Package Characteristics
Parameter Symbol HCPL- Min. Typ.* Max. Units Test Conditions Fig. Note
Input-Output Momentary VISO 2500 V rms RH ≤50%, 4, 9
Withstand Voltage** t = 1 min.,
Option 020 2730 5000 4, 10
Resistance RI-O 1012 ΩVI-O = 500 VDC 4
(Input-Output) RH ≤45%
Capacitance CI-O 0.6 pF f = 1 MHz 11
Input-Input Insulation II-I 0.005 µA RH ≤45% 5
Leakage Current VI-I = 500 VDC
Input-Input Insulation RI-I 1011 Ω5
Leakage Current
Capacitance CI-I 2730 0.03 pF 5
(Input-Input) 2731
0730 0.25
*All Typical values at TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted.
**The Input-Output Momentary Withstand Voltage is a dielectric voltage rating that should not be interpreted as an input-output
continuous voltage rating. For the continuous voltage rating refer to the VDE 0884 Insulation Characteristics Table (if appli-
cable), your equipment level safety specification or HP Application Note 1074 entitled “Optocoupler Input-Output Endurance
1. Pin 5 should be the most negative
voltage at the detector side.
2. Each channel.
(CTR) is defined as the ratio of output
collector current, IO, to the forward
LED input current, IF, times 100%.
4. Device considered a two-terminal
device: pins 1, 2, 3, and 4 shorted
together, and pins 5, 6, 7, and 8
shorted together.
5. Measured between pins 1 and 2
shorted together, and pins 3 and 4
shorted together.
6. Common mode transient immunity in a
Logic High level is the maximum
tolerable (positive) dV
CM/dt of the
TA = 25°C
common mode pulse, VCM, to assure
that the output will remain in a Logic
High state (i.e., VO > 2.0 V). Common
mode transient immunity in a Logic
Low level is the maximum tolerable
(negative) dVCM/dt of the common
mode pulse, VCM, to assure that the
output will remain in a Logic Low state
(i.e., VO < 0.8 V).
7. In applications where dV/dt may
exceed 50,000 V/µs (such as static
discharge) a series resistor, RCC,
should be included to protect the
detector IC from destructively high
surge currents. The recommended
value is RCC = 110 Ω.
8. Use of a 0.1 µF bypass capacitor
connected between pins 5 and 8
adjacent to the device is
9. In accordance with UL 1577, each
optocoupler is proof tested by
applying an insulation test voltage
> 3000 V rms for 1 second (leakage
detection current limit, II-O < 5 µA).
10. In accordance with UL 1577, each
optocoupler is proof tested by
applying an insulation test voltage
> 6000 V rms for 1 second (leakage
detection current limit, II-O < 5 µA).
11. Measured between the LED anode and
cathode shorted together and pins 5
through 8 shorted together.
12. Derate linearly above 65°C free-air
temperature at a rate of 2.3 mW/°C for
the SO-8 package.