© 2003 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation DS500656 www.fairchildsemi.com
January 2002
Revised January 2003
FIN1104 LVDS 4 Port High Speed Repeater
LVDS 4 Port High Speed Repeater
General Description
This 4 port repeater is designed for high speed intercon-
nects utilizing Low Voltage Differential Signaling (LVDS)
technolo gy. The FIN1104 accep ts an d ou tpu t s LVDS levels
with a typical differential output swing of 330 mV which pro-
vides low EMI at ultra low power dissipation even at high
frequencies. The FIN1104 provides a VBB reference for AC
coupling o n th e inpu ts. In addition the F IN1104 can di r ectly
accept LVPECL, HSTL, and SSTL-2 for translation to
Greater than 800 Mbps data rate
3.3V power supply operation
3.5 ps maximum random jitter and 135 ps maximum
deterministic jitter
Wide rail-to-rail common mode range
LVDS receiver inputs accept LVPECL, HSTL, and
SSTL-2 directly
Ultra low power consumption
20 ps typical channe l -to-c ha nn el skew
Power off protection
> 7.5 kV HBM ESD Protection
Meets or exceeds the TIA/EIA-644-A LVDS standard
Available in space savi ng 24- Le ad TSS OP package
Open circuit fail safe protection
VBB reference output
Ordering Code:
Devices also available in Tape and Reel. S pecify by ap pending su ffix let te r “X” to the ordering co de.
Pin Descriptions Connection Diagram
Order Num b er Packa ge Num be r Packag e Descr ip tio n
FIN1104MTC MTC24 24-Lead Thin Shrink Small Outline Package (TSSOP), JEDEC MO-153, 4.4mm Wide
Pin Name Description
RIN1+, RIN2+,
RIN3+, RIN4+Non-inverting LVDS Input
RIN3, RIN4Inverting LVDS Input
DOUT3+, DOUT4+No n-inverting Driver Output
DOUT3, DOUT4Inverting Driver Output
EN Driver Enable Pin for All Output
EN Inverting Driver Enable Pin for all Outputs
VCC Power Supply
GND Ground
VBB Reference Voltage Output
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Function Tab le
H = HIGH Logi c Level
L = LOW Logic Lev el
X = Don’t Care
Z = High Impeda nc e
Functional Diagram
Inputs Outputs
H L Fail Safe Case H L
3 www.fairchildsemi.com
Absolute Maximum Ratings(Note 1) Recommended Operating
Note 1: The Absolute Maximum Ratings: are t hos e v alues bey ond whic h
damage to the device may occur. The databook specifications should be
met, with out exc ept ion, to ens ure t hat the sys tem des ign is reli able ov er its
power supply, temperature and output/input loading variables. Fairchild
does not recommend operation of circuits outside databook specification.
DC Electrical Characteristics
Note 2: All typical values are at TA = 25°C and wit h VCC = 3.3V.
Supply Voltage (VCC)0.5V to +4.6V
LVDS DC Input V oltage (VIN)0.5V to +4.6V
LVDS DC Output Voltage (VOUT)0.5V to +4.6V
Driver Short Circuit Current (IOSD) Continuous 10 mA
Storage Temperature Range (TSTG)65°C to +150°C
Max Junct ion Temper atu re (T J)150°C
Lead Temperature (TL)
(Soldering, 10 seconds) 260°C
ESD (Human Body Model) 7500V
ESD (Machine Model) 400V
Supply Voltage (VCC) 3.0V to 3.6V
Magnitude of Differential
Voltage (|VID|) 100 mV to VCC
Comm on Mod e Voltage
Range (VIC)(0V + |VID|/2) to (VCC |VID|/2)
Operating Temperature (TA)40°C to +85°C
Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min Typ Max Units
(Note 2)
VTH Differential Input Threshold HIGH See Figure 1; VIC = +0.05V, +1.2V, or VCC 0.05V 100 mV
VTL Differential Input Threshold LOW See Figure 1; VIC = +0.05V, +1.2V, or VCC 0.05V 100 mV
VIH Input HIGH Voltage (EN or EN)2.0V
VIL Input LOW Voltage (EN or EN)GND0.8V
VOD Output Differential Voltage 250 330 450 mV
VOD VOD Magnitude Change from 25 mV
Differential LOW-to-HIGH RL = 100 , Driver Enabled,
VOS Offset Voltage See Figure 2 1.125 1.23 1.375 V
VOS Offset Magnitude Change from 25 mV
Differential LOW-to-HIGH
IOS Short Circuit Output Current DOUT+ = 0V and DOUT = 0V, 3.4 6mA
Driver Enabled
VOD = 0V, Driver Enabled ±3.4 ±6mA
IIN Input Current (EN, EN, DINx+, DINx)V
IN = 0V to VCC, Other Input = VCC or 0V ±20 µA
(for Differential Inputs)
IOFF Power Off Input or Output Current VCC = 0V, VIN or VOUT = 0V to 3.6V ±20 µA
ICCZ Disabled Power Supply Current Drivers Disabled 5.4 11 mA
ICC Power Supply Current Drivers Enabled, Any Valid Input Condition 30.4 41 mA
IOZ Disabled Output Leakage Current Driver Disabled, DOUT+ = 0V to 3.6V or ±20 µA
DOUT = 0V to3.6V
VIC Common Mode Voltage Range |VID| = 100 mV to VCC 0V + |VID|/2 VCC (|VID|/2) V
CIN Input Capacitance Enable Input 2.6 pF
LVDS Input 2.1
COUT Output Capacitance 2.8 pF
VBB Output Reference Voltage VCC = 3.3V, IBB = 0 to 275 µA 1.125 1.2 1.375 V
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AC Electrical Characteristi cs
Over supply voltage and operating temperature ranges, unless otherwise specified
Note 3: All typi c al values are at TA = 25°C and with VCC = 3.3V.
Note 4: tSK(LH), tSK(HL) is t he ske w betwee n specified outputs of a s ingle device when t he ou tp ut s have identic al loads and are swit c hing in t he sam e direc-
Note 5: tSK(PP) is t he mag nit ude of t he difference in pro pagatio n delay t im es betwe en any sp ecified t erminals of t w o devices swit c hing in the sam e d ire c ti on
(either Low-to-HIGH or HIGH-to-LOW) when both devices operate with the same supply voltage, same temperature, and have identical test circuits.
Note 6: Passing criteria for maximum frequency is the output VOD > 200 mV and the duty cycle is 45% to 55% with all channels switching.
Note 7: Output loading is tr ans m ission li ne environm ent on ly ; CL is < 1 pF of stray test fixture capacitance.
FIGURE 1. Di ffere ntial Recei ver Voltag e Def initi ons an d
Propagation and Transition Time Test Circuit
FIGURE 2. Differential Driver DC Test Circuit
Note A: All LVDS input pulses have freq uency = 10 MHz, tR
or tF < = 0.5 ns
Note B: CL includes all prob e and tes t fi x ture c apacitanc es
FIGURE 3. Differential Driver Propagation Delay
and Transition Time Test Circuit
Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min Typ Max Units
(Note 3)
tPLHD Differential Output Propagation Delay 0.75 1.1 1.75 ns
tPHLD Differential Output Propagation Delay 0.75 1.1 1.75 ns
HIGH-to-LOW RL = 100 , CL = 5 pF,
tTLHD Differential Output Rise Time (20% to 80%) VID = 200 mV to 450 mV, 0.29 0.4 0.58 ns
tTHLD Differential Output Fall Time (80% to 20%) VIC = |VID|/2 to VCC (|VID|/2), 0.29 0.4 0.58 ns
tSK(P) Pulse Skew |tPLH - tPHL| Duty Cycle = 50%, 0.02 0.2 ns
tSK(LH), Channel-to-Channel Skew See Figure 1 and Figure 3 0.02 0.15 ns
tSK(HL) (Note 4) 0.02
tSK(PP) Part-to-Part Skew (Note 5) 0.5 ns
fMAX Maximum Frequency (Note 6)(Note 7) 400 800 MHz
tPZHD Differential Output Enable Time 2.2 5 ns
from Z to HIGH
tPZLD Differential Output Enable Time 2.5 5 ns
from Z to LOW RL = 100 , CL = 5 pF,
tPHZD Differential Output Disable Time See Figure 2 and Figure 3 1.8 5 ns
from HIGH to Z
tPLZD Differential Output Disable Time 2.1 5 ns
from LOW to Z
tDJ LVDS Data Jitter, VID = 300 mV, PRBS = 223 - 1, 85 135 ps
Deterministic VIC = 1.2V at 800 Mbps
tRJ LVDS Clock Jitter, VID = 300 mV, 2.1 3.5 ps
Random (RMS) VIC = 1.2V at 400 MHz
5 www.fairchildsemi.com
FIGURE 4. AC Wavefo rm
Note A: All LVTTL i nput pulses ha v e freque ncy = 10MHz, tR or tF < = 2 ns
Note B: CL includes all probe and jig capac it ances
FIGURE 5. Differential Driver Enable and Disable Circuit
FIGURE 6. E nable and D isable AC Waveforms
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FIN1104 LVDS 4 Port High Speed Repeater
24-Lead Thin Shrink Small Outline Package (TSSOP), JEDEC MO-153, 4.4mm Wide
Package Number MTC24
Fairchild does not assu me any responsibility for use of any circuitry de scribed, no circuit patent licenses are implied and
Fairchild reserves the right at any time without notice to change said circuitry and specifications.
1. Life support de vices o r syste ms are device s or syste ms
which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into the
body, or (b) support or sustain life, and (c) whose failure
to perform when properly used in accordance with
instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be rea-
sonably expected to result in a significant injury to the
2. A critical component in any com ponen t of a life su pport
device or system whose failure to perform can be rea-
sonabl y ex pect ed to ca use the fa ilu re of the li fe su pp ort
device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness.