Product Folder Sample & Buy Support & Community Tools & Software Technical Documents DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 DS100BR111 Ultra Low Power 10.3 Gbps 1-Lane Repeater with Input Equalization and Output De-Emphasis 1 Features 3 Description * The DS100BR111 is an extremely low power, high performance repeater designed to support serial links with data rates up to 10.3 Gbps. The DS100BR111 pinout is configured as one bidirectional lane (one transmit, one receive channel). The DS100BR111 inputs feature a powerful 4-stage continuous time linear equalizer (CTLE) to provide a boost of up to +36 dB at 5 GHz and open an input eye that is completely closed due to inter-symbol interference (ISI) induced by the interconnect mediums such as board traces or twin-axial copper cables. The transmitter features a programmable output deemphasis driver with up to -12 dB and can drive output voltage levels from 700 mVp-p to 1300 mVp-p. 1 * * * * * * * * Two Channel Repeaters for up to 10.3 Gbps - DS100BR210 : 2x Unidirectional Channels - DS100BR111 : 1x Bidirectional Lane 10G-KR Bi-directional Interface Compatibility - Allows for Back-channel Communication and Training Low 65 mW/channel (Typical) Power Consumption, with Option to Power Down Unused Channels Advanced Signal Conditioning Features - Receive Equalization up to +36 dB - Transmit De-emphasis up to -12 dB - Transmit VOD Control: 700 to 1300 mVp-p - Low Residual DJ at 10.3 Gbps Programmable Via Pin Selection, EEPROM, or SMBus Interface Single Supply Voltage: 2.5 V or 3.3 V Flow-thru Pinout in 4 mm x 4 mm 24-pin Leadless WQFN Package 5 kV HBM ESD Rating -40 to 85C Operating Temperature Range When configured as a 10G-KR repeater, the DS100BR111 allows the KR host and the end point to optimize the full link by adjusting transmit and receive equalizer coefficients using back-channel communication techniques specified by the 802.3ap Ethernet standard. The programmable settings can be applied via pin control, SMBus protocol, or an external EEPROM. In the EEPROM mode, the configuration information is automatically loaded on power up, thereby eliminating the need for an external microprocessor or software driver. 2 Applications * * High-speed Active Copper Cable Modules and FR-4 Backplane in Communication Systems 10GE, 10G-KR, FC, SAS, SATA 3/6 Gbps (with OOB Detection), InfiniBand, CPRI, RXAUI and many others Device Information(1) PART NUMBER DS100BR111 PACKAGE BODY SIZE (NOM) WQFN (24) 4.00 mm x 4.00 mm (1) For all available packages, see the orderable addendum at the end of the datasheet. 4 Simplified Schematic SMBus 50: Typical Application VOD/ DE-EMPHASIS CONTROL VOD VDD Line Card DEM 50: SMBus EQ OUTBUF IN+ IN- 1x10G OUT+ OUT- Tx IDLE Enable ASIC DS100BR111 1 x SFP+ FPGA 1x10G EQ[1:0] SMBus IDLE DETECT Channel Status and Control LOS SD_TH TX_DIS MODE 1 An IMPORTANT NOTICE at the end of this data sheet addresses availability, warranty, changes, use in safety-critical applications, intellectual property matters and other important disclaimers. PRODUCTION DATA. DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Features .................................................................. Applications ........................................................... Description ............................................................. Simplified Schematic............................................. Revision History..................................................... Pin Configuration and Functions ......................... Specifications......................................................... 1 1 1 1 2 3 6 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Absolute Maximum Ratings ...................................... 6 Handling Ratings....................................................... 6 Recommended Operating Conditions....................... 6 Electrical Characteristics........................................... 6 Electrical Characteristics -- Serial Management Bus Interface .................................................................... 9 7.6 Timing Requirements -- LOS and ENABLE / DISABLE Timing ........................................................ 9 7.7 Typical Characteristics ............................................ 11 8 Detailed Description ............................................ 12 8.1 Overview ................................................................. 12 8.2 Functional Block Diagram ....................................... 12 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 9 Feature Description................................................. Device Functional Modes........................................ Programming........................................................... Register Maps ......................................................... 13 13 16 30 Application and Implementation ........................ 37 9.1 Application Information............................................ 37 9.2 Typical Application ................................................. 38 10 Power Supply Recommendations ..................... 45 10.1 Power Supply Bypass ........................................... 46 11 Layout................................................................... 46 11.1 Layout Guidelines ................................................. 46 11.2 Layout Example .................................................... 47 12 Device and Documentation Support ................. 48 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 Documentation Support ........................................ Trademarks ........................................................... Electrostatic Discharge Caution ............................ Glossary ................................................................ 48 48 48 48 13 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information ........................................................... 48 5 Revision History NOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version. Changes from Revision E (February 2013) to Revision F * 2 Page Added, updated, or renamed the following sections: Device Information Table, Application and Implementation; Power Supply Recommendations; Layout; Device and Documentation Support; Mechanical, Packaging, and Ordering Information .............................................................................................................................................................. 1 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 6 Pin Configuration and Functions (1) SCL/DEMB SDA/DEMA ENSMB EQB1/AD2 EQB0/AD3 4 3 2 1 TX_DIS 5 6 24-Pin RTW Package Top View OUTA+ 7 24 INA+ OUTA- 8 23 INA- 22 VDD 21 VDD AD1/EQA1 9 AD0/EQA0 10 INB+ 11 20 OUTB+ INB- 12 19 OUTB- 14 15 16 SD_TH VIN VDD_SEL _______ VOD_SEL / READEN _____ MODE / DONE 18 13 LOS 17 SMBUS AND CONTROL The center DAP on the package bottom is the device GND connection. This pad must be connected to GND through multiple (minimum of 4) vias to ensure optimal electrical and thermal performance. Pin Functions (1) PIN NAME NUMBER I/O, TYPE DESCRIPTION DIFFERENTIAL HIGH SPEED I/O's INA+, INA- , INB+, INB- 24, 23 11, 12 I, CML Inverting and non-inverting CML differential inputs to the equalizer. On-chip 50 termination resistors connect both INx+ and INx- to VDD. Compatible with AC coupled CML inputs. OUTA+, OUTA-, OUTB+, OUTB- 7, 8 20, 19 O, CML Inverting and non-inverting 50 driver outputs with de-emphasis. Compatible with AC coupled CML inputs. 3 I, 4-LEVEL, LVCMOS CONTROL PINS ENSMB (1) System Management Bus (SMBus) Enable Pin High = Register Access SMBus Slave Mode Float = Read External EEPROM (SMBus Master Mode) Tie 1 k to GND = Pin Mode LVCMOS inputs without the "Float" conditions must be driven to a logic low or high at all times or operation is not ensured. Unless the "Float" level is desired, 4-Level input pins require a minimum 1 k resistor to GND, VDD (in 2.5 V mode), or VIN (in 3.3 V mode). Input edge rate for LVCMOS/FLOAT inputs must be faster than 50 ns from 10-90%. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 3 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 Pin Functions(1) (continued) PIN NAME NUMBER I/O, TYPE DESCRIPTION ENSMB = Float or 1 (SMBus MODES) SCL 5 I, 2-LEVEL, LVCMOS, O, Open Drain Clock output when loading EEPROM configuration, reverting to SMBus clock input when EEPROM load is complete (ALL_DONE = 0). External 2 k to 5 k pull-up resistor to VDD (2.5 V mode) or VIN (3.3 V mode) recommended as per SMBus interface standards (2) SDA 4 I, 2-LEVEL, LVCMOS, O, Open Drain In both SMBus Modes, this pin is the SMBus data I/O. Data input or open drain output. External 2 k to 5 k pull-up resistor to VDD (2.5 V mode) or VIN (3.3 V mode) recommended as per SMBus interface standards (2) 10, 9, 2, 1 I, 4-LEVEL, LVCMOS ENSMB Master or Slave mode SMBus Slave Address Inputs. In SMBus mode, these pins are the user set SMBus slave address inputs. There are 16 addresses supported by these pins. Pins must be tied Low or High when used to define the device SMBus address. (3) ENSMB = Float: When using SMBus Master Mode, a logic low on this pin starts the load from the external EEPROM. ENSMB = 1: When using SMBus Slave Mode, the VOD_SEL/READEN pin must be tied Low for the AD[3:0] to be active. If this pin is tied High or left floating, an address of 0xB0 will be used for the DS100BR111. AD0-AD3 READEN 17 I, 2-LEVEL, LVCMOS DONE 18 When using an External EEPROM (ENSMB = Float), Valid Register Load Status O, 2-LEVEL, Output LVCMOS High = External EEPROM load failed or incomplete Low = External EEPROM load passed ENSMB = 0 (PIN MODE) EQA0, EQA1 EQB0, EQB1 DEMA, DEMB VOD_SEL MODE (2) (3) (4) 4 10, 9 1, 2 4, 5 17 18 I, 4-LEVEL, LVCMOS EQA[1:0] and EQB[1:0] control the level of equalization on the input pins. EQA[1:0] controls the A channel, and EQB[1:0] controls the B channel. The pins are only active when ENSMB = 0. When ENSMB = 1, the SMBus registers provide independent control of each channel, and the EQB0/B1 pins are converted to SMBus AD2/AD3 inputs. See Table 3 for additional information. I, 4-LEVEL, LVCMOS DEMA and DEMB control the level of de-emphasis for the output driver when in 10G mode. DEMA controls the A channel, and DEMB controls the B channel. The pins are only active when ENSMB = 0. When ENSMB = 1, the SMBus registers provide independent control of each channel, and the DEM pins are converted to SMBus SCL and SDA pins. See Table 4 for additional information. I, 4-LEVEL, LVCMOS VOD Select High = 10G-KR Mode (VOD = 1.1 Vpp or 1.3 Vpp) Float = (VOD = 1.0 Vpp) 20 k to GND = (VOD = 1.2 Vpp) 1 k to GND = (VOD = 700 mVpp) See (3) (4) for additional notes. See Table 2 for additional information. I, 4-LEVEL, LVCMOS Controls Device Mode of Operation High= 10GbE Mode, Continuous Talk (Output Always On) Float = 10G-KR Mode, Slow OOB 20 k to GND = eSATA Mode, Fast OOB, Auto Low Power on 100 s of inactivity. SD stays active. 1 k to GND = SAS Mode, Fast OOB SCL and SDA pins can be tied either to 3.3 V or 2.5 V, regardless of whether the device is operating in 2.5 V mode or 3.3 V mode. Setting VOD_SEL = High in SMBus Mode will force the SMBus Address = 0xB0 DS100BR111 OUTA is limited to 700 mVpp in pin mode. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 Pin Functions(1) (continued) PIN NAME NUMBER I/O, TYPE DESCRIPTION CONTROL PINS -- BOTH PIN AND SMBus MODES (LVCMOS) TX_DIS 6 I, 2-LEVEL, LVCMOS LOS 13 O, Open Drain SD_TH 14 I, 4-LEVEL, LVCMOS VDD_SEL 16 I, FLOAT High = OUTA Enabled, OUTB Disabled Low = OUTA and OUTB Enabled Indicates Loss of Signal (Default is LOS on INA). Can be modified via SMBus registers. The SD_TH pin controls LOS threshold setting Assert (mVpp), Deassert (mVpp) High = 190 mVpp, 130 mVpp Float = 180 mVpp, 110 mVpp (Default) 20 k to GND = 160 mVpp, 100 mVpp 1 k to GND = 210 mVpp, 150 mVpp (5) Enables the 3.3 V to 2.5 V internal regulator Low = 3.3 V Operation Float = 2.5 V Operation POWER VDD 21, 22 Power Power supply pins When in 2.5 V mode, connect to 2.5 V supply. When in 3.3 V mode, do not connect to any supply voltage. Should be used to attach external decoupling to device, 100 nF recommended. See Power Supply Recommendations for additional information. VIN 15 Power VIN = 3.3 V 10% (input to internal LDO regulator) When in 2.5 V mode, VIN pin must be left floating. See Power Supply Recommendations for additional information. GND DAP Power Ground pad (DAP - die attach pad). (5) Using values less than the default level can extend the time required to detect LOS and are not recommended. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 5 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 7 Specifications 7.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings (1) (2) MIN MAX UNIT Supply Voltage (VDD) -0.5 +2.75 V Supply Voltage (VIN) -0.5 +4.0 V LVCMOS Input/Output Voltage -0.5 +4.0 V CML Input Voltage -0.5 (VDD+0.5) V CML Input Current -30 +30 mA 125 C Junction Temperature (1) (2) "Absolute Maximum Ratings" indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur, including inoperability and degradation of device reliability and/or performance. Functional operation of the device and/or non-degradation at the Absolute Maximum Ratings or other conditions beyond those indicated in the Recommended Operating Conditions is not implied. For soldering specifications, see SNOA549. 7.2 Handling Ratings Tstg MIN MAX UNIT -40 +125 C -5 5 kV Machine model (MM), STD - JESD22-A115-A 100 V Charged device model (CDM), per JEDEC specification JESD22-C101, all pins (2) 1250 Storage Temperature Range Human body model (HBM), per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001, all pins (1) V(ESD) (1) (2) Electrostatic Discharge V JEDEC document JEP155 states that 500 V HBM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process. JEDEC document JEP157 states that 250 V CDM allows safe manufacturing with a standard ESD control process. 7.3 Recommended Operating Conditions (1) MIN TYP MAX UNIT Supply Voltage (2.5 V mode) 2.375 2.5 2.625 V Supply Voltage (3.3 V mode) 3.0 3.3 3.6 V Ambient Temperature -40 25 +85 C 3.6 V SMBus (SDA, SCL) (1) The Recommended Operating Conditions indicate conditions at which the device is functional and the device should not be operated beyond such conditions. Absolute Maximum Numbers are ensured for a junction temperature range of -40C to +125C. Models are validated to Maximum Operating Voltages only. 7.4 Electrical Characteristics PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX TX_DIS = Low, EQ = ON VOD_SEL = Float (1000 mVpp) 50 63 Auto Low Power Mode TX_DIS = Low, MODE = 20 k VID CHA and CHB = 0.0 V VOD_SEL = Float (1000 mVpp) 12 15 TX_DIS = High 25 35 UNIT POWER SUPPLY CURRENT IDD Supply Current mA LVCMOS DC SPECIFICATIONS VIH25 High Level Input Voltage, 2-Level LVCMOS 2.5 V Supply Mode 2.0 VDD V VIH33 High Level Input Voltage, 2-Level LVCMOS 3.3 V Supply Mode 2.0 VIN V VIL Low Level Input Voltage, 2-Level LVCMOS GND 0.7 V 6 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 Electrical Characteristics (continued) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VOH High Level Output Voltage IOH = -4.0 mA VOL Low Level Output Voltage IOL = 4.0 mA IIN Input Leakage Current Input Leakage Current 4-Level Input (2) IIN-P (1) MIN TYP MAX UNIT 2.0 V 0.4 V Vinput = 0 V or VDD VDD_SEL = Float -15 +15 Vinput = 0 V or VIN VDD_SEL = Low -15 +15 Vinput = 0 V or VDD - 0.05 V VDD_SEL = Float Vinput = 0 V or VIN - 0.05 V VDD_SEL = Low -160 +80 A Default power-up conditions ENSMB = 0 or 1 190 1600 mVp-p A CML RECEIVER INPUTS VTX Source Transmit Launch Differential Signal Level RLRX-IN RX return loss SDD11 @ 4.1 GHz 800 -12 SDD11 @ 11.1 GHz -8 SCD11 @ 11.1 GHz -10 dB HIGH SPEED TRANSMITTER OUTPUTS VOD1 Output Voltage Differential Swing OUT+ and OUT- AC coupled and terminated by 50 to GND VOD_SEL = Low (700 mVpp setting) DE = Low 500 650 800 VOD2 Output Voltage Differential Swing OUT+ and OUT- AC coupled and terminated by 50 to GND VOD_SEL = Float (1000 mVpp setting) DE = Low 800 1000 1100 Output Voltage Differential Swing OUT+ and OUT- AC coupled and terminated by 50 to GND VOD_SEL = 20 k to GND (1200 mVpp) DE = Low 950 1150 1350 De-Emphasis Levels OUT+ and OUT- AC coupled and terminated by 50 to GND VOD_SEL = Float (1000 mVpp) DE = Float -3 dB De-Emphasis Levels OUT+ and OUT- AC coupled and terminated by 50 to GND VOD_SEL = Float (1000 mVpp) DE = 20 k to GND -6 dB VOD3 VOD_DE1 VOD_DE2 (1) (2) mVp-p VOH only applies to the DONE pin; LOS, SCL, and SDA are open-drain outputs that have no internal pull-up capability. DONE is a full LVCMOS output with pull-up and pull-down capability. Input is held to a maximum of 50 mV below VDD or VIN to simulate the use of a 1 k resistor on the input. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 7 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 Electrical Characteristics (continued) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS VOD_DE3 De-Emphasis Levels OUT+ and OUT- AC coupled and terminated by 50 to GND VOD_SEL = Float (1000 mVpp) DE = High VCM-AC Output Common-Mode Voltage AC Common Mode Voltage DE = 0 dB, VOD 1000 mVpp VCM-DC Output DC Common-Mode Voltage DC Common Mode Voltage VIDLE TX IDLE Output Voltage VID = 0 mVp-p MIN 0 SDD22 @ 4.1 GHz RLTX-DIFF TX return loss TR/F Transmitter Termination Mismatch UNIT -9 dB 4.5 mV (rms) 1.1 SDD22 @ 11.1 GHz -9 SCC22 @ 2.5 GHz -22 DC, IFORCE = 100 A MAX 1.9 V 30 mV -13 SCC22 @ 11.1 GHz Delta_ZM TYP dB -10 (3) Transmitter Rise and Fall Time Measurement points at 20% - 80% TPD Propagation Delay Measured at 50% crossing EQ = 0x00 TCCSK Channel to Channel Skew TPPSK Part to Part Skew 2.5% (4) 38 ps 230 ps T = 25C, VDD = 2.5 V 7 ps T = 25C, VDD = 2.5 V 20 ps TTX-IDLE-SET-TO- Max time to transition to idle after differential signal IDLE VIN = 1 Vpp, 10 Gbps EQ = 0x00, DE = 0 dB 6.5 ns TTX-IDLE-TO- VIN = 1 Vpp, 10 Gbps EQ = 0x00, DE = 0 dB 3.2 ns 3.3 ns 0.3 ps (rms) 0.09 UI DIFF-DATA TENV_DISTORT Max time to transition to valid differential signal after idle Active OOB timing distortion, input active time vs. output active time OUTPUT JITTER SPECIFICATIONS (5) RJ Random Jitter DJ1 Deterministic Jitter No Media Source Amplitude = 700 mVpp, PRBS15 pattern, 10.3125 Gbps VOD = Default, EQ = minimum, DE = 0 dB EQUALIZATION DJE1 Residual Deterministic Jitter 10.3125 Gbps 8 meter 30AWG Cable on Input Source = 700 mVpp, PRBS15 pattern EQ = 0x0F 0.27 UI DJE2 Residual Deterministic Jitter 10.3125 Gbps 30" 4-mil FR4 on Inputs Source = 700 mVpp, PRBS15 pattern EQ = 0x16 0.17 UI Residual Deterministic Jitter 10.3125 Gbps 10" 4 mil stripline FR4 on Outputs Source = 700 mVpp, PRBS15 pattern EQ = Min, VOD = 1200 mVpp, DE = -3.5 dB 0.13 UI DE-EMPHASIS DJD1 (3) (4) (5) 8 Force 100 A on output, measure V on the Output and calculate impedance. Mismatch is the percentage difference of OUTn+ and OUTn- impedance driving the same logic state. Default VOD used for testing. DE = -1.5 dB level used to compensate for fixture attenuation. Typical jitter reported is determined by jitter decomposition software on the DSA8200 Oscilloscope. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 7.5 Electrical Characteristics -- Serial Management Bus Interface Over recommended operating supply and temperature ranges unless other specified. PARAMETER SERIAL BUS INTERFACE DC SPECIFICATIONS TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT (1) VIL Data, Clock Input Low Voltage VIH Data, Clock Input High Voltage IPULLUP Current Through Pull-Up Resistor or Current Source VDD Nominal Bus Voltage ILEAK-Bus Input Leakage Per Bus Segment See (2) CI Capacitance for SDA and SCL See (2) (3) (4) RTERM External Termination Resistance Pullup VDD = 3.3 V, See pull to VDD = 2.5V 5% OR 3.3V Pullup VDD = 2.5 V, See 10% 2.1 High Power Specification 0.8 V 3.6 V 4 mA 2.375 3.6 V -200 +200 A 10 pF (2) (3) (5) (2) (3) (5) 2000 1000 SERIAL BUS INTERFACE TIMING SPECIFICATIONS FSMB Bus Operating Frequency TBUF Bus Free Time Between Stop and Start Condition THD:STA Hold time after (Repeated) Start Condition. After this period, the first clock is generated. ENSMB = VDD (Slave Mode) ENSMB = Float (Master Mode) (1) 280 400 400 kHz 520 kHz 1.3 s 0.6 s At IPULLUP, Max TSU:STA Repeated Start Condition Setup Time 0.6 s TSU:STO Stop Condition Setup Time 0.6 s THD:DAT Data Hold Time 0 ns TSU:DAT Data Setup Time 100 ns TLOW Clock Low Period 1.3 s THIGH Clock High Period See (6) 50 s 300 ns 0.6 tF Clock/Data Fall Time See (6) tR Clock/Data Rise Time See (6) 300 ns tPOR Time in which a device must be operational after power-on reset See (4) (6) 500 ms (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) EEPROM interface requires 1 MHz capable EEPROM device. Recommended value. Recommended maximum capacitance load per bus segment is 400 pF. Ensured by design and characterization. Parameter not tested in production. Maximum termination voltage should be identical to the device supply voltage. Compliant to SMBus 2.0 physical layer specification. See System Management Bus (SMBus) Specification Version 2.0, section 3.1.1 SMBus common AC specifications for details. 7.6 Timing Requirements -- LOS and ENABLE / DISABLE Timing PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT TLOS_OFF Input IDLE to Active RX_LOS response time See (1) 0.035 s TLOS_ON Input Active to IDLE RX_LOS response time See (1) 0.4 s TOFF TX Disable assert Time TX_DIS = High to Output OFF See (1) 0.005 s TON TX Disable negateTime TX_DIS = Low to Output ON See (1) 0.150 s TLP_EXIT Auto Low Power Exit ALP to Normal Operation See (1) 150 ns TLP_ENTER Auto Low Power Enter Normal Operation to Auto Low Power See (1) 100 s (1) Parameter not tested in production. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 9 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 80% 80% VOD = [Out+ - Out-] 0V 20% 20% tRISE tFALL Figure 1. Output Rise and Fall Transition Times IN 0V tPLHD OUT tPHLD 0V Figure 2. Propagation Delay Timing Diagram + IN 0V DATA tIDLE-DATA tDATA-IDLE + OUT 0V DATA IDLE IDLE Figure 3. Transmit Idle-Data and Data-Idle Response Time tLOW tR tHIGH SCL tHD:STA tBUF tHD:DAT tF tSU:STA tSU:DAT tSU:STO SDA SP ST SP ST Figure 4. SMBus Timing Parameters 10 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 7.7 Typical Characteristics The following data was collected at 25C. 100 60 90 70 56 3.3V Mode Supply Current (mA) Supply Current (mA) 80 60 50 40 30 2.5V Mode 20 52 2.5V Mode 48 44 10 0 700 40 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 Output Voltage (mVpp) 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 Supply Voltage (V) 3.0 VOD = 700 mVpp Figure 5. Supply Current vs. Output Voltage Setting Figure 6. Supply Current vs. Supply Voltage 1500 Output Voltage (mVpp) 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 0 1 2 3 4 VOD Level 5 6 7 Figure 7. Output Voltage vs. Output Voltage Setting Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 11 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 8 Detailed Description 8.1 Overview The DS100BR111 is a high performance bidirectional 1-lane repeater optimized for 10G-KR and SAS/SATA operation, where its programmable equalization and de-emphasis compensate for lossy FR-4 printed circuit board backplanes or balanced cables. The DS100BR111 operates in 3 modes: Pin Control Mode (ENSMB = 0), SMBus Slave Mode (ENSMB = 1), and SMBus Master Mode (ENSMB = Float) to load register information from external EEPROM. Each channel has a signal detector circuit that monitors the input signal amplitude. When the input signal level is below the detector's de-assert level, the output is disabled. When input signal level exceeds the detector's assert level, the output is enabled. The signal detector circuit is used to support the OOB signaling used in SAS and SATA. 8.2 Functional Block Diagram A Channel Term Signal Detect INA+ OUTA+ Predriver EQ INA- Driver OUTA- ENSMB EQA[1:0] DEMA VOD_SEL READEN DONE AD[3:0] SCL SDA Internal voltage regulator Digital Core and SMBus Registers TX_DIS VDD_SEL VIN B Channel ENSMB EQB[1:0] DEMB VOD_SEL Signal Detect OUTB+ Driver OUTB- Predriver Term INB+ EQ INB- Note: This diagram is representative of device signal flow only. 12 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 8.3 Feature Description 8.3.1 4-Level Control Pin Settings The 4-level input pins use a resistor divider to set the four valid control levels and provide a wider range of control settings when ENSMB = 0. There is an internal 30-k pull-up and a 60-k pull-down connected to the package pin. These resistors, together with the external resistor connection, combine to achieve the desired voltage level. By using the 1-k pull-down, 20-k pull-down, no connect, or 1-k pull-up, the optimal voltage levels for each of the four input states are achieved as shown in Table 1. Table 1. 4-Level Control Pin Settings Table RESULTING PIN VOLTAGE LEVEL SETTING 3.3 V MODE 0 Tie 1 k to GND 0.10 V 2.5 V MODE 0.08 V R Tie 20 k to GND 1/3 x VIN 1/3 x VDD F Float (leave pin open) 2/3 x VIN 2/3 x VDD 1 Tie 1 k to VIN or VDD VIN - 0.05 V VDD - 0.04 V Typical 4-Level Input Thresholds: * Internal Threshold between 0 and R = 0.2 * VIN or VDD * Internal Threshold between R and F = 0.5 * VIN or VDD * Internal Threshold between F and 1 = 0.8 * VIN or VDD In order to minimize the startup current associated with the integrated 2.5-V regulator, the 1-k pull-up / pulldown resistors are recommended. If several four level inputs require the same setting, it is possible to combine two or more 1-k resistors into a single lower value resistor. As an example, combining two inputs with a single 500- resistor is a valid way to save board space. 8.4 Device Functional Modes 8.4.1 Pin Control Mode When in Pin Mode (ENSMB = 0), equalization, de-emphasis, and VOD (output amplitude) can be selected via external pin control for both the A-channel and B-channel. Equalization and de-emphasis can be programmed by pin selection for each side independently. For further device control, the VOD_SEL and MODE pins are available to improve DS100BR111 performance depending on design applications. The receiver electrical idle detect threshold is also adjustable via the SD_TH pin. Pin control mode is ideal in situations where neither MCU or EEPROM is available to access the device via SMBus SDA and SCL lines. 8.4.2 SMBus Slave Mode When in Slave SMBus Mode (ENSMB = 1), equalization, de-emphasis, and VOD (output amplitude) are all programmable on an individual channel basis. Upon assertion of ENSMB, the EQx, DEMx, and VODx settings are controlled by SMBus immediately. It is important to note that SMBus settings can only be changed from their defaults after asserting Register Enable by setting Reg 0x06[3] = 1. The EQx, DEMx, and VODx pins are subsequently converted to AD0-AD3 SMBus address inputs. The other external control pins (TX_DIS, MODE, and SD_TH) remain active unless their respective registers are written to and the appropriate override bit is set. If the user overrides a pin control, the input voltage level of that control pin is ignored until ENSMB is driven low (Pin Mode). In the event that channels are powered down via the TX_DIS pin, register setting states are not affected. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 13 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 Device Functional Modes (continued) Table 2. Signal Detect Threshold Level (1) (1) LEVEL SD_TH (Pin 14) SMBus REG BIT [3:2] and [1:0] TYPICAL ASSERT LEVEL (mVpp) TYPICAL DE-ASSERT LEVEL (mVpp) 1 0 10 210 150 2 R 01 160 100 3 F (Default) 00 180 110 4 1 11 190 130 Typical assert and de-assert levels were measured with VDD = 2.5 V, 25C, and 010101 pattern at 8 Gbps. 8.4.3 SMBus Master Mode When in SMBus Master Mode (ENSMB = Float), the equalization, de-emphasis, and VOD (output amplitude) for multiple devices can be loaded via external EEPROM. By asserting a Float condition on the ENSMB pin, an external EEPROM writes register settings to each device in accordance with its SMBus slave address. The settings programmable by external EEPROM provide only a subset of all the register bits available via SMBus Slave Mode, and the bit-mapping between SMBus Slave Mode registers and EEPROM addresses can be referenced in Table 6. Once the EEPROM successfully finishes loading each device's register settings, the device reverts back to SMBus Slave Mode and releases SDA and SCL control to an external master MCU. If the EEPROM fails to load settings to a particular device, for example due to an invalid or blank hex file, the device waits indefinitely in an unknown state where access to the SMBus lines is not possible. 8.4.4 Signal Conditioning Settings Equalization, de-emphasis, and VOD settings accessible via the pin controls are chosen to meet the needs of most high speed applications. For additional levels and flexibility in EQ, de-emphasis, and VOD programming, these settings can be controlled via the SMBus registers. Each control pin input has a total of four possible voltage level settings. In pin mode, Table 3 shows the 16 EQ settings available, and Table 4 shows the 16 deemphasis and VOD combination settings available. Note that when in pin mode, only 16 of a possible 256 EQ programmable levels can be accessed by setting the EQx[1:0] pins. In addition, each pin setting applied to the VOD_SEL and DEMx pin input programs a fixed combination of VOD and de-emphasis. In order to access all 256 EQ levels and control both VOD and de-emphasis settings independently, SMBus register access must be used. Table 3. Equalizer Settings EQUALIZATION BOOST RELATIVE TO DC LEVEL EQA1 EQB1 1 0 0 0000 0000 = 0x00 2.5 2 0 R 0000 0001 = 0x01 6.5 FR4 5 inch trace 3 0 F 0000 0010 = 0x02 9 FR4 10 inch trace 4 0 1 0000 0011 = 0x03 11.5 FR4 15 inch trace 5 R 0 0000 0111 = 0x07 14 FR4 20 inch trace 6 R R 0001 0101 = 0x15 15 FR4 25 inch trace 7 R F 0000 1011 = 0x0B 17 FR4 25 inch trace 8 R 1 0000 1111 = 0x0F 19 7m 30 AWG Cable 9 F 0 0101 0101 = 0x55 20 FR4 30 inch trace (1) 14 EQA0 EQB0 EQ -- 8 bits [7:0] dB BOOST at 5 GHz SUGGESTED MEDIA (1) FR4 < 5 inch trace Settings are approximate and will change based on PCB material, trace dimensions, and driver waveform characteristics. Optimal EQ settings should be determined via simulation and prototype verification. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 Table 3. Equalizer Settings (continued) EQUALIZATION BOOST RELATIVE TO DC LEVEL EQA1 EQB1 EQA0 EQB0 EQ -- 8 bits [7:0] dB BOOST at 5 GHz SUGGESTED MEDIA (1) 10 F R 0001 1111 = 0x1F 23 8m 30 AWG Cable FR4 35 inch trace 11 F F 0010 1111 = 0x2F 25 10m 30 AWG Cable 12 F 1 0011 1111 = 0x3F 27 13 1 0 1010 1010 = 0xAA 30 14 1 R 0111 1111 = 0x7F 31 15 1 F 1011 1111 = 0xBF 33 16 1 1 1111 1111 = 0xFF 34 10m to 12m, Cable Table 4. De-Emphasis and Output Voltage Settings (1) DEMA/B SMBus REGISTER DEM Level SMBus REGISTER VOD LEVEL VOD (mVpp) 0 0 000 000 700 0 0 F 010 000 700 -3.5 0 R 011 000 700 -6 4 0 1 101 000 700 -9 5 F 0 000 011 1000 0 6 F F 010 011 1000 -3.5 7 F R 011 011 1000 -6 8 F 1 101 011 1000 -9 9 R 0 000 101 1200 -0 10 R F 010 101 1200 -3.5 11 R R 011 101 1200 -6 12 R 1 101 101 1200 -9 13 1 0 000 100 1100 0 14 1 F 001 100 1100 -1.5 15 1 R 001 110 1300 -1.5 16 1 1 010 110 1300 -3.5 LEVEL VOD_SEL (2) (3) 1 2 3 (1) (2) (3) DEM (dB) The DS100BR111 VOD for OUTPUT A is limited to 700 mVpp in pin mode (ENSMB=0). With ENSMB = 1 or Float, the VOD for OUTPUT A can be adjusted with SMBus register 0x23 [4:2] as shown in Table 9. When VOD_SEL is in the Logic 1 state (1 k resistor to VIN or VDD), the DS100BR111 will support 10G-KR back-channel communication using pin control. In SMBus Mode, if VOD_SEL is in the Logic 1 state (1 k resistor to VIN or VDD), the DS100BR111 AD0-AD3 pins are internally forced to 0. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 15 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 8.5 Programming 8.5.1 System Management Bus (SMBus) and Configuration Registers The System Management Bus interface is compatible with the SMBus 2.0 physical layer specification. Tie ENSMB = 1 k to VDD (2.5 V mode) or VIN (3.3 V mode) to enable SMBus Slave Mode and allow access to the configuration registers. The DS100BR111 uses AD[3:0] inputs in both SMBus Modes. These AD[3:0] pins are the user set SMBus slave address inputs and have internal pull-downs. Based on the SMBus 2.0 specification, the DS100BR111 has a 7bit slave address. The LSB is set to 0'b (for a WRITE). When AD[3:0] pins are left floating or pulled low, AD[3:0] = 0000'b, and the device default address byte is 0xB0. The device supports up to 16 address bytes, as shown in Table 5. Table 5. Device Slave Address Bytes AD[3:0] SETTINGS FULL SLAVE ADDRESS BYTE (7-Bit ADDRESS + WRITE BIT) 7-Bit SLAVE ADDRESS (HEX) 0000 B0 58 0001 B2 59 0010 B4 5A 0011 B6 5B 0100 B8 5C 0101 BA 5D 0110 BC 5E 0111 BE 5F 1000 C0 60 1001 C2 61 1010 C4 62 1011 C6 63 1100 C8 64 1101 CA 65 1110 CC 66 1111 CE 67 The SDA and SCL pins are 3.3 V tolerant, but are not 5 V tolerant. An external pull-up resistor is required on the SDA and SCL line. The resistor value can be from 2 k to 5 k depending on the voltage, loading, and speed. 16 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 8.5.2 Transfer Of Data Via the SMBus During normal operation, the data on SDA must be stable during the time when SCL is High. There are three unique states for the SMBus: * START: A High-to-Low transition on SDA while SCL is High indicates a message START condition. * STOP: A Low-to-High transition on SDA while SCL is High indicates a message STOP condition. * IDLE: If SCL and SDA are both High for a time exceeding tBUF from the last detected STOP condition or if they are High for a total exceeding the maximum specification for tHIGH, then the bus will transfer to the IDLE state. 8.5.3 SMBus Transactions The device supports WRITE and READ transactions. See Table 9 for register address, type (Read/Write, Read Only), default value, and function information. 8.5.4 Writing a Register To 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. write a register, the following protocol is used (see SMBus 2.0 specification): The Host drives a START condition, the 7-bit SMBus address, and a "0" indicating a WRITE. The Device (Slave) drives the ACK bit ("0"). The Host drives the 8-bit Register Address. The Device drives an ACK bit ("0"). The Host drive the 8-bit data byte. The Device drives an ACK bit ("0"). The Host drives a STOP condition. Once the WRITE transaction is completed, the bus goes IDLE and communication with other SMBus devices may now occur. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 17 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 8.5.5 Reading a Register To read a register, the following protocol is used (see SMBus 2.0 specification): 1. The Host drives a START condition, the 7-bit SMBus address, and a "0" indicating a WRITE. 2. The Device (Slave) drives the ACK bit ("0"). 3. The Host drives the 8-bit Register Address. 4. The Device drives an ACK bit ("0"). 5. The Host drives a START condition. 6. The Host drives the 7-bit SMBus Address, and a "1" indicating a READ. 7. The Device drives an ACK bit "0". 8. The Device drives the 8-bit data value (register contents). 9. The Host drives a NACK bit "1"indicating end of the READ transfer. 10. The Host drives a STOP condition. Once the READ transaction is completed, the bus goes IDLE and communication with other SMBus devices may now occur. Please see Table 9 for more information. 8.5.6 EEPROM Programming The DS100BR111 supports reading directly from an external EEPROM device by implementing SMBus Master mode. When used in SMBus Master mode, the DS100BR111 will read directly from a specific location in the external EEPROM. When designing a system that uses external EEPROM, the following guidelines should be followed: * Set the DS100BR111 in SMBus Master Mode. - ENSMB (Pin 3) = Float * The external EEPROM device must support 1 MHz operation. * The external EEPROM device address byte must be 0xA0. * Set the AD[3:0] inputs for SMBus address byte. When AD[3:0] = 0000'b, the device address byte is 0xB0. * The device address can be set with the use of the AD[3:0] input up to 16 different addresses. Use the example below to set each of the SMBus addresses. - AD[3:0] = 0001'b, the device address byte is 0xB2 - AD[3:0] = 0010'b, the device address byte is 0xB4 - AD[3:0] = 0011'b, the device address byte is 0xB6 - AD[3:0] = 0100'b, the device address byte is 0xB8 * The master implementation in the DS100BR111 supports multiple devices reading from one EEPROM. When tying multiple devices to the SDA and SCL pins, use these guidelines: - Use adjacent SMBus addresses for the 4 devices - Use a pull-up resistor on SDA; value = 4.7 k - Use a pull-up resistor on SCL: value = 4.7 k - Daisy-chain READEN (Pin 17) and DONE (Pin 18) from one device to the next device in the sequence. 1. Tie READEN of the 1st device in the chain (U1) to GND 2. Tie DONE of U1 to READEN of U2 3. Tie DONE of U2 to READEN of U3 4. Tie DONE of U3 to READEN of U4 5. Optional: Tie DONE of U4 to a LED to show each of the devices have been loaded successfully 18 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 Master EEPROM Programming Below is an example of a 2 kbits (256 x 8-bit) EEPROM in hex format for the DS100BR111 device. The first 3 bytes of the EEPROM always contain a header common and necessary to control initialization of all devices connected to the same SMBus line. There is a CRC enable flag to enable or disable CRC checking. There is a MAP bit to flag the presence of an address map that specifies the configuration data start address in the EEPROM. If the MAP bit is not present, the configuration data start address immediately follows the 3-byte base header. A bit to indicate an EEPROM size > 256 bytes is necessary to address the EEPROM properly. There are 37 bytes of data size for each DS100BR111 device. For more details about EEPROM programming and Master mode, refer to SNLA228. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 :1000000000002000000407002FED4002FED4002FC4 :10001000AD4002FAD400005F568005F5A8005F5AE9 :100020008005F5A800005454F100000000000000A8 :1000300000000000000000000000000000000000C0 :1000400000000000000000000000000000000000B0 :1000500000000000000000000000000000000000A0 :100060000000000000000000000000000000000090 :100070000000000000000000000000000000000080 :100080000000000000000000000000000000000070 :100090000000000000000000000000000000000060 :1000A0000000000000000000000000000000000050 :1000B0000000000000000000000000000000000040 :1000C0000000000000000000000000000000000030 :1000D0000000000000000000000000000000000020 :1000E0000000000000000000000000000000000010 :1000F0000000000000000000000000000000000000 :00000001FF CRC-8 based on 40 bytes of data in this shaded area Insert the CRC value here MAX EEPROM Burst = 32 CRC Polynomial = 0x07 Figure 8. Typical EEPROM Data Set NOTE The maximum EEPROM size supported is 8 kbits (1024 x 8 bits). The CRC-8 calculation is performed for each device on the first 3 bytes of header information plus the 37 bytes of data for the DS100BR111 or 40 bytes in total. The result of this calculation is placed immediately after the DS100BR111 data in the EEPROM which ends with "5454". The CRC-8 in the DS100BR111 uses a polynomial = x8 + x2 + x + 1. There are two pins that provide unique functions in SMBus Master mode: * DONE * READEN When the DS100BR111 is powered up in SMBus Master mode, it reads its configuration from the external EEPROM when the READEN pin goes low. When the DS100BR111 is finished reading its configuration from the external EEPROM, it drives the DONE pin low. In applications where there is more than one DS100BR111 on the same SMBus, bus contention can result if more than one DS100BR111 tries to take control of the SMBus at the same time. The READEN and DONE pins prevent this bus contention. The system should be designed so that the READEN pin from one DS100BR111 in the system is driven low on power-up. This DS100BR111 will take command of the SMBus on power-up and will read its initial configuration from the external EEPROM. When the first DS100BR111 is finished reading its configuration, it will drive the DONE pin low. This pin should be Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 19 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 connected to the READEN pin of another DS100BR111. When this second DS100BR111 senses its READEN pin driven low, it will take command of the SMBus and read its initial configuration from the external EEPROM, after which it will set its DONE pin low. By connecting the DONE pin of each DS100BR111 to the READEN pin of the next DS100BR111, each DS100BR111 can read its initial configuration from the EEPROM without causing bus contention. EEPROM GND GND GND 3.3V AD0 SCL AD2 One or both of these lines should float for EEPROM larger than 256 bytes. SDA AD1 Note: Set AD[3:0] of each DS100BR111 to unique SMBus Address. SDA SCL SCL SDA ENSMB AD2 AD3 4 3 2 1 TX_DIS 5 6 AD3 23 8 23 INA- 22 VDD AD1 9 22 VDD AD1 9 22 VDD 21 VDD AD0 10 21 VDD AD0 10 21 VDD INB+ 11 20 OUTB+ INB+ 11 20 OUTB+ INB- 12 19 OUTB- INB- 12 19 OUTB- 16 17 18 VDD_SEL READEN DONE 18 15 VIN DONE 14 SD_TH 17 13 LOS READEN 18 DONE 16 17 READEN INA+ GND VDD_SEL OUTB- 15 19 VIN 12 14 INB- 13 OUTB+ SMBUS AND CONTROL LOS 20 SMBUS AND CONTROL SD_TH AD3 1 AD2 AD2 2 2 24 11 16 1 7 OUTA- INB+ VDD_SEL ENSMB OUTA+ INA- 10 15 3 INA+ 23 AD0 VIN SCL 24 8 9 14 SDA 7 OUTA- AD1 13 4 OUTA+ INA- 8 LOS TX_DIS INA+ 7 OUTA- SD_TH FLOAT 24 OUTA+ SMBUS AND CONTROL 5 ENSMB 3 FLOAT 6 SCL SDA 4 TX_DIS 5 From External SMBus Master 6 FLOAT Figure 9. Typical Multi-device EEPROM Connection Diagram EEPROM Address Mapping A detailed EEPROM Address Mapping for a single device is shown in Table 6. For instances where multiple devices are written to EEPROM, the device starting address definitions align starting with Byte 0x03. A register map overview for a multi-device EEPROM address map is shown in Table 7. 20 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 Table 6. Single Device with Default Value EEPROM Address Byte Description Default Value 0x00 0x00 0x01 Description Default Value 0x02 0x00 BIT 6 BIT 5 SMBus Register BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 Address Map Present EEPROM > 256 Bytes Reserved DEVICE COUNT[3] DEVICE COUNT[2] DEVICE COUNT[1] DEVICE COUNT[0] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Max EEPROM Burst size[7] Max EEPROM Burst size[6] Max EEPROM Burst size[5] Max EEPROM Burst size[4] Max EEPROM Burst size[3] Max EEPROM Burst size[2] Max EEPROM Burst size[1] Max EEPROM Burst size[0] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reserved Reserved Sel_LOS Reserved Reserved Cont_talk_EN_CH Cont_talk_EN_CH Reserved A B Description BIT 4 CRC_EN 0x00 Description Default Value BIT 7 0x01[6] 0x01[5] 0x01[4] 0x01[3] 0x01[2] 0x01[1] 0x01[0] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Ovrd_LOS LOS_Value PWDN_Inputs PWDN_Osc Reserved eSATA En CHA eSATA En CHB Ovrd TX_DIS SMBus Register 0x02[5] 0x02[4] 0x02[3] 0x02[2] 0x02[0] 0x04[7] 0x04[6] 0x04[5] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TX_DIS CHA TX_DIS CHB Reserved EQ Stage 4 CHB EQ Stage 4 CHA Reserved Ovrd IDLE_TH Reserved 0x04[4] 0x04[3] 0x04[2] 0x04[1] 0x04[0] 0x06[4] 0x08[6] 0x08[5] 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Description Ovrd IDLE Reserved Ovrd Out_Mode Ovrd DEM Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved SMBus Register 0x08[4] 0x08[3] 0x08[2] 0x08[1] 0x08[0] 0x0B[6] 0x0B[5] 0x0B[4] 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Description Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved CHA_Idle_Auto CHA_Idle_Sel Reserved Reserved SMBus Register 0x0B[3] 0x0B[2] 0x0B[1] 0x0B[0] 0x0E[5] 0x0E[4] 0x0E[3] 0x0E[2] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Default Value Default Value 0x03 0x01[7] 0x00 0x04 0x00 Description SMBus Register Default Value Default Value Default Value 0x05 0x04 0x06 0x07 0x00 0x07 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 21 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 Table 6. Single Device with Default Value (continued) EEPROM Address Byte BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 Description CHA_EQ[7] CHA_EQ[6] CHA_EQ[5] CHA_EQ[4] CHA_EQ[3] CHA_EQ[2] CH0_EQ[1] CH0_EQ[0] SMBus Register 0x0F[7] 0x0F[6] 0x0F[5] 0x0F[4] 0x0F[3] 0x0F[2] 0x0F[1] 0x0F[0] 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 Description CHA_Sel SCP CHA_Out Mode Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved SMBus Register 0x10[7] 0x10[6] 0x10[5] 0x10[4] 0x10[3] 0x10[2] 0x10[1] 0x10[0] 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 Description CHA_DEM[2] CHA_DEM[1] CHA_DEM[0] Reserved CHA_Idle_ThA[1] CHA_Idle_ThA[0] CHA_Idle_ThD[1] CHA_Idle_ThD[0] SMBus Register 0x11[2] 0x11[1] 0x11[0] 0x12[7] 0x12[3] 0x12[2] 0x12[1] 0x12[0] 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 CHB_Idle_Auto CHB_Idle_Sel Reserved Reserved CHB_EQ[7] CHB_EQ[6] CHB_EQ[5] CHB_EQ[4] 0x15[5] 0x15[4] 0x15[3] 0x15[2] 0x16[7] 0x16[6] 0x16[5] 0x16[4] 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Description CHB_EQ[3] CHB_EQ[2] CHB_EQ[1] CHB_EQ[0] CHB_Sel SCP CHB_Out Mode Reserved Reserved SMBus Register 0x16[3] 0x16[2] 0x16[1] 0x16[0] 0x17[7] 0x17[6] 0x17[5] 0x17[4] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 Description Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved CHB_DEM[2] CHB_DEM[1] CHB_DEM[0] Reserved SMBus Register 0x17[3] 0x17[2] 0x17[1] 0x17[0] 0x18[2] 0x18[1] 0x18[0] 0x19[7] 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 Description CHB_Idle_ThA[1] CHB_Idle_ThA[0] CHB_Idle_ThD[1] CHB_Idle_ThD[0] Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved SMBus Register 0x19[3] 0x19[2] 0x19[1] 0x19[0] 0x1C[5] 0x1C[4] 0x1C[3] 0x1C[2] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved SMBus Register 0x1D[7] 0x1D[6] 0x1D[5] 0x1D[4] 0x1D[3] 0x1D[2] 0x1D[1] 0x1D[0] 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 Default Value 0x08 0x2F Default Value 0x09 0xED Default Value 0x0A 0x40 Description SMBus Register Default Value 0x02 Default Value 0x0D 0xD4 Default Value 22 0x0C 0xFE Default Value Default Value 0x0B 0x0E 0x00 0x2F 0x0F Submit Documentation Feedback BIT 1 BIT 0 Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 Table 6. Single Device with Default Value (continued) EEPROM Address Byte BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 Description Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved SMBus Register 0x1E[7] 0x1E[6] 0x1E[5] 0x1E[4] 0x1E[3] 0x1E[2] 0x1E[1] 0x1E[0] 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 Description Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved SMBus Register 0x1F[2] 0x1F[1] 0x1F[0] 0x20[7] 0x20[3] 0x20[2] 0x20[1] 0x20[0] 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved CHA_VOD[2] CHA_VOD[1] CHA_VOD[0] Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved SMBus Register 0x23[5] 0x23[4] 0x23[3] 0x23[2] 0x24[7] 0x24[6] 0x24[5] 0x24[4] 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved 0x24[3] 0x24[2] 0x24[1] 0x24[0] 0x25[7] 0x25[6] 0x25[5] 0x25[4] 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 Description Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved SMBus Register 0x25[3] 0x25[2] 0x25[1] 0x25[0] 0x26[2] 0x26[1] 0x26[0] 0x27[7] 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 Description Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Ovrd_Fast IDLE hi_idle_th_CHA hi_idle_th_CHB fast_idle_CHA SMBus Register 0x27[3] 0x27[2] 0x27[1] 0x27[0] 0x28[6] 0x28[5] 0x28[4] 0x28[3] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description fast_idle_CHB Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved SMBus Register 0x28[2] 0x28[1] 0x28[0] 0x2B[5] 0x2B[4] 0x2B[3] 0x2B[2] 0x2C[7] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved SMBus Register 0x2C[6] 0x2C[5] 0x2C[4] 0x2C[3] 0x2C[2] 0x2C[1] 0x2C[0] 0x2D[7] 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 Default Value Default Value Default Value 0x10 0xAD 0x11 0x40 0x12 0x02 Description SMBus Register Default Value Default Value Default Value Default Value Default Value 0x13 0xFA 0x14 0xD4 0x15 0x00 0x16 0x00 0x5F 0x17 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 23 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 Table 6. Single Device with Default Value (continued) EEPROM Address Byte BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 Description Reserved Reserved CHB_VOD[2] CHB_VOD[1] CHB_VOD[0] Reserved Reserved Reserved SMBus Register 0x2D[6] 0x2D[5] 0x2D[4] 0x2D[3] 0x2D[2] 0x2D[1] 0x2D[0] 0x2E[2] 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 Description Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved SMBus Register 0x2E[1] 0x2E[0] 0x2F[7] 0x2F[3] 0x2F[2] 0x2F[1] 0x2F[0] 0x32[5] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved SMBus Register 0x32[4] 0x32[3] 0x32[2] 0x33[7] 0x33[6] 0x33[5] 0x33[4] 0x33[3] 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved 0x33[2] 0x33[1] 0x33[0] 0x34[7] 0x34[6] 0x34[5] 0x34[4] 0x34[3] 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 Description Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved SMBus Register 0x34[2] 0x34[1] 0x34[0] 0x35[2] 0x35[1] 0x35[0] 0x36[7] 0x36[3] 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 Description Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved SMBus Register 0x36[2] 0x36[1] 0x36[0] 0x39[5] 0x39[4] 0x39[3] 0x39[2] 0x3A[7] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved SMBus Register 0x3A[6] 0x3A[5] 0x3A[4] 0x3A[3] 0x3A[2] 0x3A[1] 0x3A[0] 0x3B[7] 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 Description Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved SMBus Register 0x3B[6] 0x3B[5] 0x3B[4] 0x3B[3] 0x3B[2] 0x3B[1] 0x3B[0] 0x3C[2] 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 Default Value 0x18 0x5A Default Value 0x19 0x80 Default Value 0x1A 0x05 Description SMBus Register Default Value 0xF5 Default Value 0x1D 0x00 Default Value 24 0x1C 0xA8 Default Value Default Value 0x1B 0x1E 0x5F 0x5A 0x1F Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 Table 6. Single Device with Default Value (continued) EEPROM Address Byte BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 Description Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved SMBus Register 0x3C[1] 0x3C[0] 0x3D[7] 0x3D[3] 0x3D[2] 0x3D[1] 0x3D[0] 0x40[5] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved SMBus Register 0x40[4] 0x40[3] 0x40[2] 0x41[7] 0x41[6] 0x41[5] 0x41[4] 0x41[3] 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Description Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved SMBus Register 0x41[2] 0x41[1] 0x41[0] 0x42[7] 0x42[6] 0x42[5] 0x42[4] 0x42[3] 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved 0x42[2] 0x42[1] 0x42[0] 0x43[2] 0x43[1] 0x43[0] 0x44[7] 0x44[3] 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 Description Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved SMBus Register 0x44[2] 0x44[1] 0x44[0] 0x47[3] 0x47[2] 0x47[1] 0x47[0] 0x48[7] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved SMBus Register 0x48[6] 0x4C[7] 0x4C[6] 0x4C[5] 0x4C[4] 0x4C[3] 0x4C[0] 0x59[0] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Description Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved SMBus Register 0x5A[7] 0x5A[6] 0x5A[5] 0x5A[4] 0x5A[3] 0x5A[2] 0x5A[1] 0x5A[0] 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 Description Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved SMBus Register 0x5B[7] 0x5B[6] 0x5B[5] 0x5B[4] 0x5B[3] 0x5B[2] 0x5B[1] 0x5B[0] 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 Default Value Default Value Default Value 0x20 0x80 0x21 0x05 0x22 0xF5 Description SMBus Register Default Value Default Value Default Value Default Value Default Value 0x23 0xA8 0x24 0x00 0x25 0x00 0x26 0x54 0x54 0x27 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 25 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 Table 7. Multi-Device EEPROM Address Map Overview (1) ADDR BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 0 CRC EN Address Map EEPROM > 256 Bytes Reserved COUNT[3] COUNT[2] COUNT[1] COUNT[0] 1 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved 2 EE Burst[7] EE Burst[6] EE Burst[5] EE Burst[4] EE Burst[3] EE Burst[2] EE Burst[1] EE Burst[0] Device 0 Info 3 CRC[7] CRC[6] CRC[5] CRC[4] CRC[3] CRC[2] CRC[1] CRC[0] 4 EE AD0 [7] EE AD0 [6] EE AD0 [5] EE AD0 [4] EE AD0 [3] EE AD0 [2] EE AD0 [1] EE AD0 [0] Device 1 Info 5 CRC[7] CRC[6] CRC[5] CRC[4] CRC[3] CRC[2] CRC[1] CRC[0] 6 EE AD1 [7] EE AD1 [6] EE AD1 [5] EE AD1 [4] EE AD1 [3] EE AD1 [2] EE AD1 [1] EE AD1 [0] Device 2 Info 7 CRC[7] CRC[6] CRC[5] CRC[4] CRC[3] CRC[2] CRC[1] CRC[0] 8 EE AD2 [7] EE AD2 [6] EE AD2 [5] EE AD2 [4] EE AD2 [3] EE AD2 [2] EE AD2 [1] EE AD2 [0] Device 3 Info 9 CRC[7] CRC[6] CRC[5] CRC[4] CRC[3] CRC[2] CRC[1] CRC[0] 10 EE AD3 [7] EE AD3 [6] EE AD3 [5] EE AD3 [4] EE AD3 [3] EE AD3 [2] EE AD3 [1] EE AD3 [0] Device 0 Addr 3 11 RES RES RES RES RES Sel_LOS RES RES Device 0 Addr 4 12 Ovrd_LOS LOS_Value PWDN Inp PWDN OSC RES eSATA CHA eSATA CHB Ovrd TX_DIS Device 0 Addr 38 46 RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES Device 0 Addr 39 47 RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES Device 1 Addr 3 48 RES RES RES RES RES Sel_LOS RES RES Device 1 Addr 4 49 Ovrd_LOS LOS_Value PWDN Inp PWDN OSC RES eSATA CHA eSATA CHB Ovrd TX_DIS Device 1 Addr 38 83 RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES Device 1 Addr 39 84 RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES Device 2 Addr 3 85 RES RES RES RES RES Sel_LOS RES RES Device 2 Addr 4 86 Ovrd_LOS LOS_Value PWDN Inp PWDN OSC RES eSATA CHA eSATA CHB Ovrd TX_DIS Header (1) 26 (a) (b) (c) (d) CRC EN = 1; Address Map = 1 EEPROM > 256 Bytes = 0 COUNT[3:0] = 0011'b Note: Multiple DS100BR111 devices may point at the same address space if they have identical programming values. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 Table 7. Multi-Device EEPROM Address Map Overview(1) (continued) ADDR BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 Device 2 Addr 38 120 RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES Device 2 Addr 39 121 RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES Device 3 Addr 3 122 RES RES RES RES RES Sel_LOS RES RES Device 3 Addr 4 123 Ovrd_LOS LOS_Value PWDN Inp PWDN OSC RES eSATA CHA eSATA CHB Ovrd TX_DIS Device 3 Addr 38 157 RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES Device 3 Addr 39 158 RES RES RES RES RES RES RES RES Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 27 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 Table 8. Multi DS100BR111 EEPROM Data EEPROM ADDRESS ADDRESS (HEX) EEPROM DATA COMMENTS 0 00 0x43 1 01 0x00 2 02 0x08 EEPROM Burst Size 3 03 0x00 CRC not used 4 04 0x0B Device 0 Address Location 5 05 0x00 CRC not used 6 06 0x30 Device 1 Address Location 7 07 0x00 CRC not used 8 08 0x30 Device 2 Address Location 9 09 0x00 CRC not used 10 0A 0x0B Device 3 Address Location 11 0B 0x00 Begin Device 0 and Device 3 - Address Offset 3 12 0C 0x00 13 0D 0x04 14 0E 0x07 15 0F 0x00 16 10 0x2F 17 11 0xED 18 12 0x40 19 13 0x02 Default EQ CHB 20 14 0xFE Default EQ CHB 21 15 0xD4 22 16 0x00 23 17 0x2F 24 18 0xAD 25 19 0x40 26 1A 0x02 27 1B 0xFA 28 1C 0xD4 29 1D 0x00 30 1E 0x00 31 1F 0x5F 32 20 0x5A 33 21 0x80 34 22 0x05 35 23 0xF5 36 24 0xA8 37 25 0x00 38 26 0x5F 39 27 0x5A 40 28 0x80 41 29 0x05 42 2A 0xF5 43 2B 0xA8 44 2C 0x00 45 2D 0x00 46 2E 0x54 28 CRC_EN = 0, Address Map = 1, Device Count = 3 (Devices 0, 1, 2, and 3) Default EQ CHA BR111 CHA VOD = 700 mVpp BR111 CHB VOD = 1000 mVpp Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 Table 8. Multi DS100BR111 EEPROM Data (continued) EEPROM ADDRESS ADDRESS (HEX) EEPROM DATA COMMENTS 47 2F 0x54 End Device 0 and Device 3 - Address Offset 39 48 30 0x00 Begin Device 1 and Device 2 - Address Offset 3 49 31 0x00 50 32 0x04 51 33 0x07 52 34 0x00 53 35 0x2F 54 36 0xED 55 37 0x40 56 38 0x02 Default EQ CHB 57 39 0xFE Default EQ CHB 58 3A 0xD4 59 3B 0x00 60 3C 0x2F 61 3D 0xAD 62 3E 0x40 63 3F 0x02 64 40 0xFA 65 41 0xD4 66 42 0x00 67 43 0x00 68 44 0x5F 69 45 0x5A 70 46 0x80 71 47 0x05 72 48 0xF5 73 49 0xA8 74 4A 0x00 75 4B 0x5F 76 4C 0x5A 77 4D 0x80 78 4E 0x05 79 4F 0xF5 80 50 0xA8 81 51 0x00 82 52 0x00 83 53 0x54 84 54 0x54 Default EQ CHA BR111 CHA VOD = 700 mVpp BR111 CHB VOD = 1000 mVpp End Device 1 and Device 2 - Address Offset 39 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 29 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 8.6 Register Maps Table 9. SMBus Slave Mode Register Map ADDRESS 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 30 REGISTER NAME BIT TYPE Control 3 Reserved EEPROM REG BIT R/W DESCRIPTION Reserved 6:3 SMBus Address [3:0] R 2 EEPROM Reading Done R 1:0 Reserved Set bit to 0 7:6 Idle Control 5:3 Reserved 2 LOS Select LOS Monitor Selection 1 = Use LOS from CH B 0 = Use LOS from CH A 1:0 Reserved Set bits to 0 7:6 Reserved Set bits to 0 5 LOS override 4 LOS override value SMBus strap observation 0x00 1 = EEPROM Done Loading 0 = EEPROM Loading RWSC Set bits to 0 Continuous Talk Control (Output Always On) [7]: Continuous talk ENABLE (Channel A) [6]: Continuous talk ENABLE (Channel B) R/W Control 2 Reserved DEFAULT 7 Device ID Control 1 FIELD R/W 0x00 Yes Set bits to 0 Yes 1 = LOS pin override enable 0 = Use Normal Signal Detection Yes 1 = Normal Operation 0 = Output LOS 0x00 3 PWDN Inputs Yes 2 PWDN Oscillator Yes 1 Reserved 0 Reserved 7:0 Reserved 7:6 eSATA Mode Enable [7] Channel A (1) [6] Channel B (1) 5 TX_DIS Override Enable 1 = Override Use Reg 0x04[4:3] 0 = Normal Operation - uses pin 4 TX_DIS Value Channel A 1 = Channel A TX Disabled 0 = Channel A TX Enabled 3 TX_DIS Value Channel B 1 = Channel B TX Disabled 0 = Channel B TX Enabled 2 Reserved 1:0 EQ Stage 4 Limiting Control 7:0 Reserved 1 = PWDN 0 = Normal Operation Set bit to 0 Yes R/W R/W 0x00 0x00 Set bit to 0 Reserved Yes Set bit to 0 [1]: Channel B - EQ Stage 4 Limiting On/Off [0]: Channel A - EQ Stage 4 Limiting On/Off Setting this control bit turns on added voltage gain compared to normal operating range. If the bits are set to 1 (On), the EQ will act as a limiting amplifier, resulting in reduction of overall linear gain characteristics. Turning these bits On is not recommended for 10G-KR applications. R/W 0x00 Submit Documentation Feedback Reserved Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 Register Maps (continued) Table 9. SMBus Slave Mode Register Map (continued) ADDRESS 0x06 0x07 0x08 REGISTER NAME Slave Register Control Digital Reset and Control Pin Override BIT FIELD TYPE 7 Disable EEPROM CFG 6:5 Reserved 4 Reserved DEFAULT EEPROM REG BIT Disable Master Mode EEPROM Configuration Set bits to 0 Yes 3 Register Enable 2:1 Reserved Set bits to 0 0 Reserved Set bit to 0 7 Reserved Set bit to 0 6 Reset Registers 1 = Self clearing reset for SMBus registers (register settings return to default values) 5 Reset SMBus Master 4:0 Reserved Set bits to 0 0001'b 7 Reserved Set bit to 0 6 Override Idle Threshold Yes 1 = Override by Channel - see Reg 0x13 and 0x19 0 = SD_TH pin control 5 Reserved Yes Set bit to 0 4 Override IDLE Yes 1 = Force IDLE by Channel - see Reg 0x0E and 0x15 0 = Normal Operation 3 Reserved R/W 2 Reserved Set bit to 1 1 = Enable SMBus Slave Mode Register Control 0 = Disable SMBus Slave Mode Register Control Note: In order to change VOD, DEM, and EQ of the channels in slave mode, this bit must be set to 1. R/W R/W 0x10 0x01 1 = Self clearing reset to SMBus master state machine Set bit to 0 Note: For all applications operating > 8Gbps, users must set this bit to 1 and enable all channels manually. 0x00 Yes 0x09-0x0A DESCRIPTION Override Output Mode 1 = Enable Output Mode control for individual outputs. See register locations 0x10[6] and 0x17[6]. 0 = Disable - Outputs are kept in the normal mode of operation allowing VOD and DE adjustments. 1 Override DEM Yes Override De-emphasis (ignore rate) 0 Reserved Yes Set bit to 0 7:0 Reserved 7 Reserved 6:0 Reserved R/W 0x00 R/W 0x70 Reserved Reserved 0x0B Reserved 0x0C CH A Analog Override 1 7:0 Reserved R/W 0x00 Set bits to 0x00 0x0D CH A Reserved 7:0 Reserved R/W 0x00 Set bits to 0x00. Yes Reserved Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 31 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 Register Maps (continued) Table 9. SMBus Slave Mode Register Map (continued) ADDRESS 0x0E 0x0F 0x10 0x11 0x12 32 REGISTER NAME BIT FIELD 7:6 Reserved 5 Idle Auto 4 CH A Control 1 EEPROM REG BIT DESCRIPTION Set bits to 0 1 = Allow IDLE Select control in bit 4 0 = Automatic IDLE detect (Must set 0x08[4] = 1 to override pin-select control) Idle Select Yes 1 = Output is muted (electrical IDLE) 0 = Output is on (Must set 0x08[4] = 1 to override pin-select control) 3:2 Reserved Yes Set bits to 0 1:0 Reserved 7:0 BOOST [7:0] 7 Sel_scp 6 Output Mode 5:3 2:0 7:5 Reserved 4:3 Reserved Set bits to 0 2:0 DEM [2:0] Yes De-Emphasis 000'b = -0.0 dB 001'b = -1.5 dB 010'b = -3.5 dB (Default) 011'b = -6.0 dB 100'b = -8.0 dB 101'b = -9.0 dB 110'b = -10.5 dB 111'b = -12.0 dB 7 Reserved Yes Set bit to 0 6:4 Reserved Set bits to 0 IDLE Assert Threshold[1:0] Yes Assert Thresholds Use only if register 0x08 [6] = 1 00'b = 180 mVpp (Default) 01'b = 160 mVpp 10'b = 210 mVpp 11'b = 190 mVpp Yes De-assert Thresholds Use only if register 0x08 [6] = 1 00'b = 110 mVpp (Default) 01'b = 100 mVpp 10'b = 150 mVpp 11'b = 130 mVpp R/W 3:2 0x00 Set bits to 0 Yes EQ Boost Default to 24 dB See Table 3 for Information Yes 1 = Short Circuit Protection ON 0 = Short Circuit Protection OFF Yes 1 = Normal operation 0 = 10G-KR operation Reserved Yes Set bits to 101'b Reserved Yes Set bits to 101'b CH A Control 2 CH A Idle Threshold DEFAULT Yes CH A Idle Control CH A EQ Setting TYPE R/W R/W IDLE De-assert Threshold[1:0] 0xED R R/W R/W 1:0 0x2F Set bits to 100'b 0x82 0x00 0x13 CH B Analog Override 1 7:0 Reserved R/W 0x00 Set bits to 0x00 0x14 CH B Reserved 7:0 Reserved R/W 0x00 Set bits to 0x00 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 Register Maps (continued) Table 9. SMBus Slave Mode Register Map (continued) ADDRESS 0x15 0x16 0x17 0x18 0x19 REGISTER NAME BIT FIELD 7:6 Reserved 5 Idle Auto 4 CH B Control 1 0x1A-0x1B Reserved 0x1C Reserved EEPROM REG BIT DESCRIPTION Set bits to 0 1 = Allow IDLE Select control in bit 4 0 = Automatic IDLE detect (Must set 0x08[4] = 1 to override pin-select control) Idle Select Yes 1 = Output is muted (electrical IDLE) 0 = Output is on (Must set 0x08[4] = 1 to override pin-select control) 3:2 Reserved Yes Set bits to 0 1:0 Reserved 7:0 BOOST [7:0] 7 Sel_scp 6 Output Mode 5:3 2:0 7:5 Reserved 4:3 Reserved Set bits to 0 2:0 DEM [2:0] Yes De-Emphasis (Default = -3.5 dB) 000'b = -0.0 dB 001'b = -1.5 dB 010'b = -3.5 dB 011'b = -6.0 dB 100'b = -8.0 dB 101'b = -9.0 dB 110'b = -10.5 dB 111'b = -12.0 dB 7 Reserved Yes Set bit to 0 6:4 Reserved Set bits to 0 IDLE Assert Threshold[1:0] Yes Assert Thresholds Use only if register 0x08 [6] = 1 00'b = 180 mVpp (Default) 01'b = 160 mVpp 10'b = 210 mVpp 11'b = 190 mVpp Yes De-assert Thresholds Use only if register 0x08 [6] = 1 00'b = 110 mVpp (Default) 01'b = 100 mVpp 10'b = 150 mVpp 11'b = 130 mVpp R/W 3:2 0x00 Set bits to 0 Yes EQ Boost Default to 24 dB See Table 3 for Information Yes 1 = Short Circuit Protection ON 0 = Short Circuit Protection OFF Yes 1 = Normal operation 0 = 10G-KR operation Reserved Yes Set bits to 101'b Reserved Yes Set bits to 101'b CH B Control 2 CH B Idle Threshold DEFAULT Yes CH B Idle Control CH B EQ Setting TYPE R/W R/W IDLE De-assert Threshold[1:0] 7:0 Reserved 7:6 Reserved 5:2 Reserved 1:0 Reserved 0xED R R/W R/W 1:0 0x2F Set bits to 100'b 0x82 0x00 R/W 0x00 R/W 0x00 Reserved Reserved Yes Reserved Reserved 0x1D Reserved 7:0 Reserved R/W 0x2F Yes Reserved 0x1E Reserved 7:0 Reserved R/W 0xAD Yes Reserved 7:3 Reserved 2:0 Reserved R/W 0x02 0x1F Reserved Reserved Yes Reserved Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 33 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 Register Maps (continued) Table 9. SMBus Slave Mode Register Map (continued) ADDRESS 0x20 0x21-0x22 0x23 REGISTER NAME Reserved Reserved CH A VOD Control FIELD 7 Reserved 6:4 Reserved 3:0 Reserved 7:0 Reserved 7:6 Reserved 5 Reserved 4:2 VOD_CHA[2:0] 1:0 Reserved TYPE DEFAULT EEPROM REG BIT Yes R/W 0x00 Reserved Reserved Yes R/W DESCRIPTION 0x00 Reserved Reserved Set bits to 0 R/W 0x00 Yes Set bit to 0 Yes VOD Controls for CH A 000'b = 700 mVpp (Default) 001'b = 800 mVpp 010'b = 900 mVpp 011'b = 1000 mVpp 100'b = 1100 mVpp 101'b = 1200 mVpp 110'b = 1300 mVpp Set bits to 0 0x24 Reserved 7:0 Reserved R/W 0x2F Yes Reserved 0x25 Reserved 7:0 Reserved R/W 0xAD Yes Reserved 7:3 Reserved 2:0 Reserved R/W 0x02 7 Reserved 6:4 Reserved 3:0 Reserved 7 Reserved 6 Override Fast Idle 5:4 en_hi_idle_th[1:0] 3:2 en_fast_idle[1:0] 1:0 Reserved 7:0 Reserved 7:6 Reserved 5:2 Reserved 1:0 Reserved 7:0 Reserved 7:5 Reserved 0x26 0x27 0x28 Reserved Reserved Idle Control 0x29-0x2A Reserved 0x2B Reserved 0x2C 0x2D 0x2E 34 BIT Reserved CH B VOD Control Reserved 4:2 VOD_CHB[2:0] 1:0 Reserved 7:3 Reserved 2:0 Reserved R/W Reserved Yes Reserved Yes Reserved 0x00 Reserved Yes Reserved Set bit to 0 R/W 0x00 R/W 0x00 R/W 0x00 Yes 1 = Enable Fast IDLE control in Reg 0x28[3:2] 0 = Disable Fast IDLE control in Reg 0x28[3:2]. Yes Enable high SD thresholds (Slow IDLE) [5]: CH A [4]: CH B Yes Enable Fast IDLE [3]: CH A [2]: CH B Yes Set bits to 0 Reserved Reserved Yes Reserved Reserved R/W R/W R/W 0x2F 0xAD 0x02 Yes Reserved Yes Set bits to 101'b Yes VOD Controls for CH B 000'b = 700 mVpp 001'b = 800 mVpp 010'b = 900 mVpp 011'b = 1000 mVpp (Default) 100'b = 1100 mVpp 101'b = 1200 mVpp 110'b = 1300 mVpp Yes Set bits to 01'b Reserved Yes Submit Documentation Feedback Reserved Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 Register Maps (continued) Table 9. SMBus Slave Mode Register Map (continued) ADDRESS 0x2F REGISTER NAME Reserved 0x30-0x31 Reserved 0x32 Reserved BIT FIELD 7 Reserved 6:4 Reserved 3:0 Reserved 7:0 Reserved 7:6 Reserved 5:2 Reserved 1:0 Reserved TYPE DEFAULT EEPROM REG BIT Yes R/W 0x00 0x00 R/W 0x00 Reserved Reserved Yes R/W DESCRIPTION Reserved Reserved Reserved Yes Reserved Reserved 0x33 Reserved 7:0 Reserved R/W 0x2F Yes Reserved 0x34 Reserved 7:0 Reserved R/W 0xAD Yes Reserved 7:3 Reserved 2:0 Reserved R/W 0x02 7 Reserved 6:4 Reserved R/W 0x00 3:0 Reserved 7:0 Reserved 7:6 Reserved 5:2 Reserved 0x35 Reserved 0x36 Reserved 0x37-0x38 Reserved Reserved Yes Reserved Yes Reserved Reserved Yes R/W 0x00 R/W 0x00 Yes Reserved Reserved Reserved 0x39 Reserved 1:0 Reserved 0x3A Reserved 7:0 Reserved R/W 0x2F Yes Reserved 0x3B Reserved 7:0 Reserved R/W 0xAD Yes Reserved 7:3 Reserved 2:0 Reserved R/W 0x02 7 Reserved 6:4 Reserved 3:0 Reserved 7:0 Reserved 7:6 Reserved 5:2 Reserved 1:0 Reserved 0x3C Reserved 0x3D Reserved 0x3E-0x3F Reserved 0x40 Reserved Reserved Reserved R/W 0x00 R/W 0x00 Reserved Yes Reserved Yes Reserved Reserved Yes Reserved Reserved Reserved R/W 0x00 Yes Reserved Reserved 0x41 Reserved 7:0 Reserved R/W 0x2F Yes Reserved 0x42 Reserved 7:0 Reserved R/W 0xAD Yes Reserved 0x43 Reserved 7:3 Reserved 2:0 Reserved R/W 0x02 7 Reserved 6:4 Reserved 3:0 Reserved 0x44 Reserved R/W Reserved Yes Reserved Yes Reserved 0x00 Reserved Yes Reserved 0x45 Reserved 7:0 Reserved R/W 0x00 Reserved 0x46 Reserved 7:0 Reserved R/W 0x38 Reserved 7:4 Reserved 3:0 Reserved R/W 0x00 7:6 Reserved 5:0 Reserved 7:0 Reserved 0x47 Reserved 0x48 Reserved 0x49-0x4B Reserved R/W 0x05 R/W 0x00 Reserved Yes Reserved Yes Reserved Reserved Reserved Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 35 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 Register Maps (continued) Table 9. SMBus Slave Mode Register Map (continued) ADDRESS 0x4C REGISTER NAME Reserved BIT FIELD 7:3 Reserved 2:1 Reserved 0 Reserved 0x4D-0x50 Reserved 7:0 Reserved 0x51 Device Information 7:5 Version 4:0 Device ID 0x52-0x55 Reserved 7:0 0x56 Reserved 0x57 Reserved 0x58 Reserved TYPE DEFAULT EEPROM REG BIT Yes R/W 0x00 DESCRIPTION Reserved Reserved Yes Reserved R/W 0x00 Reserved R 0x67 Reserved R/W 0x00 Reserved 7:0 Reserved R/W 0x02 Reserved 7:0 Reserved R/W 0x14 Reserved 7:0 Reserved R/W 0x21 Reserved 7:1 Reserved R/W 0x00 011'b 0 0111'b Reserved 0x59 Reserved 0 Reserved Yes Reserved 0x5A Reserved 7:0 Reserved R/W 0x54 Yes Reserved 0x5B Reserved 7:0 Reserved R/W 0x54 Yes Reserved 0x5C-0x61 Reserved 7:0 Reserved R/W 0x00 36 Submit Documentation Feedback Reserved Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 9 Application and Implementation NOTE Information in the following applications sections is not part of the TI component specification, and TI does not warrant its accuracy or completeness. TI's customers are responsible for determining suitability of components for their purposes. Customers should validate and test their design implementation to confirm system functionality. 9.1 Application Information 9.1.1 Signal Integrity in 10G-KR Applications When configured in "KR Mode", using either the VOD_SEL and MODE pin setting or SMBus register control, the DS100BR111 is designed to operate transparently within a KR backplane channel environment. Installing a DS100BR111 repeater within the KR backplane channel splits the total channel attenuation into two parts. In other words, operating in "KR Mode" implies that signals will pass through the repeater with a linearized output. Ideally the repeater can be placed near the middle of the channel, maximizing the signal-to-noise ratio across the bidirectional interface. In order to maximize the 10G-KR solution space, the 802.3ap specification calls for an optimization of the Tx partner signal conditioning coefficients based on feedback from the KR Rx ASIC endpoint. This link optimization sequence is commonly referred to as "link training" and is performed at speed (10.3125 Gbps). Setting the DS100BR111 active CTLE to compensate for the channel loss from each of the KR transmitters will reduce the transmit and receive equalization settings required on the KR physical layer devices. This central location keeps a larger signal-to-noise ratio at all points in the channel, extending the available solution space and increasing the overall margin of almost any channel. Suggested initial settings for the DS100BR111 are given in Table 10 and Table 11. Further adjustments to EQx, DEMx, and VODx settings may optimize signal margin on the link for different system applications. Table 10. Suggested 10G-KR Initial Device Settings in Pin Mode (1) (1) CHANNEL SETTINGS PIN MODE EQx[1:0] 0, 0 VOD_SEL 1 DEMx 0 For 10G-KR mode with slow idle-to-active response, the MODE pin should be left floating. Table 11. Suggested 10G-KR Initial Device Settings in SMBus Modes CHANNEL SETTINGS SMBus MODES EQx 0x00 VODx 100'b DEMx 000'b The SMBus Slave Mode code example in Table 12 may be used to program the DS100BR111 with the recommended device settings. Table 12. SMBus 10G-KR Example Sequence REGISTER WRITE VALUE 0x06 0x18 Set SMBus Slave Mode Register Enable. COMMENTS 0x08 0x04 Enable Output Mode Control for individual channel outputs. 0x0F 0x00 Set CHA EQ to 0x00. 0x10 0xAD Set CHA Output Mode to Linear (10G-KR mode). If link-training is not required, set Reg 0x10 to 0xED. 0x11 0x00 Set CHA DEM to 000'b. 0x16 0x00 Set CHB EQ to 0x00. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 37 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 Table 12. SMBus 10G-KR Example Sequence (continued) REGISTER WRITE VALUE COMMENTS 0x17 0xAD Set CHB Output Mode to Linear (10G-KR mode). If link-training is not required, set Reg 0x18 to 0xED. 0x18 0x00 Set CHB DEM to 000'b. 0x23 0x10 Set CHA VOD to 100'b. 0x28 0x00 Leave Idle Control at default levels. For SAS/SATA applications, set Reg 0x28 to 0x4C. 0x2D 0xB1 Set CHB VOD to 100'b. 9.1.2 OOB (Out-of-Band) Functionality in SAS/SATA Applications For SAS/SATA systems, a low speed OOB (Out-of-Band) communication sequence is used to detect and communicate device capabilities between host ASIC and link partners. These OOB signals, including COMWAKE, COMINIT, COMRESET, and COMSAS, are a series of burst, idle, and negation times transmitted and detected across the SAS/SATA link. These bursts occur at a rapid rate, with the COMWAKE signal having the most stringent requirement of 106.6 ns active followed by 106.6 ns idle. Normally, if the device is set in 10GKR mode (MODE pin floating), the device goes idle-to-active in approximately 150 ns. If the device is set to SAS mode (MODE pin tied via 1 k to VDD (2.5 V mode) or VIN (3.3 V mode)), the device goes idle-to-active in approximately 3 to 4 ns. This fast idle-to-active time is critical to pass OOB signaling, and when operating in pin mode, the MODE pin should be tied high. If operating in SMBus slave mode, the user can set Reg 0x28 to 0x4C for this faster idle-to-active response. 9.2 Typical Application The DS100BR111 works to extend the reach possible by using active equalization on the channel, boosting attenuated signals so that they can be more easily recovered at the Rx endpoint. The capability of the repeater can be explored across a range of data rates and ASIC-to-link-partner signaling, as shown in the following test setup connections. Figure 10 through Figure 12 represent typical generic application scenarios for the DS100BR111. Pattern Generator TL Lossy Channel VOD = 1.0 Vp-p, DE = 0 dB PRBS-11 IN DS100BR111 OUT Scope BW = 60 GHz Figure 10. Test Setup Connections Diagram Pre-Channel Only Pattern Generator VOD = 1.0 Vp-p, DE = 0 dB PRBS-11 TL1 Lossy Channel IN DS100BR111 OUT TL2 Lossy Channel Scope BW = 60 GHz Figure 11. Test Setup Connections Diagram Pre-Channel and Post-Channel, No Tx Source De-emphasis Pattern Generator VOD = 1.0 Vp-p, DE = -6 dB PRBS-11 TL1 Lossy Channel IN DS100BR111 OUT TL2 Lossy Channel Scope BW = 60 GHz Figure 12. Test Setup Connections Diagram Pre-Channel and Post-Channel, -6 dB Tx Source De-emphasis 38 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 Typical Application (continued) 9.2.1 Design Requirements As with any high speed design, there are many factors that influence the overall performance. Below are a list of critical areas for consideration during design. * Use 100 impedance traces. Length matching on the P and N traces should be done on the single-ended segments of the differential pair. * Use uniform trace width and trace spacing for differential pairs. * Place AC-coupling capacitors near to the receiver end of each channel segment to minimize reflections. * The maximum body size for AC-coupling capacitors is 0402. * Back-drill connector vias and signal vias to minimize stub length. * Use Reference plane vias to ensure a low inductance path for the return current. 9.2.2 Detailed Design Procedure The DS100BR111 is designed to be placed at an offset location with respect to the overall channel attenuation. In order to optimize performance, the repeater requires optimization to extend the reach of the cable or trace length while also recovering a solid eye opening. To optimize the repeater in a 10G-KR environment, the settings mentioned in Table 10 (for Pin Mode) and Table 11 (for SMBus Modes) are recommended as a default starting point. For a generic 10GbE application where link training is not required, the following settings in Table 13 and Table 14 may be referenced as an initial starting point: Table 13. Suggested Generic 10GbE Initial Device Settings in Pin Mode (1) (1) CHANNEL SETTINGS PIN MODE EQx[1:0] 0, 0 VOD_SEL 0 DEMx 0 For 10GbE applications, the MODE pin should be tied high. Table 14. Suggested Generic 10GbE Initial Device Settings in SMBus Modes CHANNEL SETTINGS SMBus MODES EQx 0x00 VODx 000'b DEMx 000'b Examples of the repeater performance are illustrated in the performance curves in the next section. Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 39 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 9.2.3 Application Performance Plots The lab setups referenced in Figure 10 to Figure 12 were used to collect typical performance data on FR4 and cable media. For all measurements, Mode Pin = Float. CML Serializer Data Throughput (138 mV/DIV) CML Serializer Data Throughput (202 mV/DIV) Equalization Results (Pre-Channel Only) Time (16.16 ps/DIV) Time (16.16 ps/DIV) No Repeater Used DS100BR111 Settings: EQA = 0x01, DEMA = 000'b, VOD = 000'b Figure 14. TL = 5 Inch 4-Mil FR4 Trace, DS100BR111 CHA, 10.3125 Gbps CML Serializer Data Throughput (140 mV/DIV) CML Serializer Data Throughput (194 mV/DIV) Figure 13. TL = 5 Inch 4-Mil FR4 Trace, No Repeater, 8 Gbps Time (16.16 ps/DIV) Time (16.16 ps/DIV) No Repeater Used DS100BR111 Settings: EQA = 0x02, DEMA =000'b, VODA = 000'b Figure 16. TL= 10 Inch 4-Mil FR4 Trace, DS100BR111 CHA, 10.3125 Gbps CML Serializer Data Throughput (140 mV/DIV) CML Serializer Data Throughput (170 mV/DIV) Figure 15. TL = 10 Inch 4-Mil FR4 Trace, No Repeater, 10.3125 Gbps Time (16.16 ps/DIV) Time (16.16 ps/DIV) No Repeater Used DS100BR111 Settings: EQA = 0x03, DEMA = 000'b, VOD = 000'b Figure 17. TL = 15 Inch 4-Mil FR4 Trace, No Repeater, 10.3125 Gbps 40 Figure 18. TL = 15 Inch 4-Mil FR4 Trace, DS100BR111 CHA, 10.3125 Gbps Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 DS100BR111 CML Serializer Data Throughput (138 mV/DIV) SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 CML Serializer Data Throughput (178 mV/DIV) Time (16.16 ps/DIV) Time (16.16 ps/DIV) No Repeater Used DS100BR111 Settings: EQA = 0x07, DEMA = 000'b, VOD = 000'b Figure 20. TL = 20 Inch 4-Mil FR4 Trace, DS100BR111 CHA, 10.3125 Gbps CML Serializer Data Throughput (132 mV/DIV) CML Serializer Data Throughput (168 mV/DIV) Figure 19. TL = 20 Inch 4-Mil FR4 Trace, No Repeater, 10.3125 Gbps Time (16.16 ps/DIV) Time (16.16 ps/DIV) No Repeater Used DS100BR111 Settings: EQA = 0x0F, DEMA = 000'b, VOD = 000'b Figure 22. TL = 30 Inch 4-Mil FR4 Trace, DS100BR111 CHA, 10.3125 Gbps CML Serializer Data Throughput (162 mV/DIV) CML Serializer Data Throughput (162 mV/DIV) Figure 21. TL = 30 Inch 4-Mil FR4 Trace, No Repeater Used, 10.3125 Gbps Time (16.16 ps/DIV) Time (16.16 ps/DIV) No Repeater Used DS100BR111 Settings: EQA = 0x1F, DEMA = 000'b, VOD = 000'b Figure 23. TL = 35 Inch 4-Mil FR4 Trace, No Repeater Used, 10.3125 Gbps Figure 24. TL = 35 Inch 4-Mil FR4 Trace, DS100BR111 CHA, 10.3125 Gbps Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 41 DS100BR111 CML Serializer Data Throughput (132 mV/DIV) CML Serializer Data Throughput (184 mV/DIV) SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 Time (16.16 ps/DIV) Time (16.16 ps/DIV) No Repeater Used DS100BR111 Settings: EQA = 0x03, DEMA = 000'b, VODA = 000'b Figure 26. TL = 3-Meter 30-AWG 100 Twin-Axial Cable, DS100BR111 CHA, 10.3125 Gbps CML Serializer Data Throughput (184 mV/DIV) CML Serializer Data Throughput (184 mV/DIV) Figure 25. TL = 3-Meter 30-AWG 100 Twin-Axial Cable, No Repeater, 10.3125 Gbps Time (16.16 ps/DIV) Time (16.16 ps/DIV) No Repeater Used DS100BR111 Settings: EQA = 0x0F, DEMA = 000'b, VODA = 011'b Figure 28. TL = 7-Meter 30-AWG 100 Twin-Axial Cable, DS100BR111 CHA, 10.3125 Gbps CML Serializer Data Throughput (132 mV/DIV) CML Serializer Data Throughput (114 mV/DIV) Figure 27. TL = 7-Meter 30-AWG 100 Twin-Axial Cable, No Repeater, 10.3125 Gbps Time (16.16 ps/DIV) Time (16.16 ps/DIV) No Repeater Used DS100BR111 Settings: EQA = 0x2F, DEMA = 000'b, VODA = 000'b Figure 29. TL = 10-Meter 30-AWG 100 Twin-Axial Cable, No Repeater, 10.3125 Gbps 42 Figure 30. TL = 10-Meter 30-AWG 100 Twin-Axial Cable, DS100BR111 CHA, 10.3125 Gbps Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 CML Serializer Data Throughput (132 mV/DIV) CML Serializer Data Throughput (162 mV/DIV) Equalization and De-Emphasis Results (Pre-channel and Post-channel, No Tx Source De-emphasis) Time (16.16 ps/DIV) Time (16.16 ps/DIV) No Repeater Used DS100BR111 Settings: EQA = 0x0B, DEMA = 010'b, VOD = 101'b Figure 31. TL1 = 15 Inch 4-Mil FR4 Trace, TL2 = 10 Inch 4-Mil FR4 Trace, No Repeater, 10.3125 Gbps Figure 32. TL1 = 15 Inch 4-Mil FR4 Trace, TL2 = 10 Inch 4-Mil FR4 Trace, DS100BR111 CHA, 10.3125 Gbps Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 43 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 CML Serializer Data Throughput (118 mV/DIV) CML Serializer Data Throughput (88 mV/DIV) Equalization and De-Emphasis Results (Pre-channel and Post-channel, -6 dB Tx Source De-emphasis) Time (16.16 ps/DIV) Time (16.16 ps/DIV) No Repeater Used DS100BR111 Settings: EQA = 0x00, DEMA = 000'b, VOD = 011'b Figure 34. TL1 = 15 Inch 4-Mil FR4 Trace, TL2 = 10 Inch 4-Mil FR4 Trace, DS100BR111 CHA, 10.3125 Gbps CML Serializer Data Throughput (130 mV/DIV) CML Serializer Data Throughput (80 mV/DIV) Figure 33. TL1 = 15 Inch 4-Mil FR4 Trace, TL2 = 10 Inch 4-Mil FR4 Trace, No Repeater, 10.3125 Gbps Time (16.16 ps/DIV) Time (16.16 ps/DIV) No Repeater Used DS100BR111 Settings: EQA = 0x03, DEMA = 010'b, VOD = 101'b Figure 36. TL1 = 30 Inch 4-Mil FR4 Trace, TL2 = 10 Inch 4-Mil FR4 Trace, DS100BR111 CHA, 10.3125 Gbps CML Serializer Data Throughput (130 mV/DIV) CML Serializer Data Throughput (72 mV/DIV) Figure 35. TL1 = 30 Inch 4-Mil FR4 Trace, TL2 = 10 Inch 4-Mil FR4 Trace, No Repeater, 10.3125 Gbps Time (16.16 ps/DIV) Time (16.16 ps/DIV) No Repeater Used DS100BR111 Settings: EQA = 0x03, DEMA = 100'b, VOD = 101'b Figure 37. TL1 = 40 Inch 4-Mil FR4 Trace, TL2 = 10 Inch 4-Mil FR4 Trace, No Repeater, 10.3125 Gbps 44 Figure 38. TL1 = 40 Inch 4-Mil FR4 Trace, TL2 = 10 Inch 4-Mil FR4 Trace, DS100BR111 CHA, 10.3125 Gbps Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 10 Power Supply Recommendations The DS100BR111 has an optional internal voltage regulator to provide the 2.5 V supply to the device. In 3.3 V mode, the VIN pin = 3.3 V is used to supply power to the device and the VDD pins should be left open. The internal regulator will provide the 2.5 V to the VDD pins of the device and a 0.1 F cap is needed at each of the two VDD pins for power supply de-coupling (total capacitance should be 0.2 F). The VDD_SEL pin must be tied to GND to enable the internal regulator. In 2.5 V mode, the VIN pin should be left open and 2.5 V supply must be applied to the VDD pins. The VDD_SEL pin must be left open (no connect) to disable the internal regulator. The DS100BR111 can be configured for 2.5 V operation or 3.3 V operation. The lists below outline required connections for each supply selection. * 3.3 V Mode of Operation - Tie VDD_SEL = GND. - Feed 3.3 V supply into VIN pin. Local 10 F and 1 F decoupling at VIN is recommended. - See information on VDD bypass in Power Supply Bypass. - SDA and SCL pins should connect pull-up resistor to VIN. - Any 4-Level input which requires a connection to "Logic 1" should use a 1 k resistor to VIN. * 2.5 V Mode of Operation - VDD_SEL = Float - VIN = Float - Feed 2.5 V supply into VDD pins. Local 10 F and 1 F decoupling at VIN is recommended. - See information on VDD bypass in Power Supply Bypass. - SDA and SCL pins connect pull-up resistor to VDD for 2.5 V or 3.3 V microcontroller SMBus IO. - Any 4-Level input which requires a connection to "Logic 1" should use a 1 k resistor to VDD. NOTE The DAP (bottom solder pad) is the GND connection. 3.3 V mode 2.5 V mode VDD_SEL Enable VDD_SEL open VIN open Disable 3.3 V Capacitors can be either tantalum or an ultra-low ESR ceramic. Internal voltage regulator 2.5 V 0.1 F 0.1 F VDD VDD 0.1 F Place 0.1 F capacitors close to VDD Pins 0.1 F 1 F VDD VDD 10 F 2.5 V 1 F VIN 10 F Internal voltage regulator Capacitors can be either tantalum or an ultra-low ESR ceramic. Place 0.1 F capacitors close to VDD Pins Total capacitance should be 7 0.2 F Figure 39. 3.3 V or 2.5 V Supply Connection Diagram Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 45 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 10.1 Power Supply Bypass Two approaches are recommended to ensure that the DS100BR111 is provided with an adequate power supply bypass. First, the supply (VDD) and ground (GND) pins should be connected to power planes routed on adjacent layers of the printed circuit board. Second, careful attention to supply bypassing through the proper use of bypass capacitors is required. A 0.1 F bypass capacitor should be connected to each VDD pin such that the capacitor is placed as close as possible to the device. Small body size capacitors (such as 0402) reduce the capacitors' parasitic inductance and also help in placement close to the VDD pin. If possible, the layer thickness of the dielectric should be minimized so that the VDD and GND planes create a low inductance supply with distributed capacitance. 11 Layout 11.1 Layout Guidelines The differential inputs and outputs are designed with 100 differential terminations. Therefore, they should be connected to interconnects with controlled differential impedance of approximately 85-110 . It is preferable to route differential lines primarily on one layer of the board, particularly for the input traces. The use of vias should be avoided if possible. If vias must be used, they should be used sparingly and must be placed symmetrically for each side of a given differential pair. Whenever differential vias are used, the layout must also provide for a low inductance path for the return currents as well. Route the differential signals away from other signals and noise sources on the printed circuit board. To minimize the effects of crosstalk, a 5:1 ratio or greater should be maintained between inter-pair spacing and trace width. See AN-1187 "Leadless Leadframe Package (LLP) Application Report" (literature number SNOA401) for additional information on QFN (WQFN) packages. The DS100BR111 pinout promotes easy high speed routing and layout. To optimize DS100BR111 performance, refer to the following guidelines: 1. Place local VIN and VDD capacitors as close as possible to the device supply pins. Often the best location is directly under the DS100BR111 pins to reduce the inductance path to the capacitor. In addition, bypass capacitors may share a via with the DAP GND to minimize ground loop inductance. 2. Differential pairs going into or out of the DS100BR111 should have adequate pair-to-pair spacing to minimize crosstalk. 3. Use return current via connections to link reference planes locally. This ensures a low inductance return current path when the differential signal changes layers. 4. Optimize the via structure to minimize trace impedance mismatch. 5. Place GND vias around the DAP perimeter to ensure optimal electrical and thermal performance. A 2x2 or 3x3 array of GND vias for the DAP is recommended. 6. Use small body size AC coupling capacitors when possible -- 0402 or smaller size is preferred. The AC coupling capacitors should be placed closer to the Rx on the channel. 46 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 11.2 Layout Example In most cases, DS100BR111 layouts will fit neatly into a 1-lane application. The example layout in Figure 40 shows the DS100BR111 channels in a typical 1-lane bidirectional layout. 2 1 2 1 Uniform trace width and spacing 6 7 2 7 2 1 1 5 5 5 Via to GND Layer for return current path 4 3 2 24 8 23 GND BOTTOM OF PKG (TOP LAYER) 22 10 21 11 20 12 19 13 14 15 16 1 2 Via to Bottom Layer VDD Via to GND Layer Pad on Bottom Layer 7 5 5 5 17 18 VIN Via to VIN Layer 2 1 7 9 > 25 Differential Vias 5 1 7 Via to GND Layer Pad on Bottom Layer Figure 40. DS100BR111 Example Layout Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 47 DS100BR111 SNLS338F - JANUARY 2011 - REVISED NOVEMBER 2014 12 Device and Documentation Support 12.1 Documentation Support 12.1.1 Related Documentation For related documentation, see the following: * Absolute Maximum Ratings for Soldering (SNOA549). * Leadless Leadframe Package (LLP) Application Report, AN-1187 (SNOA401) * Semiconductor and IC Package Thermal Metrics (SPRA953). 12.2 Trademarks All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 12.3 Electrostatic Discharge Caution These devices have limited built-in ESD protection. The leads should be shorted together or the device placed in conductive foam during storage or handling to prevent electrostatic damage to the MOS gates. 12.4 Glossary SLYZ022 -- TI Glossary. This glossary lists and explains terms, acronyms, and definitions. 13 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information The following pages include mechanical, packaging, and orderable information. This information is the most current data available for the designated devices. This data is subject to change without notice and revision of this document. For browser-based versions of this data sheet, refer to the left-hand navigation. 48 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: DS100BR111 PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM 18-Apr-2014 PACKAGING INFORMATION Orderable Device Status (1) Package Type Package Pins Package Drawing Qty Eco Plan Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp (2) (6) (3) Op Temp (C) Device Marking (4/5) DS100BR111SQ/NOPB ACTIVE WQFN RTW 24 1000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU SN Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 BR111 DS100BR111SQE/NOPB ACTIVE WQFN RTW 24 250 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU SN Level-3-260C-168 HR -40 to 85 BR111 (1) The marketing status values are defined as follows: ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs. LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect. NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design. PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available. OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device. (2) Eco Plan - The planned eco-friendly classification: Pb-Free (RoHS), Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt), or Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) - please check for the latest availability information and additional product content details. TBD: The Pb-Free/Green conversion plan has not been defined. Pb-Free (RoHS): TI's terms "Lead-Free" or "Pb-Free" mean semiconductor products that are compatible with the current RoHS requirements for all 6 substances, including the requirement that lead not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, TI Pb-Free products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes. Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt): This component has a RoHS exemption for either 1) lead-based flip-chip solder bumps used between the die and package, or 2) lead-based die adhesive used between the die and leadframe. The component is otherwise considered Pb-Free (RoHS compatible) as defined above. Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br): TI defines "Green" to mean Pb-Free (RoHS compatible), and free of Bromine (Br) and Antimony (Sb) based flame retardants (Br or Sb do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous material) (3) MSL, Peak Temp. - The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications, and peak solder temperature. (4) There may be additional marking, which relates to the logo, the lot trace code information, or the environmental category on the device. (5) Multiple Device Markings will be inside parentheses. Only one Device Marking contained in parentheses and separated by a "~" will appear on a device. If a line is indented then it is a continuation of the previous line and the two combined represent the entire Device Marking for that device. (6) Lead/Ball Finish - Orderable Devices may have multiple material finish options. Finish options are separated by a vertical ruled line. Lead/Ball Finish values may wrap to two lines if the finish value exceeds the maximum column width. Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it is provided. TI bases its knowledge and belief on information provided by third parties, and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such information. Efforts are underway to better integrate information from third parties. TI has taken and continues to take reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analysis on incoming materials and chemicals. TI and TI suppliers consider certain information to be proprietary, and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for release. Addendum-Page 1 Samples PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM 18-Apr-2014 In no event shall TI's liability arising out of such information exceed the total purchase price of the TI part(s) at issue in this document sold by TI to Customer on an annual basis. Addendum-Page 2 PACKAGE MATERIALS INFORMATION 20-Sep-2016 TAPE AND REEL INFORMATION *All dimensions are nominal Device Package Package Pins Type Drawing SPQ Reel Reel A0 Diameter Width (mm) (mm) W1 (mm) B0 (mm) K0 (mm) P1 (mm) W Pin1 (mm) Quadrant DS100BR111SQ/NOPB WQFN RTW 24 1000 178.0 12.4 4.3 4.3 1.3 8.0 12.0 Q1 DS100BR111SQE/NOPB WQFN RTW 24 250 178.0 12.4 4.3 4.3 1.3 8.0 12.0 Q1 Pack Materials-Page 1 PACKAGE MATERIALS INFORMATION 20-Sep-2016 *All dimensions are nominal Device Package Type Package Drawing Pins SPQ Length (mm) Width (mm) Height (mm) DS100BR111SQ/NOPB WQFN RTW 24 1000 210.0 185.0 35.0 DS100BR111SQE/NOPB WQFN RTW 24 250 210.0 185.0 35.0 Pack Materials-Page 2 PACKAGE OUTLINE RTW0024A WQFN - 0.8 mm max height SCALE 3.000 PLASTIC QUAD FLATPACK - NO LEAD 4.1 3.9 A B PIN 1 INDEX AREA 4.1 3.9 C 0.8 MAX SEATING PLANE 0.05 0.00 0.08 C 2X 2.5 7 20X 0.5 6 13 2X 2.5 25 2.6 0.1 1 PIN 1 ID (OPTIONAL) (0.1) TYP EXPOSED THERMAL PAD 12 18 24 19 0.5 24X 0.3 24X 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.05 C A B C 4222815/A 03/2016 NOTES: 1. All linear dimensions are in millimeters. Any dimensions in parenthesis are for reference only. Dimensioning and tolerancing per ASME Y14.5M. 2. This drawing is subject to change without notice. 3. The package thermal pad must be soldered to the printed circuit board for thermal and mechanical performance. EXAMPLE BOARD LAYOUT RTW0024A WQFN - 0.8 mm max height PLASTIC QUAD FLATPACK - NO LEAD ( 2.6) SYMM 24 19 24X (0.6) 1 18 24X (0.25) (1.05) 25 SYMM (3.8) 20X (0.5) (R0.05) TYP 13 6 ( 0.2) TYP VIA 7 12 (1.05) (3.8) LAND PATTERN EXAMPLE SCALE:15X 0.07 MIN ALL AROUND 0.07 MAX ALL AROUND SOLDER MASK OPENING METAL SOLDER MASK OPENING METAL UNDER SOLDER MASK NON SOLDER MASK DEFINED (PREFERRED) SOLDER MASK DEFINED SOLDER MASK DETAILS 4222815/A 03/2016 NOTES: (continued) 4. This package is designed to be soldered to a thermal pad on the board. For more information, see Texas Instruments literature number SLUA271 ( EXAMPLE STENCIL DESIGN RTW0024A WQFN - 0.8 mm max height PLASTIC QUAD FLATPACK - NO LEAD 4X ( 1.15) (0.675) TYP (R0.05) TYP 24 19 24X (0.6) 1 18 24X (0.25) (0.675) TYP 25 20X (0.5) SYMM (3.8) 13 6 METAL TYP 7 SYMM 12 (3.8) SOLDER PASTE EXAMPLE BASED ON 0.125 mm THICK STENCIL EXPOSED PAD 25: 78% PRINTED SOLDER COVERAGE BY AREA UNDER PACKAGE SCALE:20X 4222815/A 03/2016 NOTES: (continued) 5. Laser cutting apertures with trapezoidal walls and rounded corners may offer better paste release. IPC-7525 may have alternate design recommendations. IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI) reserves the right to make corrections, enhancements, improvements and other changes to its semiconductor products and services per JESD46, latest issue, and to discontinue any product or service per JESD48, latest issue. Buyers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. TI's published terms of sale for semiconductor products ( apply to the sale of packaged integrated circuit products that TI has qualified and released to market. Additional terms may apply to the use or sale of other types of TI products and services. Reproduction of significant portions of TI information in TI data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties, conditions, limitations, and notices. TI is not responsible or liable for such reproduced documentation. Information of third parties may be subject to additional restrictions. Resale of TI products or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that product or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI product or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements. Buyers and others who are developing systems that incorporate TI products (collectively, "Designers") understand and agree that Designers remain responsible for using their independent analysis, evaluation and judgment in designing their applications and that Designers have full and exclusive responsibility to assure the safety of Designers' applications and compliance of their applications (and of all TI products used in or for Designers' applications) with all applicable regulations, laws and other applicable requirements. Designer represents that, with respect to their applications, Designer has all the necessary expertise to create and implement safeguards that (1) anticipate dangerous consequences of failures, (2) monitor failures and their consequences, and (3) lessen the likelihood of failures that might cause harm and take appropriate actions. Designer agrees that prior to using or distributing any applications that include TI products, Designer will thoroughly test such applications and the functionality of such TI products as used in such applications. TI's provision of technical, application or other design advice, quality characterization, reliability data or other services or information, including, but not limited to, reference designs and materials relating to evaluation modules, (collectively, "TI Resources") are intended to assist designers who are developing applications that incorporate TI products; by downloading, accessing or using TI Resources in any way, Designer (individually or, if Designer is acting on behalf of a company, Designer's company) agrees to use any particular TI Resource solely for this purpose and subject to the terms of this Notice. TI's provision of TI Resources does not expand or otherwise alter TI's applicable published warranties or warranty disclaimers for TI products, and no additional obligations or liabilities arise from TI providing such TI Resources. TI reserves the right to make corrections, enhancements, improvements and other changes to its TI Resources. TI has not conducted any testing other than that specifically described in the published documentation for a particular TI Resource. Designer is authorized to use, copy and modify any individual TI Resource only in connection with the development of applications that include the TI product(s) identified in such TI Resource. NO OTHER LICENSE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY ESTOPPEL OR OTHERWISE TO ANY OTHER TI INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT, AND NO LICENSE TO ANY TECHNOLOGY OR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT OF TI OR ANY THIRD PARTY IS GRANTED HEREIN, including but not limited to any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right relating to any combination, machine, or process in which TI products or services are used. Information regarding or referencing third-party products or services does not constitute a license to use such products or services, or a warranty or endorsement thereof. Use of TI Resources may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party, or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI. TI RESOURCES ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS. TI DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING RESOURCES OR USE THEREOF, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS, TITLE, ANY EPIDEMIC FAILURE WARRANTY AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF ANY THIRD PARTY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. TI SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR AND SHALL NOT DEFEND OR INDEMNIFY DESIGNER AGAINST ANY CLAIM, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY INFRINGEMENT CLAIM THAT RELATES TO OR IS BASED ON ANY COMBINATION OF PRODUCTS EVEN IF DESCRIBED IN TI RESOURCES OR OTHERWISE. IN NO EVENT SHALL TI BE LIABLE FOR ANY ACTUAL, DIRECT, SPECIAL, COLLATERAL, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES IN CONNECTION WITH OR ARISING OUT OF TI RESOURCES OR USE THEREOF, AND REGARDLESS OF WHETHER TI HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Unless TI has explicitly designated an individual product as meeting the requirements of a particular industry standard (e.g., ISO/TS 16949 and ISO 26262), TI is not responsible for any failure to meet such industry standard requirements. Where TI specifically promotes products as facilitating functional safety or as compliant with industry functional safety standards, such products are intended to help enable customers to design and create their own applications that meet applicable functional safety standards and requirements. Using products in an application does not by itself establish any safety features in the application. Designers must ensure compliance with safety-related requirements and standards applicable to their applications. Designer may not use any TI products in life-critical medical equipment unless authorized officers of the parties have executed a special contract specifically governing such use. Life-critical medical equipment is medical equipment where failure of such equipment would cause serious bodily injury or death (e.g., life support, pacemakers, defibrillators, heart pumps, neurostimulators, and implantables). Such equipment includes, without limitation, all medical devices identified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as Class III devices and equivalent classifications outside the U.S. TI may expressly designate certain products as completing a particular qualification (e.g., Q100, Military Grade, or Enhanced Product). Designers agree that it has the necessary expertise to select the product with the appropriate qualification designation for their applications and that proper product selection is at Designers' own risk. Designers are solely responsible for compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements in connection with such selection. Designer will fully indemnify TI and its representatives against any damages, costs, losses, and/or liabilities arising out of Designer's noncompliance with the terms and provisions of this Notice. Mailing Address: Texas Instruments, Post Office Box 655303, Dallas, Texas 75265 Copyright (c) 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: Texas Instruments: DS100BR111SQ/NOPB DS100BR111SQE/NOPB