DRPIC166X High Performance Configurable 8-bit RISC Microcontroller ver 2.15 OVERVIEW The DRPIC166X is a low-cost, high performance, 8-bit, fully static soft IP Core, dedicated for operation with fast (typically onchip) dual ported memory. The core has been designed with a special concern about low power consumption. DRPIC166X soft core is softwarecompatible with the industry standard PIC16C6X. It implements an enhanced Harvard architecture (i.e. separate instruction and data memories) with independent address and data buses. The 14 bit program memory and 8-bit dual port data memory allow instruction fetch and data operations to occur simultaneously. The advantage of this architecture is that instruction fetch and memory transfers can be overlapped by multi stage pipeline, so that the next instruction can be fetched from program memory while the current instruction is executed with data from the data memory. The DRPIC166X architecture is 4 times faster compared to standard architecture. So most instructions are executed within 1 system clock period, except the instructions which directly operates on program counter PC (GOTO, CALL, RETURN), this situation require the pipeline to be cleared and subsequently refilled. This operation takes additional one clock cycle. The DRPIC166X Microcontroller fits perfectly in applications ranging from highAll trademarks mentioned in this document are trademarks of their respective owners. speed automotive and appliance motor control to low-power remote transmitters/receivers, pointing devices and telecom processors. Built-in power save mode make this IP perfect for applications where power consumption is critical. DRPIC166X is delivered with fully automated testbench and complete set of tests allowing easy package validation at each stage of SoC design flow CPU FEATURES Software compatible with industry standard PIC16C6X Pipelined Harvard architecture 4 times faster compared to original implementation 35 - 14 bit wide instructions Up to 512 bytes of internal Data Memory Up to 64K bytes of Program Memory Configurable hardware stack Power saving SLEEP mode Fully synthesizable, static synchronous design with no internal tri-states Technology Code independent HDL Source 1.4 GHz virtual clock frequency in a 0.18u technological process http://www.DigitalCoreDesign.com http://www.dcd.pl Copyright 1999-2007 DCD - Digital Core Design. All Rights Reserved. PERIPHERALS Four 8 bit I/O ports Four 8-bit corresponding TRIS registers Interrupt feature on PORTB(7:4) change Timer 0 Program Counter (PC) Program Memory Data Memory Special Function Registers (SFRs) Hardware Stack and Stack Pointer Hardware execution breakpoints 8-bit timer/counter Program Memory Readable and Writable Data Memory 8-bit software programmable prescaler Special Function Registers (SFRs) Internal or external clock select Hardware breakpoints activated at a certain Interrupt generation on timer overflow Program address (PC) Edge select for external clock Address by any write into memory Address by any read from memory Timer 1 Address by write into memory a required data 16-bit timer/counter Address by read from memory a required data 3-bit prescaler Internal or external clock select Three wire communication interface LICENSING Interrupt generation on timer overflow Timer 2 8-bit timer with prescaler CCP - Compare-Capture-PWM 16 Bit Compare/Capture operations 10-bit resolution PWM output USART Asynchronous - full duplex Synchronous - half duplex Master/Slave Single Design license allows use IP Core in single FPGA bitstream and ASIC implementation. Unlimited Designs, One Year licenses allow use IP Core in unlimited number of FPGA bitstreams and ASIC implementations. 7-bit software programmable prescaler In all cases number of IP Core instantiations within a design, and number of manufactured chips are unlimited. There is no time restriction except One Year license where time of use is limited to 12 months. Dedicated independent Watchdog Clock input Single Design license for Watchdog Timer Configurable Time out period Interrupt Controller VHDL, Seven individually maskable Interrupt sources Two external interrupts - INT Port B[7:4] change Five internal interrupts - TIMERS 0, 1, 2, USART Comprehensible and clearly defined licensing methods without royalty fees make using of IP Core easy and simply. DoCDTM debug unit Processor execution control Verilog source code called HDL Source Encrypted, or plain text EDIF called Netlist One Year license for Encrypted Netlist only Unlimited Designs license for HDL Source Netlist Run Upgrade from Halt Step into instruction Single Design to Unlimited Designs Skip instruction HDL Source to Netlist Read-write all processor contents All trademarks mentioned in this document are trademarks of their respective owners. http://www.DigitalCoreDesign.com http://www.dcd.pl Copyright 1999-2007 DCD - Digital Core Design. All Rights Reserved. SYMBOL DELIVERABLES Source code: VHDL Source Code or/and VERILOG Source Code or/and Encrypted, or plain text EDIF netlist VHDL & VERILOG test bench environment Active-HDL automatic simulation macros ModelSim automatic simulation macros Tests with reference responses Technical documentation Installation notes HDL core specification Datasheet Synthesis scripts Example application Technical support IP Core implementation support 3 months maintenance clk clkwdt por mclr prgaddr(15:0) ramdatai(7:0) ramdatao(7:0) rdaddr(8:0) wraddr(8:0) ramwe ramoe int sleep t0cki t1cki Delivery the IP Core updates, minor and major versions changes Delivery the documentation updates Phone & email support prgdata(13:0) ccp1i ccp1o rxdi txcki rxdo txcko portai(7:0) portbi(7:0) portci(7:0) portdi(7:0) portao(7:0) portbo(7:0) portco(7:0) portdo(7:0) trisa(7:0) trisb(7:0) trisc(7:0) trisd(7:0) CONFIGURATION The following parameters of the DRPIC166X core can be easy adjusted to requirements of dedicated application and technology. Configuration of the core can be prepared by effortless changing appropriate constants in package file. There is no need to change any parts of the code. docddatai docddatao docdclk TM prgdatao(13:0) DoCD Interface prgwe - 1-16 default 8 * Memories type - synchronous asynchronous * SLEEP mode - used unused clk input Global clock clkwdt input Watchdog clock * WATCHDOG Timer - used / width unused por input Global reset Power On Reset mclr input User reset * Timer 0, 1, 2 system - used unused prgdata[13:0] input Data bus from program memory ramdati[7:0] input Data bus from int. data memory * Compare Capture PWM - used unused Int input External interrupt t0cki input Timer 0 input * USART - used unused t1cki input Timer 1 input ccp1i input Compare Capture channel input * PORTS A,B,C,D - used unused rxdti input USART serial data input txcki input USART serial clock input - used unused portxi[7:0] input Port A, B, C, D input docddatai input DoCDTM Debugger input * Number of hardware stack levels TM * DoCD Debug Unit All trademarks mentioned in this document are trademarks of their respective owners. PINS DESCRIPTION PIN TYPE DESCRIPTION http://www.DigitalCoreDesign.com http://www.dcd.pl Copyright 1999-2007 DCD - Digital Core Design. All Rights Reserved. prgaddr[15:0] output Program memory address bus ramdatao[7:0] output Data bus for internal data memory rdaddr[8:0] output RAM read address bus wraddr[8:0] output RAM write address bus ramwe output Data memory write ramoe output Data memory output enable sleep Output Sleep signal ccp1o Output Compare Capture channel output txcko Output USART serial clock output rxdto Output USART serial data output portxo[7:0] Output Port A, B, C, D outputs trisx[7:0] Output Ports A, B, C, D data direction pins docddatao Output DoCDTM Debugger data output TM docdclk Output DoCD Clock line prgdatao[13:0] Output Program Memory data output prgwe Output Program Memory write enable Indirect addressing is possible by using the INDF register. Any instruction using INDF register actually accesses data pointed to by the file select register FSR. Reading INDF register indirectly will produce 00h. Writing to the INDF register indirectly results in a nooperation. An effective 9-bit address is obtained by concatenating the IRP bit (STATUS) and the 8-bit FSR register. clk por mclr sleep prgdata prgaddr int BLOCK DIAGRAM ALU - Arithmetic Logic Unit performs arithmetic and logic operations during execution of an instruction. This module contains work register (W) and Status register. Control Unit - It performs the core synchronization and data flow control. This module manages execution of all instructions. Performs decode and control functions for all other blocks. It contains program counter (PC) and hardware stack. Hardware Stack - it's a configurable hardware stack. The stack space is not a part of either program or data space and the stack pointer is not readable or writable. The PC is pushed onto the stack when CALL instruction is executed or an interrupt causes a branch. The stack is popped while RETURN, RETFIE and RETLW instruction execution. The stack operates as a circular buffer. This means that after the stack has been pushed eight times, the ninth push overwrites the value that was stored from the first push. RAM Controller - It performs interface functions between Data memory and DRPIC166X internal logic. It assures correct Data Memory addressing and data transfers. The DRPIC166X supports two addressing modes: direct or indirect. In Direct Addressing the 9-bit direct address is computed from RP(1:0) bits (STATUS) and 7 least significant bits of instruction word. All trademarks mentioned in this document are trademarks of their respective owners. Hardware Stack Control Unit RAM Controller ramdatai ramdatao rdaddr wraddr ramwe ramoe I/O Ports portai portbi portci portdi portao portbo portco portdo trisa trisb trisc trisd Timer 2 Compare/ Capture/ PWM ccp1i ccp1o Watchdog Timer USART rxdi txcki rxdo txcko Interrupt Controller t0cki Timer 0 t1cki Timer 1 clkwdt ALU DoCDTM Debugger docddatai docddatao docdclk prgdatao prgwe Timer 0 - Main system's timer and prescaler. This timer operates in two modes: 8-bit timer or 8-bit counter. In the "timer mode", timer registers are incremented every 4 CLK periods. When the prescaler is assigned into the TIMER prescale ration can be divided by 2, 4 .. 256. In the "counter mode" the timer register is incremented every falling or rising edge of T0CKI pin, dependent on T0SE bit in OPTION register. http://www.DigitalCoreDesign.com http://www.dcd.pl Copyright 1999-2007 DCD - Digital Core Design. All Rights Reserved. Timer 1 - Timer 1 is a 16-bit timer consisted of two 8-bit registers (TMR1H and TMR1L). Timer 1 can operate either as a 16 bit timer incremented every CLK clock period or as a Counter incremented by rising edge on the T1CKI input pin. The Timer1 interrupt is generated by the timer overflow. Timer 2 - Is a 8-bit Timer with a prescaler and postscaler. Timer2 is suitable as PWM time-base. The Timer2 module has an 8-bit period register, PR2. Timer2 is incremented until it matches PR2 and then resets on the next increment cycle. The match output of the TMR2 register goes through a 4-bit postscaler to generate a TMR2 interrupt. Interrupt Controller - Interrupt Controller module is responsible for interrupt manage system for the external and internal interrupt sources. It contains interrupt related registers called INTCON, PIE1, PIR1. There are seven individually maskable interrupt sources: Two external interrupts - INT pin, PORTB change (pins B7:B4) Five internal interrupts - Timers 0, 1, 2, USART, CCP1 The interrupt control register INTCON and PIR1 records individual interrupt requests in flag bits. A global interrupt enable bit, GIE and Peripheral interrupts enable bit, PIE enables all unmasked interrupts. Each interrupt source has an individual enable bit, which can enable or disable corresponding interrupt. When an interrupt is responded to, the GIE is cleared to disable any further interrupt, the return address is pushed into the stack and the PC is loaded with 0004h. The interrupt flag bits must be cleared in software before re-enabling interrupts. I/O Ports - Block contains DRPIC166X's general purpose I/O ports and data direction registers (TRIS). The DRPIC166X has four 8bit full bi-directional ports PORT A, PORT B, PORT C, PORT D. Each port's bit can be individually accessed by bit addressable instructions. Read and write accesses to the I/O port are performed via their corresponding SFR's PORTA, PORTB, PORTC, PORTD. The reading instruction always reads the status of Port pins. Writing instructions always write into the Port latches. Each port's pin has an corresponding bit in TRISA, B, C and D registers. When the bit of TRIS register is set this means that the corresponding bit of port is All trademarks mentioned in this document are trademarks of their respective owners. configured as an input (output drivers are set into the High Impedance). CCP/PWM - The CCP module contains a 16bit register which can operate as a 16-bit capture register, 16-bit compare register, or as a PWM master/slave duty cycle register. Watchdog Timer- it's a free running timer. WDT has own clock input separate from system clock. It means that the WDT will run even if the system clock is stopped by execution of SLEEP instruction. During normal operation, a WDT time-out generates a Watchdog reset. If the device is in SLEEP mode the WDT time-out causes the device to wake-up and continue with normal operation. USART - The Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter module is also known as a Serial Communication Interface (SCI). The USART can be configured as a full duplex asynchronous system that can communicate with peripheral devices or it can be configured as a half duplex synchronous system (Master or Slave). DoCDTM Debug Unit - it's a real-time hardware debugger provides debugging capability of a whole SoC system. In contrast to other on-chip debuggers DoCDTM provides non-intrusive debugging of running application. It can halt, run, step into or skip an instruction, read/write any contents of microcontroller including all registers, internal, external, program memories, all SFRs including user defined peripherals. Hardware breakpoints can be set and controlled on program memory, internal and external data memories, as well as on SFRs. Hardware breakpoint is executed if any write/read occurred at particular address with certain data pattern or without pattern. The DoCDTM system includes three-wire interface and complete set of tools to communicate and work with core in real time debugging. It is built as scalable unit and some features can be turned off to save silicon and reduce power consumption. A special care on power consumption has been taken, and when debugger is not used it is automatically switched in power save mode. Finally whole debugger is turned off when debug option is no longer used. http://www.DigitalCoreDesign.com http://www.dcd.pl Copyright 1999-2007 DCD - Digital Core Design. All Rights Reserved. OPTIONAL PERIPHERALS There are also available an optional peripherals, not included in presented DRPIC166X Microcontroller Core. The optional peripherals, can be implemented in microcontroller core upon customer request. SPI - Master and Slave Serial Peripheral Interface Supports speeds up 1/4 of system clock Mode fault error Write collision error Software selectable polarity and phase of serial clock SCK System errors detection Allows operation from a wide range of system clock frequencies (build-in 5-bit timer) Interrupt generation I2C bus controller - Master 7-bit and 10-bit addressing modes NORMAL, FAST, HIGH speeds Multi-master systems supported Clock arbitration and synchronization User defined timings on I2C lines Wide range of system clock frequencies Interrupt generation I2C bus controller - Slave PERFORMANCE The following table gives a survey about the Core area and performance in the ALTERA(R) devices after Place & Route: Speed Logic Cells Fmax grade CYCLONE -6 1654 81 MHz CYCLONE II -6 1654 72 MHz STRATIX -5 1655 86 MHz STRATIX II -3 1401 166 MHz STRATIX GX -5 1655 84 MHz APEX II -7 1695 74 MHz APEX20KC -7 1695 64 MHz APEX20KE -1 1695 54 MHz APEX20K -1 1695 50 MHz ACEX1K -1 1695 52 MHz FLEX10KE -1 1695 54 MHz Core performance in ALTERA(R) devices Device Area utilized by the each unit of DRPIC166X core in vendor specific technologies is summarized in table below. Component Area [LC] CPU* Timer 0 Timer 1 Timer 2 USART CCP1 Watchdog Timer I/O Ports Total area 904 60 81 90 257 111 55 96 1 654 296 29 30 34 100 32 38 64 625 *CPU - consisted of ALU, Control Unit, Bus Controller, Hardware Stack, External INT pin Interrupt Controller, Extended interrupt controller,(512 Bytes RAM and 8kW of program memory) Core components area utilization NORMAL speed 100 kbs FAST speed 400 kbs HIGH speed 3400 kbs Wide range of system clock frequencies User defined data setup time on I2C lines Interrupt generation All trademarks mentioned in this document are trademarks of their respective owners. [FFs] http://www.DigitalCoreDesign.com http://www.dcd.pl Copyright 1999-2007 DCD - Digital Core Design. All Rights Reserved. Mnemonic DRPIC166X operands (CLK cycles) ADDWF 1 ANDWF 1 RLF 1 BCF 1 DECFSZ 1(2)1 INCFSZ 1(2)1 BTFSC 1(2)1 BTFSS 1(2)1 CALL 2 GOTO 2 RETFIE 2 RETLW 2 RETURN 2 IMPROVEMENT Most instruction of DRPIC166X is executed within 1 CLK period, except program branches that require 2 CLK periods. The table below shows sample instructions execution times: PIC16C6X (CLK cycles) Impr. 4 4 4 4 4(8)1 4(8)1 4(8)1 4(8)1 8 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 - number of clock in case that result of operation is 0. DFPIC&DRPIC FAMILY OVERVIEW 5 5 5 1 1 5 2 8 8 8 - 2 2 4 4 - * Optional DFPIC & DRPIC family of High Performance Microcontroller Cores All trademarks mentioned in this document are trademarks of their respective owners. http://www.DigitalCoreDesign.com http://www.dcd.pl Copyright 1999-2007 DCD - Digital Core Design. All Rights Reserved. Size (gate) - External interrupts Internal Interrupts Levels of hardware stack Wake up on port pin change - Sleep Mode Watchdog Timer Timer 2 - DoCDTM Debugger - Speed rate 33 35 35 35 USART 12 14 14 14 Timer 1 24 16 32 32 128 512 512 512 Timer 0 2k 64k 64k 64k CCP1 DFPIC165X DFPIC1655X DRPIC1655X DRPIC166X I/O Ports Design Program Memory space Data Memory space Program word length Number of instructions The family of DCD DFPICXX & DRPICXX IP Cores combine a high-performance, low cost, and small compact size, offering the best price/performance ratio in the IP Market. The DCD's Cores are dedicated for use in cost-sensitive consumer products, computer peripherals, office automation, automotive control systems, security and telecommunication applications. DCD's DFPICXX & DRPICXX IP Cores family contains four 8-bit microcontroller Cores to best meet your needs: DFPIC165X 12-bit program word, DFPIC1655X 14-bit program word, and DRPIC1655X and DRPIC166X single cycle microcontrollers with 14-bit program word. All three microcontroller cores are binary compatible with widely accepted PIC16C5X and PIC16CXXX. They employ a modified RISC architecture two or four times faster than the original ones. The DFPICXXX & DRPICXX IP Cores are written in pure VHDL/VERILOG HDL languages which make them technologically independent. All of the DFPICXX & DRPICXX family members supports a power saving SLEEP mode and allows the user to configure the watchdog time-out period and a number of hardware stack levels. DFPICXX & DRPICXX can be fully customized according to customer needs. 2 700 * 3 900 * 4 800 * 6 700 CONTACTS For any modification or special request please contact to Digital Core Design or local distributors. Headquarters: Wroclawska 94 41-902 Bytom, POLAND n fo @ d c d .p l e-mail: iinfo@dcd.pl tel. : +48 32 282 82 66 fax : +48 32 282 74 37 Distributors: ttp://www.dcd.pl/apartn.php Please check hhttp://www.dcd.pl/apartn.php All trademarks mentioned in this document are trademarks of their respective owners. http://www.DigitalCoreDesign.com http://www.dcd.pl Copyright 1999-2007 DCD - Digital Core Design. All Rights Reserved.