4Agere Systems Inc.
Data Sh eet
1241/1243/1245-Type Uncooled Laser Transmitter September 1999
Functional Overview (continued)
Since m os t applications operate at very high data
rates, high-frequenc y design techniques need to be
used to ensure optimum perf ormance from the trans-
mitter and interfacing circuitry. Input signal path s
should be kept as short an d as straight as possible ; dif-
ferential signal lines should be equal in length, and
controlled-imped anc e s tripline or microstrip construc-
tio n sho uld always be used when la ying out the printed-
wiring board traces for the data lines. The Recom-
mended User Interfaces section of this data sheet
shows se ver al methods of interfacing to the transmitter.
Power Supplies
The transmitter is configured f or operation from either a
single +5 V power supply or a single –5 V power sup-
ply. For positiv e po wer supply operation, connect Vcc to
the +5 V power sup ply and connec t VEE to ground or
circuit common. F o r operation from a –5 V power sup-
ply, connect VCC to g round and connect VEE to the –5 V
power supply. Whichever option is chosen, the VCC or
VEE connection to the t ransmitter should be well filtered
to prevent power supply noise from interfering with
transmitter operation.
Transmitter Specificatio ns
Optical Output Power
Dur ing manufa cture, the optical output power of every
transmitter is tuned to the typical value speci fied in the
data she et for that particular transmitter code. The tun-
ing is performed at room ambient and a power supply
voltage of 5 V. The minimum and maximum values
listed in the data sheet for each co de group re flect the
worst-case limits that the transmitter is ex pect ed to
operate within over its lifetime and over the allowed
power supply a nd the operating temperature range.
Ev ery transmitter shipped receives a fi nal test, which
includes a SONET eye-mask test at either the OC-3
(STM-1) data rate of 155.52 Mbits/s, the OC-12 (STM4)
data rate of 622. 08 Mbits/s, or the fibre channel FC-0
data rate of 1062.5 Mbits/s. The ey e-mask test i s
meant to examine the p e rfor mance of the transmitter's
output optical waveform relative to a minimum data pat-
tern eye opening.
Conn ec tor Opti ons
The standard o ptical fiber pigtail is 8 µm core single-
mode f iber having a 0.036 in. (914 µm) di ame ter tight-
buffered outer-jacket. The standard length is 39 in. ±
4 in. (1 m ± 10 c m) and can be terminated with either
an SC or F C -PC optical connector. Other connector
options may be av ailable on special order . Contact your
Agere Ac co unt Manager for ordering information.
Handling Precautions
CAUTION: This de vice is susceptible to damage as
a result of electrostatic discharge (ESD).
Take proper precaution s during b o th
handling and testing. Follow guidelines
such as JEDEC Publication No. 108-A
(Dec. 1 988).
Althoug h protec tion circuitry is d esigned into the
device, take proper precautions to avoid exposure to
ESD. Ag ere employs a human-body model (HBM) for
ESD-susceptibility testing and pro tection-d esign evalu-
ation. ESD voltage thresholds are dependent on the
critical parameters used to define t he model. A stan-
dard HBM (resistance = 1.5 kΩ, capacitance = 100 pF)
is w idely used an d, therefo re, can be used for compari-
son purposes. The HBM ESD withstand voltage estab-
lished for the 1241-/1243- Type Transmitter is ±1000 V.
Transmitter Processing
The transmitter can withstand normal wave-soldering
processes. The complete transmitt er module is not her-
met ically sealed; therefore, it should not be immersed
in or sprayed with any cleaning solut io n or solvents.
The process cap and fiber pigtail jacket deformation
temperature is 85 °C. Transmitter pins can be wave-
soldered at maximum temperature of 25 0 °C for
10 seconds.
Installation Considerations
Although the transmitter features a robust design, care
should be used during handling. The optical connector
should be kept free from dust, and the process cap
should be kept in place as a dust cover w hen the
device is not connected to a cable. I f contamination is
present on the optical connector, c anned air with an
extension tube can be used to remove a ny debris.
Othe r cleaning procedures are identified in the techni-
cal note, Cleaning Fibe r-Optic Assemblies (TN95-