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Type Q/QRL Quencharc®Capacitor
RC Snubber Network
The most popular and commonly used method of arc
suppression is to connect a resistor-capacitor network
as shown in Figures A and B. The preferred method of
connection is across the contacts it wants to protect.
However, the network can be hooked across the load,
as is shown by the dashed line, when all inductance of
the load circuit is considered lumped together.
When the contacts open, the voltage across the
uncharged capacitor is zero and the transient voltage
starts charging the capacitor. In the meantime, the gap
of the contact is steadily widened, and by the time the
capacitor is charged to its full potential, the contact
gap is widened well beyond the minimum breakdown
potential of air, thus preventing the arcing. When the
contact closes, the inrush current from the capacitor
may damage the contact, and here resistance is
needed to limit the maximum current to Eo/Rc during
the contact closure.
The induced voltage on opening the contact is:
and, as can be seen, the larger the value of a series
resistor, the higher the induced voltage.
On the other
hand, the lower series resistance makes the current
on contact closure higher. The time dependence of
the voltage is given by:
and the rate of voltage change, which is important in
transient suppression of triac switching, is:
Equation 3 tells us that by knowing the circuit
conditions with given values of L and coil resistance
that limit the current prior to contact opening, the
rate of voltage rise is inversely proportional to
capacitance. In other words, the larger the
capacitance, the greater is the transient suppression.
However, when the contact closes, the additional
energy stored in the capacitor has to be discharged
through the contact. Hence, a compromise has to be
made in the selection of both resistance and
In an effort to provide a simple answer to designers’
requests for proper values of resistance and
capacitance, some relay manufacturers came out
with empirical formulas and nomographs. For
instance, C.C. Bates1 gives the equations:
C = capacitance in µ
I = load current in amperes prior to contact opening
R = resistance in ohms in series with capacitor
Eo = source voltage
The choice of resistance and capacitance value
however, is quite flexible. In fact, the choice is so
simple that one does not need a nomograph at all.
Besides, a nomograph published by a certain relay
manufacturer may be for the particular relays the firm
manufactures, not necessarily universal.
1Bates, C.C., “Contact Protection of Electro-
magnetic Relays.” Electro-mechanical Design,
August, 1966.
Figure A Figure B
+85°C at full rated voltage.
The nominal dissipation factor is
determined from the
following equation:
DF = 2fCR + 0.006
f = test frequency in hertz
C= nominal capacitance value in
R = nominal value of series resistor
in Ω.
Unit shall withstand a DC poten-
tial of 1.6 times the DC voltage
rating. Testing conducted at 25°C.
Unit shall withstand a test potential
of 125% of the rated voltage for a
period of 500 hours at a tempera-
ture of
85°C. A failure shall consist of:
• Capacitance change greater than 5%.
• Dissipation factor greater than origi-
nal limits.
The capacitance shall not change
more than 2% when stored at
ambient temperature and humidity
for a period of 2 years or less.
Capacitor ± 20%, Resistor
± 10%.
Metallized polyester
capacitor in series with a carbon
composition resistor.
Coated with a UL94V-0 flame
retardant epoxy.
#20 AWG (0.032") capacitor end.
Resistor end 0.025" to 0.032".
, Quencharc®,
capacitance, resistance, voltage.
* 39Ω resistors are power wire-
In choosing a Quencharc®, first of all, check the maximum switching current rating of the contacts to be
protected. This value differs for different types of contact materials and different types of relays. The maxi-
mum current during the contact closure with an RC network is Eo/Rc, where Eo is the source voltage and Rc is
the resistance value of the network. The quantity Eo/Rc must be lower than the maximum switching current
for obvious reasons. Next, the selection of capacitance is best done with an oscilloscope.
Connect the oscilloscope probe to the relay wiper and ground the other plate of the contact. Without an RC
network across the contacts, check the amplitude of the transient voltage on contact break and the ampli-
tude of the current on contact make. If the voltage is less than 300V and the current less than the maximum
switching current rating of the relay, and if you don’t see any arcing, you may not need the contact protection
at all. If you spot arcing, connect a 0.1 µF + 100, 250 VAC, QC100 (our most widely used Quencharc®), across
the contacts, and observe the levels of suppression, voltage on break and current on make. The suppressed
voltage should be below 250V, which provides 70 volts of safety margin from the breakdown potential of air.
If the voltage is still above 250V, try a 0.25 µF + 220 or a 0.5 µF + 330 range. If you need a higher capaci-
tance than 1.0 µF, you may be better off with a Zener or a varistor in terms of cost and space. For most relays
and triacs 0.1 µF + 100 provides a satisfactory suppression.
When protecting contacts in AC circuits, the same general guidelines as for DC circuits can be used, but the
wattage of the resistor must be considered if current flow is sustained for a long enough period of time to
heat the component. Compute the impedance of the RC unit to obtain a current value, then use I2R and time
considerations to determine whether the standard network resistor is adequate.
V = IRC = RC Eo
dv = L di + (RL + RC) di + i
dt dt dt C
V(t) = L di + (RL +RC)i + Eo + 1
t idt
dt C °
C = I2 R = Eo
10 10I(1+ 50 )