S CO M PL IA NT TISP5070H3BJ THRU TISP5190H3BJ *R oH FORWARD-CONDUCTING UNIDIRECTIONAL THYRISTOR OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTORS TISP5xxxH3BJ Overvoltage Protector Series Analogue Line Card and ISDN Protection - Analogue SLIC - ISDN U Interface - ISDN Power Supply SMB Package (Top View) A 1 8 kV 10/700, 200 A 5/310 ITU-T K.20/21/45 rating 2 K Ion-Implanted Breakdown Region - Precise and Stable Voltage MD5UFCAB Low Voltage Overshoot under Surge VDRM V(BO) V V TISP5070H3BJ -58 -70 TISP5080H3BJ -65 -80 TISP5095H3BJ -75 -95 TISP5110H3BJ -80 -110 TISP5115H3BJ -90 -115 TISP5150H3BJ -120 -150 TISP5190H3BJ -160 -190 Device Name Device Symbol K SD5XAD A Rated for International Surge Wave Shapes IPPSM Wave Shape Standard 2/10 GR-1089-CORE 500 8/20 ANSI C62.41 300 A 10/160 TIA-968-A 250 10/700 ITU-T K.20/21/45 200 10/560 TIA-968-A 160 10/1000 GR-1089-CORE 100 .............................................. UL Recognized Component Description These devices are designed to limit overvoltages on the telephone and data lines. Overvoltages are normally caused by a.c. power system or lightning flash disturbances which are induced or conducted on to the telephone line. A single device provides 2-point protection and is typically used for the protection of ISDN power supply feeds. Two devices, one for the Ring output and the other for the Tip output, will provide protection for single supply analogue SLICs. A combination of three devices will give a low capacitance protector network for the 3-point protection of ISDN lines. The protector consists of a voltage-triggered unidirectional thyristor with an anti-parallel diode. Negative overvoltages are initially clipped by breakdown clamping until the voltage rises to the breakover level, which causes the device to crowbar into a low-voltage on state. This lowvoltage on state causes the current resulting from the overvoltage to be safely diverted through the device. The high crowbar holding current helps prevent d.c. latchup as the diverted current subsides. Positive overvoltages are limited by the conduction of the anti-parallel diode. How to Order Device TISP5xxxH3BJ Package Carrier BJ (J-Bend Embossed DO-214AA/SMB) Tape Reeled Order As TISP5xxxH3BJR-S Marking Code Std. Quantity 5xxxH3 3000 Insert xxx value corresponding to protection voltages of 070, 080, 110, 115 and 150. *RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC Jan 27 2003 including Annex JANUARY 1998 - REVISED JANUARY 2007 Specifications are subject to change without notice. Customers should verify actual device performance in their specific applications. TISP5xxxH3BJ Overvoltage Protection Series Absolute Maximum Ratings, TA = 25 C (Unless Otherwise Noted) Rating '5070H3BJ '5080H3BJ '5095H3BJ '5110H3BJ '5115H3BJ '5150H3BJ '5190H3BJ Repetitive peak off-state voltage (see Note 1) Symbol Value Unit VDRM -58 -65 -75 -80 -90 -120 -160 V IPPSM 500 300 250 220 200 200 200 160 100 A ITSM 55 60 2.1 A diT/dt 400 A/s TJ -40 to +150 C Tstg -65 to +150 C Non-repetitive peak impulse current (see Notes 2, 3 and 4) 2/10 s (GR-1089-CORE, 2/10 s voltage wave shape) 8/20 s (IEC 61000-4-5, 1.2/50 s voltage, 8/20 s current combination wave generator) 10/160 s (TIA-968-A, 10/160 s voltage wave shape) 5/200 s (VDE 0433, 10/700 s voltage waveshape) 0.2/310 s (I3124, 0.5/700 s waveshape) 5/310 s (ITU-T K.44, 10/700 s voltage waveshape used in K.20/21/45) 5/310 s (FTZ R12, 10/700 s voltage waveshape) 10/560 s (TIA-968-A, 10/560 s voltage wave shape) 10/1000 s (GR-1089-CORE, 10/1000 s voltage wave shape) Non-repetitive peak on-state current (see Notes 2, 3 and 5) 20 ms, 50 Hz (full sine wave) 16.7 ms, 60 Hz (full sine wave) 1000 s 50 Hz/60 Hz a.c. Initial rate of rise of on-state current, GR-1089-CORE 2/10 s wave shape Junction temperature Storage temperature range NOTES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. See Figure 9 for voltage values at lower temperatures. Initially the device must be in thermal equilibrium with TJ = 25 C. The surge may be repeated after the device returns to its initial conditions. See F igure 10 for current ratings at other temperatures. EIA/JESD51-2 environment and EIA/JESD51-3 PCB with standard footprint dimensions connected with 5 A rated printed wiring track widths. Derate current values at -0.61 %/C for ambient temperatures above 25 C. See Figure 8 for current ratings at other durations. Electrical Characteristics, T A = 25 C (Unless Otherwise Noted) Parameter IDRM V(BO) V(BO) Repetitive peak off-state current Breakover voltage Impulse breakover voltage Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit TA = 25 C TA = 85 C -5 -10 A dv/dt = -250 V/ms, RSOURCE = 300 '5070H3BJ '5080H3BJ '5095H3BJ '5110H3BJ '5115H3BJ '5150H3BJ '5190H3BJ -70 -80 -95 -110 -115 -150 -190 V dv/dt -1000 V/s, Linear voltage ramp, Maximum ramp value = -500 V di/dt = -20 A/s, Linear current ramp, Maximum ramp value = -10 A '5070H3BJ '5080H3BJ '5095H3BJ '5110H3BJ '5115H3BJ '5150H3BJ '5190H3BJ -80 -90 -105 -120 -125 -160 -200 V VD = VDRM JANUARY 1998 - REVISED JANUARY 2007 Specifications are subject to change without notice. Customers should verify actual device performance in their specific applications. TISP5xxxH3BJ Overvoltage Protection Series Electrical Characteristics, TA = 25 C (Unless Otherwise Noted) (Continued) Parameter I(BO) Breakover current VF Forward voltage Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit -150 -600 mA IF = 5 A, tW = 500 s 3 V dv/dt +1000 V/s, Linear voltage ramp, Maximum ramp value = +500 V di/dt = +20 A/s, Linear current ramp, Maximum ramp value = +10 A 5 V dv/dt = -250 V/ms, RSOURCE = 300 VFRM Peak forward recovery voltage VT On-state voltage IT = -5 A, tw = 500 s IH Holding current IT = -5 A, di/dt = +30 mA/ms -150 CO NOTE: Off-state current Off-state capacitance (see Note 6) VD = -50 V V mA -5 dv/dt Critical rate of rise of off-state voltage Linear voltage ramp, maximum ramp value < 0.85VDRM ID -3 -600 kV/s TA = 85 C -10 f = 1 MHz, Vd = 1 V rms, VD = -1 V '5070H3BJ '5080H3BJ '5095H3BJ '5110H3BJ '5115H3BJ '5150H3BJ '5190H3BJ 300 280 260 240 214 140 140 420 390 365 335 300 195 195 f = 1 MHz, Vd = 1 V rms, VD = -2 V '5070H3BJ '5080H3BJ '5095H3BJ '5110H3BJ '5115H3BJ '5150H3BJ '5190H3BJ 260 245 225 205 180 120 120 365 345 315 285 250 170 170 f = 1 MHz, Vd = 1 V rms, VD = -50 V '5070H3BJ '5080H3BJ '5095H3BJ '5110H3BJ '5115H3BJ '5150H3BJ '5190H3BJ 90 80 73 65 56 35 35 125 110 100 90 80 50 50 f = 1 MHz, Vd = 1 V rms, VD = -100 V '5150H3BJ '5190H3BJ 30 30 40 30 A pF 6. Up to 10 MHz the capacitance is essentially independent of frequency. Above 10 MHz the effective capacitance is strongly dependent on connection inductance. Thermal Characteristics, T A = 25 C (Unless Otherwise Noted) Parameter RJA Junction to ambient thermal resistance Test Conditions 265 mm x 210 mm populated line card, 4-layer PCB, IT = ITSM(1000) NOTE: Min Typ EIA/JESD51-3 PCB, IT = ITSM(1000) (see Note 7) Max Unit 113 C/W 50 7. EIA/JESD51-2 environment and PCB has standard footprint dimensions connected with 5 A rated printed wiring track widths. JANUARY 1998 - REVISED JANUARY 2007 Specifications are subject to change without notice. Customers should verify actual device performance in their specific applications. TISP5xxxH3BJ Overvoltage Protection Series Parameter Measurement Information +i Quadrant I Forward Conduction Characteristic IPPSM IFSM IFRM IF VF V (BR)M VD V DRM -v I(BR) V (BR) +v ID IDRM IH I(BO) V(BO) VT IT ITRM ITSM Quadrant III Switching Characteristic IPPSM -i PM-TISP5xxx-001-a Figure 1. Voltage-Current Characteristic for Terminal Pair All Measurements are Referenced to the Thyristor Anode, A (Pin 1) JANUARY 1998 - REVISED JANUARY 2007 Specifications are subject to change without notice. Customers should verify actual device performance in their specific applications. TISP5xxxH3BJ Overvoltage Protection Series Typical Characteristics OFF-STATE CURRENT vs JUNCTION TEMPERATURE TC5XAFA 1.10 100 Normalized Breakover Voltage ID - Off-State Current - A 10 1 0*1 VD = -50 V 0*01 NORMALIZED BREAKOVER VOLTAGE vs JUNCTION TEMPERATURE TC5XAIA 1.05 1.00 0.95 0*001 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 -25 150 Figure 2. tW = 100 s 2.0 50 40 30 20 15 10 7 VF VT 2 1.5 1 0.7 TC5LAC 100 125 150 TC5XAD 1.5 70 5 4 3 75 NORMALIZED HOLDING CURRENT vs JUNCTION TEMPERATURE Normalized Holding Current IT , IF - On-State Current, Forward Current - A TA = 25 C 50 Figure 3. ON-STATE AND FORWARD CURRENTS vs ON-STATE AND FORWARD VOLTAGES 100 25 TJ - Junction Temperature - C TJ - Junction Temperature - C 200 150 0 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 7 10 VT , VF- On-State Voltage, Forward Voltage - V Figure 4. JANUARY 1998 - REVISED JANUARY 2007 Specifications are subject to change without notice. Customers should verify actual device performance in their specific applications. 0.4 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 TJ - Junction Temperature - C Figure 5. 150 TISP5xxxH3BJ Overvoltage Protection Series Typical Characteristics 300 150 100 90 80 70 60 '5070 '5080 '5095 '5110 '5115 50 '5150 & '5190 40 30 1 2 3 5 10 20 30 50 V D - Negative Off-state Voltage - V Figure 6. 100 '5115 '5110 '5095 '5080 180 '5070 TJ = 25C V d = 1 Vrms C - Differential Off-State Capacitance - pF Coff - Capacitance - pF TC5XAEB 190 200 20 DIFFERENTIAL OFF-STATE CAPACITANCE vs RATED REPETITIVE PEAK OFF-STATE VOLTAGE '5150 OFF-STATE CAPACITANCE vs OFF-STATE VOLTAGE TC5XABBa 170 160 150 C = Coff(-2 V) - Coff(-50 V) 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 58 65 75 80 90 120 VDRM - Negative Repetitive Peak Off-State Voltage - V Figure 7. JANUARY 1998 - REVISED JANUARY 2007 Specifications are subject to change without notice. Customers should verify actual device performance in their specific applications. TISP5xxxH3BJ Overvoltage Protection Series ITSM(t) - Non-Repetitive Peak On-State Current - A Rating And Thermal Information 30 NON-REPETITIVE PEAK ON-STATE CURRENT vs CURRENT DURATION TI5HAC VGEN = 600 Vrms, 50/60 Hz RGEN = 1.4*VGEN/ITSM(t) 20 EIA/JESD51-2 ENVIRONMENT EIA/JESD51-3 PCB TA = 25 C 15 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1.5 0*1 1 10 100 1000 t - Current Duration - s Figure 8. VDRM DERATING FACTOR vs MINIMUM AMBIENT TEMPERATURE 1.00 IMPULSE RATING vs AMBIENT TEMPERATURE TI5XAD 700 600 0.99 BELLCORE 2/10 500 IEC 1.2/50, 8/20 400 Impulse Current - A 0.98 Derating Factor TC5XAA 0.97 0.96 300 FCC 10/160 250 ITU-T 10/700 200 FCC 10/560 150 0.95 120 0.94 0.93 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 TAMIN - Minimum Ambient Temperature - C Figure 9. JANUARY 1998 - REVISED JANUARY 2007 Specifications are subject to change without notice. Customers should verify actual device performance in their specific applications. BELLCORE 10/1000 100 90 80 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 TA - Ambient Temperature - C Figure 10. TISP5xxxH3BJ Overvoltage Protection Series APPLICATIONS INFORMATION Deployment These devices are two terminal overvoltage protectors. They may be used either singly to limit the voltage between two points (Figure 11) or in multiples to limit the voltage at several points in a circuit (Figure 12). SIGNAL AI4XAC R1a R1b TISP5xxxH3BJ - D.C. Figure 11. Power Supply Protection In Figure 11, the TISP5xxxH3BJ limits the maximum voltage of the negative supply to -V(BO) and +VF. This configuration can be used for protecting circuits where the voltage polarity does not reverse in normal operation. In Figure 12, the two TISP5xxxH3BJ protectors, Th4 and Th5, limit the maximum voltage of the SLIC (Subscriber Line Interface Circuit) outputs to -V(BO) and +VF. Ring and test protection is given by protectors Th1, Th2 and Th3. Protectors Th1 and Th2 limit the maximum tip and ring wire voltages to the V(BO) of the individual protector. Protector Th3 limits the maximum voltage between the two conductors to its V(BO) value. If the equipment being protected has all its vulnerable components connected between the conductors and ground, then protector Th3 is not required. OVERCURRENT PROTECTION TIP WIRE RING/TEST PROTECTION TEST RELAY RING RELAY SLIC RELAY SLIC PROTECTION TISP5xxxH3BJ S3a R1a Th1 S1a Th4 S2a SLIC Th3 Th2 RING WIRE Th5 R1b S3b S1b TEST EQUIPMENT S2b VBAT RING GENERATOR AI4XAA Figure 12. Line Card SLIC Protection JANUARY 1998 - REVISED JANUARY 2007 Specifications are subject to change without notice. Customers should verify actual device performance in their specific applications. TISP5xxxH3BJ Overvoltage Protection Series APPLICATIONS INFORMATION (CONTINUED) The star-connection of three TISP5xxxH3BJ protectors gives a protection circuit which has a low differential capacitance to ground (Figure 13). This example, a -100 V ISDN line is protected. In Figure 13, the circuit illustration A shows that protector Th1 will be forward biased as it is connected to the most negative potential. The other two protectors, Th2 and Th3 will be reverse biased as protector Th1 will pull their common connection to within 0.5 V of the negative voltage supply. C0.5 V 600 pF Th1 26 pF 29 pF Th3 26 pF SIGNAL Th2 A) STAR-CONNECTED U-INTERFACE PROTECTOR C-99.5 V C-99.5 V 29 pF - 100 V 1 pF B) EQUIVALENT TISP5150H3BJ CAPACITANCES - 100 V C) DELTA EQUIVALENT SHOWS 25 pF LINE UNBALANCE - 100 V AI4XAB Figure 13. ISDN Low Capacitance U-Interface Protection Illustration B shows the equivalent capacitances of the two reverse biased protectors (Th2 and Th3) as 29 pF each and the capacitance of the forward biased protector (Th1) as 600 pF. Illustration C shows the delta equivalent of the star capacitances of illustration B. The protector circuit differential capacitance will be 26 - 1 = 25 pF. In this circuit, the differential capacitance value cannot exceed the capacitance value of the ground protector (Th3). A bridge circuit can be used for low capacitance differential. Whatever the potential of the ring and tip conductors are in Figure 14, the array of steering diodes, D1 through to D6, ensure that terminal 1 of protector Th1 is always positive with respect to terminal 2. The protection voltage will be the sum of the protector Th1, V(BO), and the forward voltage of the appropriate series diodes. It is important to select the correct diodes. Diodes D3 through to D6 divert the currents from the ring and tip lines. Diodes D1 and D2 will carry the sum of the ring and tip currents and so conduct twice the current of the other four diodes. The diodes need to be specified for forward recovery voltage, VFRM, under the expected impulse conditions. (Some conventional a.c. rectifiers can produce as much as 70 V of forward recovery voltage, which would be an extra 140 V added to the V(BO) of Th1). In principle the bridge circuit can be extended to protect more than two conductors by adding extra legs to the bridge. RING TIP 1 D1 D3 D5 D2 D4 D6 2 Th1 AI5XAC Figure 14. Low Capacitance Bridge Protection Circuit JANUARY 1998 - REVISED JANUARY 2007 Specifications are subject to change without notice. Customers should verify actual device performance in their specific applications. TISP5xxxH3BJ Overvoltage Protection Series APPLICATIONS INFORMATION ISDN Device Selection The ETSI Technical Report ETR 080:1993 defines several range values in terms of maximum and minimum ISDN feeding voltages. The following table shows that ranges 1 and 2 can use a TISP5110H3BJ protector and ranges 3 to 5 can use a TISP5150H3BJ protector. Feeding Voltage Range Minimum V Maximum V Standoff Voltage VDRM V Device Name 1 51 69 -75 TISP5095H3BJ 2 66 70 -80 TISP5110H3BJ -120 TISP5150H3BJ 3 91 99 4 90 110 5 105 115 Impulse Testing To verify the withstand capability and safety of the equipment, standards require that the equipment is tested with various impulse wave forms. The table below shows some common values. Standard GR-1089-CORE Voltage Current Waveshape s TISP5xxxH3BJ 25 C Rating A 500 2/10 500 100 10/1000 100 Waveshape s Peak Current Value A 2500 2/10 1000 10/1000 Peak Voltage Setting V Series Resistance 0 1500 10/160 200 10/160 250 0 800 10/560 100 10/560 160 0 1500 9/720 37.5 5/320 200 0 1000 9/720 25 5/320 200 0 I3124 1500 0.5/700 37.5 0.2/310 200 0 ITU-T K.20/21/45 1500 4000 6000 10/700 37.5 100 150 5/310 200 0 TIA-968-A TIA-968-A terminology for the waveforms produced by the ITU-T recommendation K.21 10/700 impulse generator. If the impulse generator current exceeds the protector's current rating then a series resistance can be used to reduce the current to the protector's rated value and so prevent possible failure. The required value of series resistance for a given waveform is given by the following calculations. First, the minimum total circuit impedance is found by dividing the impulse generator's peak voltage by the protector's rated current. The impulse generator's fictive impedance (generator's peak voltage divided by peak short circuit current) is then subtracted from the minimum total circuit impedance to give the required value of series resistance. In some cases the equipment will require verification over a temperature range. By using the rated waveform values from Figure 10, the appropriate series resistor value can be calculated for ambient temperatures in the range of -40 C to 85 C. If the devices are used in a star-connection, then the ground return protector, Th3 in Figure 13, will conduct the combined current of protectors Th1 and Th2. Similarly in the bridge connection (Figure 14), the protector Th1 must be rated for the sum of the conductor currents. In these cases, it may be necessary to include some series resistance in the conductor feed to reduce the impulse current to within the protector's ratings. JANUARY 1998 - REVISED JANUARY 2007 Specifications are subject to change without notice. Customers should verify actual device performance in their specific applications. TISP5xxxH3BJ Overvoltage Protection Series APPLICATIONS INFORMATION AC Power Testing The protector can withstand currents applied for times not exceeding those shown in Figure 8. Currents that exceed these times must be terminated or reduced to avoid protector failure. Fuses, PTC (Positive Temperature Coefficient) resistors and fusible resistors are overcurrent protection devices which can be used to reduce the current flow. Protective fuses may range from a few hundred milliamperes to one ampere. In some cases it may be necessary to add some extra series resistance to prevent the fuse opening during impulse testing. The current versus time characteristic of the overcurrent protector must be below the line shown in Figure 8. In some cases there may be a further time limit imposed by the test standard (e.g. UL 1459 wiring simulator failure). Capacitance The protector characteristic off-state capacitance values are given for d.c. bias voltage, VD, values of -1 V, -2 V and -50 V. The TISP5150H3BJ and TISP5190H3BJ are also given for a bias of -100 V. Values for other voltages may be determined from Figure 6. Up to 10 MHz, the capacitance is essentially independent of frequency. Above 10 MHz, the effective capacitance is strongly dependent on connection inductance. In Figure 12, the typical conductor bias voltages will be about -2 V and -50 V. Figure 7 shows the differential (line unbalance) capacitance caused by biasing one protector at -2 V and the other at -50 V. For example, the TISP5070H3BJ has a differential capacitance value of 166 pF under these conditions. Normal System Voltage Levels The protector should not clip or limit the voltages that occur in normal system operation. Figure 9 allows the calculation of the protector VDRM value at temperatures below 25 C. The calculated value should not be less than the maximum normal system voltages. The TISP5150H3BJ, with a VDRM of -120 V, can be used to protect ISDN feed voltages having maximum values of -99 V, -110 V and -115 V (range 3 through to range 5). These three range voltages represent 0.83 (99/120), 0.92 (110/120) and 0.96 (115/120) of the -120 V TISP5150H3BJ VDRM . Figure 9 shows that the VDRM will have decreased to 0.944 of its 25 C value at -40 C. Thus, the supply feed voltages of -99 V (0.83) and -110 V (0.92) will not be clipped at temperatures down to -40 C. The -115 V (0.96) feed supply may be clipped if the ambient temperature falls below -21 C. JESD51 Thermal Measurement Method To standardize thermal measurements, the EIA (Electronic Industries Alliance) has created the JESD51 standard. Part 2 of the standard (JESD51-2, 1995) describes the test environment. This is a 0.0283 m3 (1 ft3 ) cube which contains the test PCB (Printed Circuit Board) horizontally mounted at the center. Part 3 of the standard (JESD51-3, 1996) defines two test PCBs for surface mount components; one for packages smaller than 27 mm on a side and the other for packages up to 48 mm. The SMB (DO-214AA) measurements used the smaller 76.2 mm x 114.3 mm (3.0 " x 4.5 ") PCB. The JESD51-3 PCBs are designed to have low effective thermal conductivity (high thermal resistance) and represent a worse case condition. The PCBs used in the majority of applications will achieve lower values of thermal resistance and so can dissipate higher power levels than indicated by the JESD51 values. "TISP" is a trademark of Bourns, Ltd., a Bourns Company, and is Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. "Bourns" is a registered trademark of Bourns, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. JANUARY 1998 - REVISED JANUARY 2007 Specifications are subject to change without notice. Customers should verify actual device performance in their specific applications. Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: Bourns: TISP5080H3BJR TISP5070H3BJR TISP5110H3BJR TISP5150H3BJR TISP5095H3BJR TISP5115H3BJR TISP5110H3BJR-S TISP5115H3BJR-S TISP5150H3BJR-S TISP5095H3BJR-S TISP5070H3BJR-S TISP5080H3BJR-S TISP5190H3BJR-S