SEMIKRON SEMIPACK 3 Vrsm|Vram| (dv/ itams (maximum values for continuous operation) . . VbaM| dt}or 350 A | 420A | | 420A Thyristor/ Diode Modules Itav (Sin. 180; Tcase =...) SKKT 210 SKKH 210 Ve| V. [Vus} 220 A (88 C)| 260 A (82 C)| 220 A (88 C) 260 A(82C}} = SK KT 250 SKKH 250 1) SKKT SKKT SKKH SKKH SKMT 250 900] 800} 500) 210/08 D 250/08 D ~- - 1300] 1200} 500 - 250/12 D - - 1300|1200]/1000] 210/12 E 280/12 E 210/12 E 250/12 E 1500] 1400/1000| 210/14 E 250/14 E 210/14 E 250/14 E 1700] 1600/1000] 210/16 E 250/16 E 210/16 E 250/16:E 1900] 1800/1000] 210/18 E 250/18 E 210/18 E 250/18'E 2100)2000/1000| 210/20 E cos 210/20 E - 12300] 2200/1000] 210/22'E De 210/22 E - SKKT 210 | SKKT 250 Symbot | Conditions SKKH 210 | SKKH 250 Units Irayv sin. 180; (Tease = ...) 210 (90C) | 250 (85C) A Ip B2/B6 | Tamb = 35 C; 420/550 450/585 A Inws W1W3 | P 16/200 F 526/3 x 440 | 566/3 x 471 A Itsm Ty= 265C; 10 ms 8500 9000 _ A Ty = 130 C; 10 ms 7500 8000 A oie Pie Debi *t Ty= 25C; 8,3... 10ms 361 000 405 000 As Ty = 130 C; 8,3... 10 ms 281 000 320000 | As SKKT SKKH td Ty, = 25C; Ia=1A; dig/dt = 1 A/us 1 us _ it tgr Vp = 0,67 - Voam 2 ys B y g (difdt)cr | Ty = 130 C 250 Alus SKMT tg Ty = 130C typ. 50... 150 us jn Ty= 25C typ. 150; max. 500 mA Ie Ty = 25C; Ra =39Q typ. 0,3; max. 2 A F Vr Ty= 25C: i= 750A - max. 1,5 max. 1,4 Vv Neat wansfer through aluminium Vriroy | Ty = 130C 0,95 0,925 V nitride ceramic isolated metal tr Ty = 130 C 0,6 0,45 mQ baseplate Ino; Irp | Ty = 130 C; Vro = Varo Precisious metal pressure Vop = Vorm 50 50 mA contacts for high reliability Vet Ty= 25C; d.c. 3 v UL recognized, file no. E 63 532 lat Ty= 25C; dic. 200 mA Vap Ty = 130C; dic. 0,25 v Typical Applications lao Ty = 190 C; d.c. 10 mA * DC motor control (e. g. for Rithic cont. 0,14/0,07 CW machine tools) sin. 180 per thyristor/ 0,15/0,075 CMW . Temperature control (e. g. for rec. 120 per modute 0,165/0,083 CWW ovens, chemical processes) Rien 0,04/0,02 cow Professional light dimming Ty ~40... +130 C (studios, theaters) Tstg - 40... +130 C Visot a.c. 50 Hz: r.m.s.; 1 3/1 min 3600/3000 V~ Mi to heatsink SI units 5+15% Nm US units 44+ 15%? Me to terminals St units 9+15% 2) Nm US units 80 +15 %%), a 5. 9,81 mis* w approx. 940 9 > SKMT 250 availabie on request _ : See the assembly instructions Case | page B 1-62 aA. A o SKMT 250: A 64 5) The screws must be lubricated by SEMIKRON 0896 Bt-77400 400 1, SKKT 210 w 2 SKKH 210 300 300 200 200 400 P i Pay %9 tray 50 100 150 200 A 0 Tomb 50 160 150 Fig. 1a Power dissipation per thyristor vs. on-state current and ambient temperature 400 w KKT 230 KKH 250 > Ss 300 200 we Pav a ray 100 200 A o Toenbs 50 100 150 Fig. 1b Power dissipation per thyristor vs. on-state current and ambient temperature KT21002A 760 75 4.SKKT 210 am SKKH 210 F 8S t 90 500 + 95 r 160 r 10S L 10 250 be 448 r 120 rot L 125 o L 436 tayg 100 200 300 400 A OO Temp 50 100 150 Fig. 2a Power dissipation per module vs. rms current and case temperature B1-78 0895 by SEMIKRONSEMIKRON 70 L 75 w Tease / 80 r 8S ~ 90 500 t 95 - HD - 105 250 F TW 315 F 120 Py - 125 vIoT fo oO b 130 Jems 250 500 A 0 Tomb 50 100 150 Fig. 2b Power dissipation per module vs. rms current and case temperature KT210034 1600 %S 2- SKKT 210 i Ieowe SKKH 210 r 85 - 90 1000 + 95 - 100 b 105 500 F #0 F 15 > 120 Putor cow | 125 c c L130 O ly 100 200 350 400 A 0 Tom 50 wo sc $0 Fig. 3a Power dissipation of two modules vs. direct current and case temperature 1500 |. 75 w 2. SKKT Teore + 80 - oS woo id f as ac) F 105 500 r Ho us tr 120 Pytor L 125 % o - 130 8 tp 250 500 A 0 Tomb 50 100 150 Fig. 3b Power dissipation of two modules vs. direct current and case temperature by SEMIKRON 0895 B1-792000 wkd 1560 1000 Rat SKKT 210 SKKH 210 0 Igtaas 256 500 A Oo Tam 50 100 KT210044 ~ 75 case r 8G 95 L sco jf 105 FO 115 fr 720 Fig. 4a Power dissipation of three modules vs. direct and ms current and case temperature 2000 wh 3 1500 1000 Ryror SKKT 250 SKKH 250 5 oer 266 MS sen A Oo Tarn 50 100 Fig. 4b Power dissipation of three madules vs. direct and rms current and case temperature 3000 [1 SKKT/H 210 2 SKKT/H 250 lott i twee sooo Lt, 100 ar 30 q 2 30 KT21O8 100A S004 AALS 106. Fig. 5 Recovered charge vs. current decrease O2 ba Ww O35 of 0,05 Zant a r 1 2 4 2 . SKKT 210 SKKH 210 . SKKT 260 SKKH 250 5 40! Fig. 6 Transient thermal impedance vs. time 3 107 B1-80 0597 by SEMIKRONSEMIKRON aie & i. ry 0,2 O15 Rihjc on 0 30 60 g0 Fig. 7 Thermal resistance vs. conduction angie woo A 200 + 9 7 os 1 Fig. 8 On-state characteristics yew 1 3 SKKT 210 ok 1. SKKT 250 2 SKKH 250 No oe 5 4 3 2 Ve a wig 2 3.46 10? 2 Fig. 10 Gate trigger characteristics .SKKT 210 KT 120 3.45 45 3077 180 *SKKT 210 Oy os 1 18 v2 Fig. 8 a On-state characteristics 'tov) tsa 48 25C |1,)= 130 210) 8500 7500 9000 8000 6 14 t 101 10? ms 107 Fig. 9 Surge overload current vs. time KT21010 we 2 345 10! 2 3.45 A 102 by SEMIKRON 0597 B1-81SKKT 210, SKKT 250 Case A 25 SEMIPACK 3 UL recognized, file no. E 63 532 SKKE 260 Case A 28 Th SKKL 210, SKKL 250 225 35 Case A 35 - 1 SKKH 210, SKKH 250 SKMD 260 Case A 26 Case A 58 Y, a SKKD 260 SKMT 250 Case A 27 Case A 64 Tt Dimensions in mm B1-82 by SEMIKRON