Plug-In RF Transformer 50 TMO3-1T+ 0.05 to 250 MHz Features Maximum Ratings Operating Temperature -55C to 100C Storage Temperature -55C to 100C RF Power 0.25W DC Current 30mA Pin Connections PRIMARY DOT 1 PRIMARY 5 SECONDARY DOT 2 SECONDARY 6 SECONDARY CT * excellent insertion loss * hermetic case + RoHS compliant in accordance with EU Directive (2002/95/EC) Applications * military, hi-rel requirements * balanced to unbalanced transformation The +Suffix has been added in order to identify RoHS Compliance. See our web site for RoHS Compliance methodologies and qualifications. Transformer Electrical Specifications 4 CASE GROUND CASE STYLE: A03 PRICE: $10.20 ea. QTY (1-9) 7, 8 NOT USED 3 Outline Drawing RATIO 3 INSERTION LOSS* FREQUENCY (MHz) 0.05-250 3 dB MHz 2 dB MHz 1 dB MHz 0.05-250 0.1-200 0.5-70 *Insertion Loss is referenced to mid-band loss, 0.4 dB typ. Typical Performance Data FREQUENCY (MHz) 0.05 0.20 0.47 10.03 45.28 108.53 125.32 149.29 173.68 250.00 Outline Dimensions ( inch mm ) G .100 2.54 H .20 5.08 C D .390 .405 9.91 10.29 J .14 3.56 K .020 0.51 E .210 5.33 F .230 5.84 wt grams 2.3 INPUT R. LOSS (dB) 2.12 0.81 0.71 0.43 0.50 0.70 0.76 0.85 0.89 0.98 6.80 15.48 18.20 23.28 21.93 15.96 14.37 12.26 10.40 7.10 TMO3-1T INSERTION LOSS Config. A 3.0 INSERTION LOSS (dB) A B .480 .500 12.19 12.70 INSERTION LOSS (dB) 2.0 1.0 0.0 0.01 Mini-Circuits (R) 0.1 1 10 FREQUENCY (MHz) 100 1000 INTERNET P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, New York 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 Fax (718) 332-4661 Distribution Centers NORTH AMERICA 800-654-7949 * 417-335-5935 * Fax 417-335-5945 * EUROPE 44-1252-832600 * Fax 44-1252-837010 Mini-Circuits ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 Certified REV. A M98898 TMO3-1T+ IG/TD/CP 061130