NUMBER GS-12-338
Power edge connector
Vertical type
4 of 8 E
Hai-Ling Liu APR10,2015
Copyright FCI.
Form E-3701 – Revision C
d. Reference EIA 364-13
e. Test PCB thickness is 1.57+/-0.13mm (inclusive of two pads).
7.2 Normal Force - The contact normal force shall not be less than 150 grams per contact when tested in
accordance with FCI Test Specification BUS-03-404.
7.3 Contact Retention - Individual power contacts shall withstand an axial retention load of 300 gf
minimum per pin to seat further into housing.
a. Rate of 25.4 mm/minute without dislodging from the housing cavity.
b. Test PCB thickness is 1.57+/-0.13mm (inclusive of two pads).
7.4 Solder tails retention force (four pairs) - the retention force shall not be less than 100 gf for solder
tails of four pairs to catch PCB.
The following details shall apply:
a. Rate of 25.4mm/minute with inserting PCB.
b. Test PCB holes diameter is 1.02+/-0.08mm.
7.5 Reseating
The connector pair needs to undergo 3 manual plug/unplug cycles.
a. Sample Size – Dependent upon current test group, refer to specific sample sizes.
b. Failure Criteria - No evidence of physical damage.
c. No lubrication to be used during cycling.
7.6 Vibration Sinusoidal - EIA 364 TP 28
a. Test procedure: Test Condition – VII, test condition letter D.
b. Mounting – To eliminate relative motion between the contacts, both mating halves should be
rigidly fixed.
c. Duration – 1 hour per axis / 3 axis.
d. Failure criteria - No evidence of physical damage. No interruptions > 1.0 microsecond.
7.7 Mechanical Shock - EIA 364-27
a. Condition A (50G, 11 millisecond half sine wave)
b. Shocks - 3 shocks in both directions along each of three orthogonal axes (18 total)
c. Mounting - rigidly mount assemblies
d. No discontinuities of greater than 1.0 microsecond
7.8 Durability - Standard laboratory procedure as applicable to the specific product EIA-364-09
a. Number of Cycles - 200
b. Cycling rate – 25.4mm per minute
7.9 Durability (preconditioning) EIA-364-09
The intent of this test is encompassed in latest version of EIA-364-09.
a. Number of Cycles - 5
PDS: Rev :E STATUS:Released Printed: May 14, 2015