LM124A RAD HARD Electrical Characteristics SMD: 5962R99504 DC Parameters(1) (2)
(The following conditions apply to all the following parameters, unless otherwise specified.)
All voltages referenced to device ground.
Symbol Parameter Conditions Notes Min Max Unit Groups
VCC+ = 30V, VCC- = Gnd, -2 2 mV 1
VCM = +15V -4 4 mV 2, 3
VCC+ = 2V, VCC- = -28V, -2 2 mV 1
VCM = -13V -4 4 mV 2, 3
VIO Input Offset Voltage VCC+ = 5V, VCC- = Gnd, -2 2 mV 1
VCM = +1.4V -4 4 mV 2, 3
VCC+ = 2.5V, VCC- = -2.5, -2 2 mV 1
VCM = -1.1V -4 4 mV 2, 3
VCC+ = 30V, VCC- = Gnd, -10 10 nA 1, 2
VCM = +15V -30 30 nA 3
VCC+ = 2V, VCC- = -28V, -10 10 nA 1, 2
VCM = -13V -30 30 nA 3
IIO Input Offset Current VCC+ = 5V, VCC- = Gnd, -10 10 nA 1, 2
VCM = +1.4V -30 30 nA 3
VCC+ = 2.5V, VCC- = -2.5, -10 10 nA 1, 2
VCM = -1.1V -30 30 nA 3
VCC+ = 30V, VCC- = Gnd, -50 +0.1 nA 1, 2
VCM = +15V -100 +0.1 nA 3
VCC+ = 2V, VCC- = -28V, -50 +0.1 nA 1, 2
VCM = -13V -100 +0.1 nA 3
±IIB Input Bias Current (3)
VCC+ = 5V, VCC- = Gnd, -50 +0.1 nA 1, 2
VCM = +1.4V -100 +0.1 nA 3
VCC+ = 2.5V, VCC- = -2.5, -50 +0.1 nA 1, 2
VCM = -1.1V -100 +0.1 nA 3
Power Supply VCC- = Gnd, VCM = +1.4V,
+PSRR -100 100 uV/V 1, 2, 3
Rejection Ratio 5V ≤VCC ≤30V
Common Mode
CMRR (4) 76 dB 1, 2, 3
Rejection Ratio
Output Short Circiut VCC+ = 30V, VCC- = Gnd,
IOS+ -70 mA 1, 2,3
Current VO= 25V 3 mA 1, 2
ICC Power Supply Current VCC+ = 30V, VCC- = Gnd 4 mA 3
+25°C ≤TA≤+125°C,
+VCC = 5V, -VCC = 0V, -30 30 uV/ °C 2
Input Offset Voltage VCM = +1.4V
ΔVIO/ΔT Temperature (5)
Sensitivity -55°C ≤TA≤+25°C, +VCC = 5V, -30 30 uV/ °C 3
-VCC = 0V, VCM = +1.4V
(1) Pre and post irradiation limits are identical to those listed under AC and DC electrical characteristics except as listed in the Post
Radiation Limits Table. These parts may be dose rate sensitive in a space environment and demonstrate enhanced low dose rate effect.
Radiation end point limits for the noted parameters are ensured only for the conditions as specified in MIL-STD-883, Method 1019
(2) Low dose rate testing has been performed on a wafer-by-wafer basis, per test method 1019 condition D of MIL-STD-883, with no
enhanced low dose rate sensitivity (ELDRS) effect.
(3) The direction of the input current is out of the IC due to the PNP input stage. This current is essentially constant, independent of the
state of the output so no loading change exists on the input lines.
(4) The input common-mode voltage of either input signal voltage should not be allowed to go negative by more than 0.3V (at 25°C). The
upper end of the common-mode voltage range is V+ −1.5V (at 25°C), but either or both inputs can go to +32V without damage
independent of the magnitude of V+.
(5) Calculated parameters
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