AC Fan 120 mm sq.
with Sensor
For sensor specications, please refer to p. 531. Sensor specication differs depending on the fan's speed specication.
For a 5 V sensor power supply (ITEM-20), please append "-20" to the end of model number. E.g. 109S405UL-20
For a 12 V sensor power supply (ITEM-30), please append "-30" to the end of model number. E.g. 109S405UL-30
Model no.
Rated voltage
Input Current
Locked rotor current
Rated speed Max. airow Max. static pressure SPL
Operating temperature
Expected life
[V] [Hz] [W] [A] [A] [min-1] [
] [CFM] [Pa] [inchH²O] [dB (A)] [˚C] [h]
109S405UL 100
0.18/0.16 0.25/0.22
2.35/2.7 83 / 95.4 55.9/65.7 0.224/0.264 40/43
-10 to +60
109S424UL 115 0.16/0.14 0.21/0.18
109S408UL 200 0.09/0.08 0.13/0.11
109S425UL 230 0.08/0.07 0.11/0.09
109S429UL 100 0.18/0.16 0.23/0.21 2450/2700
2.15/2.35 76 / 83 44.1/49.0 0.177/0.197 38/40
109S406UL* 7/6 0.09/0.08 0.1 /0.09 1650/1700
1.45/1.5 51 / 53 17.7/17.7 0.071/0.071 28/28
109S475UL 100
0.24/0.21 0.32/0.28
2.5 /2.9 88.3/102.4 57.9/68.7 0.233/0.276 42/45
109S474UL 115 0.21/0.18 0.27/0.24
109S478UL 200 0.12/0.1 0.16/0.14
109S472UL 230 0.11/0.09 0.14/0.13
* These are low-speed models.
For the San Ace 120AD 9AD type 120×120×38 mm fan, please refer to p. 461.
This fan works while internally converting AC power into DC power, providing the superior performance of a DC fan with the exibility of AC input.
■Set Models
Fan, nger guard, plug cord, screws, etc. can be purchased in one package. For details, please refer to p. 574.
Order no. Set items
Fan Voltage Low-speed sensor Plug cord Finger guards Mounting screws
ST1-109S075UL 109S075UL 100 V 489-037-L10 109-019E
M3×55 mm (4 screws)
ST1-109S074UL 109S074UL 115 V 489-037-L10 109-019E
ST1-109S078UL 109S078UL 200 V 489-037-L10 109-019E
ST1-109S072UL 109S072UL 230 V 489-037-L10 109-019E
ST1-109S005 109S005 100 V 489-006-L10 109-019E
ST1-109S005UL 109S005UL 489-037-L10 109-019E
ST1-109S024 109S024 120 V 489-006-L10 109-019E
ST1-109S024UL 109S024UL 115 V 489-037-L10 109-019E
ST1-109S008 109S008 200 V 489-006-L10 109-019E
ST1-109S008UL 109S008UL 489-037-L10 109-019E
ST1-109S025 109S025 230 V 489-006-L10 109-019E
ST1-109S025UL 109S025UL 489-037-L10 109-019E
ST1-109S029UL 109S029UL
100 V
489-037-L10 109-019E
ST1-109S013 109S013 489-006-L10 109-019E
ST1-109S013UL 109S013UL 489-037-L10 109-019E
ST1-109S006 109S006 489-006-L10 109-019E
ST1-109S006UL 109S006UL 100 V
115 V 489-037-L10 109-019E
ST1-109S010 109S010 200 V 489-006-L10 109-019E
ST1-109S010UL 109S010UL 200 V
240 V 489-037-L10 109-019E
ST1-109S405UL-20 109S405UL-20 100 V ◯ (5 V) 489-037-L10 109-019E
ST1-109S405UL-30 109S405UL-30 ◯ (12 V) 489-037-L10 109-019E
ST1-109S424UL-20 109S424UL-20 115 V ◯ (5 V) 489-037-L10 109-019E
ST1-109S424UL-30 109S424UL-30 ◯ (12 V) 489-037-L10 109-019E
ST1-109S408UL-20 109S408UL-20 200 V ◯ (5 V) 489-037-L10 109-019E
ST1-109S408UL-30 109S408UL-30 ◯ (12 V) 489-037-L10 109-019E
ST1-109S425UL-20 109S425UL-20 230 V ◯ (5 V) 489-037-L10 109-019E
ST1-109S425UL-30 109S425UL-30 ◯ (12 V) 489-037-L10 109-019E
ST1-109S429UL-20 109S429UL-20 100 V ◯ (5 V) 489-037-L10 109-019E
ST1-109S429UL-30 109S429UL-30 ◯ (12 V) 489-037-L10 109-019E
ST1-109S406UL-20 109S406UL-20 100 V ◯ (5 V) 489-037-L10 109-019E
ST1-109S406UL-30 109S406UL-30 ◯ (12 V) 489-037-L10 109-019E
ST1-109S475UL-20 109S475UL-20 100 V ◯ (5 V) 489-037-L10 109-019E
ST1-109S475UL-30 109S475UL-30 ◯ (12 V) 489-037-L10 109-019E
ST1-109S474UL-20 109S474UL-20 115 V ◯ (5 V) 489-037-L10 109-019E
ST1-109S474UL-30 109S474UL-30 ◯ (12 V) 489-037-L10 109-019E
ST1-109S478UL-20 109S478UL-20 200 V ◯ (5 V) 489-037-L10 109-019E
ST1-109S478UL-30 109S478UL-30 ◯ (12 V) 489-037-L10 109-019E
ST1-109S472UL-20 109S472UL-20 230 V ◯ (5 V) 489-037-L10 109-019E
ST1-109S472UL-30 109S472UL-30 ◯ (12 V) 489-037-L10 109-019E