R RapIDTM Platfo orm - Modbu M usTCP Netwo ork Inte erface 2--Port Co onnectiv vity Solu ution The e RapID Platform P Network N Interface e is a com mplete, prre-tested solution that manages the industrrial protoc col and network n ttraffic forr a host processorr The Networrk Interface module m or embedded de esign contai ns everrything need ded to participate in starr, line, or tree network topo ologies includ ding the com mmunication ns controllerr, protocol sttacks, Flash h, RAM, Ethe ernet switch h and PHYs. A host proce essor conne cts to the N Network Inteerface via a UART or 16bit Parallel Interface. I A At the softw ware layer th he host conn nects to a "U Unified Interrface" so oth her protocols can be e used witho out changingg the host so oftware. Thhe work commu unications is extremely robust r and supports Innoovasic's netw PriorrityChannelTM TM technology. This means your field d device will operate prob blemfree with any ModbusTCP conttroller and will w never dissconnect from m the networrk. Eas sy Hardw ware and Software S Integratiion The Networrk Interface can be integgrated into a design as eeither a mod dule or an em mbedded de esign. As a module, m the Network Intterface plugs into a boarrd using stan ndard 2.54 mm m pitch thrroughhole ppins. on is as easyy as Wheen designingin the module, hardware integratio conn necting Powe er/Ground/R Reset and in nterfacing the Host to th e UART or 116bit Paralleel interface. As an embedded design n, the Netwo ork Interfacee hardware design can b be integrateed directly u using the scheematics provvided. Also provided p are e the Bill of Materials M annd example llayouts to m minimize the hardware desiggn effort. So oftware for the t embedded design is provided ass firmware that is downloaded to th he flash. Wheether using the Network Interface ass a module or o an embeddded design, no software developm ment is requ uired and the ere are no liicense fees or o royalties.. Software inttegration with a Host is also easy. Messages M paassed betweeen the Host and Networrk Interface follo ow a "Unified d Interface" definition. A simple to use, Innovassic supplied,, PCbased to ool configurres the Network Interface, soo the Host o only passes p parameters b between it and the Network N Inteerface. From m this tool, itt is also easyy to specify how paraameters will be passed to o the ModbusTCP registter map and the assocciated host pparameters. Since the Host is only p passing paramete ers, the Hostt software does not havee to change if ModbusTTCP networkk parameterss change or iif another In ndustrial Ethernet protocol is uused. Theree is also a "so ockets" interrface that de is supports direct Etherrnet communication. Exxample Ccod provided to minimizee the software effort forr the Host / N Network Interface communicaation. www.inno ovasic.com m R RapIDTM Platfo orm - Modbu M usTCP Netwo ork Inte erface 2--Port Co onnectiv vity Solu ution Reliable, Fle exible Network Inttegration The RapID Platform P Nettwork Interfa ace supportss ModbusTC P communication with PriorityyChannelTM - a revolutionary technoology that eliminates the t effects of o network trraffic and ensures reliab le, realtime network performance. It gives your devicce a significaant competitive advvantage, extrremely low jitter, j and a reliable r conn nection that will not discconnect eve en with >95% % network loading. P is a master//slave proto ocol with Mo odbus RTU ModbusTCP encaapsulated in a TCP frame e. The proto ocol requires slave devicees to respond to the master's m com mmands, and d these respo onses shouldd be perform med in a tim mely manner.. With PriorrityChannel's extremely low latency,, ModbusTCP command s will not bee lost in unreelated netwo ork traffic and these comm mands will be e responded to with min nimum delayy. In addition n, the Netwo ork Interfacee comes with an example e Electronic Datasheet D file that can be b tailored t o describe the features of the field device to a Mod dbusTCP masster. To assiist with commissioning, a webserveer is provided d so the field d device's neetwork inforrmation can be displayed d on a stand dard browserr. Fas st Evaluattion and Developm ment The RapID Platform P Nettwork Interfa ace Evaluatio on Kit provvides a quickk assessmentt for interfaccing a Host to t the mod dule. An app plication example is provvided in orde er to demonstrate endtoend, Ho osttoNetwork Interfaceto mastter commun nication. Sim mply connectt the Host deveelopment bo oard to the Network N Inteerface evaluaation boarrd via the UA ART or 16bitt Parallel intterface. Oncce Hosttside communication is established, ModbusTC CP communication can be evalu uated using a PLC or master ulator. The communicat c tion path bettween Host and simu Mod dbusTCP masster can be completely c verified v befo ore integgrating the module m into your field device hardw ware. RapID Pla atform ModbusTCP Netw work Interfac ce Parrameter Details Hosst Processor Any CPU U or DSP Hosst Processor Inte erfaces UART (1 115.2 kBaud) 16-bit Pa arallel (up to 1 12.5 Mbps) Data Transport: IEEE E 802.3 Netw work Inte erface Data Ratte: 10/100 Mb bps Ports: 2 Tem mperature Pow wer Supply TCP P/IP -40C to + +85C Voltage: 3.3 VDC Power co onsumption: 1.3W ICMP, IG GMP, ARP, SN NTP, BSD Sockets, DNS, DHCP, TELNET, TFTP, HT TTP server, C CGI Cyclic Inp put Data: 504 4 bytes Cyclic Ou utput Data: 5 504 bytes Mod dbusTCP Cycle tim me: 1 ms (min n.) Function Codes: 01, 0 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 15, 16 and d 17 RapIDNIEEK V0004 Com mpliance RoHS, CE www.inno ovasic.com m