Document Number: 001-02366 Rev. *F Page 20 of 34
c. Reset_black (Bit 3)
If RESET_BLACK is set to 1, each line is reset before it is read
out (except for the row that is read out by the right pointer in NDR
Mode 2). This may be useful to obtain black pixels.
d. Fast_reset (Bit 4)
The fast reset option (F AST_RESET = 1) might be useful in case
a mechanical camera shutter is used. The fast reset is done on
a row-by-row basis, not by a globa l reset. A gl obal re se t mean s
charging all the pixels at the same time, which may result in a
huge peak current. Therefore, the rows can be scan ned rapidly
while the left and right shift registers are both controlled
identically, so that th e reset lines over the pixel array are driven
from both sides. This reduces the reset (row blanking) time
(when FAST_RESET = 1 the smallest X-granularity can be
used). After the row blanking time, the row is reset and
Y_CLOCK can be asserted to reset the next row.
After a certain integration time, the read out can be done in a
similar method. The Y shift registers are again synchronized to
the first row. Both shift registers are driven identically, and all
rows and columns are scanned for (destructive) readout.
F A ST_RESET = 1 puts the sequencer in such mode that the left
and right shift registers are both controlled identical ly.
e. Output Amplifier Calibration (Bit 5 an d 6)
Bits FRAME_CAL_MODE and LINE_CAL_MODE define the
calibration mode of the output amplifier.
During every row-blanking period, a calibration is done of the
output amplifier. There are two calibration modes. The FAST
mode (= 0) can force a calibration in one cycle. However , it is not
accurate and suffers from kTC noise, while the SLOW mode (=
1) can only make incremental adjustments and is noise free.
Approximately 200 or more "slow" calibrations have the same
effect as one "fast" calibration.
Different calibration modes can be set at the beginning of the
frame (FRAME_CAL_MODE bit) and for every subsequent row
that is read (LINE_CAL_MODE bit).
f. Continuous Charge (Bit 7)
For some applications, it might be n ecessary to use continuou s
charging of the pixel columns instead of a precharge on every
row sample operation.
Setting bit CONT_CHARGE to 1 activates this function. The
resistor connected to pin CMD_COL is used to control the
current level on every pixel column.
g. Internal Clock Granularities
The system clock is divided several times on-chip.
The X-shift-register that controls the column/pixel readout, is
clocked by half the system clock rate. Odd and even pixel
columns are switched to two separate buses. In the output
amplifier , the pixel signals on the two buses can be combined to
one pixel stream at 40 MHz.
The clock that drives the X-sequencer can be a multiple of 2, 4,
8, or 16 times the system clock. Table 12 lists the settings for the
granularity of the X-sequencer clock and the corresponding row
blanking time (for NDR = 0). A row blanking time of 7.18 µs is the
baseline for almost all applications.
h. Black (Bit 10)
If BLACK is set to 1, the internal black signal is held high contin-
uously. As a result, the column amplifiers are disconnected from
the buses, and the buses are set to the voltage given by
DAC_DARK. The output of the amplifier equals the voltages from
the offset DACs.
i. Reset_all (Bit 11)
If RESET_ALL is set to 1, all the pixels are simultaneously put in
a 'reset' state. In this state, the pixels behave logarithmically with
light intensity. If this state is combined with one of the NDR
modes, the sensor can be used in a noni ntegrating, logarithmi c
mode with high dynamic range.
j. Nrof_pixels Register
After the internal X_SYNC is generated (start of the pixel readout
of a particular row), the PIXEL_VALID signal goes high. The
PIXEL_VALID signal goes low when the pixel counter reaches
the value loaded in the NROF_PIXEL register and an EOL pulse
is generated. Due to the fact that two pixels are addressed at
each internal clock cycle, the amount of pixels read out in one
row is 2*(NROF_PIXEL + 1).
k. Nrof_lines Register
After the internal YL_SYNC is generated (start of the frame
readout with Y_START), the line counter increases with each
Y_CLOCK pulse until it reaches the value loaded in the
NROF_LINES register and an EOF pulse is generated. In NDR
Mode 2, the line counter increments only every two Y_CLOCK
pulses and the EOF pulse shows up only after the readout of the
row indicated by the right shift register
INT_TIME Register
When the Y_ST ART pulse is applied (start of the frame readout),
the sequencer generate s th e YL_SYNC pul se for th e le ft Y-shift
register . This loads the left Y-shift register with the pointer loaded
in Y_REG register . At each Y_CLOCK pulse, the pointer shifts to
the next row and the integration time counter increases
(increment only every two Y_CLOCK pulses in NDR mode 2)
until it reaches the value loaded in the INT_TIME register . At that
moment, the YR_SYNC pulse for the right Y-shift register is
generated, which lo ads the right Y-shift register with the pointer
loaded in Y_REG register (shown in Figure 20 on page 21).
Table 12. Granularity of X-Sequencer Clock and Corr esponding Row Blanking Time (for NDR = 0).
Gran_x_seq_msb/lsb X-Sequencer Cloc k Ro w Blanking Ti m e Row Blanking Time [µs]
00 2 x sys_clock 142 x TSYS_CLOCK 3.55
01 4 x sys_clock 282 x TSYS_CLOCK 7.05
10 8 x sys_clock 562 x TSYS_CLOCK 14.05
11 16 x sys_clock 1122 x TSYS_CLOCK 28.05
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