Mounting the HEDT-9140 with an Alignment Tool
The HEDS-8905 alignment tool is recommended for
mounting the HEDT-9140 module with Side B as the
mounting plane. This tool can only be used when the HEDT-
9140 module is mounted with the HEDS-5140 (codewheel
with hub). The HEDS-8905 tool xes the module position
using the codewheel hub as a reference. It will not work if
Side A is used as the mounting plane.
The following assembly procedure uses the HEDS-8905
alignment tool to mount an HEDT-9140 module and an
HEDS-5140 codewheel:
1. Place codewheel on shaft.
2. Set codewheel height: (a) place alignment tool on
motor base (pins facing up) ush up against the motor
shaft as shown in Figure 3. (b) Push codewheel down
against alignment tool. The codewheel is now at the
proper height. (c) Tighten codewheel setscrew and
remove alignment tool.
Some motors have a boss around the shaft that
extends above the mounting plane. In this case, the
alignment tool cannot be used as a gage block to set
the codewheel height as described in 2(a), (b), and (c).
If boss is above mounting plane: Slide module onto
motor base, adjusting height of codewheel so that it
sits approximately in the middle of module slot. Lightly
tighten setscrew. The codewheel height will be more
precisely set in step 5.
3. Insert mounting screws through module and thread
into the motor base. Do not tighten screws.
4. Slide alignment tool over codewheel hub and onto
module as shown in Figure 4. The pins of the alignment
tool should t snugly inside the alignment recesses of
the module.
If boss is above mounting plane: The pins of the tool may
not mate properly because the codewheel is too high
on the shaft. Loosen codewheel setscrew and lower
codewheel slightly. Retighten setscrew lightly and
attempt this step again.
5. While holding alignment tool in place, tighten screws
down to secure module.
If boss is above mounting plane: Push codewheel up
ush against alignment tool to set codewheel height.
Tighten codewheel setscrew.
6. Remove alignment tool.
Figure 3. Alignment Tool is Used to Set Height of Codewheel. Figure 4. Alignment Tool is Placed over Shaft and onto Codewheel Hub.
Alignment Tool Pins Mate with Aligning Recesses on Module.