Data Sheet
September 1999
1241/1243/1245-Type Unco oled Laser Transmitter
Offeri ng multiple output power o ptio ns an d SONE T/SDH com-
p ati b i lity, the 12 41/1 24 3- Type Unc o o l ed La se r Tra nsmi tt er is
manufactured in a 20-pin, plastic DIP with a single-mode fiber
Backward compatible with 1227/1229/1238-Type
Laser Transmitters
Space-saving, self-contained, 20-pin DIP
Uses field-p roven, reliable InGaAsP MQW laser
Requires single 5 V p o wer supply
SONE T /SD H co mpatible
Uncooled lase r with automatic optical power co n-
trol for constan t output power over case tempera-
ture range
No thermoelec tric cooler required; red uces size
and power consumption
Uses low-power dissipation CMOS technol ogy
Qualified to meet the intent of Bell c ore reliability
Operates over data rates to 1062.5 Mbits/s (NRZ)
Operation at 1.3 µm or 1.55 µm wavelength
Typical average output power options of –11 dBm,
–8 dBm, –5 dBm, –2 dBm, and 0 dBm
ECL compatible, differential inputs
Operating temperature range of –40 °C to +85 °C
Transmitter-disable option
— Inter- and intraoffice SONET/ITU-T SDH
— Subscriber loop
— Metropolitan area netw orks
High-speed data communications
— Fibre cha nnel (FC-0)
2Agere Systems Inc.
Data Sh eet
1241/1243/1245-Type Uncooled Laser Transmitter September 1999
The 1241/1243/1245-type Laser T ransmitters are
designed for use in transmission systems and high-
speed data communication applications. Used in
intraoffice and intermediate-reac h applications, the
transmitters are configured to operate at SONET rates
up to OC-12, as well as at ITU-T synchronous di gital
hierarchy (SDH) rates up to STM -4. Specific versions
are also capable of operating up to 1062.5 Mbits/s.
The transmitter meets all present Bellcore GR-253-
CORE requirements, AN SI T1.117 -1991 SONET sin-
gle-mode, and the ITU-T G .95 7 and G.958 recommen-
dations. (See Table 5 to select transmitters for the
various SONET/SDH segments.)
The transmi tter requires a single p ower supply (+5 V or
–5 V) and operates over data rates of 1 Mbits/s to
622 Mbits/s (NRZ ). Autom atic power control circuitr y
provides const ant optical out put powe r over the operat-
ing case tem perature range. The automatic power con-
trol circuitry also compe nsates for laser aging. T he
optical wavelength tolerance at 25 °C is 1310 nm. The
temperature coefficient of wavelength for 1.3 µm Fabry-
Perot transmitters (1241-T ype ) is approximately
0.4 nm/°C. The tem perature coefficient of wavelength
for 1.3 µm and 1.55 µm distributed-feedback (DFB)
transmitters (1243/1 245-Type) is approximately
0.1 nm/° C.
Transmitters are available for operation over sev eral dif-
ferent temperature ranges f ro m – 40 ° C to +85 °C. Man-
ufactured in a 20-pin DIP, the transmitter consists of a
her m etic, InGaAs laser and a single CMOS driver IC.
The low-power consumption circuit provides modul a-
tion, automatic optical output power control, and data
reference. T he module can be driven by either ac- or
dc-coupled data in single-ended or differential con figu-
ration. (See Reco mm ended User Interfaces section for
typical conn ec tion s c hemes.) T he laser bias and back-
facet monitor currents are electrically accessible for
transmitter perf ormance monitoring. The transmitter
optical out put may be disabled by a logic-level input.
Functional Overview
Tra ns mitter Ci rcuit Descr iption and
Figure 1 shows a simplified schema tic of the transmit-
ter; pin inform ation is listed in Table 1. The laser within
the transmitter is driven by a single CMOS integrated
circuit, which provides the input data signal r eference
level wi th automatic, temperature-compensated laser
bias, and modulation-current c ontrol. A back-facet pho -
todetector diode within the laser module provides an
indicat ion of the laser's average optical output power.
The back-facet di ode current is accessible as a voltage
proportional to photocurrent through pins 17 and 19 on
the transm it ter. The back-facet diode also forms part of
the feedback control circuit, which helps mai ntain c on-
stant out put power.
The laser bias current is accessible as a dc-voltage by
measuring the voltage developed across pins 2 and 4
of the transmitter. Dividing this voltage by 10 will
yield the value o f the las er bia s current. T his value will
c hang e up or dow n i n response to operating tempera-
ture, power supply voltage, data pattern, and laser
aging characteristics.
Table 1. Pin Descriptions
* P ins designat e d as no user co nnection should not be tie d to
ground or any other ci rcuit potential.
L as er back-facet an d bi as m on itor fun ctio ns ar e cu st om er - use
optio ns t h at are not requ ired for normal operations of the trans-
mitter. They are normally used during manufactur e and f or
Pin Number Name
1 No user connection*
2 Laser bias m onitor (+)
3 No user connection*
4 Laser bias monitor (–)
7 Transmitter disable
10 No user connection
11 Case ground (RF ground)
12 VCC
13 Case ground (RF ground)
14 VEE
17 Laser back-facet monitor (–) *
18 VCC
19 Las er back-facet monitor (+)*
20 No user connection
Data Sheet
Sep tember 1999
Agere Systems Inc. 3
1241/1243/1245-Type Uncooled Laser
Functional Overview (co ntinued)
Figure 1. Simplified Transmitter Schematic Input Data
15 k•
(–) 15 k•
15 k•
(–) 15 k•
10 •
DATA (16)
– 1.3 V
30 k•
30 k•
Input Data
Data ente r s the tran s mitter through a comparator.
These inputs have internal pull-down resistors to a volt-
age referenc e that is 1.3 V below VCC. This configura-
tion a llows the transmitter to be driven from either a
single-ended or a differential input signal. Since the
input is a c omparator instead of a gate, the absolute
input signal levels are not important when the inputs
are driven differentially. When driven sin gle-ended,
however, the input signal voltage s hould be centered
around VCC – 1.3 V to eliminate pulse-widt h distortion.
With a single-ended input , either input can be used and
the unused input can be left as an open c i rc u i t due to
the internal referenc e shown in Fig ure 1. The optical
output signal will be in the same se n se as th e input
data—an input logic high turns the laser di ode on and
an input logic low turns the laser diode off. However, if
the negative inp ut is use d with a single-ended data
input signal, the optical signal will be the complement
of the data input signal.
The dif ferental inputs of the 1241 Gbit versions ar e te r-
minated internally with 100 between t he DATA and
DATA inputs.
Minimum Data Rate
Because the modulation and bias control circuitry are
influenced by the input data pattern, th e standard
transmitter cannot be used in bur s t-mode type applica-
tions. For burst-mod e applications, please contact your
Agere Ac c ount Manager. The minimum data rate
(pseudorandom data, 50% average dut y cycle) for the
1241/1243 /12 45-Type Transmitters is a pproximately
1 Mbit/s.
4Agere Systems Inc.
Data Sh eet
1241/1243/1245-Type Uncooled Laser Transmitter September 1999
Functional Overview (continued)
Since m os t applications operate at very high data
rates, high-frequenc y design techniques need to be
used to ensure optimum perf ormance from the trans-
mitter and interfacing circuitry. Input signal path s
should be kept as short an d as straight as possible ; dif-
ferential signal lines should be equal in length, and
controlled-imped anc e s tripline or microstrip construc-
tio n sho uld always be used when la ying out the printed-
wiring board traces for the data lines. The Recom-
mended User Interfaces section of this data sheet
shows se ver al methods of interfacing to the transmitter.
Power Supplies
The transmitter is configured f or operation from either a
single +5 V power supply or a single –5 V power sup-
ply. For positiv e po wer supply operation, connect Vcc to
the +5 V power sup ply and connec t VEE to ground or
circuit common. F o r operation from a –5 V power sup-
ply, connect VCC to g round and connect VEE to the –5 V
power supply. Whichever option is chosen, the VCC or
VEE connection to the t ransmitter should be well filtered
to prevent power supply noise from interfering with
transmitter operation.
Transmitter Specificatio ns
Optical Output Power
Dur ing manufa cture, the optical output power of every
transmitter is tuned to the typical value speci fied in the
data she et for that particular transmitter code. The tun-
ing is performed at room ambient and a power supply
voltage of 5 V. The minimum and maximum values
listed in the data sheet for each co de group re flect the
worst-case limits that the transmitter is ex pect ed to
operate within over its lifetime and over the allowed
power supply a nd the operating temperature range.
Ev ery transmitter shipped receives a fi nal test, which
includes a SONET eye-mask test at either the OC-3
(STM-1) data rate of 155.52 Mbits/s, the OC-12 (STM4)
data rate of 622. 08 Mbits/s, or the fibre channel FC-0
data rate of 1062.5 Mbits/s. The ey e-mask test i s
meant to examine the p e rfor mance of the transmitter's
output optical waveform relative to a minimum data pat-
tern eye opening.
Conn ec tor Opti ons
The standard o ptical fiber pigtail is 8 µm core single-
mode f iber having a 0.036 in. (914 µm) di ame ter tight-
buffered outer-jacket. The standard length is 39 in. ±
4 in. (1 m ± 10 c m) and can be terminated with either
an SC or F C -PC optical connector. Other connector
options may be av ailable on special order . Contact your
Agere Ac co unt Manager for ordering information.
Handling Precautions
CAUTION: This de vice is susceptible to damage as
a result of electrostatic discharge (ESD).
Take proper precaution s during b o th
handling and testing. Follow guidelines
such as JEDEC Publication No. 108-A
(Dec. 1 988).
Althoug h protec tion circuitry is d esigned into the
device, take proper precautions to avoid exposure to
ESD. Ag ere employs a human-body model (HBM) for
ESD-susceptibility testing and pro tection-d esign evalu-
ation. ESD voltage thresholds are dependent on the
critical parameters used to define t he model. A stan-
dard HBM (resistance = 1.5 k, capacitance = 100 pF)
is w idely used an d, therefo re, can be used for compari-
son purposes. The HBM ESD withstand voltage estab-
lished for the 1241-/1243- Type Transmitter is ±1000 V.
Transmitter Processing
The transmitter can withstand normal wave-soldering
processes. The complete transmitt er module is not her-
met ically sealed; therefore, it should not be immersed
in or sprayed with any cleaning solut io n or solvents.
The process cap and fiber pigtail jacket deformation
temperature is 85 °C. Transmitter pins can be wave-
soldered at maximum temperature of 25 0 °C for
10 seconds.
Installation Considerations
Although the transmitter features a robust design, care
should be used during handling. The optical connector
should be kept free from dust, and the process cap
should be kept in place as a dust cover w hen the
device is not connected to a cable. I f contamination is
present on the optical connector, c anned air with an
extension tube can be used to remove a ny debris.
Othe r cleaning procedures are identified in the techni-
cal note, Cleaning Fibe r-Optic Assemblies (TN95-
Agere Systems Inc. 5
Data Sheet
Sep tember 1999 1241/1243/1245-Type Uncooled Laser
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Stresses in excess of the absolute maximum ratings can caus e permanent damage to the device. These are abso-
lute st res s ratin gs only. Functional operation of the device is not implied at thes e or any o ther conditions in excess
of those given in the operations sections of the data sheet. Exposure to absolute maximum ratings for extended
periods can adver s ely affect device reliability.
*With V
EE connected to –5 V, VCC must be at 0 V ; with VCC connected to +5 V, VEE must be at 0 V.
Specificatio n depends upon the code ordered . The devi ce is c apa ble of a co ld start at –40 °C; s pecifica tions are met
a fter a warm- up ti me deter mined by the system ther mal design.
Minimum and maximum values specified over operating c ase temperature range at 50% duty cycle data signal and
end of life ( EOL ). Typical values a re measured at beginning-of-life (BOL) room temperature unless otherwise noted.
Tabl e 2. Electrical Characteristics
1. Wi th VEE connected to –5 V, VCC must be at 0 V ; wit h VCC conn ec te d t o +5 V, V EE mus t be at 0 V.
2. Input measured fro m VCC with 50 load to (VCC2 V) . 10 K , 10K H, and 100K EC L c o mp atible .
3. Between 10% and 90% (50% duty cycle) where t is the bit period in ns.
4. The transmitter is normall y enabled and only requires an ex ternal voltage to disable.
5. Time measured from rising edge of disable signal until optical output (laser diode) has turned off.
6. Time measured from falling edge of enable signal until optical output has stabilized at nominal output power level.
7. The laser bias current is obtained by dividing the bias voltage by the 10 curre nt-sensing resist ors. (S ee Figure 1. ) Whe n measuring thes e
volt a ges or using the m in c onjunction with alar m circ ui t s, use a high - input impedance de vi ce .
8. The laser back-face t monitor voltage is a scal ed output that tracks the transmitter op tical output power.
Parameter Symbol Min Max Unit
Supp ly V oltage *——5.5V
Operat ing Case Temperature RangeTC–40 85 °C
Storage Case Temperature Range Tstg –40 85 °C
Lead Soldering Tempe rature/Ti me 250/10 °C/s
Relative Humidity (noncondensing) RH 85 %
Minimum Fiber B end Radius 1.00 (25.4) in. (mm)
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit
Power Supply Voltage1V 4.75 5.0 5.50 V
Power Supply Current Drain ITOTAL 30 130 mA
Input Data Voltage:2
High VIL
–0.88 V
Input Trans ition Time3tI—t/4ns
Transmitt er Disable Voltage4VDVCC – 2.0 VCC V
Tran smitt er E nable Voltage VEN VEE —V
EE + 0.8 V
Output Disable Time5tD 0.20 µs
Output Enable Time6tEN 2.00 µs
Lase r Bias Voltage7VB0.01 0.06 0.70 V
Laser Mo nitor Voltag e (5 0% du t y cycl e)8VBF 0.01 0.05 0.20 V
66 Agere Systems Inc.
Data Sh eet
September 1999
1241/1243/1245-Type Uncooled Laser Trans mitter
Characteristics (continued)
Table 3. Optical Characteristics
1. Output power definitions and measurement per ITU-T Recommen dation G .957 and G .958.
2. Ratio of logic 1 to logic 0 power levels.
3. Betw een 10 % and 90% (50% duty cycle) .
4. R oot-m ean- sq uare spectr a l wi dth account s fo r m od es up t o and including those 20 dB down fro m th e cent ral mode.
(Applies t o 1241 -Type only.)
5. Appl ie s t o 12 43 /12 45-Ty pe on ly.
Recommended User Interfaces
* Locate th es e compone nts a s cl os e t o DATA/DATA inputs as possible.
No t e : The 1241 gigabit version does n ot req uire the externa l 50 terminations since th is termination is included in side the modu le.
Figure 2. dc-Coupled, Differential Input
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit
Average Power Outp ut Options1POSee Ordering Informati on. dBm
E xtinction Ratio2rE10 dB
Optical Rise and Fall Times3:
1062.5 Mbits/s
tR, tF
tR, tF
tR, tF
Center Wavelength λSee Ordering Information. nm
RMS Spectral Width4∆λ —— 4nm
Side-mode Suppression Ratio5SMSR 30 dB
50 •*
360 •
360 •
50 •*
0.1 µF
Agere Systems Inc. 7
Data Sheet
Sep tember 1999 1241/1243/1245-Type Uncooled Laser
Recommended User Interfaces (continued)
No te : Inpu t ca n also be c on ne c ted to DATA; unused inp ut pin remains unco nnecte d.
(6 22 Mbi t s /s and below on ly.)
Figure 3. dc-coupl e d, Single-E nded Input
* This networ k introduces a slight offset between DATA and DATA, which tu rns t he lase r
tran smit ter off wh en ther e is no da t a pres en t a t t he input s. ( 622 Mb it s/s and bel ow o nly. )
Figure 4. ac-Coupled, Single-Ended Input
Qualification and Reliability
To hel p ensure high product reliability and customer satisfaction, Agere Syst ems is committed to an intensive qual-
ity program that starts in the design phase and proceeds through the manufacturing pro c es s. Optoelectroni cs mod-
ules are qualified to Agere Systems internal standards using M IL-STD-883 test methods and procedures and using
sampling techniques consist ent with Bellcore requirements. The 1241/1243/1245 series of transmitters have
undergone an extensive and rigorous set of qualification tests. This qualification program fully meets the intent of
Bellcore reliability practices TR-NWT-000468 and TA-NW T-000983. In addition, the desi gn, development, and man-
ufacturing facility of the Optoelectronic s unit at Agere Syst ems has been certified to be in full compliance with the
latest ISO-9001 Quality System Standards.
50 •
1.0 µF
– 2 V
50 • C O A X
OR 50 •
50 •
50 • COAX
OR 50 •
1.0 µF
1.0 µF
619 •
27 •
1960 •
88 Agere Systems Inc.
Data Sh eet
September 1999
1241/1243/1245-Type Uncooled Laser Trans mitter
Outline Diagram
Dimensions are in inches and (millimeters). Unless otherwise noted, tolerances are ±0.005 in (±0.127 mm).
(34.01) 0.950
(3.18) 0.110
0.350 (8 .89)
PIN 20PIN 11
Agere Systems Inc. 9
Data Sheet
Sep tember 1999 1241/1243/1245-Type Uncooled Laser
Laser Safety Information
Class I Las e r Produ ct
All versions of the 1241/1243/1245-Type transmitters are Class I laser products per CDRH, 21 CFR 1040 Laser
Safety requirements. The 1241/1243/1245-Type transmitters have been classified with the FDA under acc ession
number 8720009. A ll versions are Class I laser products pe r IEC 825-1:1993.
CAUTION: Use of controls, adjustments, and procedures other th an those specified herein may result in
hazardous las er radi ation exposure.
This product compl ies wi th 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.1 1.
8.8 µm single-mode pigtail wi th connector
Wavel ength = 1.3 µm
Maximum power = 1.6 mW
Unterminated optical connectors may emit laser radiation.
Do not view with o ptical i nstruments.
Tabl e 4. A gere Transmitters for SONET/SDH Applications
* Fu ll SO NE T/ S DH co mpliance, –4 0 °C t o +85 °C.
Fu ll S O NE T/ S DH co mp liance, –2 0 °C t o +70 °C.
1.3 µm Transmitter Type*1.55 µm Transm itter Type
Short and Intermediate Reach
(<2 km and ~15 k m) Long Reach
~40 km Long Reach
~80 km
STM-1 OC-12/
STM-4 OC-3/
STM-1 OC-12/
STM-4 OC-3/
STM-1 OC-12/
FC-PC 1241FAUC 1241FBUC 1243FAFD 1243FBDC 1245FAFC 1245FBDC
SC 1241CAUC 1241CBUC 1243CAFD 1243CBDC 1245CAFC 1245CBDC
1010 Agere Systems Inc.
Data Sh eet
September 1999
1241/1243/1245-Type Uncooled Laser Trans mitter
Ordering Information
Table 5. 1241/1243/1245- Type Transmitter Ordering Information
*∆λ for t hese codes is 2.5 nm ma ximum. All othe r 1241-type codes ar e 4 nm maximum.
OC-3/STM-1 Transmitter Codes
Case Temp.
Range (°C)
Average Output
Connector 122x
Equivalent Product
Min Max Min Typ Max Min Max
0 65 –3 0 2 1290 1330 FC-PC 1227AE 1241FADC 108123449
0 65 –3 0 2 1290 1330 SC 1227AF 1241CADC 108123480
0 65 –5 –2 0 1280 1335 FC-PC 1227YA 1241FAFC 108123357
0 65 –5 –2 0 1280 1335 SC 1227YB 1241CAFC 108123373
0 65 –8 –5 –2 1260 1360 SC 1227CA 1241CALC 108123324
0 65 –8 –5 –2 1260 1360 FC-PC 1227C 1241FALC 108123563
–20 70 –5 –2 0 1480 1580 SC 1229CB5 1245CAFC 108400409
–20 70 –5 –2 0 1480 1580 FC-PC 1229FB5 1245FAFC 108400417
–40 85 –5 –2 0 1280 1335 SC 1227YD 1243CAFD 108123423
–40 85 –5 –2 0 1280 1335 FC-PC 1227YE 1243FAFD 108123415
–40 85 –12 –8 –5 1260 1360 SC 1227FB 1241CAPC 108123282
–40 85 –12 –8 –5 1260 1360 FC-PC 1227F 1241FAPC 108123266
–40 85 –15 –11 –8 1260 1360 SC 1227HA 1241CAUC*108123209
–40 85 –15 11 –8 1260 1360 FC-PC 1227H 1241FAUC*108123159
OC-1 2/STM-4 Transmitter Codes
0 65 –3 0 2 1290 1330 FC-PC 1227AK 1241FBDC 108123456
0 65 –3 0 2 1290 1330 SC 1227AN 1241CBDC 108123498
0 65 –8 –5 –2 1260 1360 FC-PC 1227D 1241FBLC 108123316
–20 70 –3 0 2 1480 1580 SC 1229CA5 1245CBDC 108400391
–20 70 –3 0 2 1480 1580 FC-PC 1229FA5 1245FBDC 108400425
–40 85 –3 0 2 1280 1335 FC-PC 1229FA 1243FBDC 108123506
–40 85 –3 0 2 1280 1335 SC 1229CA 1243CBDC 108123522
–40 85 –12 –8 –5 1260 1360 FC-PC 1227G 1241FBPC 108123274
–40 85 –15 11 –8 1260 1360 FC-PC 1227AC 1241FBUC*108123167
–40 85 –15 –11 –8 1274 1356 SC 1227PG 1241CBU*108123217
Fibre Channel—1062.5 Mbits/s
10 65 –11 –8 –5 1260 1360 FC-PC 1238A 1241FCPC 108309287
10 65 –11 –8 –5 1260 1360 FC-PC 1238B 1241FCPD 108309295
10 65 –3 0 2 1290 1330 FC-PC 1238C 1241FCDC 108309279
Agere Systems Inc. 11
Data Sheet
Sep tember 1999 1241/1243/1245-Type Uncooled Laser
Part Numbering for the 1241/1243/1245-Type Transmitter
1 2 4 X XXX X Fi eld Description
Laser Type:
1 = 1.3 µm Fabry -Perot laser, 3 = 1.3 µm DFB laser, 5 = 1.55 µm DFB laser
Optical Connector:
C = SC, F = FC/PC
Data Rate:
A = 15 5 Mbits/s, B = 622 Mbits/s, C = 1062.5 Mb its/s
Typical Power:
D = 0 dB m, F = –2 dBm, L = –5 dBm , P = –8 dBm, U = –11 dBm
Customer Options:
Table 6. Rel a ted Products
Descript ion Device Number Document Numb er
155 Mbits/s and 622 Mbi ts/s f or SONET/
SDH Applications 1340-Ty pe Pin Receiver DS99-072LWP
155 Mbits/s and 622 Mbits/s Receivers
with Clock and Data Recovery for
SONET/SDH A pplications
1345-Ty pe Pin Receiver with Clock and
Data Recovery DS99-071LWP
Agere Systems Inc. reserves the right to make changes to the product (s) or information contained herein without notice. No liability is assumed as a result of their use or application.
Copyright © 2001 Agere Systems Inc.
A ll Rig hts Re serv ed
September 1999
DS99-228LWP (Replaces DS99-073LWP)
For additional information, contact your Agere Systems Account Manager or the following:
N. AMERI CA : Age re Systems I nc ., 555 Uni on Boulevard, Room 30L-15P - BA, A llentown, PA 18109- 3286
1-800-372-2447, FAX 610-712- 4106 (In CANADA: 1-800-553-2448, FAX 610-712- 4106)
ASIA: Agere Systems Hong Kong Ltd., Suites 3201 & 3210-12, 32/F, Tower 2, The Gateway, Harbour City, Kowloon
Tel. (852) 3129-2000, FAX (852) 3129-2020
CHINA: (86) 21-5047-1212 (Shanghai), (86) 10-6522-5566 (Beijing), (86) 755-695-7224 (Shenzhen)
JAP AN: (81) 3-5421-1600 (Tokyo), KOREA: (82) 2-767-1850 (Seoul), SINGAPORE: (65) 778-8833, TAIWAN: (886) 2-2725-5858 (Taipei)
EUROPE: Tel. (44) 7000 624624, FAX (44) 1344 488 045