R RapIDTM Platfo orm - PROFIN P NET IR RT Netw work In nterfac ce 2--Port, Cla ass B and d C, Net Load L Cla ass III Co onnectiviity Solutiion The e RapID Platform P Network N Interface e is a com mplete, prre-tested solution that manages the industrrial protoc col and network n ttraffic forr a host processorr The Networrk Interface module m or embedded de esign contai ns everrything need ded to participate in starr, line, or tree network toopologies inclu uding the com mmunications controller, protocol stacks, s Flash , RAM, Etheernet switch and PHYs. A host proce essor conneccts to the Neetwork Interrface via a UART or 16b bit Parallel In nterface. At the softwar e layer the h host connects to a "Uniffied Interface" so other protocols caan be used d without ch hanging the host softwaare. The Nettwork Interfaace has passsed PROFINEET v2.3 certification for Class B and Class C deviices and received Net Loa ad Class III accreditation a n. Both advanced and leegacy starttup are supported so yo our field devvice will operrate problem mfree in any PROFINET network and will never disconnect from the netw work. Eas sy Hardw ware and Software S Integratiion The Networrk Interface can be integgrated into a design as eeither a mod dule or an em mbedded de esign. As a module, m the Network Intterface plugs into a boarrd using stan ndard 2.54 mm m pitch thrroughhole ppins. on is as easyy as Wheen designingin the module, hardware integratio conn necting Powe er/Ground/R Reset and in nterfacing the Host to th e UART or 16 6bit Parallel interface. As an embedded design n, the Netwo ork Interfacee hardware design can b be integrate ed directly using u the sch hematics pro ovided. Alsoo provided aare the Bill off Materials aand example e layouts to minim mize the hard dware design effort. Sofftware for thhe embeddeed design is p provided as firmware that is download ded to the flash. Whether using the e Network In terface as a module or aan embeddeed design, no o softw ware develo opment is re equired and there are no o license feees or royalties. Software inttegration with a Host is also easy. Messages M paassed betweeen the Host and Networrk Interface follow a "Unified " Inteerface" defin nition. A sim mple to use, IInnovasic supplied, PCbased to ool configurees the Netw work Interfacce, so the Host only passes paraameters betw ween it and the Networrk Interface. From this tool, it is alsso easy to sp pecify how p parameters w will be o the PROFIN NET controlleer using the GSDML file. Since the passed to Host is on nly passing pparameters, tthe Host sofftware does not have to change if PROFINET nnetwork paraameters chaange or if ano other Industrial Ethernet prrotocol is useed. There iss also a "sockkets" interface that supporrts direct Eth hernet comm munication. Example C code is prrovided to m minimize the software efffort for the Host / Network Interface I communicatio on. www.inno ovasic.com m R RapIDTM Platfo orm - PROFIN P NET IR RT Netw work In nterfac ce 2--Port, Cla ass B and d C, Net Load L Cla ass III Co onnectiviity Solutiion Reliable, Fle exible Network Inttegration The Networrk Interface provides p reliable PROFIN NET Class B aand Class C communicatio on with PriorrityChannelTM TM - a revoluttionary technnology t effects of o network trraffic and en nsures reliabble, real that eliminates the erformance to t Net Load Class III. It gives g your d device a timee network pe signiificant comp petitive adva antage, extrremely low jiitter, and a rreliable conn nection that will not discconnect eve en with >95% % network lo oading. udes the Preccision Time Control C Prottocol PROFINET support inclu (PTC CP) for synch hronization of o nodes in a network an nd the Discovvery and Conffiguration Prrotocol (DCP P) which is re equired for all a PROFINETT devices and d provides b basic device conffiguration faccilities, and the t Link Layer Discoveryy Protocol (LLLDP) so controllers can identify the devices attacched to the network and d the overall topology. Also A includeed is the Simple Networkk Managemeent Protocol (SNM MP) along with the required Manage ement Inform mation Basees (MIBs) to support nettwork configguration and diagnostics, and the example GSDML file e provided can c be tailorred to describe those feaatures of thee field devicce to a PROFFINET contro oller. To asssist with com mmissioning,, a dynamic webserver iis provided sso the field devicce's networkk informatio on can be dissplayed or ch hanged usin g a standard d browser. Fas st Evaluattion and Developm ment The RapID Platform P Nettwork Interfa ace Evaluatio on Kit provvides a quickk assessmentt for interfaccing a Host to t the mod dule. An app plication example is provvided in orde er to demonstrate endtoend, Ho osttoNetwork Interfaceto Conttroller comm munication. Simply conn nect the Hosst deveelopment bo oard to the Network N Inteerface evaluaation boarrd via the UA ART or 16bitt Parallel intterface. Oncce Hosttside communication is established, PROFINET communication can be evalu uated using a PLC or Conttroller simulator. The co ommunicatio on path betw ween Hostt and PROFIN NET controller can be co ompletely ve erified befo ore integratin ng the modu ule into yourr field device e hard dware. RapIDNIEK V0004 V RapID Pla atform PRO OFINET Netw work Interfac ce Parrameter Details Hosst Processor Any CPU orr DSP Hosst Processor UART (115 5.2 kBaud) Inte erfaces 16-bit Paralllel (up to 12..5 Mbps) Data Transp port: IEEE 80 02.3 Netw work Data Rate: 10/100 Mbpss Inte erface Ports: 2 Tem mperature -40C to +85 5C Voltage: 3.3 VDC Pow wer Supply Power conssumption: 1.6 6W ICMP, IGMP P, ARP, SNT TP, BSD TCP P/IP Socket, DNS, DHCP, TE ELNET, TFTP, HTTP serve er, CGI, SNMP Cyclic Inputt Data: 1440 bytes (max) Cyclic Outp put Data: 144 40 bytes (max x) Cycle time, Class B: 1 m ms (min) Cycle time, Class C: 250 0 s (min) PRO OFINET Alarm Type es: Process, D Diagnostic, Return of Sub Module DCP, LLDP P, VLAN Priority, PTCP Com mpliance RoHS, CE, PI www.inno ovasic.com m