Digital Microhmmeter
nSmall, lightweight and portable - can be used in tight places,
reduces the need for extra long leads and two person
nFour terminal resistance method shows the true resistance of
the item under test.
nBright LED (DLRO 10) and LCD (DLRO 10X) displays are easily
visible under all lighting conditions and reduce human error.
nAutomatically applies forward and reverse currents which cancel
out any standing voltages across the sample under test.
nChecks for undue noise during measurement, reducing the
possibility of recording the incorrect result.
nAutomatically detects continuity in P and C circuits, preventing
erroneously high reading to be taken due to high resistance
nBattery module has a battery condition indicator allowing the
user to check the state of spare batteries without connecting to
the instrument.
nRS232 connector on the DLRO 10X allows downloading of
results in real time or stored for later retrieval.
DLRO 10 will display the average of the measurements achieved
using forward and reverse current, while DLRO 10X displays both
individual measurements and the average.
Normal mode initiates a test by pressing the Test button on the
instrument front panel after connecting the test leads. Continuity
of all four connections is checked, forward and reverse currents
are applied.
Auto mode allows forward and reverse current measurements to
be made and the average displayed simply by making contact
with all four probes. This mode is ideal when working with the
supplied handspikes. Each time the probes are removed and
reconnected to the load another test will be performed without
the need to press the test button on the instrument.
Continuous mode allows repeated measurements to be made on
the same sample. Simply connect the test leads and press the test
button. The measurement is updated every 3 seconds until the
circuit is broken.
Inductive mode is intended for use when measuring inductive
loads. When measuring inductive loads it is necessary to wait for
the voltage to stabilise. This means that the measurement could
take a few seconds or several minutes. The test leads are firmly
connected to the item to be measured and the Test button is
pressed. The instrument will pass a current through the sample
and wait for the voltage to stabilise. If possible the current will be
increased. This procedure will be repeated until the voltage
detected falls into the range 15 mV to 200 mV. The instrument will
then continue to take readings, which will gradually decrease to
the true value as the voltage stabilises further. The operator
decides when the result is stable and presses the Test button to
terminate the test. Measurement is made with forward current only.
Unidirectional mode,on DLRO 10X only, applies a current in
one direction only.This does not enable any standing emfs to be
negated but speeds up the measurement process. Test starts
automatically when probes are connected.
The needs for accurate low resistance measurement are well
known and very diverse. They range through Goods Receiving
inspection of components to ground bonding and welded joints.
Typical applications include, but are not limited to, making d.c.
resistance measurements of:
nSwitch and contact breaker resistance
nBusbar and cable joints
nAircraft frame bonds and static control circuits
nIntegrity of welded joints
nInter-cell connections on battery systems up to 600 V peak
nQuality control of resistive components
nTransformer and motor winding resistance
nRail and pipe bonds
nMetal alloys, welds and fuse resistance
nGraphite electrodes and other composites
nWire and cable resistance
nTransmitter aerial and lightning conductor bonding
The DLROs are light enough to be worn around the neck. They
are also small enough to be taken into areas which were
previously too cramped for easy testing.