Hola1 H A H Thermal transfer compound and thermal interface film Silicon thermal transfer compound Thermal transfer compound used to reduce the thermal transmission resistance between semiconductor and heatsink. B C D WLP WLP WLP WLP WLP E art. no. 004 035 500 300 S 500 S container box box box cartridge cartridge delivery quantity [g] 4 35 500 300 500 Silicone-free thermal transfer compound Thermal transfer compound used to reduce the thermal transmission resistance between semiconductor and heatsink. F G H art. no. WLPF 05 WLPF 10 WLPF 20 WLPF 50 I container syringe syringe syringe syringe delivery quantity [ml] 2 5 10 20 Technical data K L composition WLP silicone oil, inorganic filling material consistance colour tightness thermal conductivity specific electrical resistance flashpoint drop point thermal resistance temper. range acid number solubility in water pastey white 1.1 g/cm3 0.61 >1012 /cm none (DIN 53213) >260 C no bleeding at (4 h / 200C) -70 C ... +250 C < 0.01 mg KOH/g insoluble WLPF Silicone free synthetic liquid. Metal oxide filling. pastey white-grey ca. 2 g/cm3 >0.7 >1012 /cm of the basic oil >280 C (ISO 2592) - <1 % (96 h / 200 C) -40 C ... +150 C - insoluble M H H E 13 N H H Mica wafers Kapton insulator washers Mounting pads Mounting parts for heatsinks E E E E 11 8 37 40 - 41 Silicone wafers Thermal conductive foil Thermal. conductive silicone foam foil Insulator caps E E E E 2-4 5 6 41 H