RF Vector Signal Generators
TSG4100A Series
The TSG4100A Series RF Vector Signal Generator offers mid-range
performance and up to 200 MHz modulation bandwidth at an entry-level RF
signal generator price. They use a new technique to provide spurious free
outputs with low phase noise (-113 dBc/Hz at 20 kHz offset from 1 GHz
carrier) and extraordinary frequency resolution (1 μHz at any frequency).
The TSG4100A Series comes standard with analog modulation.
Convenient, in-field software upgrades allow for easy transition from analog
to more advanced vector and digital modulation capabilities, providing the
most flexible configuration and best CAPEX protection. These instruments
complement other leading mid-range RF test solutions from Tektronix, such
as the USB-based RSA306 Spectrum Analyzer and MDO4000B and
MDO3000 Mixed Domain Oscilloscopes.
The TSG4100A Series instruments use an ovenized SC-cut oscillator
(TSG410xA-M00 or E1 models) time-base, providing a 100 X improvement
in stability (and a 100 X reduction in the in-close phase noise) compared to
instruments that use a TCXO time-base.
Key features
Analog and vector/digital signal generation capabilities
Dual baseband ARB generators
Analog modulation standard
Soft key upgrade to vector/digital modulation at very low cost
Digital modulation applications for GSM, EDGE, W-CDMA, APCO-25,
USB, GPIB, RS-232, and LAN interfaces
12 pounds (5.6 kg)
2U high and half standard rack width
Key performance specifications
True DC to 2 GHz, 4 GHz or 6 GHz to support both analog and vector/
digital signal generation
Typical ≤±0.30 dB amplitude accuracy (0 dBm CW signal at 22 ºC)
from 10 MHz to 6 GHz
I/Q modulation inputs (400 MHz RF bandwidth)
ASK, FSK, MSK, PSK, QAM, VSB, and custom I/Q
Analog modulation
The Tektronix TSG4100A Series RF Vector Signal Generators offer a wide
variety of modulation capabilities. Modes include amplitude modulation
(AM), frequency modulation (FM), phase modulation (ΦM), and pulse
modulation. There is an internal modulation source as well as an external
modulation input. The internal modulation source produces sine, ramp,
saw, square, and noise waveforms. An external modulation signal may be
applied to the rear panel modulation input. The internal modulation
generator is available as an output on the rear panel.
Vector modulation
The TSG4100A Series builds on this performance by adding full support for
vector signal modulation on RF carriers between 400 MHz and 6.0 GHz. It
features a dual arbitrary waveform generator operating at 125 MHz for
baseband signal generation. The generator has built-in support for the most
common vector modulation schemes: ASK, QPSK, DQPSK, π/4 DQPSK,
8PSK, FSK, CPM, QAM (4 to 256), 8VSB, and 16VSB. It also includes
built-in support for all the standard pulse shaping filters used in digital
communications: raised cosine, root-raised cosine, Gaussian, rectangular,
triangular, and more. Lastly, it provides direct support for the controlled
injection of additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) into the signal path.
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