NCP1851, NCP1851A
Charge Status Reporting
FLAG pin
FLAG pin is to used to report charge status to the system
processor and for interruption request.
During charger active states and wait state, the pin FLAG
is low in order to indicate that the charge of the battery is in
progress. When charge is completed or disabled or a fault
occurs, the FLAG pin is high as the charge is halted.
STATUS and CONTROL Registers
The status register contains the current charge state, NTC
and BATFET connection as well as fault and status interrupt
(bits FAULTINT and STATINT in register STATUS). The
charge state (bits STATE in register STATUS) is updated on
the fly and corresponds to the charging state describe in
Charging process section. An interruption (see description
below) is generated upon a state change. In the config state,
hardware detection is performed on BAFTET and NTC
pins. From wait state, their statuses are available (bit
BATFET and NTC in register STATUS). STATINT bit is set
to 1 if an interruption appears on STAT_INT register (see
description below). FAULTINT bit is set to 1 if an
interruption appears on registers CH1_INT, CH1_INT or
BST_INT. Thanks to this register, the system controller
knows the chip status with only one I2C read operation. If a
fault appears or a status change (STATINT bits and
FAULTINT), the controller can read corresponding
registers for more details.
Upon a state or status change, the system controller is
informed by sensing FLAG pin. A TFLAGON pulse is
generated on this pin in order to signalize an event. The level
of this pulse depends on the state of the charger (see
Charging process section):
•When charger in is charger active states and wait state
the FLAG is low and consequently the pulse level on
FLAG pin is high.
•In the others states, the pulse level is low as the FLAG
stable level is high.
Charge state transition even and all bits of register
STAT_INT, CH1_INT, CH2_INT, BST_INT generate an
interrupt request on FLAG pin and can be masked with the
corresponding mask bits in registers STAT_MSK,
CH1_MSK, CH2_MSK and BST_MSK. All interrupt
signals can be masked with the global interrupt mask bit (bit
INT_MASK register CTRL1). All these bits are read to
clear. The register map (see REGISTERS MAP section)
indicated the active transition of each bits (column “TYPE”
in see REGISTERS MAP section).
If more than 1 interrupt appears, only 1 pulse is generated
while interrupt registers (STAT_INT, CH1_INT, CH2_INT,
BST_INT) will not fully clear.
Sense and Status Registers
At any time the system processor can know the status of
all the comparators inside the chip by reading VIN_SNS,
VBAT_SNS, and TEMP_SNS registers (read only). These
bits give to the system controller the real time values of all
the corresponding comparators outputs (see BLOCK
Battery Removal and No Battery Operation
During normal charge operation the battery may bounce
or be removed. The state transition of the state machine only
occurs upon deglitched signals which allow bridging any
battery bounce. True battery removal will last longer than
the debounce times. The NCP1851 responses depend on
NTC and BATFET presence:
If the battery is equipped with an NTC its removal is
detected (VNTC > VNTCRMV) and the state machine transits
to fault state and an interrupt is generated (bit BATRMV
register CH1_INT). Then, in case of applications with
BATFET, the state machine will end up in weak wait state so
the system is powered by the DC−DC converter (see Weak
wait section) without battery. In case of application without
BATFET, the state machine will end up in fault state
(DC−DC off) so the system is not powered.
With a battery pack without NTC support, the voltage at
VBAT will rapidly reach the DCDC converter setting VCHG
and then transition to end of charge state causing DC−DC
off. Thus VBAT falls (“Battery fail” condition in Charging
process section).
Factory Mode
During factory testing no battery is present in the
application and a supply could be applied through the
bottom connector to power the application. The state
machine will support this mode of operation under the
condition that the application includes a battery FET and
uses batteries with NTC support (similar as no battery
operation). In this case, the state machine will end up in weak
wait state (see Weak wait section). The application is
supplied while the absence of the battery pack is interpreted
as a battery pack out of temperature (VNTC > VCOLD).
Through I2C the device is entirely programmable so the
controller can configure appropriate current and voltage
threshold for handle factory testing. Factory regulation
mode (Register CTRL2 Bit FCTRY_MOD_REG) is
accessible for factory testing purpose. In this mode, input
and charge current loops are disabled, allowing full power
to the system.