2.54 mm pitch connector Right-angle through hole type male connector for PCB FFC-( )(T )LBMEP( )( ) For PCB Right-angle Through hole Configuration of product Part No. FFC- ( ) (T ) L BMEP ( ) ( ) Series name No. of contacts: 2-144 Length of contact Blank: Standard T, T1-T7 (Refer to the following dimension table.) Type of contact L: Right-angle Dimensions C 2.54 No. of contacts A - B 2.54 No. of contacts 2 74 A 91.44 B 93.98 4 2.54 5.08 76 93.98 96.52 6 5.08 7.62 78 96.52 99.06 8 7.62 10.16 80 99.06 101.60 10 10.16 12.70 82 101.60 104.14 12 12.70 15.24 84 104.14 106.68 14 15.24 17.78 86 106.68 109.22 oe0.635 16 17.78 20.32 88 109.22 111.76 2.54 18 20.32 22.86 90 111.76 114.30 20 22.86 25.40 92 114.30 116.84 22 25.40 27.94 94 116.84 119.38 24 27.94 30.48 96 119.38 121.92 26 30.48 33.02 98 121.92 124.46 28 33.02 35.56 100 124.46 127.00 30 35.56 38.10 102 127.00 129.54 32 38.10 40.64 104 129.54 132.08 34 40.64 43.18 106 132.08 134.62 36 43.18 45.72 108 134.62 137.16 38 45.72 48.26 110 137.16 139.70 40 48.26 50.80 112 139.70 142.24 42 50.80 53.34 114 142.24 144.78 44 53.34 55.88 116 144.78 147.32 46 55.88 58.42 118 147.32 149.86 48 58.42 60.96 120 149.86 152.40 50 60.96 63.50 122 152.40 154.94 52 63.50 66.04 124 154.94 157.48 2.54 E oe0.635 5.08 2.54 B A D +0.1 0 + 2.54- 0.05 o1 + 2.54- 0.05 + A- 0.1 Recommended PCB layout Components Insulator Contact Type of contact BMEP: 0.635 square contacts, double row type Contact plating 1 : Gold plate 21: Tin copper plate Insulator color Blank: Blue B : Black Part No. FFC- (2~144) LBMEP( )( ) FFC- (2~144)TLBMEP( )( ) FFC-(2~144)T1LBMEP( )( ) FFC-(2~144)T2LBMEP( )( ) FFC-(2~144)T3LBMEP( )( ) FFC-(2~144)T4LBMEP( )( ) FFC-(2~144)T5LBMEP( )( ) FFC-(2~144)T6LBMEP( )( ) FFC-(2~144)T7LBMEP( )( ) C 6 D 1.27 E 3.54 54 66.04 68.58 126 157.48 160.02 56 68.58 71.12 128 160.02 162.56 5.82 1.4 2.57 58 71.12 73.66 130 162.56 165.10 7 3.54 60 73.66 76.20 132 165.10 167.64 6 2.57 62 76.20 78.74 134 167.64 170.18 7.65 64 78.74 81.28 136 170.18 172.72 3.54 66 81.28 83.82 138 172.72 175.26 5.1 68 83.82 86.36 140 175.26 177.80 3.45 70 86.36 88.90 142 177.80 180.34 3 72 88.90 91.44 144 180.34 182.88 5.82 1.27 3.54 5.72 5 9.5 1.4 1.27 Mating connectors: DIC series or HKP series female connector Others Wire wrapping Crimping Soldering IDC Press-in SMT Through hole