Document #: 38-06024 Rev. ** Page 20 of 29
Signal Descript ion
Master Reset (MRS1, MRS2)
The FIFO memory of the CY7C436X3AV undergoes a com-
plete reset by taking its associated Master Reset (MRS1,
MRS2) input LOW for at least four Port A clock (CLKA) and
four Port B clock (CLKB) LOW-to-HIGH transitions. The Mas-
ter Reset input can switch asynchronously to the clocks. A
Master Reset initializes the internal read and write pointers
and forces the Full /In put R ea dy fla g (FF/IR) LO W, the Empty/
Output Re ady fla g (EF/O R) LO W, the Almo st Em pty fla g (AE)
LOW , and the Almost Full flag (AF) HIGH. A Master Reset also
forces the Mailbox flag (MBF1, MBF2) of the parallel mailbox
register HIGH. After a Master Reset, the FIFO’s Full/Input
Ready flag is set HIGH after two clock cycles to begin normal
operation. A Master Reset must be performed on the FIFO
after power up, before data is written to its memory.
A LOW-to-HIGH transition on a FIFO Master Reset (MRS1,
MRS2) input latches the value of the Big Endian (BE) input,
determining the order by which bytes are transferred through
Port B.
A LOW-to-HIGH transition on a FIFO reset (MRS1, MRS2)
input latches the values of the Flag Select (FS0, FS1) and
Serial Programming Mode (SPM) inputs for choosing the Al-
most Full and Almost Empty offset programming method (see
Almost Empty and Almost Full flag offset programming below).
Partial Reset (PRS)
The FIFO memory of the CY7C436X3AV undergoes a limited
reset by t aki ng its as so ci at ed Pa rt ia l Rese t (PRS ) input LOW
for at least four Port A clock (CLKA) and four Port B clock
(CLKB) LOW-to-HIGH transitions. The Partial Reset inputs
can switch asynchronously to the clocks. A Partial Reset ini-
tialize s the internal rea d and write pointers and fo rces the Full/
Input Ready flag (FF/IR) LOW, the Em pty/Outp ut Ready f lag
(EF/OR) LOW, the Almost Empty flag (AE) LOW, and the Al-
most Full flag (AF) HIGH. A Partial Reset al so forces the Mail-
box flag (MBF1, MBF2) of the parallel mailbox register HIGH.
After a Partial Reset, the FIFO’s Full/Input Ready flag is set
HIGH after two clock cycles to begin normal operation.
What ever fl ag offsets, program ming met hod (pa rallel or seri-
al), and timing mode (FWFT or CY Standard mode) are cur-
rently selected at the time a Partial Reset is initiated, those
settings will remain unchanged upon completion of the reset
operation. A Partial Reset may be useful in the case where
reprogramming a FIFO following a Master Reset would be in-
Big Endian/First-Word Fall-Through (BE/FWFT)
This is a dual-purpo se pin. At the time of Mast er Reset, the BE
select function is active, permitting a choice of Big or Little
Endian byte arrangement for data written to or read from
Port B. This selection determines the order by which bytes (or
words) of data are tran sferred through thi s port. For the follow-
ing illustrations, assume that a byte (or word) bus size has
been selected for Port B.
A HIGH on the BE/FWF T input when the Master Reset (MRS1,
MRS2) inputs go from LOW to HIGH will select a Big Endian
arrangement. When data is moving in the direction from Port
A to Port B, the most significant byte (word) of the long-word
written to Port A will be transferred to Port B first; the least
signifi cant byte (word) of the long-word writt en to Port A will b e
transferred to Port B last.
A LOW on th e BE/FWF T in put when the Mas ter Reset (M RS1,
MRS2) inputs go from L OW to HIGH will se le ct a L ittle En dian
arrangement. When data is moving in the direction from Port
A to Port B, the least significant byte (word) of the long-word
written to Port A will be transferred to Port B first; the most
signifi cant byte (word) of the long-word writt en to Port A will b e
transferred to Port B last.
After Mast er Reset, the F WF T selec t function is active, permi t-
ting a choice between two possible timing modes: CY Stan-
dard Mode or First-Word Fall-Through (FWFT) Mode. Once
the Ma ster Reset (MRS1, MRS2) input i s HIGH, a HIGH on the
BE/FWFT input at the second LOW-to-HIGH transition of
CLKA will select CY Standard Mode. This mode uses the Emp-
ty Flag function (EF) to indicate whether or not there are any
words p res ent in the FIFO me mory. It uses th e Ful l Fl ag func -
tion (FF) to in dic ate whe ther or not th e FI FO me mo ry h as an y
free spa ce for wr itin g. In CY Stand ard Mo de , ev ery word rea d
from the FIFO, including the first, must be requested using a
formal read operation.
Once the Master Reset (MRS1, MRS2) input is HIGH, a LO W
on the BE/FWFT input of the second LOW-to-HIGH transition
of CLKA will select FWFT Mode. This mode uses the Output
Ready function (OR) to indicate whether or not there is valid
data at the data outputs (B0–35). It also uses the Input Ready
function (IR) to indicate whether or not the FIFO memory has
any free space for writing. In the FWFT mode, the first word
written to an empty FIFO goes directly to data outputs, no read
request necessary. Subsequent words must be accessed by
performing a formal read operation.
Following Master Reset, the level applied to the BE/FWFT in-
put to choose the desired timing mode must remain static
throughout the FIFO operation.
Programming the Almost Empty and Almost Full Flags
T wo re gisters in the C Y7C436X3AV are used to hold the offset
values for the Almost Em pty a nd Alm ost Full fla gs. The Po rt B
Almost Empty fla g (AE) offs et register is la beled X. The Port A
Almost Full flag (AF) offset register is labeled Y. The index of
each register name corresponds with preset values during the
reset of a FIFO, programmed in parallel using the FIFO’s Port
A data inputs, or programmed in serial using the Serial Data
(SD) input (see Table 1).
To load a FIFO’s Almost Empt y flag and Alm ost Full fla g offs et
registers with one of the three preset values listed in Ta bl e 1 ,
the Serial Program Mode (SPM) and at least one of the flag-
select inputs must be HIGH during the LOW-to-HIGH transition
of its Mas ter Reset input (MRS1, MRS2). For example, to load
the p r es et v al ue o f 64 i nt o X an d Y, SP M, FS0 and FS1 must
be HIGH when the FIFO reset (MRS1, MRS2) returns HIGH.
When using one of the preset values for the flag offsets, the
FIFO can be reset simultaneously or at different times.
To program the X a nd Y regist ers from Port A, pe rform a Mas -
ter Reset on both FIFOs simultaneously with SPM HIGH and
FS0 and FS1 LOW during the LOW-to-HIGH transition of
MRS1, MRS2. After this reset is complete, the first two writes
to the FIF O do n ot stor e data in RAM but l oad the of fset re gis-
ters in the order Y and X. The Port A data inputs used by the
offset registers are (A0–9), (A0–11), or (A0–13), for the
CY7C436X3AV, respectively. The highest numbered input is
used as the most significant bit of the binary number in each