are general statements for the relevant series. Individual connectors may deviate from the values shown. If in
doubt, please consult our engineers.
Mechanical Characteristics
Recommended coupling torque 0.46 - 0.69 Nm
Durability (mating cycles) ≥ 500
Material: spring contacts CuBe2; CuNi1Pb1P(C97)
Material: outer conductor CuZn39Pb3
Material: other metal parts CuZn39Pb3
Material: gaskets Silicone
Material: insulators PTFE; PE
Finish: Inner conductor Cu1Ni2Au0.8
Finish: Outer conductor Cu2Ni5
Finish: Other metal parts Cu2Ni5
Climatic Characteristics
Climatic category acc. to IEC 60068 - 1
Types with PTFE insulator 40/155/21
Types with PE insulator 40/75/21
Electrical Characteristics
Contact resistance inner conductor ≤ 10 mΩ
Contact resistance outer conductor ≤ 2.5 mΩ
Insulation resistance ≥ 5 GHz
Voltage proof 1.5 kVeff/50 Hz
Impedance 50 Ω/(75 Ω)
Return loss: Straight style (valid for 50 Ω
only) ≥ 17.7 dB/11 GHz
Return loss: Angle style (valid for 50 Ω only) ≥ 16.5 dB/11 GHz
Working voltage ≤ 500 Veff/50 Hz
Frequency range up to (valid for 50 Ω only) 11 GHz
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Lerchenstr. 35, D-71144 Steinenbronn, Tel. +49 (0) 7157 125 100, Fax +49 (0) 7157 125 120, E-Mail: info@telegaertner.com