fyca 502-1143 Engineering 15Apr03 Rev O Flectronics Report EC 0990-0509-03 Fiber Optic Adapter Sleeve Evaluation, Insertion Loss Comparison of Ceramic, Metal and Polymer Alignment Sleeves 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Purpose Testing was performed on Tyco Electronics 2.5 mm ceramic, metal, and polymer alignment sleeves. The purpose of this test was to determine if there is a significant difference between sleeve types as evidenced by comparison of insertion loss performance before and after environmental and physical test exposures. 1.2. Scope This report covers the optical, environmental, and mechanical performance of ceramic, metal, and polymer alignment sleeves manufactured by the Fiber Optic Business Unit of Tyco Electronics. Testing was performed in 1995. 1.3. Conclusion Ceramic sleeves exhibit lower insertion loss and smaller changes in loss due to the types of environmental and physical stresses that are most apt to cause their performance to deteriorate. Metal sleeves do not perform as well as ceramic, but overall perform better than polymer. Metal sleeves cannot be expected to perform as well as ceramic sleeves, especially in prolonged heat exposure. Ceramic sleeves can be expected to meet Telcordia GR-326, Issue 1 requirements. In exposures prescribed in our generic product specification (flex, durability, and temperature cycling), where a sleeves performance is most likely to be affected, our ceramic, metal and polymer sleeves will meet current requirements. 1.4. Product Description Tyco Electronics 2.5 mm alignment sleeves are used in both Telecom and Datacom applications. 1.5. Test Samples Samples were constructed using normal manufacturing processes. Sixty of each sleeve was inserted into the Bayonet adapters for evaluation. The following sample quantities were used for the test group. Test Group 1 2 3 Sleeve Material Ceramic Metal Polymer 502750-1 | 502268-1 | 502442-1 Quantity of Samples 60 60 60 Table 1 Sleeve Test Groups 2003 Tyco Electronics Comeration * Trademark 1 of 16 Harrisburg, PA I Indicates change All Intemational Rights Reserved LOC Btyca / Electronics 502-1143 1.6. 2.1. Design Verification Test Sequence Test or Test1 | Test2 | Test3 | Test4 Examination (n = 90) | (n = 30) | (n = 30) | (n = 30) Attenuation 1 1 1 1 Extended Heat Age 2 Flex 2 Durability 2 Temperature Cycling 2 Table 2 Test Sequence and Sampling SUMMARY OF TESTING Extended Heat Age Statistical analysis consisted of graphical comparisons (Appendix A) and analysis of variance (ANOVA) (Appendix GC). Table 3 summarizes initial and final insertion loss results. Scatter charts were created for each of the sleeve types for visual confirmation of performance. Some sleeve samples improve while cther samples get worse as a result of the heat age exposure. See Appendix A. Inthe ANOVA, sleeve type was a fixed factor. Sleeve sample was a random factor (sleeves selected at random from inventory for each type, group and test exposure). As expected, sleeve types were significantly different from each other in both initial and final results analysis. This can also be seen in the scatter charts. Because of the larger tolerance of the polymer sleeve inner diameter and the tighter tolerance of the single mode ceramic ferrule outer diameter, the initial polymer sleeve insertion loss values were inconsistent. While initial insertion loss for ceramic sleeves appears to compare with initial insertion loss of metal sleeves, ceramic sleeve performance is slightly better. Both ceramic and metal sleeves perform much better than polymer sleeves. After exposure to extended heat age, differences are much more pronounced. Ceramic is significantly better than either metal or polymer sleeves. Metal sleeve performance is worse after heat age exposure. Polymer sleeve performance improves significantly as a result of heat age, but is still worse than that of either metal or ceramic. Initial Final Group ID Avg. Std. Avg. Std. Ceramic 0.10 0.18 0.08 0.16 Metal 0.13 0.18 0.23 0.15 Polymer 1.74 0.29 0.32 0.13 Table 3 Extended Heat Age Rev O 2 of 16tyca / Electronics 502-1143 2.2. Flex/Durability/Temperature Cycling ANOVA indicates that there is no significant difference in sleeve performance due to exposure to either Flex or Durability testing. In the case of Temperature Cycling, there is slight improvement in performance of Polymer sleeves (likely due to heat exposure). However ceramic and metal sleeves appear not to be affected by these test exposures (see Appendix C). Scatter charts were created for each test and can be seen in Appendix B. Summary results tables are provided below. Initial Final Group ID Avg. Std. Avg. Std. Ceramic 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.02 Metal 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.02 Polymer 0.46 0.35 0.40 0.32 Table 4 Flex Testing Results Initial Final Group IB Avg. Std. Avg. Std. Ceramic 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 Metal 0.03 0.02 0.04 0.03 Polymer 0.15 0.21 0.14 0.11 Table 5 Durability Testing Results Initial Final Group ID Avg. Std. Avg. Std. Ceramic 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 Metal 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.03 Polymer 0.30 0.38 0.16 0.17 Table 6 Temperature Cycling Test Results Rev 3 of 16tyca / Electronics 502-1143 3. 3.1. 3.2. TEST METHODS All optical measurements were performed with the utilization of a single mode test system by the Tyco Electronics Fiber Optics Business Unit Test Lab because the sensitivity of a single mode connection amplifies the influence of the sleeves contribution to ferrule alignment. This measurement facility is compliant with Telcordia GR-326-CORE. Attenuation was measured at 1310 nm wavelength. Following the installation of the samples, sequential testing was performed. Phase 1: Extended Heat Age A. Attenuation (TIA/EIA 455-171, Method D3} Thirty samples of each sleeve type were randomly selected. Initial insertion loss was recorded using the method prescribed by TIA/EIA 455-171, Method D3. Single mode measurements were taken with reference quality leads. A ceramic (zirconia) sleeve adapter was used as a reference to detect deterioration of lead quality. Sleeves within a given type were selected at random until all sleeves of that type were measured. Sleeve types were selected at random until all sleeve types were tested. Sleeves were inserted into a 2.5 mm bayonet style adapter to facilitate testing. Ten replicate measurements were recorded for each sleeve sample. Once initial insertion loss was documented, stainless steel pins representing maximum ferrule outer diameter were inserted into the samples to simulate the condition of having ferrules mated in them. Sleeves were not removed from the adapters. Heat Age (TIA/EIA 455-4B) An acceleration stress relaxation prediction model developed by J. Whitley in 1976 was used to determine the appropriate time and temperature relationship that closely represented the limits specified in Telcordias extended life test of 85C for 5000 hours. Using the curves in Whitleys report, all samples were exposed to 150C for 250 hours. Insertion loss measurements were repeated after the samples reached thermal equilibrium at room ambient conditions. Phase 2: Flex, Durability and Temperature Cycling A. Thirty (30) samples of each sleeve type were randomly selected for Flex, Durability and Temperature Cycling tests. Attenuation (TIA/EIA 455-171, Method D3} Initial and final insertion loss was recorded using the methed prescribed by TIA/EIA 455-171, Method D 3. Single mode measurements were taken with master quality leads. A ceramic (zirconia) sleeve adapter was used as a reference to detect deterioration of lead quality. Sleeves witnin a given type were selected at random until all sleeves of that type were measured. Sleeve types were selected at random until all sleeve types were tested. Sleeves were inserted into a 2.5 mm bayonet style adapter to facilitate testing. After initial insertion loss was measured, samples were divided evenly for each of the three tests (Flex, Durability, Temperature Cycling). Three replicate measurements were recorded for each sleeve sample tested. Flex (TIA/EIA 455-1) Ten samples of each sleeve type were inserted into a 2.5 mm bayonet adapter fixtured to a flex machine. A dummy cable assembly was mated to the adapter and a 1.1 pound load applied. Each sample was flex-tested for a total of 500 cycles at a rate less than 30 cycles per minute. Flex are was + 90 degrees. Upon completion of testing, final insertion loss was measured as described in Attenuation, paragraph 3.2.B. Rev O 4of 16tyca / Electronics 502-1143 D. Durability (TIA/EIA 455-21A) Ten samples of each sleeve type were randomly selected. The connector on the detector side of the mated samples was subjected to 500 cycles of durability. Samples were manually cycled ata rate notin excess of 300 cycles per hour. Optical transmittance was measured before and after every 50 cycles throughout the test. Samples were unmated, cleaned, inspected, and re-mated before each measurement. Final insertion loss was measured as described in Attenuation, paragraph 3.2.B. Temperature Cycling (TIA/EIA 455-3A) Ten samples of each sleeve type were randomly selected and subjected to 5 cycles of temperature extremes, eacn cycle consisting of 8 hours, for a total of 40 hours exposure to temperature cycling. One cycle consisted of a 1 hour ramp down to and a 1 hour dwell at -40C, then a 1 hour ramp up te and a 1 hour dwell at 25C, then a 2 hour dwell at 85C. The maximum transition time between temperatures was 40C per hour. Optical transmittance was recorded before and after exposure with the samples in place in test chamber and 5 minutes before the end of each dwell during exposure. Final optical transmittance was recorded at least two hours after temperature cycling exposure, after the samples were unmated, inspected, cleaned and re- mated. Final insertion loss was measured as described in Attenuation, paragraph 3.2.B. Rev O 5 of 16tyca / Electronics 502-1143 APPENDIX A Scatter Charts (Extended Heat Age) Rev O 6 of 167of 16 502-1143 0.10 Cerarric Sleeve (502750-1), Before Heat Age Single Mode 1 Single Mode Sample Number Cerarric Seeve (502750-1), After Heat Age 026 + - - ---------------------------------------------------------- ; O86 T ~~ -- 7-5 5 5 5 - - 2-5-5 ~~ -- cea == --------- I I I I | | a I I I I | | | I I I I I | | | I I I I | | | I I I I I | | | I I I Hoo oa | | | 4 I I I I | | | I I I I | | | I + > a a 0.15 + -O -O-------- 0.00 (gp) sso7] uoMesu| (ap) $307 uoesu| 26 24 12 4 16 18 20 Sample Number 10 tyca / Electronics Rev O502-1143 Flectronics ; tyco: Metal Sleeve (502268-1), Before Heat Age Single Mode 0.85 oooo0ou0 o]o ooja oo ooog 2 oo o|oo 28s Oo oonoo ae: od oO ooo <2 H oooono oo 10 oo0o00 oon ooo o 066o}o oo/oo oOno00 qo} a oo o o|ooo Ooo/o ao oo oOooo/o a oO} o oloo o 6o/ooo o |o ooooo ooo I o oooo o oo] o ojo ooo0o0n oo |oo oooono o oOnoo oong oooo0n0 o oO | ooo00 Qo ayaa oo g 8 g 28 2 8B 8 o o o o a o o S3838 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Sample Number 12 Metal Sleeve (502268-1), After Heat Age Single Mode | o | on, on, no igo no go oon ooo o e loge | fo} | ee er io | oe a ooo ; Oo a, ; 7) (oo of o a a | | 8 ono oq | 8 fo a, ooo (oo o| | oF ao Ho ooo, o | | oO ono | Oo ou og oo a i 2 |B Bo oo) io o; no a oo;o a | goo o 8 oo | io on: oa nig oo oo a1 io | oo nooo oo goo 16 aia a a a pig a = noo a lo a ooo foo ot wt lo ote of | | og tag o| nag a gou Io a ao | ao! | a0 igo) oo oe boo! o | o! o! re eee o 'o I go! oOo | I | I I | | I | I a I o go og ! a I | i i ; i i i 2 g % 8 8 o a oS a 3 a a (ap) $807 uoPesu| 26 24 12 14 16 18 20 Sample Number 10 8 of 16 Rev O502-1143 ; tyca / Electronics a om oo a ' ! | ' I I I I I 1 | | ! | | | | \ \ \ l 7 ! ! | \ I 1 1 1 | \ \ | i | | \ \ ' A io; a. oo 6g, 4 Bg l ' \ | | | | \ \ \ go! ot oo 6g! oo! om onl Cd q ! | | | | \ \ \ ot! 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I I I I I 1 8 8 2 8B 3 o os ao 3s 3 a os S (ap) sso7 uoesu| 28 26 2 14 16 18 20 Sample Number 10 38. 143 28 Avg Max. = 1- Sidev. 1}, After Haat Age Single Mode Polymer Sleeve (502 (gp) $807 uoPesu| | a , =F , ao ea, , ay Ro ede Se ee | oF peo op of | 1 ! ! ! 4 oodo a! ! + a ; o io io | oq om ! | I \ | I I | \ ! 1 Boi a a 1a, | geet TE Beg eden [oe } i | a! ob | | Po RE ee Poh tg tem ee ;o 8 | Gano} o ia | ; qn | (Eo | ao | 4 a hn go p Gd oo an Vom eee | Fo) fain ee foo Roo gh) fem hot at ap do og fe fof mo oe foe + i og boo ; | opi ! | ! I | I I | \ ry By joo + I) ok bp ode to 'e )l fo) ot | |) Bet ooo Pe ta tee te b | imo! @ | @ io | moos; oe; lu i im iom too: eo oii | pop 226 &@ 2 3 8 & & 8 12 14 16 18 Sarnple Number 10 9 of 16 Rev Otyca / Electronics 502-1143 APPENDIX B Scatter Charts (Flex, Durability, Temperature Cycle) Rev O 10 of 16tyca / Electronics 502-1143 Cerarric Sleeves (502750-1) Initial Readings, Single Mode Ca 0B ---------------------- O----~--------- +555 555 555555555 5555555 5555---- a 006 +---f---------------------------------------------- O-o-f ---------- mo a a oO z= wm O04 7----f------ O---------- O-G------~---- +++ 5555 55 55 55 555 5 5 55 5555 5555575 8 a o o o o oa 5 0; -O---t ----O-f ------f ----O---o I --------- 4 --o----- ---o- 8 - z oO o a go gaa o da oO oa o ga oO o0oo+----- ------- -0----- 4 ---O-g---------- a---------------------- o oo a0 oa 0p -------------- HH 4h -------------- g---------- g------------ 4a ------- 4 a 0.04 t t t t t t t t t t t t t t 1 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 4 16 18 20 22 a 26 2B 30 Sample Number 1-10 = FLEX, 11-20 = DURABILITY, 21-30 = T-CYCLE Ceramic Sleeves (502750-1} Final Readings, Single Mode @107 ----------------------- 55-55-55 --- 55-5 --------------------------- a 0B} ------------------------------------------------------------------ oa O06 + ---------------- 4b ---O-------------- 4 -O -O------------------------ a o o o 2 wp 0.04 -O--- th ~~ -D----- dh ------------ O---f------ o---------- o---t------- o = oO oO a oO oO ooo GQ o Ud oO oO 6 Roepe Be HH O ++ ---g-f-------- g---------- g----------- oo dQ o o oO oo dQ oO oO oda o a ooo + -O---f----- o---------- g------ O-o-----4 O----- f-o -o---o-0---o-o-0 a oO OP} --------------------------------------- +--+ - +--+ - 5-55 ---- +--+ --- 0.04 t t t t t t t t t t t t t t 1 0 2 4 6 8 16 12 14 16 18 20 ee 24 26 2B 30 Sample Nurmber 1-10 = FLEX, 11-20 = DURABILITY, 21-30 = T-CYCLE Rev O 11 0f 16tyca / Electronics 502-1143 Metal Sleeves (502268-1) Initial Readings, Single Mocle aio, ------------------------------------------------------------------ o aoa} - ------------- f------ O-------------------------------------------- a a Q06+ - --f---+h------- 4h ------------------------- o---------------------- a o o o o o oo 2 g QO4 D-H aa 4} -o -g------ G----- ----O-o-o----o------ o a oaga g ood o og oo B 5 oO ao2y7 -o me oer ne o-o------ O ---f-f------ g-------- o----- 4h------- f- ---o---- o aga ooo oO @ o ood Oo o o oda goo} ---------- o---------- O-o----------------- O---f- ---o-g------ o---- a o 002} ---------------- qh ----------------------------------------------- 4 o -004 | 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 4 16 18 20 22 24 B 28 x Sample Number 1-10 = FLEX, 11-20 =DURABILITY, 21-20 = T-CYCLE Metal Sleeves (502268-1) Final Readings, Single Mode OID rss sss cc ssn a o oo o @0B + ------------------------- 4} --------------------------- f----------- o o o o 0.06 + - -4F---------- o---o-----+---------- O-----1 4h ------ g--------------- a og o o oo o o wo gp 0.04 | | -----~-~-~~~-~-~~- o-o---o-o------ g-o------4 ------ a --o-g------------- 4 a og od o a o a a a og a a ia ----- oO ---0 ----g------- O-O ---- -------------------- o o o a og a o og e000} -------- H---o------------ t------ p-------------------------------- o WR Po cscs sss ccs sscre 0.04 | | 0 5 190 15 20 25 20 & Sample Number 1-10 = FLEX, 11-20 = DURABILITY, 21-30 = T-CYCLE Rev O 12 of 16tyca / Electronics 502-1143 Polymer Sleeves (502442-1) Initial Readings, Single Mode Se TPO Pr a 145 | ------------------------------------------------------------------ O10] |} -------4 p - ------------------------------------------------------- a g 2 TOM P= Sienietenianiesteatenienieatetenteatatieietetetatetetenetetetatatetetetel Me a-----cccccco a s o a o 7 Oo gO, -------- gs cscs sscsccce o 0 3 4 @4 p - - - 5 5 5 5 5 5 55 5 5 5-5-5 - o----------5----=--------- o a q A a o a 4 o o ug o o 020 7-0 - O- 7 ----- H-------- O________ M@_------- Boar ----------4 o 2 -o-o-- A o 28 a o J a a o " g 0. + a ~Boeoewog FF a ll, a 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 2 24 26 2B 30 Sample Number 1-10 = FLEX, 11-20 = DURABILITY, 21-30 = T-CYCLE Polymer Sleeves (502442-1) Final Readings, Single Mode 19 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------ a 145+ ------------------------------------------------------------------ _ o $ 1p +-------- O_-_______- O--------------------~------- +--+ + B 6 i O%6+---------------------------------------------------------- ee 5 2 Bomyp-------- ao ne a g o 9 " O45 +----- O--------- H ------------------------------------------------ oO gO a a o Q o a Oo o Q @ao+--- -------- 2, B__ ee o-0 a a -- eee a e----- -_oO A q Qo A o GO BH A oO H o o Oo oO a A H Hg o A Ho o , G OG a ,A A | 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Pz 26 28 30 Sample Number 1-10 = FLEX, 11-20 = DURABILITY, 21-30 = T-CYCLE Rev O 13 of 16tyca / Electronics 502-1143 APPENDIX C ANOVA Results Summary Rev O 14 0f 16tyca / Electronics 502-1143 ANOVA: LossHA versus TypeHA, BeforeAfter, SampleHA (Heat Age) Factor Type Levels Values TypeHAaA fixed 3 1 2 3 SampleHA(TypeHA}) random 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ear 28 29 30 BeforeAf fixed 2 1 2 Analysis of Variance for LossHA Source DF ss MS F P TypeHA 2 344.486 172.243 10.51 0.000 SampleHA(TypeHA) 87 1425.580 16.386 17.38 0.000 BeforeAf 1 82.806 82.306 87.83 0.000 Error 1709 1611.179 0.943 Total 1799 3464.051 ANOVA: Loss1 versus Type1, Time1, Sample1 (Flex) Factor Type Levels Values Type fixed 3 1 2 3 Samplet(Type1) random 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Timet fixed 2 1 2 Analysis of Variance for Loss1 Source DF ss MS F P Type 1 2 6.35305 3.17653 16.76 0.000 Sample1(Type1) 27 5.11792 0.18955 12.17 0.000 Time 1 0.00735 0.00735 0.47 0.493 Error 149 2.32157 0.01558 Total 179 13.79990 Rev 15 of 16tyca / Electronics 502-1143 ANOVA: Loss? versus Type2, Time2, Sample? (Durability) Factor Type Levels Values Type2 fixed 3 1 2 3 Samplee(Type2) random 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Time2 fixed 2 1 2 Analysis of Variance for Loss2 Source DF ss MS F P Type2 2 0.581221 0.290611 13.00 0.000 Sample2(Typez) 27 0.603602 0.022356 2.77 0.000 Time? 1 0.001561 0.001561 0.19 0.661 Error 149 1.202823 0.008073 Total 179 2.389206 ANOVA: Loss3 versus Type3, Time3, Sample3 (Temp Cycling} Factor Type Levels Values Types fixed 3 1 2 3 Sample3(Types) random 10 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 Time3 fixed 2 1 2 Analysis of Variance for Loss3 Source DF ss MS F P Types 2 1.67465 0.83732 7.10 0.003 Sample3(Type3) 27 3.18402 0.11793 7.92 0.000 Time3 1 0.06844 0.06844 4.60 0.034 Error 149 2.21737 0.01488 Total 179 7.14449 Rev O 16 of 16