut-off frequency of 30Hz. Without this filter the same measurement doesn't read more than 0.1 UI. This performance is only guaranteed when the input jitter at the GCI clock is less than 15ns peak-to-peak. 4) Transmit Signal Amplitude The absolute peak value VImax of a single pulse VI at UK0 interface terminated with a 150 resistance is 2V 0.2V. See the following Figure. The absolute peak value of the coded ternary signal measured at UK0 interface terminated with 150 doesn't exceed 4V. See Figure 4. Jitter Amplitude (peak-to-peak) UI = Unit Interval 0,25 UIpp 20 db/Decade 0,025 UIpp 3 Hz 30 Hz 10 KHz Jitter Frequency Fig.4: Range of Admissable Sinusoidal Input Jitter, MTC-20278 and MTC-20279 4 MTC-20278/9 150200 [5] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT 5) Stability The transmit signal amplitude measured over a period of one minute doesn't vary by more than 1% beginning 5ms after the ILTT is switched into power-up state. comply to the spectral requirements presented in Figure 7 and the pulse mask requirements given in Figure 8. 8) Maximum Voltage The maximum peak-to-peak value VUmax of the voltage VU as shown in Figure 5 with full receive signal (short line), that must be accepted, is 4V. Due to the analog echo subtraction the maximum peak-to-peak value Vinmax of the voltage Vin between LIN1 and LIN2 is 2.7V. For ILTT, the value of n must be 1.6. 6) Transmit Spectrum The spectrum of the ternary transmit signal at UK0 interface doesn't exceed the limits given in Figure 6. 7) Pulse Shape A single pulse measured across a 150 resistance at the UK0 interface 1:1.6 LOUT1 25 LOUT2 25 ILTT LIN2 Analog Echo Subtraction LIN1 Fig.5: Test Circuit for Voltages VU and Vin at UK0 Interface 5 VU UK0, short line MTC-20278/9 150200 [6] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT 9) Input/Output Impedance The line terminating impedance must be 150 in power-up and in powerdown state. The return loss at UK0 measured against 150 real must exceed 16 dB between 12kHz and 50kHz. - slope below 12kHz: 20 dB/decade - slope above 50kHz: -10 dB/decade -20 dB Measurement bandwith = 1 Khz -30 dB 10) Load The load is given by the line transformer and the subscriber line. Turns ratio of line transformer: 1.6 Transformer coil inductance (from line side): 6.8mH 10%. -40 dB -50 dB -60 dB -70 dB -80 dB -90 dB 50 kHz Frequency 500 kHz Fig.6: Spectrum of Signal at UK0 Interface, MTC-20278 0 dB 1V Band Width above 150 KHz = 9 KHz -20 100 mV -23.4 -26 -32 5 dB/Decode -40 10 mV 0.1 0.15 Fig.7: Single Pulse Mask 6 0.5 1 10 30 MHz Frequency MTC-20278/9 150200 [7] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT +U -0.4T 0.4T 2.625 V 2.5 V 2.375 V T= 1 = 12.5 s 80 KHz 0.075 V 25 mV 0 -25 mV T 2T SS SS SS SS -T SS -U Fig.8: Single Pulse Mask, MTC-20278 7 14T SS Time t -0.125 V MTC-20278/9 150200 [8] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT +U 2.2 V 2V 1.8 V T= 1 = 8.33 s 120 KHz SS 0.2 V 10 mV Time t -T 0 T 2T 8T 30T -10 mV 3 T 8 5 T 8 12 T 8 9 T 8 -0.2 V -U Fig.9: Single Pulse Mask, MTC-20279 8 MTC-20278/9 150200 [9] LINE41 AREF4 65 66 LIN42 67 RD41 68 RD43 69 TDI 70 VSS 71 TDO 72 VDD 73 TMS 74 TCK 75 TRST 76 RD11 77 AVSS1 AVDD1 79 78 LOUT11 1 80 MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT 64 LOUT42 63 2 3 62 LOUT12 4 61 AREF1 5 60 LOUT41 LIN11 6 59 AVDD4 LIN12 7 58 AVSS4 RD12 8 57 RD42 FD11 9 56 FD41 FD12 10 55 FD42 RD13 11 54 VDD VDD 12 53 VSS VSS 13 52 FD32 FD22 14 51 FD31 FD21 15 50 RD33 RD22 16 49 RD32 RD21 17 48 RD31 AVSS2 18 47 LIN32 AVDD2 19 46 LIN31 LOUT21 20 45 AREF3 21 44 LOUT32 22 43 23 42 24 41 37 38 39 40 POS AVSS3 AVDD3 LOUT31 36 32 VDD DFR 31 DOUT 35 30 TSP DIN 29 NRESET 34 28 RD23 VSS 27 LIN22 9 33 26 LIN21 Fig.10: ILT Pinout - 80 PQFP DCLK 25 AREF2 LOUT22 MTC-20278 PQ-I MTC-20279 PQ-I ILTQ/ILTT (80PQFP) MTC-20278/9 150200 [10] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT Pin Description Nr. Name Dir. 80 LOUT11 O 4 6 7 5 79 78 77 8 11 LOUT12 LIN11 LIN12 AREF1 AVDD1 AVSS1 RD11 / SPICS RD12 / SPICK RD13 O I I O P P O O IO 9 10 20 FD11 / SPIDI FD12 / SPIDO LOUT21 I O O 24 26 27 25 19 18 17 16 28 LOUT22 LIN21 LIN22 AREF2 AVDD2 AVSS2 RD21 RD22 RD23 O I I O P P O O IO 15 14 40 FD21 / SEL0 FD22 LOUT31 I O O 44 46 47 45 39 38 48 49 50 LOUT32 LIN31 LIN32 AREF3 AVDD3 AVSS3 RD31 RD32 RD33 O I I O P P O O IO FD31 / SEL1 FD32 I O 51 52 Function U1 Interface U2 Interface U3 Interface Description U-Interface analog outputs. The pins LOUT11 and LOUT12 connect the U-driver outputs via termination resistors and the line coupling transformer to the U0 reference point. U-Interface analog inputs from the analog hybrid Analog ground. Used as reference voltage for A/D and D/A. +3.3V power supply for analog U-Interface functions 0V ground for analog U-Interface functions Relay drivers 1 Bidirectional I/O. Put in Input mode after HW reset, not affected by SW reset Power feed status and control 1 U-Interface analog outputs. The pins LOUT21 and LOUT22 connect the U-driver outputs via termination resistors and the line coupling transformer to the U0 reference point. U-Interface analog inputs from the analog hybrid Analog ground. Used as reference voltage for A/D and D/A +3.3V power supply for analog U-Interface functions 0V ground for analog U-Interface functions Relay drivers 2 Bidirectional I/O. Put in Input mode after HW reset, not affected by SWreset Power feed status and control 2 U-Interface analog outputs. The pins LOUT31 and LOUT32 connect the U-driver outputs via termination resistors and the line coupling transformer to the U0 reference point. U-Interface analog inputs from the analog hybrid Analog ground. Used as reference voltage for A/D and D/A. +3.3V power supply for analog U-Interface functions 0V ground for analog U-Interface functions Relay drivers 3 Bidirectional I/O. Put in Input mode after HW reset, not affected by SW reset Power feed status and control 3 10 MTC-20278/9 150200 [11] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT 60 LOUT41 O 64 66 67 65 59 58 68 57 69 LOUT42 LIN41 LIN42 AREF4 AVDD4 AVSS4 RD41 RD42 RD43 O I I O P P O O IO FD41 FD42 DOUT DIN DCLK DFR I O O I I I TRST TCK TMS TDI TDO NRESET I I I I O I TSP/DECT I 37 POS I 12 32 54 73 13 34 53 71 VDD VDD VDD VDD VSS VSS VSS VSS P P P P P P P P 56 55 31 35 33 36 76 75 74 70 72 29 U4 Interface GCI Interface JTAG Test Interface 30 General Power U-Interface analog outputs. The pins LOUT41 and LOUT42 connect the U-driver outputs via termination resistors and the line coupling transformers to the U0 reference point. U-Interface analog inputs from the analog hybrid Analog ground. Used as reference voltage for A/D and D/A. +3.3V power supply for analog U-Interface functions 0V ground for analog U-Interface functions Relay drivers 4 Bidirectional I/O. Put in Input mode after HW reset, not affected by SW reset Power feed status and control 4 GCI data output at 2048 Kbits/s. Open drain output. GCI data input at 2048 Kbit/s 4096kHz GCI clock 8kHz GCI frame clock which identifies the beginning of the frame of DIN and DOUT Normal use TAP controller reset, active low 0 TAP controller clock, maximum 10MHz 0 TAP controller mode selection 0 TAP controller input 0 TAP controller output open Hardware reset, active low. Schmit trigger input with treshold at 1.65V (CMOS level). 1. Transmit Single Pulses. ILT transmits single pulses of alternating maximum positive and negative polarity. Pulse repetition rate is 666Hz. Applications: test purposes and search tone on the line. 2. DECT synchronization of the U-superframes (2B1Q only) The distinction between the 2 modes is made based on the duty cycle of the applied input signal: if logic '1' is present for more then 200ms, TSP is assumed ; otherwise, a DECT sync is executed. ILT works in burst mode and consists of 4 line drivers, 1 line per burst. POS = '0' means the 4 fisrt GCI bursts are taken POS = '1' means the 4 last GCI bursts are taken +3.3V power supply for digital functions 0V Ground for digital functions 11 MTC-20278/9 150200 [12] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT 1:2 15 mH (2B1Q) R ,C H Z H Passive Hybrid CL TEST RELAY LOUTn1 LOUTn2 1:1.3 6 mH (4B3T) LINn2 Test Bus LINn1 AVDDn VDD C4 One of 4 indentical channels AVSSn AREFn VSS Line Feed Power Supply C3 RDn1 RDn2 RDn3 FDn1 FDn2 100 k R1 VDD NRESET GCI bus Common for all channels C1 VDD VDD 100 nF C1 VSS VSS TSP POS (0 for normal operation) VDD (strap to 0 or 1) Fig.11: MTC-20278/9 ILT - Typical Component Configuration 12 LINE MTC-20278/9 150200 [13] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT VDD 2x GCI bus 2k2 2k2 MTC-20278/9 DIN DIN DOUT DOUT DLCK DLCK DFR DFR Line 0 Line 1 Line 2 POS Line 3 VSS DIN Line 4 DOUT DLCK Line 5 DFR Line 6 VDD POS Line 7 Fig.12: Connection of two, MTC-20278/9 for an 8-line access on one GCI bus 13 MTC-20278/9 150200 [14] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT Transformer-Recommended Specifications Table 1a (MTC-20278) Table 1b (MTC-20279) Min/Typ Turns Ratio 2:1 Prelimary Inductance (mH) 14.25 Max Min/Typ Max 1.6:1 15.75 Leakage Inducatance (uH) 5.25 60 6.75 60 Interwinding Capacitance (pF max.) 90 90 PRI DCR (Ohms) 6 7 6 7 SEC DCR (Ohms) 2.8 3.3 3.5 4.2 (Alcatel Part Code TMP 00087 0003) (Alcatel Part Code TMP 00087 0002) Recommended Component Values Table 2 Component Rh R1 C1 C2 C3 C4 Function U feed bridge and hybrid resistors reset delay reset delay Digital supply decoupling Analog reference decoupling Analog supply decoupling Value see Fig. 13/14 100k 100 nF 100 nF 100 nF 100 nF CL Line-feed coupling 2.2 F 250V Ch Hybrid capacitance see Fig. 13/14 2% Z overvoltage protection 14 Comment 1% 5% 5% MTC-20278/9 150200 [15] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT Common Hybrid Shematics for 4B3T (MTC-20279) and 2B1Q (MTC-20278) LIN 1 12,3 LOUT 1 4n7 100 T1 4k32 6k81 1k 39n 576 470p 1k 6k81 2n7 39n 4k32 100 4n7 LOUT 2 12,3 LIN 2 Fig.13: MTC-20278 - Recommended Hybrid component Configuration LIN 1 25 LOUT 1 ++ + T1 + 3k3 + 7k * 470p ++ * + ++ 7k * + 3k3 + ++ LOUT 2 25 LIN 2 + short ++ open * for FTZ loops, 470p -> 680p and 7 k -> 6k8 Fig.14: MTC-20279 - Recommended Hybrid component Configuration 15 MTC-20278/9 150200 [16] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT MTC-20278 Logical Characteristics of the U Interface The quaternary symbol stream crossing the U-interface complies with the following logical characteristics: Frame Structure The information flow across the subscriber line uses frames as shown in Figure 15. The length of such a frame corresponds to 120 quaternary symbols being transmitted within 1.5ms. The frame structure is detailed as follows. B+B+D - Data 108 quaternary symbols represent 216 bits of scrambled and encoded B+B+D data. The 108 quaternary symbols are transmitted in succession. These blocks are assembled as follows: Quad Position Data of: Number of bits: B1 + 8 B2 + 8 D+ 2 B1 + 8 B2 + 8 D 2 Synchronizing Word 9 quaternary symbols in each direction represent a non-scrambled synchronizing word. They are used to generate frame clocks. If they are out of position for 60 . . . 200 consecutive frames, the line resynchronization procedure is started. The quaternary values and the frame positions are as follows: From LT to NT or analog loop in LT (loop 1) and from NT to LT. SW Polarity: +3 ISW Polarity: -3 +3 -3 -3 +3 -3 +3 -3 +3 +3 -3 -3 +3 +3 -3 +3 -3 1-9 10-117 118-120 Bit Position 1-18 19-234 235-240 Frame 1 ISW 2B+D 2B+D ... 2B+D 2B+D M1 ... M6 Frame 2 SW 2B+D 2B+D ... 2B+D 2B+D M1 ... M6 Frame 3 SW 2B+D 2B+D ... 2B+D 2B+D M1 ... M6 Frame 4 SW 2B+D 2B+D ... 2B+D 2B+D M1 ... M6 Frame 5 SW 2B+D 2B+D ... 2B+D 2B+D M1 ... M6 Frame 6 SW 2B+D 2B+D ... 2B+D 2B+D M1 ... M6 Frame 7 SW 2B+D 2B+D ... 2B+D 2B+D M1 ... M6 Frame 8 SW 2B+D 2B+D ... 2B+D 2B+D M1 ... M6 Fig.15: Frame and Superframe Structure 16 MTC-20278/9 150200 [17] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT Maintenance and Service Channel 3 quaternary symbols per frame are transmitted to convey maintenance and embedded operations channel information. This information is contained in a superframe consisting of 8 frames (duration: 12ms). The start of a superframe in the up and downstream directions is marked by a single inversion of the synchronisation word. The quaternary symbol sequences represent data that can be transmitted at a rate of 4 kbit/s. They are transmitted immediately before the sync word. DEA: EOC: The M symbol is used for various purposes: 1) Maintenance Channel (control test loops and report frame errors) 2) Service Channel (carry transparent user data in both directions) In detail the following convention applies (LT to NT): Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 3 Frame 4 Frame 5 Frame 6 Frame 7 Frame 8 M1 EOC a1 EOC dm EOC i3 EOC i6 EOC a1 EOC dm EOC i3 EOC i6 ACT: AIB: CRC: FEBE: UOA: M2 EOC a2 EOC i1 EOC i4 EOC i7 EOC a2 EOC i1 EOC i4 EOC i7 Encoding The encoding of a binary bit stream is made such that 2 binary bits correspond to 1quaternary symbol. The first symbol of a frame will always contain the information of the first 2 bits of a B1 channel (although these bits are of course scrambled. Activation bit (set to ONE during activation) Alarm indication bit (set = 0 to indicate interruption) Cyclic Redundancy Check: covers 2B+D & M4: 1 = most significant bit; 2 = next most significant bit, etc. turn-off bit (set = 0 to announce turn-off) Embedded operations channel: a = address bit; dm = data/message indicator; i = information (data/message). Far end block error bit (ZERO for errored multiframes) U-only-activation bit M3 EOC a3 EOC i2 EOC i5 EOC i8 EOC a3 EOC i2 EOC i5 EOC i8 M4 ACT DEA 1 1 1 1 UOA AIB M5 1 1 CRC 1 CRC 3 CRC 5 CRC 7 CRC 9 CRC 11 M6 1 FEBE CRC 2 CRC 4 CRC 6 CRC 8 CRC 10 CRC 12 In the receive direction, the first symbol of the quaternary frame is always converted (after descrambling) into the first two bits of a B1 channel. The exact convertion is done according to the following rules (ANSI specification): Quaternary Symbol First bit (sign) Second bit (Magnitude) +3 +1 -1 -3 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 17 MTC-20278/9 150200 [18] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT Scrambling The received binary data stream is divided by generating polynomials. The scrambler contains supervision circuitry which flags if a continuous series of ones or zeros have been detected at the output for a complete 1ms frame. Ds -1 X -1 X -1 X -1 X -1 X -5 Ds.X -23 Ds.X Di : XOR function Fig.16: LT Transmit Scrambler Descrambling The quaternary signals received on each side of the subscriber line are converted back into a binary bit stream and multiplied by the generating polynomials in order to recover the original data. Ds -1 X -1 X -1 X -p Ds.X Do -p Do = Di Ds.X Ds.X -23 : XOR function Fig.17: LT Receive Descrambler 18 -1 X -1 X -23 Ds.X MTC-20278/9 150200 [19] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT Activation and Deactivation In order to reduce the power consumption of circuits connected to the subscriber line, ILTQ can be switched to stand-by or powered down during the idle period. The components are powered up again during the line activation procedure. Two states are defined: - Power-down state Power consumption of the majority of the functions is reduced by stopping the clocks; maximum power reduction; - Power-up state All functions powered up; GCI interface is activated; exchange of C/I messages possible. The activation procedure consists of three phases: awake (see the following sections), synchronize, and connect through. The phases of activation are shown in the following table. Phase power-down awake synchronize connect through Indication LT DC ACT CT Conditions for ACT and CT (see table 3 on page 22). Maximum activation time (from command ACT to indication CT) without repeater for LT +NT: - < 300ms under normal conditions (starting with stored coefficients: See note on DECT synchronisation). - 15s after reset of the coefficients With repeater, the activation may take twice as long. Maximum activation time (from command ACT to indication CT) without repeater for LT: - < 150ms under normal conditions (starting with stored coefficients) - 10s after reset of the coefficients The deactivation procedure consists of two phases: line deactivation and power-down (see table 3). The deactivation can be initiated only by the command DEAC in the LT. The deactivation of the LT can be initiated only by INFO U0. The phases of deactivation are indicated in the following table. Phase power-up (connected through) Line deactivation power-down Indication LT CT DEAC DC Conditions for DC and DEAC (see table 3 on page 22). 19 Deactivation time (from Command DEAC to Indication DC) is of the order of 4ms. With repeater the deactivation may take twice as long. Reset The ILTQ can be reset via an external pin (NRESET = LOW) or via the command RES in the C/I channel. Normally the ILTQ is reset via the pin NRESET (hardware reset). The ILTQ is initialized such that a "cold start" (resetting of the coefficients) is performed. Resetting the component affects the status of the driver pins; after HW reset the drivers are switched off (low output level) but not changed after SW reset. (See also the Monitor channel). Loops For maintenance purposes a loop can be closed by applying the correct command via the M channel or the GCI C/I channel. MTC-20278/9 150200 [20] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT Activation signals The MTC-20278 can transmit any of the signals shown in Table 3. Table 3: LT Activation Signals Information Station TL Description A 10 kHz tone consisting of alternating four + 3 quats followed by four - 3 quats for a time period of two frames. No signal transmitted. Synchronization word present, no superframe synchronization word (ISW), and 2B+D+M = 1. Synchronization word present, superframe synchronization word (ISW) present, 2B+D = 0, and M = Normal. Synchronization word present, superframe synchronization word (ISW) present. M channel bits active. Transmitted 2B+D data operational when M4 act bit = 1. When M4 act = 0, transmitted 2B+D data = 0. SL0 SL1 SL2 SL3 A B 4 ms T0 T1 C T0 T2 D A + C 5s for cold start A + C 150ms for warm start B + D 10s for cold start B + D 150ms for warm start 480 ms T0 T4 T5 T0 T6 T0 T7 T0 T3 6 frames (optional) SN2 SN3 NT1 --> Network Network --> NT1 TL SL1 (optional) SL2 SL3 Time: Description of event or state: T0 RESET state. T1 Network and NT1 are awake. T2 NT1 discontinues transmission, indicating that the NT1 is ready to receive signal. T3 Network responds to termination of signal and begins transmitting signal towards to NT1. T4 Network begins transmitting SL2 towards the network, indicating that the network is ready to receive SN2. T5 NT1 begins transmitting SN2 towards the network, indicating that NT1 has acquired FW frame and detected SL2. T6 NT1 has acquired multiframe marker and is fully operational. T7 Network has acquired multiframe marker and is fully operational. NOTE 1: If the TL is repeated due to the persistence of FE 1, the repetition interval shall be > 25ms. At a repetition interval larger than 480ms, the state machine will cause a TL tone if FE 1 remains. NOTE 2: The maximum time between TL tone is defined to be 4ms. This requirement is unnecessarily strict. To allow transceivers which cannot meet this the LT should wait for, and accept the TN tone, for a period of 10ms from the beginning of issuing the TL tone. 2 frames Fig.18a: State sequence for transceiver start-up DECT Synchronisation The 4 U frames and superframes are aligned with the DECT synchronisation signal with a precision of 1 symbol, in the activation procedure. At the rising edge of the DECT signal, bit and frame counters are set to zero. DECT synchronisation needs soft or hard reset, precludes total power-down (that is replaced by partial powerdown), and warm-start may require 2.4 additional seconds. The DECT signal has a periodicity of 2.4 seconds and the width of the pulse can be between 13 and 375 microseconds. TSP/Dect U line X frame0 Fig.18b: Dect Synchronisation 20 X frame1 X MTC-20278/9 150200 [21] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT MTC-20279 Logical Characteristics of the GCI Interface The ternary symbol stream crossing the U-interface comply with the following logical characteristics: Data of: Number of bits: B1 + 8 B2 + 8 D+ 2 B1 + 8 B2 + 8 D 2 Frame Structure The information flow across the subscriber line utilizes frames as shown in Figure 9. The length of such a frame corresponds to 120 ternary symbols being transmitted within 1ms. The frame structure is detailed as follows. B+B+D - Data 108 ternary symbols (T1 . . . T8) represent 144 bits of scrambled and encoded B+B+D data. The 108 ternary symbols are divided into four equally structured groups in which each group of 27 ternary symbols corresponds to a block of 36 binary bits (consult also Figure 9 and Figure 10). These blocks are assembled as follows: Synchronizing Word 11 ternary symbols in each direction (SW1, SW2) represent a non-scrambled synchronizing word. They are used to generate frame clocks. If they are out of position for 60 . . . 200 consecutive frames, the line resynchronization procedure is started. The ternary values and the frame positions are as follows: From LT to NT or analog loop in LT (loop 1) (LT Transmit): Frame position: 110 111 112 113 114 115 SW1 Polarity: + + + - 116 + 117 - 118 - 119 + 120 - From NT to LT (LT Receive): Frame position: 50 51 SW1 Polarity: + 56 - 57 - 58 + 59 + 60 + 52 - 53 - 54 + 21 55 - MTC-20278/9 150200 [22] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT Table 4: Ternary Frame Structure LT - NT or analog loop in LT (loop 1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 T1 T1 T1 T2 T2 T3 T3 M1 T4 T4 T1 T1 T1 T2 T2 T3 T3 T4 T4 T1 T1 T1 T2 T2 T3 T3 T4 T4 T1 T1 T2 T2 T2 T3 T3 T4 T4 T1 T1 T2 T2 T2 T3 T3 T4 T4 T1 T1 T2 T2 T2 T3 T3 T4 T4 T1 T1 T2 T2 T3 T3 T3 T4 T4 T1 T1 T2 T2 T3 T3 T3 T4 T4 T1 T1 T2 T2 T3 T3 T3 T4 T4 T1 T1 T2 T2 T3 T3 T4 T4 T4 T1 T1 T2 T2 T3 T3 T4 T4 T4 T1 T1 T2 T2 T3 T3 T4 T4 T4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 T5 T5 M2 T6 T6 T6 T7 T7 T8 T8 T5 T5 T5 T6 T5 T5 T5 T6 T5 T5 T5 T6 T5 T5 T6 T6 T5 T5 T6 T6 T5 T5 T6 T6 T5 T5 T6 T6 T5 T5 T6 T6 T5 T5 T6 T6 T5 T5 T6 T6 T5 T5 T6 T6 T6 T7 T7 T8 T8 T6 T7 T7 T8 T8 T6 T7 T7 T8 T8 T6 T7 T7 T8 T8 T6 T7 T7 T8 T8 T7 T7 T7 T8 T8 T7 T7 T7 T8 T8 T7 T7 T7 T8 T8 T7 T7 T8 T8 T8 T7 T7 T8 T8 T8 T7 T7 T8 T8 T8 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 NT - LT Legend: T1 . . . T8: B + B + D - Data (ternary) M1, M2: Maintenance and Service Data (ternary) SW1, SW2: Synchronizing Word 22 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 MTC-20278/9 150200 [23] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT 1 3 Ti Ti Ti 6 Ti B1 1 Ti Ti 9 Ti B1 4 Ti Ti 12 Ti B2 8 Ti Ti B2 12 15 Ti Ti DD 16 Ti B1 18 ... 18 Ti Ti Ti B1 20 24 25 Ti Ti Ti B1 B2 B2 ... 32 27 Ti DD 34 i=1...8 Fig.19: Binary to Ternary Unit Correspondence of B + B + D - Data Maintenance and Service Channel The ternary symbols (M1, M2) represent non-scrambled data that can be transmitted at a rate of 1 kBaud. The frame position for M1 is 85 and for M2 it is 25 (see Figure 9). The M symbol is used for various purposes: 1) Maintenance Channel (control test loops and report frame errors) 2) Service Channel (carry transparent user data in both directions); this is not supported by the MTC-20279. In detail the following convention applies: Table 5: Service and Maintenance Data Convention Meaning Maintenance Channel (M + Channel) Encoding Direction Idle 0 Both Loop 2 in NT (1) Loop 4 in RPTR Frame Error (2) ++++........ +0+0+...... + (single symbol) from LT to NT from LT to RPTR from NT to LT 23 Ti 36 MTC-20278/9 150200 [24] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT NOTE 1: A loop function is performed, if on eight consecutive frames the ternary encoding is recognized. A loop function is finished if eight consecutive ternary zeros are recognized, or on line deactivation. Encoding The encoding of a binary bit stream is made such that 4 binary bits correspond to 3 symbols of the ternary symbol stream (4B/3T encoding scheme). The encoding follows the rules of modified monitoring state 43 (MMS 43) which contains four alphabets. The left most bit of the binary value in column 1 of Figure 12 represents the first received bit of the binary bit stream. Corresponding to this, the left most indicated symbol of the ternary word is transmitted first. NOTE 2: One or more code violations detected by RDS (Running Digital Sum) checks or non-permissible series of 8 0_polarity symbols within one frame lead to one frame error. The alphabet used for encoding of a given binary block depends on the digital sum of previous three ternary symbols transmitted. Therefore, the alphabet to be used for encoding of the next binary block is indicated by a suffix number beside each ternary word. After reset any alphabet can be used. The running digital sum (RDS) is computed in the RDS monitor (RDSM) from the received ternary symbols. When at the end of a ternary block the running digital sum equals zero or five a code violation has occured. The RDS monitor is reset to one at the beginning of each frame. RDS errors which are reported back from the NT to the LT are also accumulated in the RDS monitor. One or more RDS errors or one or more series of five or more zeros within one frame lead to one frame error. Table 6: MMS 43 - Code Binary Information 0001 0111 0100 0010 1011 1110 1001 0011 1101 1000 0110 1010 1111 0000 0101 1100 Ternary Alphabets (left symbol is transmitted first) S1 0-+1 -0+1 -+01 +-01 +0-1 0+-1 +-+2 00+2 0+02 +002 -++2 ++-2 ++03 +0+3 0++3 +++4 S2 0-+2 -0+2 -+02 +-02 +0-2 0+-2 +-+3 00+3 0+03 +003 -++3 ++-3 00-1 0-01 -001 -+-1 Note that the received 3T-word 000 is transformed into a 4B-word of 0000. This pattern occurs only during deactivation. 24 S3 0-+3 -0+3 -+03 +-03 +03 0+-3 +-+4 00+4 0+04 +004 -- --+2 +-- --2 00-2 0-02 -002 -+-2 S4 0-+4 -0+4 -+04 +-04 +0-4 0+-4 - - -1 - - 02 -0-2 0- -2 - -+3 +- -3 00-3 0-03 -003 -+-3 MTC-20278/9 150200 [25] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT Scrambling The received binary data stream is divided by generating polynomials. The scrambler contains supervision circuitry which flags if a continuous series of ones or zeros have been detected at the output for a complete 1ms frame. Ds -1 X -1 X -1 X -1 X -1 X -5 Ds.X -23 Ds.X Di -5 Ds = Di Ds.X -23 : XOR function Ds.X Fig.20: LT transmit scrambler Descrambling The ternary signals received on each side of the subscriber line are converted back into a binary bit stream and multiplied by the generating polynomials in order to recover the original data. Ds -1 X -1 X -1 X -p Ds.X Do -p Do = Ds Ds.X -23 Ds.X : XOR function p = 18 in Normal mode, p = 5 in Analog Loop (Loop1) mode Fig.21: LT receive descrambler 25 -1 X -1 X -23 Ds.X MTC-20278/9 150200 [26] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT Activation and Deactivation In order to reduce the power consumption of circuits connected to the subscriber line,the ILTT is powered down during idle period. The components are powered up again during the line activation procedure. Two states are defined: - Power-down state Power consumption of the majority of the functions is reduced by stopping the clocks; maximum power reduction; - Power-up state All functions powered up. The activation procedure consists of three phases: awake (see the following sections), synchronize, and connect through. Maximum activation time (from command ACT to indication CT) without RPTR: - 210ms under normal conditions (starting with stored coefficients) - 1.5s after reset of the coefficients The deactivation procedure consists of two phases: line deactivation and power-down (see 8.2). The deactivation can be initiated only by the command DEAC in the LT. The deactivation of the LT can be initiated only by INFO U0. The phases of deactivation are indicated in the following table. Phase The phases of activation are indicated according to the following table. Phase power-down awake synchronize connect through Indication LT DC ACT RDS CT Conditions for RDS, ACT and CT see 8.2. power-up (connected through) Line deactivation power-down Indication LT CT DEAC DC Conditions for DC and DEAC see 8.2. Deactivation time (from Command DEAC to Indication DC) is in the order of 4ms. With RPTR the deactivation may take twice as long. Note: When powered down, execution of commands via the M-Channel is not possible. To allow M-Channel commands to be used, issue the DGAC command on the CII bits. 26 Reset The ILTT can be reset via an external pin (NRESET = LOW) or via the command RES in the C/I channel. Normally the ILTT is reset via the pin NRESET (hardware reset). Both reset requests cause via the activation/deactivation control (ACDECO) and the reset logic a reset for various functional blocks. The ILTT is initialized such that after reset a "cold start" (resetting of the coefficients) is forced. Resetting the component affects the status of the Relay drivers; after HW reset the Relay drivers are switched off (low output level), but after a SW reset the status of the Relay drivers is not modified. See also 8.4. Loop2 (Loop in NT) For maintenance purposes a loop can be closed by applying the correct command into the M channel or into the GCI C/I channel. MTC-20278/9 150200 [27] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT Logical Characteristics of the GCI Interface Data Format and Timing at the GCI Interface (DIN, DOUT, DCLK, DFR) The following Figure shows the timing of data and clocks at the digital interface 2048 kbit/s (continuous modes). See the AC characteristics section for details. Transitions of the data occur after even-numbered rising edges of the clock DCLK. The data is valid on the odd-numbered rising edges of the clock DCLK. Even-numbered rising edges of the clock are defined as the second rising edge following the rising edge of the frame clock and every second rising edge thereafter. Continuous Modes - Nominal bitrate of data (DIN and DOUT): 2048 kbit/s - Nominal frequency of clock (DCLK): 4096kHz - Nominal frequency of frame clock (DFR): 8kHz The frame is marked by the rising edge of the frame clock DFR and the data/frames are sampled on falling edge of DCLK. Note that the position of the falling edge of DFR is not important. One frame contains 8 bursts 4 bytes. The data streams at DIN and DOUT consist of 32 bytes per frame. See Figure 13. The input data DIN and the output data DOUT are synchronous and in phase. Depending on the level of the pin POS. The quad-LT takes the 4 first or the 4 last time-slots. DFR POS = 0 DIN 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 POS = 1 POS = 0 DOUT 1 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 4 POS = 1 KEY Valid ILT channel Ignored Hi-Z output Fig.22: GCI Bus Multiplexing Timing Diagram 27 1 MTC-20278/9 150200 [28] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT Port Signal DCLK 4096 kHz DFR 8 kHz DIN 2048 kbit/s (burstId-bitId) DOUT 2048 kbit/s (burstId-bitId) Rising edge no. 7-28 7-29 7-30 7-31 0-0 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 7-28 7-29 7-30 7-31 0-0 0-1 0-2 0-3 0-4 0-5 0-6 0-7 0-8 0 2 4 6 8 10 Fig.23: Timing of Data and Clocks at the 2048 kbit/s Interface Frame Format Within each time-slot, 4 bytes are transmitted: 1st byte B1: B channel (64 kbit/s data), transparent 2nd byte B2: B channel (64 kbit/s data), transparent 3rd byte B2*: Monitor channel 4th byte B1*: 2 bit D channel (16 kbit/s data) 4 bit C/I channel A1, A2, A3, A4 A, E bit used to control the transfer of information on the Monitor channel 28 12 14 16 MTC-20278/9 150200 [29] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT Time_slot B1 B2 B2* B1* D1 D2 A1 A2 A3 A4 A E Fig.24: GCI Frame Format Command and Indicate (C/I) Channel (A bits), MTC-20278 Command (DIN) Deactivate DEACR 0000 Request to deactivate U0. The transmitter outputs INFO U0. After detecting the disappearance of an incoming signal at U0 the indication DC is transmitted at module interface. Reset RESI 0001 Reset of ILTQ to initial state. Reset receiver RESR 0100 Reset of the ILTQ receiver only Send Single Pulses TXSSP 0101 The ILTQ transmits single pulses at 1.5ms time intervals with alternate polarity +3/-3. Test TEST 0110 The ILTQ will be connected through from module interface to line interface (transparent) without wake-up procedure. U activation request ARUO 0111 Activation request of the U0 interface only. Activate ACT 1000 Request to activate. ACT is indicated. The ILTQ is set in power-up state, executing the complete activation of layer 1: the wake-up procedure is executed by transmission of INFO U2W. After successful wake-up process, the synchronization procedure is started by transmission of INFO U2 (in case of LT). Activation request 2 ACTX 1001 Activation request without 15 sec limit. Analog Loop AL 1010 ACT is indicated.The analog transmitter output is looped back to the receiver input (channels B+B+D), which is disconnected from the U0 interface. Activation request 3 ACT0 1101 Activation request with ACT bit = 0. DeactivateConfirmation DCON 1111 No signal is transmitted at U0 and the ILTQ is powerd down. The wake-up detect circuitry remains enabled: thus a detected wake-up signal INFO U1W is able to power-up the UIC and to initiate the activation procedure, as in case of control ACT applied. Note that RES or RES1 do not change the driver pins status while a hard reset configures RDi3 as input. Note that at power-up, a DC command has to be given prior to any other command or DIN has to be one. 29 MTC-20278/9 150200 [30] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT Indication (DOUT) Deactivate DEACA 0001 The ILTQ is deactivating. Data transmission is impossible. Loss of synchronization RSYN 0100 Loss of synchronization. Error indication 2 EIST 0101 Error indication on the S/T interface. U activation indication UAIN 0111 U activation indication. Activate ACT 1000 The signal INFO U1W has been recognized by the wake-up detect circuitry. The ILTQ is powered up and the activation procedure will be executed. Activation request info. ARMB 1001 Activation request maintenance bits Error indication 3 EIRTI 1011 Error indication for timeout T1 (15s) or error on the U0 interface. ConnectionThrough CT 1100 The transparent channels are connected through from module to line interface (transparent). The activation of Layer 1 up to the terminals is completed. Loss of signal level on U LSLU 1101 Loss of signal level on U. Deactivate indication DIN 1111 After deactivation of U0 (by the command DEAC) the disappearance of incoming signal (INFO U0) has been detected. Summary of C/I Codes: Evaluation of any command is done according to a double last look criterion: any command is executed only after the same command has been detected in two successive frames. Until then, the preceding command is considered valid. In case commands are received that are not included in the list, the last recognized command is considered valid. Commands which are logically impossible in the current state are ignored (cfr ETR 80). The indications are transmitted continuously in each frame. Under no circumstances can an indication that is not included in the list be transmitted. Table 8: C/I Codes Summary Code A-bits 1 2 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 HEX 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 30 DIN DEACR RESI DOUT RESR TXSSP TEST ARUO ACT ACTX AL RSYN EIST DEACA UAIN ACT ARMB ACT0 EIT1 CT LSLU DCON DIN MTC-20278/9 150200 [31] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT A and E Bits The A and E bits provide a handshake procedure for the transfer of monitor channel messages. The transmitted E bit is put low for one frame when a new information has been written in the monitor channel. The transmitter then waits for confirmation indicted by the receiver puting low the A bit for one frame. Thus to send a monitor message from the Exchange to the ILTQ, the E bit on DIN and the A bit on DOUT are used. In the opposite direction, the E bit on DOUT and the A bit on DIN are used. Monitor Channel Monitor messages sent to the ILTQ are 2 bytes long and monitor messages returned by the ILTQ are also 2 bytes long. MON-0 messages Format: 0000 AAA1 FFFF FFFF 0000 = MON-0 command AAA = Address 0 = NT 1..6 = Repeater 7 = Broadcast FF...FF: EOC code (see table) The monitor messages are split into 3 categories: - MON-0: EOC programming - MON-2: Overhead bits - MON-8: Local functions Code (hex) Down stream Up stream 00 Hold Hold 50 CCLB Complete loop 51 CLB1 Close Loop B1 52 CLB2 Close Loop B2 53 RCCRC Request corrupt Hold CRC 54 NCCRC AA Notify corrupt CRC NAC FF Return XX Not able to comply Return to normal ACKN Acknowledge* * ACKN: Acknowledge. The NT will acknowledge a valid MON command by echoing it in the upstream direction. 31 MTC-20278/9 150200 [32] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT MON-2 messages Format: 0010 D11..8 D7..4 D3..0 Only the Up stream EOC messages are supported. Down stream EOC commands are controlled by the ILTQ. Up stream ACT 1 1 PS1 1 FEBE PS2 NTM CSO 1 SAI 1 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 After hard reset: RDx1: output RDx2: output RDx3: input FDx1: input FDx2: output Activation bit Power supply 1bit Far-end block error occured Power supply 2 bit Nt-activation with cold start only S activity indicator Note: so, for applications requiring 3 driver pins and 2 sens pins, the MON-command and Hard-reset can affect them. MON-command 817x will set the value of the driving pins The MON-command 816x will change the direction of the RDx3 pin: 8160: input direction 8168: output direction 32 The status of the drivers is not affected by a soft-reset, only MON-command and HARD-reset can affect them. The MON-commands are executed in "soft-reset" mode. MTC-20278/9 150200 [33] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT MON-8 messages Format: 1000 000A D7..4 D3..0 A D7..0 Down stream 0 0 0 0 0 1 1111 0000 1111 1111 1111 1011 1111 1010 aaaa aaaa 0111 dcba SCCRC RTN RBECN RBECF 1 0110 dcba SETDO 1 1 0000 0000 xxxx xxxba RSP 1 e 0 0 0 1000 0000 aaaa aaaa 1111 1001 0000 0000 0000 1000 RPDUI Up stream Corrupt CRC Return to Normal Read Near-end block error counter Read Far-end block error counter Answer block error counter Set state of driver pins a: RDi1 b: Di2 c: FDi2 d: not used (RDi3 is INPUT) Set status of driver pins a: RDi1 b: RDi2 c: FDi2 d: RDi3 (pin is OUTPUT) Read status pins Answer status pins a: read the pin FDi1 b: read the pin RDi3 (used as sens pin) Read propagation delay U-interface Answer propagation delay on U-interface Set FEBE-Bit to zero Read chip identification Answer chip identification ABEC* SETDD ASP APDUI ZFEBE RCID ACID e is 3 bits in length. Total delay (inns) is given by the approximate formula: D = N * 12,500 + S * M * 65ns Where: N is the value represented by bits 10..8 of PDu S is +1 when bit 7 of APDU is 0, or -1 if it is 1 M is the value represented by bits 6..0 of PDu PDu is the 11-bit propagation-delay (U interface) word. A more precise description can be found in application note "DECT delay calibration for ILTQ". Format: 1000 100A D7..4 D3..0 A D7..0 Down stream 0 0 cccc cccc 0000 0000 RCF Up stream Read coefficients at address cccc cccc Data coefficients, 1 byte, put to zero DCF 33 MTC-20278/9 150200 [34] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT MTC-20278 State Machine From Any State CI = RES CI = DEAC Reset CI = DEAC CI = activationRequest Deactivated CI = DI CI = DC CI = RES1 activationRequest CI = ACT CI = ACTX CI = ACT0 CI = UAR CI = AL CI 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F CMD. DEAC RES Hardware Reset PowerDown CI = DI CI = activationRequest 15 sec. WaitTN CI = DI IND. toneNT or (CI = AL) toneNT PendActivation CI = ACT DEAC ResetReceiver CI = LSL SN2received 15 sec. RES1 SSP TEST UAR ACT ACTX AL RSY EI2 UAI ACT ARM ACT0 EI3 CT LSL DC DI Awake CI = ARM 15 sec. TimeOut CI =EI3 (CI = RES1) and LossOfSignal SN3received and fully converged Act = 0, Deact = 1 Act =1, Deact = 1 [ (EOC_ACT = 1) and (CI I = ACT0) ] or (CI = AL) Uactivated CI = UAI Connection True CI = CT CI = ACT0 CI = UAR (EOC_SAI = 0) & (EOC_ACT = 0) Act = 0, Deact = 1 Act = 0, Deact = 1 Sactivated CI = ACT Sdeactivated CI = UAI LossOfSignal (EOC_SAI = 1) & (EOC_ACT = 0) Act = 1, Deact = 1 ErrorOnS CI =EI2 LossOfSignal CI = DEAC Act = 0, Deact = 1 Act = 0, Deact = 1 Act = 0, Deact = 0 LossOfSignal CI = LSL LossOfSync CI = RSY PendDeactivation CI =DEAC CI = RES1 (CI = RES1) and LossOfSignal Fig.25: MTC-20278 State Machine 34 LossOfSignal MTC-20278/9 150200 [35] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT MTC-20279 State Machine activationRequest CI = ACT CI = AL CI = L2 CI = L4 CI 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F CMD. DEAC From Any State CI = DEAC CI = DC toneNT Hardware Reset PowerDown CI = DI IND. CI = activationRequest CI = AL WaitTN CI = ACT LTD RSYN TestState CI = DEAC toneNT or (CI = AL) SSP TEST Usynchronizing CI = ACT RDS ACT SIG1received SIG3received or (CI = AL) CT RES DC PendDeactivation CI = DEAC CI = activationRequest DEAC ACT AL L2 L4 LossOfSignal Deactivated CI = DI Ssynchronizing CI = RDS SIG3received U & S synchronizing CI = RDS DC 1 ms From Any State CI = TEST ConnectionTrue CI = CT Fig.26: MTC-20279 State Machine 35 SIG3received LossOfSync or LossOfSignal Uresynchronizing CI = RSYN From Any State CI = RES CI = LTD CI = SSP MTC-20278/9 150200 [36] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT Command and Indicate (C/I) Channel (A bits), MTC-20279 Command (DIN) Activate ACT 1000 Analog Loop AL 1001 U4H Loop 2 L2 1010 Loop 4 L4 1011 Deactivate DEAC 0000 Deactivate Confirmation DC 1111 Reset Send SinglePulses Test RES 1101 SSP 0101 TEST 0110 Line Termination Disable LTD 0011 ACT is indicated. The ILTT is set in power-up state, executing the complete activation of layer 1: the wake-up procedure is executed by transmission of INFO U2W. After successful wake-up process, the synchronization procedure is started by transmission of INFO U2 (in case of LT). When the receiver has been synchronized RDS is indicated. When INFO U3 is recognized, INFO U4H is transmitted. Then the transparent channels are connected through from module to line interface (transparent). ACT is indicated. The analog transmitter output is looped back to the receiver input (channels B+B+D), which is disconnected from UK0 interface. The ILTT is set in power-up state, executing the activation of layer 1: A pseudo wake-up procedure is executed. After successful wake-up procedure the transmitter generates INFO U2. When synchronization is completed successfully, RDS is indicated. INFO is transmitted. The UIC is connected through from module interface to line interface transparent). ACT is indicated.Command to close loop 2 in the NT.As ACT, with the difference that continuous positive polarity is transmitted in the M symbol at UK0. NOTE: An L2 command can be applied in the deactivated state as well as in the activated state. ACT is indicated.Command to close loop 4 in the RPTR. As ACT with the difference that continuous +/0 code is transmitted in the M symbol at UK0. Request to deactivate UK0. The transmitter outputs INFO U0. After detecting the disappearance of an incoming signal at UK0 the indication DC is transmitted at module interface. A wake-up signal will be disregarded. No signal is transmitted at UK0 and the ILTT is powered down. The wake-up detect circuitry remains enabled: thus a detected wake-up signal INFO U1W is able to powerup the UIC and to initiate the activation procedure, as in case of control ACT applied. NOTE: This command can be used to deactivate UK0 in case that after the command DEAC the disappearance of an incoming signal is not detected and there is no indica tion DC. Reset of ILTT to initial state. The ILTT transmits single pulses at 1ms time intervals with alternate polarity. The ILTT will be connected through from module interface to line interface (transparent) without wake-up procedure. The ILTT stops transmitting signals on the corresponding channel, ignoring awake signals. The channel stays in this state until a command RES, DEAC or DC is issued. It then goes in power-down. Note that if RES or DEAC are used, they have to be followed by DC. 36 MTC-20278/9 150200 [37] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT Indication (DOUT) Activate ACT 1000 Running Digital Sum Connection Through loop RDS 0111 Deactivate DEAC 0001 Deactivate Confirmation Resynchronization DC 1111 CT 1100 RSYN 0100 List of codes: Evaluation of any command is done according to a double last look criterion: any command is followed only after the same command has been detected in two successive frames. Until then the preceding command is considered valid. In case commands are received that are not included in the list the last recognized command is considered valid. Commands which are logically impossible to receive in the correct state are ignored (cfr ETR 80). The indications are transmitted continuously in each frame. Under no circumstances an indication that is not included in the list is transmitted. (1) The signal INFO U1W has been recognized by the wake-up detect circuitry.The ILTT is powered up and the activation procedure will be executed. (2) The control ACT is acknowledged by ACT. The controls L2, L4, AL are also ackn. by ACT (not included in FTZ 1 R 210). During activation procedure, the receiver has synchronized (on INFO U1/U3/U5). Evaluation of transmission quality is enabled. The transparent channels are connected through from module to line interface (transparent). The activation of Layer 1 up to the terminals is completed. In case of a 4 the activation up to the loop is completed. In case of loop 2 the activation up to the NT is completed. The ILTT is deactivating. Data transmission is impossible.A wake-up signal at UK0 will be disregarded.The ILTT transmits either INFO U0 or single pulses (when the command SSP or TSP is applied). After deactivation of UK0 (by the command DEAC) the disappear ance of in incoming signal (INFO U0) has been detected. The receiver has lost framing and is attempting to resynchronize. The ILTT remains connected through from module to line interface (transparent). Code A-bits 1 2 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 HEX 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F DEAC = Deactivate LTD = Line Termination Deactivate RSYN = Resynchronization SSP = Send Single Pulses TEST = Test ACT = Activate 37 DIN DEAC DOUT DEAC LTD RSYN SSP TEST ACT AL L2 L4 RDS ACT ARMB CT RES DC DC AL = Analog Loop L2 = Loop 2 L4 = Loop 4 Deactivate CT = Connection Through DC = Deactivate Confirmation MTC-20278/9 150200 [38] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT Master clock Boundry Scan The master clock of 15.36 MHz is derived by PLL from the 4096 MHz GCI clock. It is only available to the internal circuits. The JTAG State Machine Production test of the device IO pins is performed using the JTAG state machine implemented in the on-chip ARM. The test controller state transitions are shown in the following Figure 27. Test-Logic reset 0xF tms=1 tms=1 Run-Test/Idle 0xC tms=1 Select-DR-Scan 0x7 Select-IR-Scan 0x4 tms=0 tms=1 tms=1 Capture-DR 0x6 Capture-IR 0xE tms=0 tms=0 Shift-DR 0x2 Exit-DR 0x1 Shift-IR 0xA tms=1 Exit-IR 0x9 tms=0 tms=0 Pause-DR 0x3 tms=0 Pause-IR 0xB tms=0 Exit2-DR 0x0 Update-DR 0x5 tms=1 38 Exit2-IR 0x8 Update-IR 0xD tms=0 Fig.27: JTAG State Machine tms=1 tms=1 tms=0 MTC-20278/9 150200 [39] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT Reset The boundary scan interface includes a state-machine controller (TAP controller) according to the IEEE standard. In order to force the TAP controller into the correct state after power-up of the device, a reset pulse must be applied to the TRST signal. If the boundary scan interface is to be used, TRST must be driven LOW, and then HIGH again. If the boundary scan is not to be used, the TRST input pin should be tied permanently low. A clock on TCK is not necessary to reset the device. Instruction Register The instruction register is 4 bits in length. There is no parity bit. The fixed value loaded into the instruction register during the CAPTURE-IR controller state is 0001. Public Instructions The following public instructions are supported Instruction Binary code EXTEST 0000 SCAN_N 0010 SAMPLE/PRELOAD 0011 INTEST 1100 BYPASS 1111 Codes not listed in the table should be considered reserved and must not be used during boundary scan testing. In the descriptions that follow, TDI and TMS are sampled on the rising edge of TCK and all output transitions on TDO occur as a result of the falling edge of TCK EXTEST (0000) The scan chain is placed in test mode by the EXTEST instruction. The EXTEST instruction connects the scan chain between TDI and TDO. In the CAPTURE-DR state, inputs from the system logic and outputs from the output scan cells to the system are captured by the scan cells. In the SHIFT-DR state, the previously captured test data is shifted out of the scan chain via the TDO pin, while new test data is shifted in via the TDI input. This data is applied immediately to the system logic and system pins. SAMPLE/PRELOAD (0011) The scan chain is placed in test mode by the SAMPLE/PRELOAD instruction. This instruction connects the scan chain between TDI and TDO. In the CAPTURE-DR state, inputs from the system logic and outputs from the output scan cells to the system are captured by the scan cells. In the SHIFT-DR state, the previously captured test data is shifted out of the scan chain via the TDO pin. The capture of the pins levels can be done in normal operation. INTEST (1100) The scan chain is placed in test mode by the INTEST instruction. This instruction connects the scan chain between TDI and TDO. In the CAPTURE-DR state, the value of the data applied from the core logic to the output scan cells is captured. At the same time, the value of the data applied from the system logic to the input scan cell is also captured by the scan cells. In the SHIFT-DR state, the previously captured test data is shifted out of the scan chain via the TDO pin, while new test data is shifted in via the TDI input. 39 BYPASS (1110) The BYPASS instruction connects a 1 bit shift register (the BYPASS register) between the TDI pin and the TDO pin. When the BYPASS instruction is loaded into the instruction register, all the scan cells are placed in their normal mode of operation. The instruction has no effect on the system pins. In the CAPTURE-DR state, a logic 0 is captured by the bypass register. In the SHIFT-DR state, test data is shifted into the bypass register via the TDI pin and out via the TDO pin after a delay of one TCK cycle. Note that the first bit out will be a zero. The bypass register is not affected in the update-DR state. SCAN_N (0010) This instruction connects the Scan Path Select Register between TDI and TDO. During the CAPTURE-DR state, the fixed value 1000 is loaded into the register. During the SHIFT-DR state, the ID number of the desired scan path is shifted into the scan path select register. In the UPDATE-DR state, the scan register of the selected scan chain is connected between TDI and TDO, and remains connected until a subsequent SCAN_N instruction is issued. On reset, scan chain 3 is selected by default. The scan path select register is 4 bits long. MTC-20278/9 150200 [40] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT Test Data Registers Instruction Register Purpose:Changes the current TAP instruction. Length: 4 bits Operating mode: when in SHIFT-IR state, the instruction register is selected as the serial path between TDI and TDO. During the CAPTURE-IR state, the values 0001 binary is loaded into this register. This is shifted out during shift-IR (LSB first), while a new instruction is shifted in (LSB first). During the UPDATE-IR state, the value in the instruction register becomes the current instruction. On reset, IDCODE (reserved) becomes the current instruction. There are a number of data registers which may be connected between TDI and TDO. They are: Bypass register, Instruction register, Scan chain select register, Scan chain 3 (all others scan chains are reserved). Only the bypass register, instruction register, scan chain select register and scan chain 3 are discussed. Bypass Register Purpose: Bypasses the device during scan test by providing a path between TDI and TDO. Length: 1 bit Operating mode: when the BYPASS instruction is the current instruction in the instruction register, serial data is transferred from TDI to TDO in shift-DR state with a delay of one TCK clock cycle. There is no parallel output from the bypass register. A logic 0 is loaded from the parallel input of the bypass register in the CAPTURE-DR state. Pin External Boundary Scan Register Purpose: boundary scan testing Length: 25 bits Operation: following digital component pins are scanned and tested in boundary scan mode The relation betweeen the scanned pins and the scan register sequence is described in the following table (all digital pins are included in the boundary scan except for TDI, TDO,TMS, TCK, FD21, FD31) Scan Chain Select Register Purpose: changes the currently active scan chain. Length: 4 bits Operating mode: The external boundary scan is selected by default at reset. It is not allowed to select other registers for boundary scan testing. The external boundary scan corresponds to the scan chain number 3. Direction INTEST TDI EXTEST TDO TDI x x x x TDO RD11 out RD43 inout RD41 out x x RD42 out x x FD41 in x FD42 inout x x x x FD32 inout x x x x RD33 inout x x x x RD32 out x x RD31 out x x POS in x x DFR in x x DIN in x x x x x 40 MTC-20278/9 150200 [41] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT Pin Direction INTEST TDI EXTEST TDO TDI x TDO DCLK in x DOUT out TSP in x x NRESET in x x RD23 inout x RD21 x x x x x out x x RD22 out x x FD22 out x x RD13 inout x x x x FD12 inout x x x x FD11 in x RD12 out x x x Data entered at TDI will shift from position RD11 to RD12. Total delay between TDI and TDO is 26 clocks of TCK. The positions marked 'x' in the table should be interpreted as follows: INTEST: data shifted in through TDI will be presented to the internal chip inputs data from the internal chip outputs will be shifted to TDO EXTEST: data shifted in through TDI will be presented to the external chip pins data from the external chip pins will be shifted to TDO 41 MTC-20278/9 150200 [42] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT Electrical Characteristics and Ratings Symbol Parameter VIH High Level Input Voltage VIL Low Level Input Voltage VIH NRESET Rising NRESET VIL NRESET Conditions Min Max 80% of VDD Unit V 20% of VDD V 1.7 1.9 V Falling NRESET 0.9 1.1 V VOH High Level Output Voltage 85% of VDD VOL Low Level Output Voltage 0.4 V CIN Input Capacitance, all inputs 1 pF COUT Load Capacitance, all outputs 100 pF V The NRESET input is a Schmitt Trigger input. Absolute Maximum Ratings, Operating Ranges and Storage Conditions Absolute Maximum Ratings Stresses above those listed in this clause can cause permanent device failure. Exposure to absolute maximum ratings for extended periods can effect device reliability. Symbol DVDD, AVDD VIN Description power supply voltage input voltage on any pin Min VSS - 0.3 VSS - 0.3 42 Max 3.63 VDD + 0.3 AND < 3.63 Unit V V MTC-20278/9 150200 [43] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT Operating Ranges Operating ranges define the limits for functional operation and schematic characteristics of the device as described above, and for the reliability specifications as listed. Functionality outside these limits is not implied. Total cumulative dwell time outside the normal power supplyVoltage range or the ambient temperature under bias must be less than 0.1% of the useful life as defined in the reliability section. Symbol Description Min Max Unit DVDD, AVDD power supply 3.135 3.465 V PTOT total power consumption 250 (1) mW/line PPD power down power consumption 16 (2) mW/line Tamb ambient temperature - I version -40 85 C Tamb ambient temperature - C version 0 70 C SNAVDD analog supply noise 30 mVPP SNDVDD digital supply noise 100 mVPP (1) U nominally loaded (U: 135 line equivalent) for random signal. (2) Transition from power-up to powerdown automatically follows when transmission on U is terminated. Transition to power-up state occurs when a wakeup signal is received from U or when activity is detected on the data input of the GCI interface. AC Characteristics GCI Pins Timing for: DCLK, DFR, DIN, DOUT DCLK DFR bit 0 bit1 Detail A Fig.28: Timing for: DCLK, DFR, DIN, DOUT 43 bit2 DOUT/DIN MTC-20278/9 150200 [44] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT tr tf DCLK tDCL twH tsF twL DFR thF twFH tdDF DOUT tdDC DIN tsD thD Fig.29: Timing for: DCLK, DFR, DIN, DOUT Timing ReferenceVoltages Voltage High Low Output 2.4V 0.4V Input 2.0V 0.8V Parameter Signal Mnem. Units Min Max Clock Period DCLK tDCL ns 239 249 Pulse width DCLK twL, twH ns 90 - Frame DFR tsF ns 70 tDCL-50 Frame Rise/Fall DFR tr, tf ns Frame Width H DFR twFH ns 130 - Frame Width L DFR twFL ns tDCL - (2048 kbps) 60 Frame Hold DFR thF ns 50 - Data delay, Clock DOUT tdDC ns - 100 (1) Data delay, Frame DOUT tdDF ns - 150 (1) Data setup DIN tsD ns twH + 20 - Data Hold DIN thD ns 50 - Note 1: Cload = 150pF. 44 MTC-20278/9 150200 [45] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT Timing for JTAG, PINS: TCK, TMS, TDI, TDO (TRST asynchronous). T bscl T bsch T bsis T bsih T bsss T bssh T bsoh T bsod T bsdh T bsdh T bsdd T bsdd Fig.30: Timing for JTAG, PINS: TCK, TMS, TDI, TDO (TRST asynchronous) Symbol Parameter (Time inns) Min Tbscl TCK low period 15.1 Tbsch TCK high period 15.1 Tbsis TDI, TMS setup to [TCr] 3.6 Tbsih TDI, TMS hold from [TCr] 7.6 Tbsoh TDO hold time 2.4 Tbsod TCr to TDOValid Tbsss I/O signal setup to [TCr] 3.6 Tbssh I/O signal hold from [TCr] 7.6 Tbsdh data output hold time 2.4 Tbsdd TCf to data outputValid Tbsr Reset period Typ Max 16.4 17.1 25 45 Notes MTC-20278/9 150200 [46] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT Operating Environment The components are intended for application in equipment for indoor operation without forced cooling air flow, only convection. Storage Conditions Temperature should be in the range -55 to 110C. In case of IC deliveries in dry bag, the conditions of time and humidity during storage are specified in Alcatel specification16650. In case of IC deliveries not in dry bag, the conditions for a maximum storage period of 2 years are as follows: Ambient Temperature (C) Relative Humidity (%) 20 80 30 40 50 70 60 50 46 MTC-20278/9 150200 [47] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT Quality Product Accaptance Tests All products are tested 100%, at ambient temperature with full temperature range guardband, by means of production test programs that guarantee optimal coverage of the product specification. Lot-by-lot Acceptance Test Lot conformance to specification of products delivered in Volume production is guaranteed by means of following tests: Test Electrical, functional and parametric ExternalVisual ExternalVisual Conditions To product specification at Tamb = 25C with full temperature range performance guardband. Physical damage to body or leads. Dimensions affecting PCB manufacturability such as bent leads, coplanarity, ... Correctness of marking Delivery lot certification Each delivery lot is accompanied by a Certificate of Conformance. Quality system A quality system with certification against ISO9001 is maintained. 47 AQL Level 0.04 Inspection Level II 0.04 II 0.65 II MTC-20278/9 150200 [48] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT Reliability Specification In order to guarantee the specified reliability, a product qualification for each product is performed. This qualification is described in the Alcatel Microelectronics specification document 15503. In order to minimize reliability testing, structural similarity is applied. Methods and criteria are defined in the documents 15501 (assembly) and 15502 (wafer fabrication). Monitoring of assembly and wafer fabrication is performed according to the specifications 15910 and 15205. These monitoring tests include the solderability tests. The Intrinsic Failure Rate When operating the component under benign conditions, the intrinsic failure rate will not exceed: - 5000 ppm during the early failure peri od defined below Failures due to external overstresses such as ESD,Voltage and current overstress (e.g. due to EMI), excessive mechanical and thermal shocks, ... are not included in these Figures (see next paragraph). - the long term failure rate as specified below after the early failure period Tjunction (C) Early failure period (Hrs) Long term failure rate (FIT) 55 8760 100 65 4000 200 75 2000 400 85 1000 800 90 800 1000 External Stress Immunity The Useful Life Electrostatic discharges: The device withstands 1000Volts Standardized Human Body Modle ESD pulses when tested according to MIL883C method 3015.5 (pin combination 2). The useful life, when used under moderate conditions, is at least 25 years. The term useful life is specified as the point in the lifetime where the intrinsic failure rate exceeds the long term failure rate specified above. Latch-up: Static latch-up protection level is 100 mA at 25C when tested according to JEDEC no. 17. 48 MTC-20278/9 150200 [49] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT 0.923(23.45) 0.903(22.95) 0.791(20.10) 0.783(19.90) .018(0.45) .008(0.20) TYP .031(0.80) Pin 1 .113(2.87) .101(2.57) MAX .134(3.40) MIN .002(0.05) TYP .063(1.60) .041(1.03) .025(0.65) TYP.006(0.15) 0.687(17.45) 0.667(16.95) 0.555(14.10) 0.547(13.90) 0C - 10C All dimensions are in inches and parenthetically in millimeters. Inches dimensions are approximated. 0C - 10C Fig.31: 80 PQFP Package Drawing 49 MTC-20278/9 150200 [50] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT Notes 50 MTC-20278/9 150200 [51] MTC-20278/9 ILTQ/ILTT Notes 51 MTC-20278/9 150200 [52] Alcatel Microelectronics acknowledges the trademarks of all companies referred to in this document. This document contains information on a new product. Alcatel Microelectronics reserves the right to make changes in specifications at any time and without notice. The information furnished by Alcatel Microelectronics in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Alcatel Microelectronics for its use, nor for any infringements of HEADQUARTERS MANUFACTURING & CUSTOMER SERVICE SALES OFFICES Westerring 15 9700 Oudenaarde Belgium MARKETING & DESIGN CENTRE & WESTERN EUROPE (SALES) Excelsiorlaan 44-46 1930 Zaventem Belgium Central Europe Arabellastrae 4 81925 Munich Germany Stuttgart Office Schwieberdingertrae 9 70435 Stuttgart Germany W. 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