Feed-in Tariff - Italian experience
The value of “clean energy” is measured in terms of environmental
impact reduction, cost savings and government incentives
The current incentive system to encourage the creation
of photovoltaic systems is based on the remuneration of the
energy produced. In Italy, for example, the rules defining
this incentive structure have been laid down by the Italian
Ministerial Decree of 19/02/2007, also known as “nuovo
conto energia” (new feed-in tariffs) and the resulting
resolutions issued by the Autorità per l’Energia Elettrica ed
il Gas (the Italian electricity and gas authority) setting forth in
detail three important aspects: responsibility in measuring the
energy produced, the system of relations with the electricity
network provider to connect the system to the public grid,
the system of relations with the Gestore dei Servizi Elettrici
(Managing Authority of Power Services) to request the feed-in
tariffs. These feed-in tariffs are the money value paid for each
kWh produced by the system for 20 years, starting from the
day of connection to the grid. This value is defined by a table,
according to the degree of architectural integration of the
system with reference to the building on which it is installed
and to the rated power.
In Italy, the feed-in tariffs paid for the systems connected to
the public grid during 2009 will be reduced by 2% starting
from 1st January 2010. The power subject to feed-in tariffs
was established at 1200 MW, with a 14-month extension to
connect other systems after said limit has been reached.
Administrative procedures are divided into 2 different steps:
first of all the photovoltaic system must be connected to the
public grid through a special connection procedure set forth
in the AEEG 99/08 resolution. Once the system has been
connected to the grid, there is a 60-day term for submitting
the request for the feed-in tariffs to GSE. This can be done by
a special online procedure available on the Web site: www.
Euro value reimbursed per kWh produced (Italy)
Types of photovoltaic systems
Rated power
of the system (kW)
A 1≤P≤3 0,392 0,431 0,480
B 3<P≤20 0,372 0,412 0,451
C P>20 0,353 0,392 0,431
Due to the “Feed-in Tariff”
incentives and to the growing
public awareness of the need
to promote the development
of “clean” energy sources,
photovoltaic systems for electricity
generation are becoming
increasingly widespread in Italy.