Maximum Ratings[2, 3]
(Above which the useful life may be impaired. For user
guidelines, not tested.)
Storage Temperature.......................Com’l −55°C to +125°C
Ambient Temperature with
Power Applied..................................Com’l −55°C to +125°C
DC Input Voltage.................................................−0.5V to +7.0V
DC Output Voltage..............................................−0.5V to +7.0V
DC Output Current
(Maximum Sink Current /Pi n)...........................−60 to +120 mA
Power Dissipation.......................................................... 1.0W
Static Discharge Voltage ...........................................>2001V
(per MIL- STD-883, Method 3015)
Pin Description
Name Description
DData Input s
LE Latch Enable Input s (Active HIGH)
OE Output Enable Inputs (Active LOW)
OThree-State Outputs
Function Table[1]
Inputs Outputs
X L L Q0
Operating Range
Range Ambient
Temperature VCC
Industrial −40°C to +85°C 5V ± 10%
Electrical Characteristics Over the Operating Range
Parameter Description Test Conditions Min. Typ.[4] Max. Unit
VIH Input HIGH Voltage 2.0 V
VIL Input LOW Vol tage 0.8 V
VHInput Hysteresis[5] 100 mV
VIK Input Clamp Diode Voltage VCC=Min., IIN=−18 mA −0.7 −1.2 V
IIH Input HIGH Current VCC=Max., VI=VCC ±1µA
IIL Input LOW Current VCC=Max., VI=GND ±1µA
IOZH High Impedance Output Cur rent
(Three-State Output pins) VCC=Max., VOUT=2.7V ±1µA
IOZL High Impedance Output Cur rent
(Three-State Output pins) VCC=Max., VOUT=0.5V ±1µA
IOS Shor t Circuit Current[6] VCC=Max., VOUT=GND −80 −140 −200 mA
IOOutput Drive Current[6] VCC=Max., VOUT=2.5V −50 −180 mA
IOFF Power-Off Disable VCC=0V, VOUT≤4.5V[7] ±1µA
Output D rive Characteristics for CY74FCT16373T
Parameter Description Te st Conditions Min. Typ.[4] Max. Unit
VOH Output HIGH Voltage VCC=Mi n ., IOH=−3 mA 2.5 3.5 V
VCC=Mi n ., IOH=−15 m A 2.4 3.5 V
VCC=Mi n ., IOH=−32 m A 2.0 3.0 V
VOL Output LOW Voltage VCC=Mi n ., IOL=64 mA 0.2 0.55 V
1. H = HIGH Voltage Level. L = LOW Voltage Level. X = Don’t Care. Z = High Impedance. Q0=Previous state of flip-flop.
2. Operation beyond the limits set forth may impair the useful lif e of the device. Unless otherwise noted, these limits are over the operating free-air temperature
3. Unused inputs must always be connected to an appropriate logic voltage level, preferably either VCC or ground.
4. Typical values are at VCC=5.0V, TA= +25°C ambient.
5. This parameter is guaranteed but not tested.
6. Not more than one output should be shorted at a time. Duration of short should not exceed one second. The use of high-speed test apparatus and/or sample
and hold techniques are preferable in order to minimize internal chip heating and more accurately reflect operational values. Otherwise prolonged shorting of
a high output may raise the chip temperature well above normal and thereby cause inv alid readings in other parametric tests. In any sequence of parameter
tests, IOS tests should be performed last.
7. Tested at +25°C.