CAM Accelerates Fast Searches
Content-addressable memory (CAM), a
memory technology developed from random
access memory (RAM), accelerates applica-
tions requiring fast searches of databases,
lists, and patterns. CAM simultaneously
compares input data against an entire list of
pre-stored entries in a single clock cycle,
which provides an extremely significant
reduction in search time when compared to
APEX Devices: The Only PLDs with CAM
Altera’s APEX™ devices, the only
programmable logic devices (PLDs) to offer
integrated CAM, have up to one million
gates (2.67 million system gates) and allow
for complete System-on-a-Programmable-
Chip™ integration. Designers can use the
APEX CAM to simplify applications that
require the searching of lists and tables of
data. The APEX integrated CAM provides
significant system performance enhance-
ments and allows for more efficient resource
utilization in the system design.
CAM Available in Each APEX Embedded
System Block
The embedded system block (ESB) is at the
heart of the Altera® APEX architecture. One
APEX ESB can be configured to be a
32-word x 32-bit CAM, and multiple ESBs
can be cascaded together to implement
wider and deeper CAMs. The APEX CAM
architecture provides great flexibility
because the designer can create a wide
range of CAM depths or widths.
APEX CAM Applications
■Ethernet address look-up
■Internet protocol filtering
■Data compression
■Pattern recognition
■Cache tags
■Fast look-up for routing tables
■High-bandwidth packet
searches for data switches,
firewalls, bridges, and routers
APEX CAM Architecture
■32-word x 32-bit CAM in
each ESB
■Programmable width and
depth expansion
■Faster access time (4 ns)
than discrete CAM
■ESBs can be cascaded for
wider and deeper CAMs
APEX Integrated
Memory (CAM)
Greatly Accelerates
Applications Requiring List
and Data Searches