Surge protection base element-PT 1X2+F-BE/FM-2920023
Zack marker strip-ZB 5,LGS:L1-N,PE-1050415
Zack marker strip, Strip, white, Labeled, Can be labeled with: Plotter, Horizontal:L1, L2, L3, N, PE, L1, L2,
L3, N, PE, Mounting type: Snap into tall marker groove, For terminal block width: 5.2 mm, Lettering field:
5.15 x 10.5 mm
Zack marker strip-ZB 5,8:UNBEDRUCKT-2715209
Zack marker strip, Strip, white, Unlabeled, Can be labeled with: Plotter, Mounting type: Snap into tall marker
groove, For terminal block width: 5.8 mm, Lettering field: 5.75 x 10.5 mm
Marker pen-X-PEN 0,35-0811228
Marker pen without ink cartridge, for manual labeling of markers, labeling extremely wipe-proof, line
thickness 0.35 mm
Marker pen-B-STIFT-1051993
Marker pen, for manual labeling of unprinted Zack strips, smear-proof and waterproof, line thickness 0.5 mm
Zack Marker strip, flat-ZBF 5:UNBEDRUCKT-0808642
Zack Marker strip, flat, Strip, white, Unlabeled, Can be labeled with: Plotter, Mounting type: Snap into flat
marker groove, For terminal block width: 5 mm, Lettering field: 5.1 x 5.2 mm
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