Evaluates: MAX9776
Input Select and Status
The Input Select and Status panel gives the capability
to select the input mode between single-ended stereo,
right-channel differential, left-channel differential, and
mono differential for input channels INA, INB, and INC.
The Input Select and Status panel also displays the
current volume settings for INA, INB, and INC. INA can
be configured to accept a stereo single-ended signal or
a differential mono signal. Click the STEREO S/E radio
button to configure INA for a stereo single-ended signal.
Click the MONO DIFF radio button to configure INA for a
mono differential input signal.
INB and INC can be configured to accept a stereo sin-
gle-ended signal or a differential signal. Check the L,
R, or Mradio buttons to configure the input to accept a
differential signal and route that signal to either the
right, left, or mono mixer. Refer to the functional dia-
gram in the MAX9776 IC data sheet for details.
The input mode is also selectable using the Input Mode
pulldown menu inside the Input/Output Mode panel.
Refer to the MAX9776 IC data sheet for details.
Output Select and Status
The output mode of the speaker, headphone, and
receiver amplifiers can be controlled within the Output
Control and Status panel.
The output mode of the speaker, headphone, and
receiver amplifiers can also be selected using the
Output Mode pulldown menu inside the Input/Output
Mode panel. Refer to the MAX9776 IC data sheet
for details.
Input/Output Mode
The input and output modes are selectable using the
pulldown menus inside this panel. Refer to the
MAX9776 IC data sheet for details.
Volume Control
The scroll bars inside the Volume Control panel individu-
ally control the volume setting of the MAX9776’s left chan-
nel, right channel, and mono channel. If the Lock L/R
channel checkbox is checked, the volume of both left and
right channels will be equal and change simultaneously.
The current volume settings for INA, INB, and INC inside
the Input Select and Status panel will be updated auto-
matically as the volume control scroll bar is moved.
Control Register
The Control Register panel contains checkboxes for
the remaining settings. These checkboxes control the
INA gain boost, receiver gain boost, power up, 6dB
input gain boost, mute control, and Class D oscillator
mode. Check the INA 20dB Boost checkbox to apply
an extra 20dB of gain to the INA path. Checking the
Mono 6dB Boost checkbox applies 6dB of gain to the
mono channel. Check the Power Up checkbox to
enable the MAX9776 EV kit, clear the checkbox to shut
down the kit. Input 6dB Boost applies an additional
6dB of gain to all the input paths. Check Mute to mute
the MAX9776 outputs. Check Spread Spectrum Mode
to enable the low-EMI spread-spectrum mode. Check
Speaker Mono Mix to enable mono mixing for the
speaker amplifier. If this box is not checked, only the
left channel will play at speaker output.
Reset, Help, and Exit Buttons
There are three buttons at the bottom-right corner of the
MAX9776 EV kit software GUI window: Reset, Help,
and Exit.
Press the Reset button to reestablish the connection
between the PC and the EV kit, and return the
MAX9776 EV kit to its power-on-reset setting.
The Help button displays the current software version.
It also provides information on how to obtain the latest
MAX9776 EV kit software and data sheet.
Press the Exit button to quit the MAX9776 EV kit software.
Detailed Description of Hardware
The MAX9776 EV kit board provides a proven layout for
evaluating the MAX9776. The EV kit comes with
Input Mode Setting
The audio input terminals on the MAX9776 EV kit are
flexible and can be configured as mono single-ended
inputs, stereo single-ended inputs, or differential inputs.
Any of the inputs can be routed to left, right, or mono
input mixers. Jumpers JU1–JU3 can be used to ground
INA2, INB2, and INC2, respectively.
The MAX9776 EV kit allows connection of stereo head-
phones, a mono receiver speaker, and a mono loud-
speaker. A 3.5mm headphone jack is provided to con-
nect stereo headphones. The mono receiver speaker
output is labeled OUTRX. Connect the receiver speaker
between OUTRX and one of the adjacent GND pads.
MAX9776 Evaluation Kit
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