MACOM. ats eB IC ae On MLL Find Products View Applications Home Products Crosspoints and Signal Conditioners Crosspoint Switches, Signal Conditioners/Redrivers M21080 12.5 Gbps 80x80 Crosspoint Switches The M21605, M21601 and M21080 are 160x160, 120x120 and 80x80, high-performance, asynchronous fully nonblocking crosspoint switches. They are ideally suited for high-speed data switching in datacom, telecom, Ultra High Definition Video (UHDTV) and 4K 60p definition applications. Each switching path can operate independently at any data rate of up to 12.5 Gbps, allowing for multi-rate routing and switching in one single device. Each input is equipped with a programmable equalizer capable of compensating up to 27 dB of loss at 12.5 Gbps. The output drivers are programmable, with up to 12 dB of post-tap and 4 dB of pre-tap deemphasis. Each lane is individually programmable and can be powered down if not used. The device can be operated from a single 1.8 V supply. The device is configurable through internal registers accessible by a 2-wire serial, 4-wire serial interface or an 8bit parallel interface. Features > 80x80 non-blocking array crosspoint switch with low power dissipation > Four integrated temperature sensors with programmable alarm > TAG boundary scan > 71.8, 2.5, and 3.3 V digital core voltages > 1.8V core and high-speed 1/0 voltage > Auxiliary high-speed input and output for monitoring and testing > Flexible configuration through standard 2-wire serial, 4-wire serial interfaces or 8bit parallel interface > Individual lane LOS (Loss Of Signal) detection and squelch > Programmable output post tap de-emphasis up to 12 dB total and 5 dB total of pre-tap de-emphasis > Programmable input equalization to compensate for up to 27 dB of Loss at 6.25 GHz > Low latency, less than 2 ns Applications > Backplane switching and signal conditioning > Datacom, telecom, enterprise switchers/routers > DWDM switches > Serial Digital Video (SDI) switchers,routers > Storage Area Network (SAN) switch fabrics > UHDTV/4K Video Favorite Parts People Also Viewed Recently Viewed Login to MyMACOM to save your M21048 M2700 favorite parts. MzT607 M2124 m2i60s M21036 M1147 Products Vinnie ney plete ee] RF Power Products Mea ag ee ee Te ge le Investars Oat lmao) tay be Jujate Mean hd Rte Photonic Solutions ae ta News and Events Optical Sub-Assemblies Evgenia lg 6 Bole Tg Amplifiers Industrial, Scientific and Medical Quality & Reliability Pte oo Ute sigeeet |e T Tiga Re Come dr a geky ele ype lyre belle Me pel bate ga sige tery maT] eri ila SDI Products Sahay tee eere Uhl ge act lg ee a Cs eta Surveillance Control Products Passives Pra Lo att eee | a) ea UTE Perse gM alae ote) lesen) ico e Reheat) seen) ee eee Make Purchases Explore Technologies Share Technical Resources Datasheet fh M21605_M21601_M21080.pdf Support Live Chat AL Start Conversation Now Recent Searches M2080 M270806 M210246-12 M21024 M210246 ei elas Training Pe mC Umer ake RL Contact Us eB em a Cele eee cela Technical Resources Library ieee cG eee aCe ed ated ce) High Power GaN Portfolio ei en elas te) a} feta lee a (ete) rete Ma app stal ln) iam eel aa cats)ee es MACOM. Partners from RF to Light aula CE sets EL ce ae Mery el yd Home Products Crosspoints and Signal Conditioners Crosspoint Switches, Signal Conditioners/Redrivers Share * 12.5 Gbps 80x80 Crosspoint Switches The M21605, M21601 and M21080 are 160x160, 120x120 and 80x80, high-performance, Tech nical Resources asynchronous fully nonblocking crosspoint switches. They are ideally suited for high-speed data switching in datacom, telecom, Ultra High Definition Video (UHDTY) and 4K 60p definition applications. Each switching path can operate independently at any data rate of up to 12.5 Gbps, allowing for multi-rate routing and switching in one single device. Each input is equipped with a programmable equalizer capable of compensating up to 27 dB of loss at 12.5 Gbps. The output drivers are programmable, with up to 12 dB of post-tap and 5 dB of pre-tap deemphasis. Each lane is individually programmable and can be powered down if not used. The device can be operated from a single 1.8 V supply. The device is configurable through internal registers accessible by a 2-wire serial, 4-wire serial interface or an &bit parallel interface. Datasheet fh M121605_M21601_M21080.pdf Support Live Chat AL Start Conversation Now Richardson Part Number Package MACOM RFPD Digikey Mouser Recent Searches eo 45mm FCBGA-1924LD &%% Inquire m21080 Crosspoint Switch, 80x80, 12.5Gbps M2TO806 M210246-12 M21024 qi M21024G Favorite Parts People Also Viewed Recently Viewed Login to MyMACOM to save your M21048 M27080 favorite parts. MzT607 MzT024 ma2t6os M21036 M2114? vinifera ures Plate me] eT yelas Wireless Networking and Communication Investars oe ay be )ajatae Mea hd Re me MCU met Tt ber ee REL Lae tal News and Events Contact Us PY eain eter g tg Bol Coe Ts eB em a ele ee cel Industrial, Scientific and Medical OTE ea tela Lay Mea gee) gee eA ies lla a4 RF Power Products Oatley tay Photonic Solutions Optical Sub-Assemblies Amplifiers Diodes ei pekesy Te ypu tg te ed fg eee pel bate pa eB) lca] a act yy ee Cs el tag Control Products a era a a2 att ye elle) Communications Processors leat) ee eM eet olga R sitet lest a Broadcast Video Suh sg tee mere Uae ge ET a Tae eC e ed T era ical e eee ta esa en) Liner atom cG eee ihc ed tig) High Power GaN Portfolio Ai en ela nl) ators oe te] mca) ts) rete Ma isp petal ln) tate eel aa ints)