Toroidal Common Mode Choke
Manufacturer of Passive and Discrete Semiconductor Components
800-684-5322 Inside US 949-453-1811 Outside US
Copyright © 2007 by CT Magnetics, DBA Central Technologies. All rights reserved.
CT Magnetics reserves the right to make improvements or change specifications without notice
Size A B C D E F
Nom. Nom. Max. Max. Max. Min.
mm 9.0 11.4 5.12 3.05 3.56 0.762
inches 0.35 0.45 0.20 0.12 0.14 0.03
CTCTX-1P Series
From 0.42 µH to 299.87 µH
Not shown at actual size.
Description: SMD Toroidal Common Mode Choke
Applications: Single inductors, 1:1 coupled inductors, & 1:1
isolation transformers
Operating Temperature: -40°C to +85°C
Storage Temperature: -40°C to +125°C
Inductance Tolerance: ±20%
Testing: Inductance is tested on an HP4285A at 100 kHz
Packaging: Tape and Reel
Marking: Parts marked with inductance code & series type
Miscellaneous: RoHS Compliant available.
Additional Information: Additional electrical & physical
information available upon request
Samples available. See website for ordering information.
Parts are available in ±20% tolerance only.
CTCTXF~~~-1P Please specify “F” for RoHS compliant.
CTCTX_0.47-1P 0.42 0.005 5.50 1.67 0.021 2.75
CTCTX_0.68-1P 0.60 0.006 5.10 2.40 0.025 2.55
CTCTX_1-1P 1.07 0.008 4.50 4.28 0.032 2.25
CTCTX_2-1P 2.02 0.013 3.40 8.08 0.054 1.70
CTCTX_5-1P 4.83 0.040 2.00 19.31 0.161 1.00
CTCTX_8-1P 8.08 0.052 1.80 32.33 0.207 0.90
CTCTX_10-1P 9.62 0.057 1.70 38.48 0.227 0.85
CTCTX_15-1P 15.03 0.087 1.40 60.12 0.348 0.70
CTCTX_20-1P 20.46 0.158 1.00 81.83 0.634 0.50
CTCTX_25-1P 25.40 0.177 0.96 101.60 0.708 0.48
CTCTX_33-1P 32.33 0.250 0.80 129.32 1.001 0.40
CTCTX_50-1P 50.52 0.316 0.70 202.07 1.263 0.35
CTCTX_68-1P 68.40 0.373 0.66 273.61 1.490 0.33
CTCTX_100-1P 99.01 0.557 0.54 396.06 2.227 0.27
CTCTX_150-1P 150.72 0.844 0.44 602.87 3.376 0.22
CTCTX_200-1P 198.41 1.208 0.36 793.65 4.831 0.18
CTCTX_300-1P 299.87 1.525 0.32 1199.46 6.100 0.16
DCR Full Load DCR Full Load
Part OCL Max. Current OCL Max. Current
Number (µH±20%) (ΩΩ) (Adc) (µH±20%) (ΩΩ) (Adc)