www.tracopower.com Page 2
All specifications valid at nominal input voltage, full load and +25°C after warm-up time unless otherwise stated.
Input Specifications
Input current no load /full load 5 Vin models 80 mA / 665 mA typ.
12 Vin models 35 mA / 280 mA typ.
24 Vin models 17 mA / 140 mA typ.
48 Vin models 10 mA / 70 mA typ.
Surge voltage (1 sec. max.) 5 Vin models 7.5 VDC max.
12 Vin models 15 VDC max.
24 Vin models 30 VDC max.
48 Vin models 55 VDC max.
Reverse voltage protection 500 mA max.
Input Filter Pi-Filter
Output Specifications
Voltage set accuracy ± 3 %
Regulation – Input variation Vin min. to Vin max. ± 0.3 % max.
– Load variation 10 – 100 %
– single output models ± 0.5 % max.
– dual output models balanced load ± 3 % max.
Ripple and noise (20 MHz Bandwidth) 50 mVpk-pk max.
Temperature coefficient ± 0.02 % / °C
Output current limitation >120 % of Iout max., constant current
Short circuit protection indefinite (automatic recover y)
Capacitive load – single output models 470 µF max.
– dual output models 220 µF max.
General Specifications
Temperature ranges – Operating – 40 °C ... + 60 °C (no derating)
– Case temperature + 95 °C max.
– Storage – 40 °C ... + 125 °C
Derating 2.9% / °C above 60 °C
Humidity (non condensing) 95 % rel H max.
Reliability, calculated MTBF (MIL-HDBK-217 E) >800’000h @ + 25 °C
Isolation voltage Input/Output 1’000VDC
Isolation capacity Input/Output 100 pF typ.
Isolation resistance Input/Output (500 VDC) > 1‘000 M Ohm
Switching frequency 80 KHz typ. (depending on load)
DC/DC Conver ter
TES 2 Series 2 Watt