REV 1.1
iTRAX03-S GPS Receiver
This document describes the electrical connectivity and
main functionality of the iTRAX03-S hardware
September 6th, 2005
Fastrax Ltd.
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Rev. Notes Date
0.1 Preliminary documentation 2004-11-09
0.2 Updated GPIO behavior, added chapter 5. 2005-04-19
1.0 Added Application Board documentation 2005-08-31
1.1 Added pin description table in chapter 7. 2005-09-06
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1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION .............................................................................. 6
1.1 Block diagram ...................................................................................... 6
1.2 Frequency Plan .................................................................................... 7
2. SPECIFICATIONS........................................................................................... 8
2.1 General ................................................................................................. 8
2.2 Absolute maximum ratings.................................................................. 9
3. OPERATION ................................................................................................. 10
3.1 Operating modes................................................................................ 10
3.2 Navigating/Idle mode ......................................................................... 10
3.3 Sleep mode......................................................................................... 10
3.4 Programming mode............................................................................ 11
4. CONNECTIVITY ............................................................................................ 12
4.1 Connection assignments................................................................... 12
4.2 Power supply...................................................................................... 13
4.3 Reset................................................................................................... 14
4.4 Watchdog............................................................................................ 14
4.5 Shared functionality........................................................................... 14
4.6 Dedicated GPIO .................................................................................. 15
4.6.1 Boot Select .............................................................................. 15
4.6.2 UI Indicators ............................................................................ 16
4.6.3 On/Off control input ................................................................. 17
4.6.4 Wake Up control input.............................................................. 17
4.6.5 Power Good control input ........................................................ 18
4.6.6 Sleep mode and I/O ................................................................. 18
4.7 Antenna input..................................................................................... 18
4.7.1 Active GPS antenna................................................................. 19
4.8 PPS output.......................................................................................... 19
4.9 UART................................................................................................... 19
4.10 SPI-bus ............................................................................................... 19
4.11 Capture timer...................................................................................... 19
4.12 Pulse measurement input.................................................................. 20
4.13 MMC bus ............................................................................................. 20
4.14 Mechanical dimensions and contact numbering.............................. 20
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4.15 Suggested pad layout ........................................................................ 21
5. MANUFACTURING ....................................................................................... 22
5.1 Assembly ............................................................................................ 22
5.2 Suggested Reflow soldering profile.................................................. 22
5.3 Moisture sensitivity............................................................................ 22
6. REFERENCE DESIGN .................................................................................. 23
6.1 Minimum Application Circuit Diagram .............................................. 23
6.2 PCB layout issues.............................................................................. 25
7. ITRAX03-S APPLICATION BOARD.............................................................. 27
7.1 Card Terminal I/O-connector ............................................................. 27
7.2 Bill of materials .................................................................................. 29
7.3 Circuit drawing................................................................................... 30
7.4 Assembly drawing, Top side ............................................................. 31
7.5 Artwork, layer 1 (Top) ........................................................................ 31
7.6 Artwork, layer 2 .................................................................................. 32
7.7 Artwork, layer 3 .................................................................................. 32
7.8 Artwork, layer 4 .................................................................................. 33
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The following reference documents are complementary reading for
this document. All operating and firmware related documentation is
also available at the iSuiteTM 3 SDK web site
Ref. # File name Document name
1 iTrax03 Prochure
2 PRO_NMEA.html Fastrax NMEA Protocol Specification
3 uN8130T_UM.pdf uN8130 User’s manual
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The iTrax03-S is an OEM GPS receiver module, which provides the
iTRAX03 (ref #1) receiver functionality with an internal 8Mbit Flash
memory and which has a tiny form factor 16.2x18.8mm.
The module provides complete signal processing from antenna to se-
rial data output in either NMEA messages or in proprietary iTALK bi-
nary protocol. A second serial port is also available for custom pur-
poses. The module requires a dual power supply at +2.7…+3.3V and
GPS antenna input signal. Serial data and all I/O signals levels are
CMOS compatible.
The iTRAX03-S module interfaces to the customer’s application via
versatile I/O and supports also several peripherals for iSuite3 SDK
users including a timer input, a pulse measurement input, a high
speed SPI-bus and a MMC bus. All the peripherals have a shared
functionality for SDK users with the General Purpose Input/Output
The antenna input supports passive and active antennas and provides
also an internally generated antenna bias supply.
This document describes the electrical connectivity and main func-
tionality of the iTRAX03-S hardware.
1.1 Block diagram
Figure 1 Block diagram
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1.2 Frequency Plan
Clock frequencies generated internally at the iTRAX03 receiver:
• 32768 Hz real time clock
• 16.3574 MHz master clock
• 1574.40 MHz local oscillator of the RF down-converter
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2.1 General
Table 1 General Specifications
Receiver GPS L1 C/A-code, SPS
Channels 12
Update rate 1 Hz default (fix rate configurable)
Supply voltage range, VDDRF +2.7V…+3.3 V, low ripple 2mV(RMS) max.
Supply voltage range, VDDDIG +2.7V…+3.3 V
Power consumption 100 mW typical (without Antenna bias)
Antenna net gain range 0…+32 dB
Antenna bias voltage Same as VDDRF
Antenna bias current Must be limited externally by VDDRF supply to
150mA max.
Operating and storage temperature -40ºC…+85ºC
Serial port configuration Port 0: NMEA (default), iTALK optional
Port 1: iTalk
Serial data format 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit
Serial data speed 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200,
28800, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800,
921600 baud.
NMEA: 4800(default), iTalk: 115200(default).
I/O signal levels CMOS compatible: low state 0.0…0.3xVDDDIG;
high state 0.7…1.0xVDDDIG
I/O sink/source capability +/- 4 mA max.
PPS output 1 pulse per second (ref 2), CMOS compatible
Accessory I/O (shared functionality
with GPIO)
Capture Timer, Pulse Measurement Input, SPI-
bus, MMC bus
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2.2 Absolute maximum ratings
Table 2 Absolute maximum ratings
Item Min Max unit
Operating and storage temperature -40 +85 ºC
Power dissipation 500 mW
Supply voltage, VDDDIG -0.3 +3.6 V
Supply voltage, VDDRF -0.3 +3.6 V
Current on any I/O pin except antenna
-30 +30 mA
Current output on antenna input 0 +150 mA
Input voltage on any input connection -0.3 VDDDIG
+ 0.3
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3.1 Operating modes
After power up iTRAX03-S boots from the internal flash memory for
normal operation. Modes of operation:
• Navigating/Idle mode
• Sleep mode
• Programming mode
3.2 Navigating/Idle mode
The iTRAX03 receiver enters navigating mode after power up. It will
by default start navigation automatically after power up/reset in auto
start mode. Auto start mode means that all available aiding informa-
tion will be used.
The module runs as long as the power supply is available.
Idle mode means that the navigation is stopped but the processor re-
mains still active. Navigating/Idle mode is also referred as Normal
The standard firmware supports versatile configuration of various op-
erating configurations, e.g. Logging position data etc., for further de-
tails see ref 2.
The navigation can be stopped by sending a proper NMEA or iTALK
message, see also ref 2.
3.3 Sleep mode
The Sleep mode means a low power operation during which no other
activity other that the internal real time clock (RTC) is present. The
module enters Sleep mode via a special control message (ref #2) or
by the On/Off Control input.
The exit from Sleep mode to Normal mode happens either after
• the elapsed time or
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• a RS232 break signal or a dummy input character to selected se-
rial port (the low input state should exceed 20ms) or
• interrupt from the On/Off Control input (low-to-high transition)
• interrupt from the Wake Up Control input (toggle input)
Since the internal RTC keeps the GPS time estimate, the module per-
forms the fastest possible navigation start, depending on the availabil-
ity of valid satellite/position data.
3.4 Programming mode
The module enters Programming mode by two methods: HW-booting
or upgrading the firmware on-the-fly by a dedicated NMEA or iTalk
command, see ref 1.
The on-the-fly upgrading requires only a serial port and the download-
ing will be started by sending a special command and the utility run-
ning on the host will send the new firmware to the processor.
HW-booting is utilized by keeping the Boot control input (GPIOB22) at
low state during power up or system reset. Now the GPS module
boots from the serial data Port 0, sends hex 55 (U) string at 9600
baud and waits the for the boot loader commands from the host (an
application running on the host). This mode is required when there is
no existing firmware stored to the internal Flash memory or when the
previous firmware is corrupted.
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4.1 Connection assignments
The I/O connections are available as soldering pads on the bottom
side of the module. These pads are also used to attach the module on
the motherboard in the application. All the unconnected I/O should be
left open (floating).
Table 3 Connections
Contact Signal name I/O Alternative
GPIO name
Signal description
1 TCAP1 I/O GPIOA11 Capture timer 1 input
2 BOOT1 I/O GPIOB22 Boot 1 control input
3 SPI1XCS0 I/O GPIOB10 SPI1 chip select 0; Power Good
control input
4 SPI1SDO I/O GPIOB14 SPI1 data output, On/Off control
5 GND I/O - Ground
6 SPI1SDI I/O GPIOB15 SPI1 data input, Wake Up control
7 SPI1CLK I/O GPIOB13 SPI1 data clock
8 GND - -
9 XRESET I - Asynchronous system reset, active
when low
10 BOOT2 I/O GPIOB21 Boot 2 control input
11 GND - - Ground
12 SPI1XCS2 I/O GPIOB12 SPI1 chip select 2, UI indicator C
(Fix available)
13 MMCCMD I/O GPIOA13 MMC command signal, UI indicator
14 VDDRF I - Power supply for analog parts
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15 GND -
16 TXD1 I/O GPIOA3 UART 1 async. output
17 TXD0 I/O GPIOA1 UART 0 async. output
18 RXD0 I/O GPIOA0 UART 0 async. input
19 RXD1 I/O GPIOA2 UART 1 async. input
20 GND - - Ground
21 MMCCLK I/O GPIOA12 MMC clock signal
22 GND - - Ground
23 GND - - Ground
24 RFIN I/O - Antenna signal input, Antenna bias
voltage output
25 GND - - Ground
26 GND - - Ground
27 MMCDAT I/O GPIOA14 MMC data signal, UI indicator A
28 VDDDIG I - Power supply for digital parts
29 PM0 I/O GPIOA5 Pulse measurement input 0
30 PPS I/O GPIOA7 1PPS signal output
Contact Signal name I/O Alternative
GPIO name
Signal description
4.2 Power supply
The iTRAX03 module requires two separate power supplies: VDDRF
for the RF parts and the VDDDIG for digital parts and I/O.
The VDDRF must be linearly regulated having a low ripple 2mV(RMS)
max, typical current drain is 24 mA in normal (navigating) mode with-
out the antenna bias current. Note that the VDDRF is also provided
internally at the Antenna input as an active antenna bias.
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VDDRF supply current should be limited ex-
ternally below 150 mA max.
VDDRF supply voltage should have a low
ripple 2mV(RMS) max.
The VDDDIG supply may be shared with any available supply that
meets the specified voltage range, typical current is 12 mA in normal
(navigating) mode but it may peak up to 40 mA for short durations.
4.3 Reset
The reset input XRESET is an active low asynchronous reset. The
processor boots after the low-to-high transition. The XRESET input
contains an internal voltage detector to force reset when VDDDIG is
below +2.5V. For normal operation the XRESET input can be left un-
4.4 Watchdog
The processor contains a watchdog peripheral, which resets the
processor if not refreshed frequently enough. Basically the watchdog
is a 16-bit counter with enabling, disabling and restarting controls.
The watchdog counter is clocked with the frequency of 128 Hz.
4.5 Shared functionality
All the I/Os have a shared functionality with the main functionality or
with a General Purpose I/O (GPIO). Each signal is named according
to the main functionality but also the secondary functionality is listed
as the Alternative GPIO for iSuite3 SDK users.
With the standard firmware there are dedicated GPIO connections,
which are: Boot Select, UI Indicators and control inputs that shall be
described in the following chapters.
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4.6 Dedicated GPIO
4.6.1 Boot Select
The boot source is defined in the internal boot ROM sector by using
the BOOT1 and BOOT2 (GPIOB22 and 21 respectively). After power
up or after system reset these contacts are first configured to pull-
down mode for 300 clock cycles (10 µs), after which their values are
read and the boot is processed according the following table.
Table 4 Boot select
BOOT1 BOOT2 I/O Boot source
high high I External boot sector (Flash), in case of failure con-
tinue with SPI1 boot
high low I External boot sector (Flash), in case of failure con-
tinue with UART Port 0 boot
low high I SPI1 boot
low low I UART Port 0 boot
After power up the Boot select should be kept low at least 100 ms.
In Normal mode the Boot Select should be kept low for at least 30us
after XRESET low-to-high transition.
The standard firmware supports only the boot from internal Flash
memory (normal operation) or boot from UART Port 0. Thus only the
BOOT1/GPIOB22 is needed for proper setting the Boot Select.
To ensure normal operation during system
reset and power on, the BOOT1 input
(GPIOB22, contact #2) requires an external
pull-up resistor connected to VDDDIG, e.g.
4.7 kohm.
Respectively the BOOT2/GPIOB21 (contact
#10) should be left open or connected to
pull-down resistor, e.g. 4.7 kohm.
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4.6.2 UI Indicators
With the standard firmware there are three GPIO outputs reserved as
a driver for User Interface (UI) Indicators. These outputs can be used
e.g. to drive LEDS, which gives information on the state of the re-
Table 5 UI Indicators
UI Indica-
I/O Operation:
High ratio %
Signal description
A 27 O Continuously
low state
Power Off or Sleep mode
A 27 O Short blink
Normal mode, Navigation stopped
A 27 O Long blink
Normal mode, Navigation started
B 13 O Continuously
low state
Navigation stopped or not tracking
B 13 O Short blink
Tracking satellites but not enough
information to calculate pseudo-
B 13 O Long blink
Pseudorange information available
but not navigating
B 13 O Continuously
high state
Navigating, Valid fix
C 12 O Low state No valid fix
C 12 O High state Valid fix available
The UI Indicators are updated synchronously at 1 Hz rate. The high
state duty cycle is either 0% (Continuously low state), 20% (Short
blink), 80% (Long blink) or 100% (Continuously high state).
UI indicator C indicates when a valid fix is available.
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4.6.3 On/Off control input
With the standard firmware the module can be controlled to Sleep
mode by the On/Off control input (SPI1SDO / GPIOB14, contact #4)
or by a specific serial command. During Sleep Mode only the real time
clock is running and the current consumption is reduced to about 20
Note that the worst case delay from the On/Off Control high-to-low
transition to achieve Sleep mode and reduced current drain is 300
ms. The standard firmware stores the last known good position (LKG)
and any Log data to the internal Flash memory before entering the
Sleep mode.
Table 6 On/Off control
contact 4
I/O Signal description
High state I Normal (navigating) mode, delay from Sleep mode 3 ms
Low state I Sleep mode, delay from Normal mode 300 ms max.
With the standard firmware the On/Off con-
trol input has an internal pull-up resistor
100kohm connected to VDDDIG and the
signal can be left unconnected for normal
operation. Note also chapter Sleep mode
4.6.4 Wake Up control input
With the standard firmware the module can be wake up from sleep
state by the Wake Up control input (SPI1SDI / GPIOB15, contact #6).
Wake Up input is normally used only when the module has entered
sleep state using the specific serial command.
Wake up interrupt is generated by toggling the Wake Up control input;
in case of a pulse the pulse length should be at least 20 ms.
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Table 7 Wake Up control
Wake Up
contact 6
I/O Signal description
High to
I Wake up from sleep state, Low state at least 20ms
Low to
I Wake up from sleep state, High state at least 20ms
With the standard firmware the Wake Up
control input has an internal keeper circuit
and the signal can be left unconnected for
normal operation. Note also chapter Sleep
mode &I/O.
4.6.5 Power Good control input
The standard firmware (3.11) does not support this feature.
4.6.6 Sleep mode and I/O
During Sleep mode all the dedicated GPIO are configured to inputs
with internal 100kohm pull-down resistors. There is one exception: the
On/Off control input is configured to 100k pull up resistor in case the
sleep state is entered via a proper command to any of the serial
4.7 Antenna input
The module supports passive and active antennas. The antenna input
impedance is 50 ohms. During normal (navigating) operation, the in-
put provides also a bias supply, which is the same level as the
VDDRF supply. During idle or sleep state the antenna bias is
switched off.
The maximum tolerated antenna bias current is 100mA, which is cur-
rent limited only by the external regulator supplying VDDRF. It is re-
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quired that the VDDRF supply current is limited externally to150 mA
Passive antennas with a short-circuit to
GND should be DC blocked externally with a
18pF…1nF serial capacitor.
4.7.1 Active GPS antenna
The customer may use an external active GPS antenna for e.g. in
mobile or indoor usage. It is suggested the active antenna has a net
gain including cable loss in the range from +6 dB to +32 dB.
4.8 PPS output
The PPS output provides a pulse-per-second signal, which can be
used for timing purposes. For details of operating modes check
documentation: iSuiteTM 3 SDK Protocols – NMEA (ref 2).
4.9 UART
The device supports UART communication via Port 0 and Port 1. With
the standard firmware the Port 0 is configured to NMEA by default
and secondary to iTALK protocol. The Port 0 is used also when the
device is booting from the serial port. With the standard firmware the
Port 1 is configured to iTALK by default.
I/O levels form the serial ports are CMOS compatible, not RS232
compatible. Use an external level converter to provide RS232 levels
when needed. Refer to ref 2 for supported data speeds.
4.10 SPI-bus
The SPI1 bus (master) is available for SDK users enabling high speed
synchronous serial SPI communication.
4.11 Capture timer
One general-purpose timer TMG1 is available for SDK users with a
custom firmware. It has a configurable prescaler and clock cycle
counts. The clock input is limited to internal sources and there is a
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capture mode to count external events. Each timer also has a pro-
grammable delay, referenced to the internal epoch pulse (TME). This
makes it possible to have a specified delay between interrupts gener-
ated by the internal TME epoch, TMG0, and TMG1. For details see ref
4.12 Pulse measurement input
One measurement (PM0) input is available for SDK users with a cus-
tom firmware. PM0 input can be used to measure with great accuracy
how long an input stays high or low. For details see ref 3.
4.13 MMC bus
The MMC bus is available for SDK users with a custom firmware. The
MMC unit implements a standard 3-wire Multi Media Card serial bus
interface and provides control and data register for easy usage of the
bus. Both stream and block mode data transfers are supported. The
CRC is calculated automatically for transmitted commands and data
blocks, also received responses and data blocks are checked for cor-
rect CRC. The MMC unit has a 64-bit data buffer and is capable of
stopping bus clock to prevent buffer overflow and underflow situa-
tions. For details see ref 3.
4.14 Mechanical dimensions and contact numbering
Module size is 16.2mm (width) x 18.8mm (length) x 3.1mm (height
max). General tolerance is ±0.1mm.
Figure 2 Contact numbering, top view.
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4.15 Suggested pad layout
Figure 3 Suggested pad layout and occupied area, top view.
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5.1 Assembly
The iTrax03-S module supports only assembly and soldering in a re-
flow process on the top side of the PCB.
5.2 Suggested Reflow soldering profile
Figure 4 Suggested reflow soldering temperature profile.
5.3 Moisture sensitivity
Note that the iTRAX03-S is moisture sensitive at MSL 3 (see the
standard IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020B). The module must be stored in the
original moisture barrier bag or if the bag is opened, the module must
be repacked or stored in a dry cabin (according to the standard
IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033A). Factory floor life in humid conditions is 1
week for MSL 3.
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The idea of the reference design is to give a guideline for the applica-
tions using the iTRAX03-S GPS module. In itself it is not a finished
product, but an example that performs correctly.
In the following two chapters the reader is exposed to design rules
that he should follow, when designing an iTRAX03-S in to the applica-
tion. By following the rules one end up having an optimal design with
no unexpected behavior caused by the PCB itself. In fact these guide-
lines are quite general in nature, and can be utilized in any PCB de-
sign related to RF techniques or to high speed logic.
6.1 Minimum Application Circuit Diagram
The Minimum Application supports communication through the UART
Port 0 (NMEA or iTALK). Other required signals are the antenna in-
put, supply voltage for VDDRF and VDDDIG, a pull-up resistor for the
BOOT1 control.
The low drop-out linear regulator (LDO) U2 supplies +2.8 V voltage to
the RF and analog parts (VDDRF) and the digital supply (VDDDIG) is
taken directly from the main supply, which in this case is from +3.0 to
+3.3 V due to the small drop-out voltage across U2. The linearly regu-
lated power supply is needed for VDDRF, because the maximum al-
lowed ripple voltage for VDDRF is 2 mV(RMS). The external regulator
U2 can be omitted, if such a supply is available that meets the speci-
fied ripple voltage.
All the digital signals are routed away from the module through series
resistors (R2, R3). In this way the local oscillator (LO) signal leakage
that is present in the I/O contacts of the GPS module is suppressed.
Although the LO leakage is very small at the IO contacts of the mod-
ule, it may still interfere the GPS reception, especially when the an-
tenna is located very near to these signal routes.
For the same reason capacitors C1 and C2 should be connected very
close to the module’s with short traces to I/O contacts and to ground
Additionally, there must be another capacitor (C3: 4.7uF or bigger)
from VDDDIG to the ground. This capacitor can be located further
away. If some specific signal from the iTRAX03 is not needed, it can
be left open by default.
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Figure 5 Minimum Application Circuit Diagram.
Note that there is a DC voltage present at the RF input, when the
module is operating in Normal mode. This voltage is equal to VDDRF.
If a passive antenna with a short-circuit to the GND is used, an exter-
nal series DC block capacitor (18pF) must be used for the RFIN sig-
nal line.
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6.2 PCB layout issues
The suggested 4-layer PCB build up is presented in the following ta-
Table 8 Suggested PCB build up
Layer Description
1 Signal + Ground with copper keep-out below iTRAX03-S
2 Ground plane
3 Signal + Ground or VDD plane
4 Signal (short traces) + Ground
Routing signals directly under the module should be avoided. This
area should be dedicated to keep-out to both traces and to ground
(copper), except for the via holes, which can be placed close to the
pad under the module. If possible, the amount of VIA holes under-
neath the module should be also minimized.
For a multi-layer PCB the first inner layer below the iTRAX03-S is
suggested to be dedicated for the ground plane. Below this ground
layer other layers with signal traces are allowed. It is always better to
route very long signal traces in the inner layers of the PCB. In this
way the trace can be easily shielded with ground areas from above
and below.
The serial resistors at the I/O should placed very near to the
iTRAX03-S module. In this way the risk for the local oscillator leakage
is minimized. For the same reason by-pass capacitors C1 and C2
should be connected very close to the module’s with short traces to
IO contacts and to the ground plane. Place the GND via hole as close
as possible to the capacitor.
Connect the GND soldering pads of the iTRAX03-S to ground plane
with short traces to via holes, which are connected to the ground
plane. Use preferably two via holes per GND pad.
The RF input should be routed clearly away form other signals, this
minimizes the possibility of interference. The proper width for the 50
ohm transmission line impedance depends on the dielectric material
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of the substrate and on the height between the signal trace and the
first ground plane. With FR-4 material the width of the trace shall be
two times the substrate height.
A board space free of any traces should be covered with copper ar-
eas (GND). In this way, a solid RF ground is achieved throughout the
circuit board. Several via holes should be used to connect the ground
areas between different layers.
Additionally, it is important that the PCB build-up is symmetrical on
both sides of the PCB core. This can be achieved by choosing identi-
cal copper content on each layers, and adding copper areas to route-
free areas. If the circuit board is heavily asymmetric, the board may
bend during the PCB manufacturing or reflow soldering. Bending may
cause soldering failures.
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The application board provides the iTrax03-S connectivity to the
Evaluation Kit or to other evaluation purposes. It provides a single
PCB board equipped with the iTrax03-S module, two regulators, an
MCX antenna connector and a 2x20 pin Card Terminal connector.
7.1 Card Terminal I/O-connector
The following signals are available at the 40-pin Card Terminal I/O
connector J2.
Pin Signal name I/O
GPIO name
Signal description
1 TXD1 O GPIOA3 UART 1 async. output
2 GND - - Ground
3 RXD1 I GPIOA2 UART 1 async. input
4 GND - - Ground
5 TXD0 O GPIOA1 UART 0 async. output
6 GND - - Ground
7 RXD0 I GPIOA0 UART 0 async. input
8 GND - - Ground
9 VCC - - Power input
10 GND - - Ground
11 PPS O GPIOA7 1PPS signal output
12 GND - - Ground
13 XRESET I - Active low async. system reset
14 FCLK O GPIOA4 Pre-divided clock output of UART 1
15 SPI2XCS2 O GPIOB21 SPI2 chip select2, (2nd boot select)
16 SPI2XCS3 I/O GPIOB22 SPI2 chip select3, Boot Select
17 GND - - Ground
18 TCAP1 I GPIOA11 Timer TMG1 capture input
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19 TIN0 I GPIOA8 Timer TMG0 external clock input
20 TIN1 I GPIOA10 Timer TMG1 external clock input
21 GND - - Ground
22 TCAP0 I GPIOA9 Timer TMG0 capture input
23 PM1 I GPIOA6 Pulse measurement input 1
24 PM0 I GPIOA5 Pulse measurement input 0
25 GND - - Ground
26 MMCCMD I/O GPIOA13 MMC command bus, UI indicator B
27 SPI1XCS0 O GPIOB10 SPI1 chip select 0
28 MMCCLK O GPIOA12 MMC clock output
29 SPI1CLK O GPIOB13 SPI1 clock
30 MMCDAT I/O GPIOA14 MMC data bus, UI indicator A
31 GND - - Ground
32 SPI1SDO O GPIOB14 SPI1 data output
33 GND - - Ground
34 SPI1SDI I GPIOB15 SPI1 data input, Wake-up input
35 GND - - Ground
36 SPI2CLK I/O GPIOB16 SPI2 clock, output in master mode
37 GND - - Ground
38 SPI2SDI I GPIOB18 SPI2 data input, On/Off control inp.
39 GND - - Ground
40 SPI1XCS2 O GPIOB12 SPI1 chip select 2, UI indicator C
Pin Signal name I/O
GPIO name Signal description
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All I/O signals are routed at the Card Termi-
nal connector J2 following the iTrax03 nam-
ing with one exception: the signal named
SPI1XCS2 (iTrax03-S pin 12, signal UI_C)
is not available at the iTrax03 Application
Board and thus this signal is routed to the
pin 40 at J2, which follows the iTrax03 stan-
dard firmware operation (UI indicator C).
7.2 Bill of materials
1 1 C1 C/0402/NPO/18P/50V/T5P,18pF 18pF 50V 5% NP0 0402
2 3 C2 C5-6 C/0402/X7R/10N/50V/T10P,10nF 10nF 50V 10% X7R 0402
3 4 C3-4 C7-8 C/0805/X5Y/4U7/6V3/T5P,4u7F 4,7uF 6,3V X5Y 0805
4 2 H3-4 FIDUCIAL,FIDUCIAL FIDUCIAL, Circle, rectangle, triangle
52H1-2 HOL/M3.0
6 1 J2 J/2X20/EDGE, Pitch 2.0mm SAMTEC EMT-120-01-S-D
7 1 J1 J/MCX/PCB,CON/BNC_90DEG_PCB 50 Ohm male MCX connector PCB
8 1 U1 MODULE/IT3S0A00,MODULE/IT3S0A00 MODULE IT3S0A00, itrax03S rev. A
9 1 PCB1 PCB/AP3S0A00,PCB/AP3S0A00 Application Board for iTrax03S
10 2 R5-6 R/0402/0R,0R 0R 0402
11 3 R1 R3-4 R/0402/220R/5P,220R 220R 5% 0402 63mW
12 1 R2 R/0402/4K7/T5P,4.7k 4.7k 5% 0402 63mW
13 4 REN1-4 RA/4X220R/ARV241,4X220R 4 x 220R ARV241
14 2 U2-3 U/REG/2V8/TSOT5,LDO2V8 Regulator
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7.3 Circuit drawing
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7.4 Assembly drawing, Top side
7.5 Artwork, layer 1 (Top)
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7.6 Artwork, layer 2
7.7 Artwork, layer 3
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7.8 Artwork, layer 4