This document was generated on 03/26/2019
Part Number: 0192880098
Status: Active
Overview: Application Tooling
Description: ATP Crimp Dies for the Tape Crimp Module and ATP-101 & 301 Press
RoHS Certificate of Compliance (PDF)
Product Family Application Tooling
Series 207126
Comments The Crimp Tape Module 640162000 is a base unit
that will work like an applicator in a Molex TM-3000
638017200 , 638017300 industry standard crimp press
or the Molex TM-4000 638017600 industry standard
crimp press. The Crimp Tape Module will accept all
ATP-301 and ATP-201 style crimp dies. This Crimp
Tape Module will allow customers to process most of
Molex’s Mylar Tape product from 2 AWG uninsulated
and 4 AWG insulated products and up. The Crimp Tape
Module will NOT work in any other industry standard
crimp press or wire process machine. These ATP-301
style die sets can be used in the older style suitcase
Comments The Crimp Tape Module 640162000 is a base unit
that will work like an applicator in a Molex TM-3000
638017200 , 638017300 industry standard crimp press
or the Molex TM-4000 638017600 industry standard
crimp press. The Crimp Tape Module will accept all
ATP-301 and ATP-201 style crimp dies. This Crimp
Tape Module will allow customers to process most of
Molex’s Mylar Tape product from 2 AWG uninsulated
and 4 AWG insulated products and up. The Crimp Tape
Module will NOT work in any other industry standard
crimp press or wire process machine. These ATP-301
style die sets can be used in the older style suitcase
Function Crimp
Geographic Area Global
Level of Automation Semi-Automatic
More Detailed Tech Information applicationtooling@molex.com
Overview Application Tooling
Product Name ETC
Tool Type Crimp Module
UPC 800753109605
Warranty Disclaimer CAUTION: Molex tooling crimp specifications are
valid only when used with Molex terminals and tooling
manufactured by Molex and sold by Molex or authorized
distributors ("Molex Tooling"). When using tooling
other than Molex Tooling with Molex specific connector
systems listed in our ATS documents, the Molex tooling
qualification does not apply and the responsibility for
full qualification of the connector system is that of the
customer. Molex accepts no liability for connector
performance or tooling support where tooling other
Series image - Reference only
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China ROHS Not Reviewed
ELV Not Reviewed
RoHS Phthalates Not Reviewed
Search Parts in this Series
207126 Series
Use With
Molex Crimp Tape Module 640162000
used with Molex TM-3000: 638017200 ,
638017300 , Molex TM-4000: 638017600
, Molex ATP-301 Press: 192280030 and
Molex ATP-101 style presses.
Application Tooling | FAQ
Description Product #
Krimptite Quick
Male, for 10-12
(5.00-3.30mm²) Wire,
Mylar Tape, Tab 6.35
x 0.81mm
NylaKrimp Butt
Splice for 14-16
AWG Wire, Tape and