Electrical Characteristics 5.0V(1)
Unless otherwise specified, all limits ensured for TA= 25°C, VDD = 5V, VIN = 18mVP-P, SD = VDD, Pre Amp gain = 20dB, Post
Amp gain = 6dB, RL= 100kΩ, and CL= 4.7pF, f = 1kHz pass through mode. LMV1091 Units
Symbol Parameter Conditions (Limits)
Typical(2) Limit(3)
VIN = 18mVP-P, A-weighted, Audio band 63 dB
SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio VOUT = 18mVP-P,65 dB
voice band (300–3400Hz)
eNInput Referred Noise level A-Weighted 5 μVRMS
VIN Maximum Input Signal THD+N < 1% 880 820 mVP-P (min)
f = 1kHz, THD+N < 1% VRMS (min)
Maximum AC Output Voltage 1.2 1.1
between differential output
VOUT DC Output Voltage 820 mV
THD+N Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise Differential Out+ and Out- 0.1 0.2 % (max)
ZIN Input Impedance 142 kΩ
ZOUT Output Impedance 220 Ω
Minimum 6 dB
AMMicrophone Preamplifier Gain Range Maximum 36 dB
Microphone Preamplifier Gain 1.7 dB (min)
Adjustment Resolution 2.3 dB (max)
Minimum 6 dB
APPost Amplifier Gain Range Maximum 18 dB
Post Amplifier Gain Adjustment 2.6 dB (min)
Resolution 3.4 dB (max)
f = 1kHz (See Test Methods) 34 26
FFNSEFar Field Noise Suppression Electrical dB
f = 300Hz (See Test Methods) 42
Signal-to-Noise Ratio Improvement f = 1kHz (See Test Methods) 26 18
Electrical f = 300Hz (See Test Methods) 33
Input Referred, Input AC grounded
PSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratio fRIPPLE = 217Hz (VRIPPLE = 100mVP-P) 99 85 dB (min)
fRIPPLE = 1kHz (VRIPPLE = 100mVP-P) 95 80 dB (min)
CMRR Common Mode Rejection Ratio Input referred 60 dB
1.85 V ( min)
VBM Microphone Bias Supply Voltage IBIAS = 1.2mA 2.0 2.15 V (max)
Microphone bias noise voltage on VREF A-Weighted, CB= 10nF 7 μVRMS
eVBM pin
IDDQ Supply Quiescent Current VIN = 0V 0.60 0.8 mA (max)
VIN = 25mVP-P both inputs
IDD Supply Current 0.60 mA
Noise cancelling mode
ISD Shut Down Current SD pin = GND 0.1 μA
TON Turn On Time 40 ms (max)
TOFF Turn Off Time 60 ms (max)
GA0, GA1, GA2, GA3, GB0, GB1, GB2,
VIH Logic High Input Threshold Mute1, Mute2, 1.4 V (min)
Mode 0, Mode 1, SD
GA0, GA1, GA2, GA3, GB0, GB1, GB2,
VIL Logic Low Input Threshold Mute1, Mute2, 0.4 V (max)
Mode 0, Mode 1, SD
(1) “Absolute Maximum Ratings” indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur, including inoperability and degradation of
device reliability and/or performance. Functional operation of the device and/or non-degradation at the Absolute Maximum Ratings or
other conditions beyond those indicated in the Recommended Operating Conditions is not implied. The Recommended Operating
Conditions indicate conditions at which the device is functional and the device should not be operated beyond such conditions. All
voltages are measured with respect to the ground pin, unless otherwise specified.
(2) Typical values represent most likely parametric norms at TA= +25°C, and at the Recommended Operation Conditions at the time of
product characterization and are not ensured.
(3) Datasheet min/max specification limits are specified by test, or statistical analysis.
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